The Viscount's Bride (The Radcliffe Family Book 2)

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The Viscount's Bride (The Radcliffe Family Book 2) Page 23

by Lindsay Downs

  “I understand and agree with your logic. Tomorrow should prove interesting, to say the least.”

  “Thank you. Now as I see Connor is patiently standing in the door way, shall we dine?” Matthew informed everyone.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  After giving Toby and Rick their instructions, Matthew rejoined his father and Simon on the top step of the front porch. There, they awaited the arrival of their ladies. Matthew was aware Kathleen had picked up a new gown and wondered if she’d wear it tonight, or wait until they were in London.

  “I truly had hoped Kathleen’s suggestion had worked. No sooner had we arrived than we spied Ringer leaning against a lamp post,” Matthew declared.

  “Your father and I were just speaking on the same topic. Can I assume you were telling Toby and Rick to carefully speak with some of the Ashburn staff?”

  As staff were within earshot, Matthew used formality while addressing his uncle. “Yes, Your Grace. I told them to be careful and only hint at how Ringer learns of our visits to Cornwall.”

  Hearing the voices of three ladies coming down the stairs, Matthew turned to see what his bride had chosen to wear. As Kathleen came into view, he suddenly felt the air ripped from his lungs. He tried to say something but found himself totally speechless. This had to have been the one she’d gotten when they’d visited the dress shop and he along with Simon and Jeffrey had been sent packing. If she chose to wear the gown in London at a ball or dinner, he’d most likely need to carry a brace of pistols and a saber to ward off rogues and rakehells.

  The underskirt of the gown was in a soft shade of gold, and was made, as best he could tell, of silk. The overskirt was slightly darker and trimmed with gold-colored lace, including the top of the low cut bodice. Even the delicate, puffed sleeves, ending mid forearm, were highlighted in the lacy material, adding to the allure of the gown. What he found most interesting and exotic was the little tie just under the breasts. This made him wonder if that was the only way in, but more importantly for much later, or out of the dress. Lifting his head, he noticed her maid had decorated her hair with several yellow roses which added to the impact of the gown.

  Opening his mouth to speak, he tried but no words were forthcoming.

  “Your Grace, Countess, you were both correct in that on seeing me in the gown Lord Matthew would become speechless. Again,” Kathleen teased.

  “Yes, you most certainly did, m’ lady, and I for one am pleased you have once again achieved the impossible,” Emma declared.

  A clap on his shoulder, brought Matthew’s head around to see Simon grinning back at him.

  “As I’ve told you before, get used to having your lady turn you into a mumbling idiot. Her Grace still has me amazed in a gown, even one I’ve seen her in before, such as this eve.”

  “What? No comment from you, Lord Jeffrey?” Serena stated.

  “If you don’t mind, Countess, I’ll reserve saying anything until we return after dinner, and my words will be said in the privacy of our bedroom.”

  Matthew didn’t dare say or do anything, but his uncle chuckled on hearing Jeffrey’s words. At least he and Kathleen weren’t the butts of teasing this time which made Matthew smile. Offering Kathleen his arm, Matthew guided her down to the ducal traveling carriage.

  Once again, with the lowest title, Matthew waited while Emma and then his mother was helped in before he handed Kathleen up and joined her on the squabs. As they made their way to dine, and hopefully hear his wife play the pianoforte, he wondered what Elsie reaction to the gown would be.

  In the courtyard of the Ashburn mansion, Matthew waited while the process was reversed. Assisting Kathleen down then settling her gloved and bejeweled hand on his forearm, Matthew followed his parents up the steps. With a nod to Brown on entering, he next bowed to the earl and countess.

  “My dear, don’t you look lovely this eve. Let me guess, on seeing you in that gown Lord Matthew became speechless,” Elsie teased.

  “Of course.”

  “Shall we retire to my parlor for a before dinner drink?” Elsie said.

  Once he’d settled Kathleen on a divan, Matthew took the seat across from her, earning a slight frown. However, he’d done this for a reason as he wished to see the facial reactions coming from Roger and Elsie when he told them the news. After accepting a whiskey from the butler, he took a sip.

  “The answer to your unasked question is that we did see Ringer in Cornwall. Not once but twice.”

  “Yes, he was waiting for us when we arrived at the dress shop then later on leaving the Seafarer Inn,” Kathleen added.

  As he’d expected, both had looks of disappointment on their faces. All he could hope was that either Toby or Rick might learn something.

  Since no staff were present, society formality was disregarded. Matthew turned to the Earl of Ashburn. “Roger, even though the warehouse is owned by the Earl and Countess of Redditch, is there any way you, actually we, can get a look inside?”

  “To what end, Matthew?”

  “Excuse me, but I have an idea as to why? Could Ringer be living in the building, and when we go to town either he sees us or has spies who alert him?” Simon suggested.

  “If that was the case, wouldn’t one of Rick’s crew somehow get a message to us?” Jeffrey inquired.

  Matthew knew this to be true, unless… “From what we have learned so far, Jonas enters through the main door. What I’m about to suggest could cause a stir within this room. Could he have another way to leave the warehouse?”

  From the immediate talking amongst everyone, Matthew had been correct in his assumption. He let the conversation continue for a few more seconds then stepped in, so to speak.

  “Please, please. Let’s look at this logically. To do so, we need to look at every possibility for him to get around unseen,” Matthew reminded everyone.

  “I agree with Matthew. Father, can’t you use the excuse that the building is hiding contraband? Just send in the constable or Simon and Matthew in their stead. You can, at the same time, send a post to Redditch telling the earl of what you suspect,” Kathleen explained.

  “Yes, that would work as the building manager isn’t familiar with either of you. That way you’ll have all the time needed,” Roger stated.

  “And might I suggest we continue this discussion after dinner as the gong has just sounded?” Elsie suggested.

  Over a delicious meal, Matthew was pleased when Kathleen suggested instead of retiring to the sitting room she play the pianoforte. Much to his happiness, Elsie agreed to play a waltz or two.

  With the pleasant evening over, Matthew handed Kathleen down then guided her to the steps of the manor. Releasing her hand from his arm, he smiled down at her.

  “I need to speak with Toby and Rick for a few minutes then I’ll be along.”

  “Yes, my dear, and I look forward to another night of enlightened nonverbal conversation.”

  With a nod, Matthew watched her glide up the steps and into the Hall. He then walked back over to the carriage where Toby and Rick awaited him.

  “What did you learn, men?”

  “Nothing, m’ lord. The men we talked to have no idea who Ringer is getting information from when you and the ladies are in the village.”

  Somehow Matthew wasn’t surprised at this news, but he had an idea which would be put into motion tomorrow with Roger’s permission.

  “In the morning, I need you both to be ready at ten of the clock to drive myself, His Grace, Her Grace, and Lady Kathleen into the village. Have several armed outriders along as their duties will be to guard and protect the ladies. You both will then be at the disposal of His Grace and I. I’m sorry, but at this time I can’t say any more than that.”

  “We understand and look forward to the adventure we are about to undertake,” Toby answered.

  With a nod to the men, Matthew turned and made his way up to his suite and Kathleen.


  With the ladies under the protection of two grooms outsi
de and Jeffrey in the dress shop, Matthew instructed Toby to drive them to the inn. There, he turned the coach and horses over to the care of the stable master.

  “As with when you joined us when we went fishing, please use our Christian names. We don’t wish the manager to know exactly who we are,” Matthew directed.

  “Certainly, Matthew,” Toby replied.

  Patting his jacket over the pocket to make sure the directive from Rogers was still there, he turned to Simon.

  “Shall we? As I’m curious as to what we’ll find.” Matthew then glanced over to see both grooms smiling. “I’m not sure why you both are so happy as we’re about to search the Redditch warehouse. We need to find out if Ringer is using the building to hide, so that’s why you’ve been invited along. I’m sure between the two of you you’ll find something Simon and I might miss.”

  “And how he can sneak out without my men spotting him,” Rick added.


  Matthew led the group to the warehouse, didn’t knock on the door but walked in and came to a stop. Standing in front of him was Mr. Hopner, the Radcliffe Hall estate manager, mouth agape.

  “You manage this building for the Earl and Countess of Redditch?”

  “Yes, m’ lord, as I need the extra income I receive from handling the books.”

  “I am Simon, Duke of Kettering, and as of this moment you are fired as estate manager for Radcliffe Hall. Now, out of our way as we are going to search this building from top to bottom.”

  “And any possible hidden rooms and passages. If you don’t want Rick and I to destroy the building, then you’d best tell us now. For you see, Jonas Ringer has hurt my employer and threatened Her Ladyship, Viscountess Rathbourne. I for one will not tolerate such behavior. You have two heart beats to answer,” Toby demanded.

  “Young man, I know you and don’t believe a word you are saying. No one lives or hides here,” Mr. Hopner insisted.

  Frustrated at the arrogance of the man, Matthew balled his right hand into a fist, took a step forward, and sent it forward, directly connecting to Hopner’s jaw. The result, not including the immediate pain in his hand, was the former estate manager fell over backward to the floor and didn’t move.

  “Toby, Rick, find some rope and tie that pile onto a chair,” Matthew ordered, then turned to Simon. “His attitude was annoying, and he needed to be taught a lesson.”

  “I agree, especially if he’s hiding or knows Ringer is here. If so, I’ll see that he’s arrested,” Simon declared.

  Giving the duke a nod, Matthew saw the two grooms were finished with their task.

  “Rick, go with Simon while Toby and I start at the top of the building and work our way down.”

  Over the next several hours Matthew looked in every nook and corner of the warehouse as he and Toby made their way down to the main floor. There he was met by a smiling Simon.

  “I’m guessing from your expression you found something?”

  “Not I, but what Rick found is rather interesting. As I couldn’t see everything completely, I’ll let him explain.”

  “Yes, m’ lord. Under His Grace’s direction I crawled in behind several crates which hadn’t been touched in months I’d guess. Behind them, I found a tiny opening leading to a small room, complete with a bed and wash table. There even was a tiny fireplace. From what I could tell, it had been used as recently as today as the coals were still warm. Then what I discovered next I had to show His Grace, but as he said he couldn’t get too close as everything was so well hidden. You had to be small, such as myself or Ringer would be able to. I then discovered another opening. Following the tunnel, I saw it came out in the basement of the house next to here.”

  If Matthew wasn’t mistaken, and he rarely was, this was the most Rick had ever said at one time. Now, the question of the moment was, who owned the building? For that answer they had two choices, knock on the door and see who answered or look up the owner from the public records. Neither seemed satisfactory as that would give away they’d found the secret passage.

  “Your Grace, m’ lord, if you’re wondering who lives in the house, that would be Mr. Hopner. He’s been there for as long as I can remember and used to be married. His wife died several years past from consumption. However, he does keep a young lady of proper age who might be there,” Toby said.

  “Son, why didn’t you mention this earlier?” Simon demanded.

  “Your Grace, until Rick found the tunnel leading to the building, we didn’t know how involved, if at all other than working here, Mr. Hopner was,” Toby spoke in his defense.

  “Then you are forgiven, son.”

  “Thank you, Your Grace. I won’t make a mistake like this again,” Toby replied.

  Matthew saw Simon nod then glance over to him.

  “We’ve been gone for quite a while. Toby, Rick, bundle Mr. Hopner off to the constable, and have the man locked up until Lord Roger can contact Bow Street. We’ll let their magistrate deal with him,” Matthew directed the grooms.

  “After which, go to the Seafarer Inn. I’ll instruct the owner to set you both a comfortable table and post the fare to me,” Simon pronounced.

  “Yes, Your Grace, m’ lord, we shouldn’t be any longer than twenty minutes,” Rick said.

  Following the grooms, with Mr. Hopner being held up between them, Matthew peered over to Simon.

  “Where do you believe the ladies and Jeffrey might be? But, more importantly, do we have any funds left?”

  “To the first, we can look into the inn and as for your other question, I couldn’t say. I do know, from your expression last night on seeing Kathleen in that gown of gold, if I were you, I’d seriously worry about your purse.”

  With a moan and suspecting Simon was correct, Matthew followed the duke down the road to the Seafarer Inn. Entering, he saw the owner rushing up, then bowed deeply.

  “Your Grace, m’ lord, what a pleasure. Her Grace, Lady Kathleen and Lord Jeffrey are awaiting you in the front parlor. They’ve already taken care of ordering luncheon to be served upon your arrival.”

  “Thank you. But first, the grooms which accompanied them, have they eaten?” Matthew inquired.

  “No, m’ lord. When asked, they wanted to wait for Toby and Rick to join them.”

  “Good, set a comfortable meal out for them and an ale each. Have the bill sent to me at Radcliffe Hall,” Simon stated.

  “Yes, Your Grace.”

  Giving Simon a nod, Matthew started for the private dining room when he heard laughter, both feminine and from his father. More than curious as to what had caused the outburst, he swung open the door and stepped in, quickly silencing the three of them. What worried Matthew was the sheepish smile from Kathleen. He took a seat across from her as Simon sat opposite Emma.

  “Father, or one of you ladies, will you please explain what was so hilarious?”

  “Son, Kathleen was asking about your youth. As I know you’ll do anything to avoid discussing several of your wilder adventures, I thought she should be made aware of them. The same goes for you, Simon. Don’t forget I spent many a summer at the estate.”

  Matthew moaned, wondering what his father had told both ladies. He knew whatever Jeffrey had said had to have been one of his meager attempts at drawing, since he’d had a desire to learn to be an architect from an early age. Fortunately, he was saved from any further embarrassment when the owner’s wife, with two maids, entered carrying platters of food.

  Over luncheon Matthew suggested they hold off talking about what had been found at the warehouse until all the principals were present.

  “Shall my parents, as father is magistrate, be included?”

  “When we return to the Hall I’ll pen a note to Roger and have Toby with Rick deliver the post. Shall we invite them for dinner?” Simon uttered.

  “Yes,” Emma said.

  With the meal finished, Matthew escorted Kathleen to the carriage. When Emma had been helped in, he did the same with his bride. On the drive back to the manor th
ey discussed ways to capture Jonas Ringer. Then Matthew returned to the subject of calling on Redditch.

  “Let’s wait until back at the manor to continue this line of discussion,” Simon stated.

  “Then we won’t have to wait too long as I see we’re about to turn down the drive,” Kathleen informed everyone.

  Handing his wife down then guiding her into the manor, Matthew gave her a smile.

  “The office in thirty minutes. Will that give you enough time to change and refresh?”

  At the designated time, Matthew, standing and talking with Simon and Jeffrey, watched as the three wives glided in. Each had chosen to wear the same color day dress of green. The only difference he noticed were the shades, ranging from the light green his wife wore to dark, almost forest green on Emma.

  “Gentlemen, before you start in continuing what my husband had mentioned in the landau, we ladies standing as one will not tolerate us being left out of calling on the Redditches. Jonas tried to kill my husband, Serena’s oldest son, and Emma’s brother in law,” Kathleen demanded.

  “My dearest wife, we, and I speak for Simon and Jeffrey, will be more than happy to have you at our sides when we visit them. Shall we take seats or would you prefer to remain standing.”

  “We had best be seated since when you two gentlemen receive the bills from the dressmaker you won’t be, unless it’s at night in your cell in debtor’s prison or working a tin mine to pay the great lady,” Kathleen pronounced.

  Quickly, Matthew looked to Simon and saw pure panic in the man’s eyes. This probably was the first time he’d worn this expression since charging a heavily fortified French position in Spain. He escorted Kathleen to a settee then joined her.

  “We were talking about when to descend upon the earl and countess while waiting for you charming ladies to join us. We’ve agreed tomorrow morn, and once again unannounced. This time we, if need be, force our way past the butler and any staff who are in our way. To that end, we will also have Toby and Rick along,” Simon declared.


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