Book Read Free

Peace Maker

Page 13

by Mary Rundle

  “Now, if you are finished showing me your balls,” said Jackson, “I suggest you keep them in your pants for the rest of your visit.”


  Carson was eager to see if Zane had found anything. Rushing downstairs, he slammed open the door to his brother’s computer room. “What did you find?”

  “What the fuck, man! You scared the shit out of me when you slammed open the door. Don’t do that again.”

  “Sorry, sorry. Please Zane, tell me what you found.”

  “Okay. Nothing.”

  Carson’s face froze in shock. What the…? Nothing? Not possible, he’s fucking me over. “Asshole! Tell me what you found.”

  “I did. I found nothing. Dylon is clean. I have his file from the High Council and bro, be careful, this dude was trained by the very best and is not to be fucked with. I have his work history, no complaints, good recommendations, never got in trouble…I mean he is squeaky clean. And he did join the Silver Point Pack way after the massacre. In fact, when the massacre happened, he was working in a pack on the other side of the country. So, no, he absofuckinglutely had nothing to do with it.”

  “I can’t believe it. I was so sure…”

  “Well, you’re wrong. Now you are going to drop it, right?”

  Carson paused, “Yeah, I promised didn’t I?”

  “Okay. I’m destroying his file. I like my balls the way they are and would prefer they’re not put in a vice by Jackson.”

  “Yeah, sure. Do that,” Carson said, already concentrating on other ways he could find the evidence he knew was there. Huh, I bet his father used his influence to hide everything. Mulling over the problem as he left his brother, he figured out his first step. Now it was only a question of when.


  Dylon carried his mate to their bed and laid him down before covering him up. Putting the cuffs on Cody again, he quickly wrote a short note and left it where his mate would see it. Throwing on a t-shirt, he left their bedroom and headed to find Jackson. He hoped it wouldn’t take long as he wanted to be back with his mate before Cody woke up. Figuring Jackson would be in his office, he headed there first, happy to hear his Alpha’s voice after he knocked. Once inside, he stood and tilted his head quickly before sitting down opposite Jackson.

  “Dylon, is Cody all right?”

  “Yes, he’s sleeping right now but I’ll make this quick because I want to be back before he wakes up.”

  “Okay, why don’t you tell me what’s on your mind.”

  “Cody and I were talking about my time with the Silver Point Pack and I realized all the enforcers I worked with were not with the pack when the massacre occurred. I think the longest anyone had been there was a year, maybe. At the time, I didn’t think anything of it but now…where are the old enforcers who killed your family?”

  Jackson glanced at Steel. We should have thought of that. Then he asked Dylon, “Anything more?”

  “Yes. Silver Point must have the employment files on those enforcers, like pay records and other stuff, but I haven’t figured a way to access them. I could ask some of my friends who are enforcers at different packs if they know or heard of any enforcers that worked at Silver Point during that time.”

  “What did Cody say about this?”

  “He asked me to speak with you first before I made any inquiries.”

  “Okay, let me think about it and I’ll get back to you. Now I have a question for you. Why is your father giving me shit?”


  When Carson reached the top of the stairs, he saw Dylon heading to Jackson’s study. Probably joining Cody. Fated Mates were never separated this early in their mating. Perfect timing! Confident he would find their suite empty, Carson hurried toward it. He had decided to search Dylon’s belongings to see if he could find anything incriminating. It was risky, but he justified it as protecting the pack from a murderer.

  Pausing before entering, Carson looked both ways before opening the door. Slipping inside and quietly closing the door, he turned and looked around. Startled when he found Cody in bed, he quickly regarded himself as lucky. Now he could talk to his brother without his watchdog around. It took only a moment to realize Cody was sleeping. Maybe he could search before his brother woke up.

  Stealthily, Carson approached their closet, pretty sure he would find what he was looking for in there. He glanced over at Cody and gasped. What the fuck? That asshole chained my brother to the bed! Carson stood there frozen. What the fuck is he doing to my brother? Oh my god, he’s trying to kill Cody’s wolf so my brother dies! This is going to stop now! Taking a picture with his phone as proof, he ran out of the room and straight into Cody’s mate.

  “What the fuck were you doing in my room?” growled Dylon, grabbing hold of Carson.

  “Let me go, asshole. I know what you are doing to my brother. You won’t get away with it,” cried Carson.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “You chained him up so his wolf dies. You’re trying to kill my brother!” screamed Carson.

  Dylon heard his mate calling with panic in his voice. Letting go of Carson’s arm, he hurried to Cody, knowing he’d heard his brother screaming. Shutting and locking the door, he ran to Cody and unlocked the cuffs. Scooping him up in his arms, Dylon said, “Hush, my pet, I’m here. Everything is okay.” He sat on the bed, rocking Cody, while kissing his mate’s head. “Tell me why you were calling me?”

  “Why was my brother screaming?” Cody asked.

  “It’s a misunderstanding. Don’t worry my pet. I’ll sort it out. How are you?”

  “Fine sir,” Cody said, sinking back into the place he felt secure.

  “Pet, I have to take care of the misunderstanding with Jackson. Do you want to come with me or stay here?”

  Cody was furious with Carson and even though he’d have preferred to stay, it was time Jackson knew everything. “I’ll come with you sir.”

  “Okay, let’s get you dressed and after this is over, I’ll bring you back here for your morning spanking, a shower and some loving.”

  “Oh yes, sir. Thank you, sir.”

  A series of knocks sounded and Steel yelled through the door, “Cody, are you in there? Answer me or I will break this door down.”

  “You better answer him, my pet. Tell him you are getting dressed and will be in Jackson’s office shortly.”

  After listening to Steel’s warning that he’d better show up, Dylon picked out the clothes for Cody and then dressed him. “Assume the position,” Dylon said as he sat at the foot of the bed.

  Cody gratefully folded himself down into his kneeling pose. Immediately, he focused on his breathing, calming himself down, thankful his mate understood his need.

  “Pet, I want you to know everything is going to be all right. No matter what happens with Jackson, I will not stop. You and I both know how much you need this. I will not fail you. If I can’t make your brother understand, I’m prepared to take you away to a private place until you are well enough to do what you must do. Do you understand and agree?”

  Cody knew his mate spoke the truth. He still had to heal more before he’d be able to go to Tajikistan. And when he went, he would have to be much stronger than he was right now. He knew Jackson would be hurt, but he could not abandon the shifters over there to a painful life if he had the means to prevent it. There was only one answer he could give. “Yes, sir.”

  Dylon saw his mate raise an eyebrow. “Did you have something else to say, my pet?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Go ahead, my pet.”

  “I think Oracle should be in the meeting too, sir.”

  “Good point. I’ll tell Jackson that. Is that all, pet?”

  “Yes sir.”

  “Okay,” Dylon said, extending his hand to Cody, “Let’s go.”


  The man who owned him stood, holding a whip over his head. “You lazy bastard. If this isn’t cleaned up in the next hour, I’m going to beat you until you b
leed. Worse fucking deal I ever made, you lazy good for nothing bastard. I swear, if you don’t get your work done today, I’ll tie you to a post and let every man whip you. Now clean up this mess.”

  Cowering, he tried to make himself as small as possible. “I promise, I’ll clean it up. Right away.”

  “You’d better,” said Arald, walking away.

  He couldn’t stop the tears from falling as he scrubbed the floor where Arald had vomited last night. It would be better if I were dead. He didn’t know if his master would carry out his threat about have him ganged whipped but he knew he would rather die than suffer that fate. For the thousandth time, he regretted telling his parents he was gay.

  But no sense wasting his energy on things he could not change. Turning back to the task at hand, he quickly wiped the floor dry. Putting away the bucket and mop, he hurried to the nursery; the younglings would be awake soon. The episode with Arald stole precious time he needed to change and feed the babies before making lunch. They were the only bright spot in his bleak and weary existence other than his friends. If he could figure out a way to take them and escape he would have, but so far it seemed hopeless.

  Opening the door, he walked in and greeted his babies, “Hello, my sweets, how did you sleep? You must be hungry.”

  Chapter 17

  Dylon held Cody’s hand as they walked down the hall to Jackson’s study. The door was open and as they entered they saw Jackson, Steel and Carson waiting for them. He looked at Carson’s angry face and knew he had already poisoned Jackson and Steel. Dylon was about to turn around, having decided no fair hearing would be given to him today, but just then, Oracle swept into the room, coming to a stop next to him.

  “Oracle,” Jackson said, “I’m going to cut to the chase. I assume you are here for Dylon.”

  “No, I am here for Cody.”

  Jackson turned her statement over in his head and snorted to himself. He knew what that meant. “Cody, do you want Oracle here? This is a family matter.”


  “Okay, Carson, would you close the door?”

  Cody spoke up, “But I don’t want Carson here. He invaded my and my mate’s privacy without cause.”

  “What do you mean, Cody? I’m saving you,” exclaimed Carson.

  Cody did not respond nor did he look at his brother.

  “Cody, Carson has a point. If what he said is true, then he saved your wolf.”

  “If he stays, Dylon and I will leave this house. Your choice, Jackson.”

  Jackson studied Cody. He looked better than he had in some time. Certainly, he saw no evidence of harm to his wolf. “Carson, leave us. But, don’t go far.”

  Carson was pissed. He knew Dylon would spin some lie and convince Jackson he meant no harm to Cody. “But I’m a witness”

  “I said leave, now,” Jackson demanded, using his Alpha power to force compliance. He kept his eyes on Cody and Dylon, while waiting for Carson to leave the room and shut the door behind him. “Now…”

  “I already know what Carson told you, but he’s wrong. My mate is saving me, not killing me or my wolf.”

  “But Cody, I saw the picture. Dylon chained you to the bed. Your wolf will die if he is restrained that way. You know this and so does Dylon.”

  “You know brother, I have never asked what you do in the privacy of your bedroom with your mate and I fail to see what business it is of yours—even as Alpha—what my mate and I do in ours. Would you please explain what right you claim that allows you to question us about this?”

  “Normally, I would never interfere but…”

  “But nothing. You are interfering because you still have concerns about my mate’s roll in the massacre. You just won’t admit it.”

  “Cody, as Alpha, it’s my right and duty to investigate a complaint that is brought before me concerning the welfare of a pack member. You know as well as I do, if any of us are restrained like that, our wolves die. You were chained to a bed. What? You think I should just ignore a threat to one of my pack just because it occurred in the bedroom?”

  Dylon spoke quietly to his mate, “Ma moité, your brother has a point. Please don’t argue with him about this.”

  “Cody,” said Oracle, “You requested my presence so if you agree, may I explain to Jackson what has been happening and how Dylon is helping you?”

  “Please, darling,” said Dylon, “Let Oracle help.”

  Cody was furious that he was forced to stand here and defend his mate—the person he owed his life to. Sighing, he relented. “Go ahead, Oracle. But Jackson, just so you know, you are wrong about chains causing a wolf to die.”

  Dylon led his mate over to the couch where he took a seat and then pulled Cody onto his lap. He knew what was coming and he wanted his mate in his arms. This wasn’t going to be pleasant.

  Oracle spoke, “You know Cody has foresight and his visions have become more intense since the massacre. It is what happens to him after a vision that is causing him harm. During the vision he only sees what is happening but when it is over Cody feels whatever the person in the vision is feeling. It doesn’t matter what is causing the pain, if the person feels pain so does he. So, if someone is being whipped, Cody feels the whip on his body.”

  Jackson was appalled his brother should have this burden. “Is this true, Cody?”

  “Yes,” was his muffled answer as he kept his head buried in his mate’s neck.

  “But,” she went on, “Cody also feels the emotional pain of the person in his vision. These emotions run the gambit of despair to grief and even hate. All are absorbed by Cody every time he has a vision. While he feels nothing during a vision, whatever feelings the people in the vision have, Cody will experience them upon his return to this world.

  “Oh, my gods,” exclaimed Jackson. “How long has this been going on?”

  “Since the massacre—though the visions have increased in frequency and intensity in the last year,” Oracle explained.

  “Oh, Cody, I wish you’d have come to me about what was happening.”

  “Sorry, Jackson,” Cody mumbled.

  “No, ma moité, don’t apologize. You did nothing wrong,” Dylon murmured to his mate. Looking at Jackson, he said, “Cody kept his promise to his mother as you kept your promise about Colton’s ability. If you are going to blame him for not telling you about it, then you should blame yourself for keeping your secret. You can’t have it both ways.”

  “I think Cody misunderstood me. I wasn’t blaming him for keeping it a secret, I was sad he went through all of this without support.”

  “That is in the past,” Oracle said, “Let us move on. When Cody has a vision, he enters another realm…”

  “No, he doesn’t,” said Steel, “I know because I saw him when he was meditating or whatever it is called. He was in the forest.”

  “What you saw was a projection of his body—a hologram. Every time Cody has a vision, he leaves this earth. It is important that you understand this. The light you see is the projection beam. When the vision is over, Cody returns to us.”

  “Okay,” said Jackson, “If I accept what you say, that still doesn’t explain why Dylon chained Cody to the bed.”

  “I am getting to that. The last few months, Cody has been having visions every day and during the night he experiences the pain he saw in his visions. This has caused him to get very little sleep. He has become erratic in his behavior, acting out in a manner totally unlike him.”

  “That’s true, babe, I noticed that in Mexico,” said Steel.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” asked Jackson.

  “It slipped my mind because of the multiple health crises with you and Daniel,” Steel responded.

  Oracle resumed speaking, “Now Cody’s mind replays what he has seen over and over. The relentless pain and suffering Cody feels is forcing him to a breaking point in his mind and soul, making it harder and harder for him to return from the realm at the end of each vision.”

  “What do you mean?” asked J
ackson. “I thought after his vision is over, he automatically returns to earth.”

  “Not exactly. Cody returns only if he wants to. So far, he has been able to because of his love for you, the baby and Colton. But it is becoming harder to find a reason to return when he knows the life he is returning to will be filled with pain and suffering. Not so in the other realm. You can see the lure of that for Cody”

  Cries of torment pierced the room as Cody broke into sobs as the pain from the visions once more filled his mind. He wanted this to end. No more—I can’t take it anymore! A glow enveloped him as Cody’s body started its journey to the other realm.

  Jackson rose to go to his brother, but Oracle held up her hand to stop him. “Watch.”

  Dylon shifted Cody so he was cradling him in his arms. “Cody, I’m here. You are safe. Give me your pain—right now!” he demanded. “My pet, I order you to obey. Do you hear me?” Not hearing an answer, he repeated his order, “Give me your pain—NOW!” It took a moment before he felt Cody send the pain in his soul to him through their life thread. He absorbed it and sent back love, hoping it would be enough. Finally, the cries died down and Cody finally came back to him. Rocking his mate, his anguished eyes looked at Jackson and said, “The chains have a spell on them which prevent Cody from leaving this world.”

  Jackson sat with a thud, looked at his broken brother with anguish and then, quietly, he asked, “What can I do to help Cody?”

  Oracle spoke again. “When Dylon was born, the Shaman told his mother her son needed special training, so he would be able to help his Fated Mate when they found each other. When he was fifteen, he was sent to live with the Shaman to be trained and spent months learning everything his mate would require. The Shaman told Dylon that his Fated Mate would be very fragile and in need of his skills as a Dom.”

  “Dom? You mean like ‘Dominant’—like in BDSM? That kind of Dom?” asked Steel.

  “Yes, exactly.Dylon has given Cody a safe place in this world where the only thing he focuses on is pleasing his mate,” Oracle said. “He gives Cody a reason to want to be in this world. Being the submissive, gives Cody the freedom from having to make decisions—free from the fear of another vision occurring. The chains give Cody security, so he can sleep pain-free. He no longer worries about waking up suffering. Being in a dom-submissive relationship allows Cody to reclaim his soul and heal. Even in the short time Dylon and Cody have been in that relationship, you can see the difference in your brother.”


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