Book Read Free

Peace Maker

Page 7

by Mary Rundle

  Jackson held up his free hand to Cody and Dylon, while holding his phone to his ear. “Lizzie, Dylon and Cody just walked in. May I speak with them? I promise to call you back as soon as I’m finished.”

  “Okay, bye.” Jackson said, before ending the call. Examining his brother, Jackson was glad to see Cody looked better than he had the day before.

  Dylon stood and tilted his head to show his respect and submission to Jackson’s authority. “I’m sorry about my Mother, Alpha Blackwood. I did tell them…”

  “Sit down, Dylon. I run an informal pack here and while I appreciate your show of respect, it is not necessary unless you’re being disciplined. Regarding your mother, your father explained everything to me last night and I do understand her desire to see you and your Fated Mate. It certainly is a celebration when one is found. And you have my permission for them to visit.”

  “Thank you, Alpha Black…”

  “Call me Jackson.”

  “Yes sir, er, Jackson. I appreciate your permission, but I must warn you about my mother. She’s a little…”

  Jackson roared with laughter. “A little what? Sweet, protective, determined, happy for her son, overjoyed at you finding happiness—and someone I would never want to cross? Any or all of those?”

  Cody snorted. “Go ahead mate, pick one. Me, I’m going to pick all of ‘em and that’s just the result of one phone call. I can’t wait to meet her.”

  “Dylon, I don’t know your mother very well but from what I know, you are lucky to have her for a mom. It warmed my heart to hear her fight for the right to meet your mate. Not every parent welcomes a male mate for their son, but your mother did. I’m confident my brother will be included under her broad umbrella of love and protection. And I couldn’t ask for anything better for one of my brothers than that,” Jackson said, but then added, “But we do need to talk about the secrets of the Blackwood Pack.”

  “Okay, but you should know I promised my mate I won’t tell my parents anything.”

  “Thank you,” said Jackson, “I have thought about it and my concerns focus on my son Daniel and my brother Colton. I assume your parents know you worked for the Silver Point Pack as an enforcer, correct?”

  “Yes, they do.”

  “And your father is a member of the Universal Paranormal High Council?”

  “Yes, Vice Chair.”

  “When you spoke to them last night did your father mention the Blackwood Pack’s complaint filed against the Silver Point Pack?”

  “No. I didn’t know anything about it until Cody told me last night after my call.”

  “Fair enough. Are they going to ask why you left a job you were happy in? At least I assume you were.”

  “My mother, no…”

  “But your father?” Jackson asked.

  Dylon paused, thinking of his father, then said, “Yes, he will ask, particularly because of the complaint on file.”

  “What will you say when he does ask you?”

  Dylon was stunned. Fuck, of course. That’s the problem. I can’t tell him about the beatings because that would expose Colton’s power. He looked at his mate and saw his mate understood the problem immediately. “I don’t know, sir. But I won’t put Cody’s brothers in danger. I can’t. Even if it was a possibility, which I assure you it isn’t, I would hurt my mate and my wolf would never forgive me.”

  “Lying is not an option either since your father will detect it, so, in this case, why don’t we figure out how to shave the truth enough so you don’t lie and can satisfy your father while still protecting us.”

  “That works for me. The less I say, the better it will be.”

  “Okay, but first let’s deal with the matter of my son. I’m sure Cody told you I’m an Alpha/Omega hybrid—the only one in existence—so how are you going to introduce my son, Daniel?”

  Dylon, finally happy to show his Alpha he had at least thought about this problem, said, “Nothing more than he is your son. I think my parents will assume you adopted him or used a surrogate. I mean, after all, how likely is it my parents would think you could have a baby. I never heard of it and I’m sure neither did they. The less said the better it is. Nobody is lying so it shouldn’t be a problem.”

  Jackson mulled it over and mind linked to his mate to get his reaction. Once in agreement, Jackson said, “I think it’s a perfect way to handle it. Steel will make sure his mother is there to act as a buffer regarding any line of questioning that might occur.”

  Cody spoke up, “About the other matter, there’s another point we need to consider. Dylon’s father called Josiah looking for his son. According to Dylon’s mother, our uncle told him he would find him and have him call him back.”

  “Shit! Tell me how you came to be in the condition you were when Jimmy found you,” said Jackson.

  “Well,” Dylon began, then looked at his mate. “Ma moité, do you want to hear this?”

  “Go ahead. I’ve already seen it in a vision.”

  “Okay,” Dylon said, squeezing his mate’s hand, turning to Jackson. “Rudy—do you know who Rudy is?”

  “Yes, go ahead.”

  “Rudy called me into his office and showed me a videotape of me talking about the kill order. He asked me why I talked about pack business to an outsider. I denied it even though the guy looked like me. Of course, at that time, I didn’t know it was me. I denied it and pleaded with Rudy to give me time to clear my name.”

  “But he wouldn’t do it, right?” Jackson asked, sure of the answer. He knew Rudy was a mean son-of-a-bitch, a perfect second for his uncle.

  “No, instead he had the other enforcers take me to a cell to keep me locked up until I confessed. After several days, the beatings started.” Dylon paused and he heard a small cry from his mate. Checking to see if he should stop, he continued after receiving a nod from Cody. “The beatings were so bad I had to shift to heal and then after I finally did, they would beat me again. This kept up for at least a week, maybe more, but I lost track of time in there. The last time was different because their fists were aimed only at my face and nowhere else. I remember trying to shield myself but they put a stop to that by holding my arms and legs straight out, so I couldn’t protect myself. Finally, I must have passed out because I remembered nothing until I woke up in your hospital.”

  Jackson was horrified. Dylon was tortured, no other way to look at it. He glanced over at his brother and saw silent tears falling from Cody’s eyes. At that moment, Dylon saw them too, and scooping his mate up in his arms, he hugged him and softly crooned words of comfort in his ear.

  “They left you for dead. Every bone in your face was shattered. There wasn’t any way you could shift to heal. The pain caused by your shifting would have killed you. Colton was the only person who could save you.”

  “And I am so thankful he did. That’s why I will never reveal his secret or yours to anyone. My parents and I owe you my life—without your help, they would be mourning me.”

  “What do you want to do about your old pack? Do you want to file a complaint? I will of course do it in your name.”

  “I haven’t even thought that far ahead but my initial feeling is no, I don’t.”

  “Why? They tortured you and that’s against the law.”

  “I know, but look at me. Would you believe I had been beaten so badly if you had not seen it with your own eyes? No, you wouldn’t. To make my complaint stick, I’d have to reveal how I was healed and that would expose Colton’s power. I can’t do it so please don’t ask me to.”

  Jackson was pleased with Dylon’s analysis and conclusion. He had reached it himself last night but wanted to see how Cody’s mate would act. And he passed with flying colors. He put Cody first as he should and he demonstrated loyalty to the pack and its secrets. Now all that was left was shaving the truth.

  “Good, I agree. But this is my promise. Someday, my uncle and his second will be made to answer for their actions. Now, let’s figure out what you can say about how you met your Fated Ma

  Chapter 9

  “Lizzie, I have to make a call first, then we can leave,” Frank called to his wife who was upstairs, packing the presents she’d insisted on buying.

  “Go ahead. I still have to finish wrapping a few more items.”

  Frank headed into his study and closed the door. Sitting at his desk, he dialed Alpha Silver Point’s number. Waiting to be connected, he picked up the Blackwood Pack’s complaint and skimmed it. The accusations were unbelievable in this day and age. Ever since the Universal Paranormal High Council was formed, attacks like the one Silver Point was accused of simply didn’t happen. Something isn’t adding up. It made no sense an Alpha would order something like this knowing if caught, he would be sentenced to death. Then he heard a voice.

  “Hello, Alpha Silver Point here.”

  “Josiah, it’s Franklin Royd. I’m just calling to let you know I have heard from my son.”

  “That’s good news. My second informed me he left a few weeks back. You know enforcers, they always are on the lookout for a better paying job. What pack is he with now?”

  “Oh, he’s not working as an enforcer anymore.”

  “Really? I was going to offer him the Head Enforcer position, with an increase in pay.”

  “I’ll mention it to him but I’m pretty sure he’ll refuse. He’s found his Fated Mate.”

  “Congratulations. Good for Dylon. You and the misses are happy?”

  “Very much so. My wife is packing and we will be leaving soon so we can meet him and his pack. Listen, Josiah, I hate to cut this short, but my wife is calling me because she needs help with the suitcases. I’m sure we’ll speak again.”

  “Sure, sure, I understand. Well, congratulations again. Bye.”

  Frank disconnected the call and leaned back in his chair. Offer my son a head enforcer job—well isn’t that interesting. Frank knew his son was more than capable of handling it, but the puzzle was why make the offer now and not when Dylon was working for him. Hmmm, I wonder if the current head enforcer knows this. I think a talk with Oracle is in the near future for me.

  Standing, he placed the complaint and the other pertinent paperwork in his briefcase and headed out of his office to find his wife. Now, he was the eager one to see his son and meet the seven brothers who escaped the massacre. He knew the Fates had a hand in it, but why these boys were saved was something he was keen to find out. “Lizzie, are you ready yet? Do you need any help?”


  After coming up with a solution as to how Dylon met Cody, Jackson called Lizzie back and gave permission for her and her husband to visit the Blackwood Pack. After ending the call, Jackson announced it was breakfast time. “I know you want to claim each other, but I hope you can wait until after breakfast. I think it would be a good time to meet the rest of the members of the pack before your parents arrive. It will seem strange to them if you don’t know them.”

  Dylon looked at Cody and after seeing a tiny nod, said, “I think that’s a good idea.”

  Cody added, “But after breakfast, I want my private time with my mate with no more interruptions.”

  “You got it,” Jackson said, as he got up and ushered them out of his study. Hearing Daniel cry, Jackson hurried toward the great room where he rescued his son from Steel and crooned softly to him.

  Cody watched Jackson rush away. Stopping short, he turned to his mate. “Is it all right with you that we have breakfast with the pack? We don’t have to eat with them. Dakota can make something for us and we can have it in our sitting room.”

  “It’s okay. I think your brother is right about me meeting them before my parents show up. As soon as possible, we’ll escape to our bedroom where you will get a claiming to beat all claimings.” Dylon saw Cody’s eyes widen as he gave his mate a sly smile.

  “Really? That’s some challenge you set for yourself. But I will be the judge of your efforts.” Then he grabbed Dylon’s hand and pulled him to the great room while saying, “Let’s eat fast so I can start judging.” Entering the great room, Cody and Dylon saw Daniel in Jackson’s arms.

  “Do you want to give him his bottle?” asked Steel. “That’s why he’s cranky. Dakota just brought it in.”

  “Sure, but I’ll do it at the table. Dylon and Cody will be joining us and I have a few announcements to make.”

  “Good, I’m starved. Your son kept me up half the night,” complained Steel.

  “My son? He sounds more like your son since you always like to keep me up half the night,” Jackson smirked.

  “Uhmm bro, what did I tell you about TMI regarding your bedroom activities?” interjected Logan.

  “The same thing I said about language in front of Daniel,” Jackson retorted, “and you see how well everyone listens to that.”

  “Point made,” Logan said. “Listen up everyone. New rule by your second. No more and I mean it, no more swearing, dirty language, curse words, or whatever you want to call it. You all know what I mean. So, it stops right now.”

  Oracle entered the great room and said, “Good for you, Logan. Someone has to put their foot down, especially with Jackson, or my grandson will be scarred for life.”

  “Hear, hear,” said Maximus, following his wife, “It’s about time someone protected my poor grandson’s hearing.”

  Jackson burst out laughing, jostling Daniel who promptly made his displeasure known. Settling his son with his bottle, Jackson said to Logan, “Don’t worry bro, I got your back on this. Come on, Dakota has breakfast ready.”

  Dylon followed his mate into the dining room. Sitting next to him, he was astounded by the ease with which Jackson ruled his pack. He saw the love flowing between the brothers and how the love expanded as each brother’s Fated Mate joined the pack. But there was something else. Something he’d never found in any pack. He sensed a powerful aura in this pack—great power—that flowed easily between all the brothers. I wonder if my father will pick up on it.

  He listened to the chatter among the brothers, useful in finding out more about each one. But once the food was on the table, silence reigned. He tried not to shovel his food into his mouth but it was hard since it was the best he ever had. It was a nudge by his mate that caused him to stop and look up, only to see everyone’s eyes upon him. Shit, what did I miss?

  “Dakota asked about what you eat for breakfast?” Cody said.

  “Why?” asked Dylon, not understanding since he was used to eating whatever was served at the Silver Point Pack enforcer house.

  “Cody, I got this. Hi, I’m Dakota and the cook for this group of wolves. Breakfast is usually what I served today, but if you prefer something else, I’ll be glad to make it for you.”

  Shocked into silence, Dylon sat there gawking at Dakota. Make me something else? He’s asking me what I want to eat? What the fuck?

  Cody pushed Dylon’s jaw up, closing his mate’s mouth. “I think it’s safe to say my mate is fine with whatever you usually cook for breakfast.”

  Dylon scrambled to apologize, “I’m sorry, Dakota. My mate is correct. I’ll eat anything. However, none of my past breakfasts have ever tasted as delicious as the one I am eating this morning.” He smiled at Dakota before adding, “Please don’t tell my mother I said that.”

  Laughter erupted around the table while Dakota blushed. “I promise. If I may ask, what kind of wolf are you?”

  “I’m a Tundra Wolf.”

  Jackson spoke up, “Welcome to the Blackwood Pack, Dylon. You’ve met Steel, my mate. This is our son, Daniel Maximillian. Of course, you know Colton, and his mate Ian. Over there is Carson, Zane, and Logan. You know Oracle, but have you met her husband, Maximus?”

  “No, nice to meet you sir,” said Dylon.

  “Call me Maximus.”

  “Will do,” Dylon said before shifting his glance back to Jackson. “I haven’t met the man who saved me. Will he be here soon?”

  “Maybe. Mystia and Jimmy Blackwood became our surrogate parents after the massacre and since Daniel w
as born they try to come each afternoon to see him. I’ll be calling Mystia after breakfast to tell her your parents are coming.”

  Then Jackson looked at the rest of them and added, “Dylon’s parents are on their way here. Any questions from his parents about how Cody and Dylon met will be answered by me or them. Understand?”

  After hearing a chorus of ‘yeses’, Jackson continued, “Dylon, is there anything special your parents will need while they’re here?”

  After a moment of thought, he answered, “No, they’re pretty easygoing about everything.”

  “Okay,” Jackson said, handing Daniel to Steel so he could finish his breakfast. “They should be here by dinnertime, so please plan to join us then.”

  Dylon resumed eating while his mate’s brothers started teasing Cody about his upcoming claiming.

  “I hope you aren’t going to be shaking the house like Jackson,” Logan said.

  “No, he won’t,” Carson crowed, “He’ll just be shaking his booty.”

  “Hey Jackson, you better give Daniel some earplugs so he isn’t exposed to all the ‘unmentionable’ screams coming from my brother’s room,” said Zane, using air quotes.

  “Fuck off, all of you. You only wish you were me,” growled Cody.

  “Ignore them,” Colton said, “they’re a bunch of assholes. Congratulations on finding your mate, Cody. Ian and I are very happy for you and Dylon.”

  “As are we,” said Jackson, gesturing to his mate. “For the rest of you, cool the shit.”

  “Thank you,” Cody said, as he stood, “If there isn’t anything else, we’ll be in our room for the rest of the day.”

  Standing, Dylon took his mate’s hand, saying, “Thank you for breakfast, Dakota. See you all tonight.” Then, wrapping his arm around his mate’s waist, he pulled him tight and whispered in Cody’s ear, “Ready to start judging, ma moité?”

  Nodding, Cody led the way to their bedroom suite, eager to resume their earlier love fest.



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