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Peace Maker

Page 28

by Mary Rundle

  Cody loved watching his mate go all ‘G I Joe’ on him as it was one of his favorite toys when he was a boy. Now, he was on a mission such as he’d envisioned as a child. He always saw himself as part of the elite fighting group at the High Council until he read an article about all the unwanted wolf shifter pups. That changed him. He smiled as he remembered the hours he, Colton, and Carson would play in the woods hiding and ambushing each other. Now, here he was—living it. Well not exactly but close enough that it brought back all his good memories—and that was something special.

  In his headset, Dylon heard the pilot announce they were five minutes away. Relaying the information to his men, he ordered them not to respond to any questions, as he would handle them. Looking out the window, he saw how isolated these packs were. Surrounded by high, rocky, bare mountains, their valley was the only oasis of green you could see unless you crossed the mountains to the next one. But the natural barriers provided Arald with the privacy that allowed his illegal activities to flourish. Fucking greedy asshole!

  Cody nudged Dylon and pointed to the welcoming committee waiting to greet them—or not, as the case might be. He saw the shifter standing apart from the rest and he concluded it was Arald. Mean looking son-of-a-bitch! He shifted his eyes and took in the surrounding area, locating the building where the shifters up for auction were being held. Glancing in the opposite direction, he found the other Alphas’ pack houses surrounded by homes for their members. Suddenly, he knew they were in terrible trouble. He had to use his invisibility gift now, before they landed. This whole thing was a trap—he knew it absolutely because he’d seen the outcome in one of his visions. Quickly relaying the information to Dylon, Cody waited for instructions.

  Hearing Cody in his mind link, he changed his plan and instructed his men to disembark first, and then line up across from each other to form an honor guard for him and Cody to walk between. Dylon told Cody through their mind link while everyone’s attention would be on the enforcers, Cody would turn invisible in the helicopter, out of sight from everyone on the ground. Just as they were landing, Dylon sent a text to Turk about the trap, warning him to be alert and another to Steel letting him know what was happening. Then he deleted all his texts and any corresponding information linking him to Dire Enterprises just as the rotors stopped.

  As the enforcers climbed out of the helicopter, Dylon stood and moved in front of Cody. Just before the last enforcer exited, Dylon said in a very low voice, “Now, do it now!”

  Cody said, “I am invisible,” and he was encased in the shimmer of light.

  Dylon heard the words and when he turned his head mere moments later, his mate was gone. Smirking to himself, he moved to the door and climbed out of the helicopter. He was now looking at Arald who was standing at the other end of the two lines of enforcers. Moving forward a few steps to give Cody room to disembark, he assessed the situation. They were outnumbered five to one and he had no doubt Arald had more of his enforcers nearby just in case he needed them.

  Boldly staring at the man, Dylon kept his eyes on Arald, lowering them just before his stare would be considered a challenge. Tilting his head slightly for a moment, then said, “Hello, who do I have the pleasure of meeting?”

  “Nobody at the moment. Who are you and why are you in my territory without permission?”

  “Dylon. I’m representing a client who wishes me to acquire some of your merchandise in the upcoming auction. My client ordered me to arrive early to check it out and negotiate for his choice of the items you have for sale before the auction occurs.”

  “Why doesn’t he want to wait until the auction?”

  “Shall we say, he doesn’t like to gamble.”

  “Well. I don’t know, what could your client offer me to give up my chance for a very large payday?”

  “If the merchandise meets with his approval as to the quality of what he’s looking for, then you can name your price.”

  “How do I know you have the money?”

  “I can arrange to have 100 million dollars in a trust account in your name within the next few hours. If that is not enough, please tell me what sum would give you assurances that my client is serious.”

  Arald thought about what Dylon was offering and saw no reason to reject the offer. With that amount of money, he would have control over this valley and any others, if he so desired. “You have two hours to show me proof of the funds. Until then, you and your men can wait in my pack house.”

  Dylon didn’t like that idea but at least Cody could get inside to look around without much trouble. Hearing Cody agree with him through their mind link, Dylon responded, “Thank you, Alpha… I’m sorry, I don’t know your name.”

  Ignoring Dylon’s comment, Arald said to his men, “Let them pass. But guard their helicopter.” Then he added, “If you will follow me,” and turned around striding to his fortress without bothering to see if Dylon and his men were following. Holding the front door open, he waited for Dylon and his men to enter. Once inside, he locked and bolted the door before turning back to Dylon. “I’ll show you an office you can use to make the arrangements. Your men can wait in the living room.”

  After seeing to his men, Dylon followed Arald down a hallway to a door. Upon entering, he heard the door close and a click, verifying his suspicions about Arald’s intent. Sitting at the desk, he sent a series of texts to Turk and Steel, making the arrangements he needed. Then he sat back, examining their life thread—so far, so good. Reaching out to his mate through their mind link, Dylon asked Cody where he was.

  I’m heading downstairs right now. After Arald left you, he left some men guarding your men while he went outside. I checked out the floor you are on and found steps leading upstairs and some heading down, I decided to go down first. Have you gotten hold of Steel and Turk?

  Yes, all the arrangements are being made. What do you see so far?

  A series of doors bolted from the outside. Fuck! Does it stink down here!

  Is there any way you can see inside the room without opening the doors?

  Yes, some of them have small barred openings. Just a minute.

  Cody heard someone wheeling a cart over the damp, stone floor. While waiting to see who it was, he peered into the room in front of him. A small gasp escaped him as he saw one of the men in his visions. Cody felt his anger rise as he examined the condition inside the room. Dark and damp, the only light coming from an overhead bare bulb which was so weak, most of the room remained in the dark.

  A man was shackled to the wall with barely enough chain to lie down on the filthy cot. Over in one dark corner, he could smell the toilet which didn’t appear to be working. The approaching person was now closer and Cody stepped back to see who it was. As the shifter walked under the overhead light hanging from the ceiling, Cody quickly held his hand over his mouth as he recognized a young man who had been whipped and beaten so many times in his visions. Pain breaking through the wall in his mind, he felt the horror of his visions all over again.

  Dylon saw their life thread turn dark and he knew what was happening. Cody! Cody, answer me! Now, ma moité! Come back to me! I need you!

  Finally, his mate’s voice broke through the pain and Cody felt the strength and love Dylon was sending him. He was able to break the cycle, allowing him to lock it behind the wall in his mind. I’m okay, babe. Really, I’m fine. It was just a small lapse but the pain is back behind the wall. Someone is coming with food for the prisoner. I’m going to follow him to see who’s being kept prisoner and where. Are you still safe where you are?

  Yes, I’m fine. Please keep talking to me about what you discover.

  Okay, will do. Right now, I’m in a hallway that I’m pretty sure is carved out of the mountain. The only way in is the way I came. There are a number of small rooms —no, that’s not right—prison cells down here. In one room I looked in, I saw one of the men in my visions. Dylon, he’s in bad shape. The young man who’s bringing the food is the one who’s always getting whipped.
br />   Dylon could see their life thread varying in brightness as Cody saw more people from his visions. Ma moité, how are you doing? I’m worried about what you are seeing triggering more pain. You can come upstairs now. We know where the prisoners are.

  No, I need to see who else is down here. Just a minute, he’s opening another door. Cody stood in the doorway and watched as the young man gave the prisoner a bowl of gruel and then reached into his pocket of his apron fishing out two fresh rolls lavished with butter. Refilling the water jug in the cell, he smiled at the prisoner before leaving and bolting the door. Cody watched in amazement as he repeated these actions with each prisoner, showing them someone cared about them. Cody was sure none of the prisoners knew the young man was often beaten and whipped about the missing food.

  After he had fed all the prisoners, Cody followed him upstairs to the kitchen where he watched him prepare baby food and bottles. After he was finished, he loaded up his cart and headed to another hallway leading away from the living room. Cody remembered Zane telling him about the babies included in the auction and guessed that was where the food’s headed. Finally, the young man stopped at an old wooden door and took out a set of keys. Finding the right one, he opened it and rolled his cart in.

  Babe, I’m upstairs now and I think I found where the babies scheduled for the auction are. Same floor as you but opposite end of the house.

  How many are there?


  I thought Zane said ten?

  Yeah, he did but there are twelve cribs. Just a minute, I want to check each baby to see what condition they’re in. Cody walked around the room, smiling at each one as they reminded him of his nephew. Pleased with what he saw, Cody turned to watch the young man as he quickly changed and fed each baby while humming and smiling, making it fun for the pups. He was so absorbed with what he saw, it was a few minutes before Cody glanced at the young man’s face. Holy shit!

  What? What’s the matter?

  Oh, nothing. Sorry, babe, I was amazed at how beautiful this young man is when he smiles. Cody heard his mate growl. Oh, stop it babe! I was just surprised at how a smile changed his features. You know I chose you.

  I know, just momentary jealousy. What conditions are the pups in? Will we need any medical personnel?

  Nope. The good thing is all the pups are healthy and doing well. Oops, gotta go, he’s heading out. I’ll let you know where he goes next.

  Chapter 37

  Cody followed the young man back to the kitchen where he filled up the cart again, this time with a number of raw steaks. Curious about who the recipients would be, he tailed him down another hallway to a steel door. He watched as he loaded up two buckets sitting next to the door with the raw steak. When he finally unlocked the door, Cody knew instantly who the prisoners were.

  The young man switched on a light, revealing a stone staircase. Then, picking up the meat filled buckets, he descended the steps with Cody close behind him. At the bottom, the young man flipped another switch, illuminating all the wolves that were chained to the walls, preventing them from shifting. It wasn’t hard to find Slate; he was the biggest fucking wolf there. Cody made his way over to him and whispered in his ear. After getting a response, Cody moved away and headed up the stairs. He’d be useless if he were locked in with the wolves. Once he was in the hall, he told Dylon all he’d discovered.

  Can you get the keys away from the guy?

  I don’t know. I’ll follow him and see what he does after this. Maybe there are more prisoners in different dungeons.

  Be careful babe!

  Will do, oops, here he comes now. Gotta go. Cody expected the young man to head back to the kitchen but instead, he parked the cart in an alcove and walked further down the hallway until he reached another door. Unlocking it, he switched on the light and went down those stairs. Cody was perplexed as the young man had nothing with him other than the keys in his hand. Following him, Cody stopped half way to the bottom. What was he up to? What is he doing here? The last thing he wanted was to be trapped behind a locked door.

  The young man looked around at nothing in particular and then spoke. “I don’t know what or who you are but if you mean me no harm, please flip the lights off and on.”

  Cody thought about it and seeing no harm to himself, he moved to the top step and flicking the switch, waited.

  The young man smiled, “My name is Kieran. Are you here to rescue me?”

  Cody flipped the switch again.

  Kieran nodded as if he knew this, “Okay, but I have some demands that must be met before I go with you. First, everyone must be saved so whatever plans you have, you must change them so everyone I showed you today leaves with me including the pups. This place leads to the outside, far from this house. But some of my friends are weak and cannot move quickly. I tried to keep their strength up by sneaking extra food to them but I wasn’t always successful. If you don’t want to do this, then please leave me here. I won’t leave my friends here to suffer. Do you agree to my demands?”

  Cody smiled at this audacious young man—a prisoner making demands of his rescuer. Here was a shifter worthy of saving. He flipped the switch again indicating his acceptance of Kieran’s demands.

  Sighing in relief, Kieran said, “We must hurry. As soon as Arald has what he wants, his men will kill everyone. He knew you were coming and you were supposed to be killed as you landed. I don’t know why he didn’t do it, but I know you’re in terrible danger. The keys to unlock the wolves and my friends in the other dungeon are hanging on a hook at the bottom of each of the stairs. I’ll get the pups ready and will be with them waiting for you and your friends. Now hurry, we don’t have much time.” Kieran jogged up the steps and through the doorway, just missing Cody. “I’ll leave my key ring on the cart in case you need it but I left all the doors open except for the cells downstairs. Now hurry,” he said as he rushed away.

  Cody explained everything to Dylon and they agreed on a plan. Grabbing the keys on his way to the steel door, he was relieved to see they were invisible. Opening and shutting the door quickly, Cody ran down the steps and grabbed the keys at the bottom of the steps. Moving over to Slate, Cody whispered that he was back to free him. After finding the right key, Cody unlocked Slate’s neck shackle. Pulling it off, he freed the wolf who immediately shifted.

  “Give them to me,” Slate ordered, holding out his hand, and the keys suddenly dropped into it. Then he said to his enforcers, “As soon as you’re free, shift and head upstairs. Wait for me in the hallway.” Slate moved quietly and methodically through the wolves, unshackling one after another. The sounds of shifting could be heard. Soon there was a steady stream of naked men jogging up the stairs until the dungeon was empty.

  Cody followed Slate up the stairs, but before stepping through the doorway, he said quietly, “I am visible.” Then he walked through the doorway and met Slate who was grinning.

  “Am I ever glad to see you, in more ways than one,” Slate said. “What’s your plan?” Then he cocked his head as he heard faint battle sounds coming from the other end of the fortress.

  “Ahh, that will be my mate,” Cody said. “There are more shifters we need to free and 12 pups, so follow me,” he directed before turning and rushing down the hall.

  “You heard the man,” Slate barked, “Let’s go.”

  Cody led the way to the nursey where he met up with Kieran who had half the pups dressed in warm clothes. “Slate, leave some of your men here to help Kieran while we get the rest of the prisoners.”

  Assigning several of his men, the rest followed him and Cody down to the other dungeon. Grabbing the keys from the hook, Cody quickly explained what the situation was. Working in teams of three, the doors were quickly unbolted with Slate unlocking the shackles as two men helped the prisoner out of the cell. By the time they were finished, Dylon showed with his enforcers and together, they helped all the freed prisoners up the steep steps until everyone was on the first floor.

  Dylon explained that
Arald’s enforcers, who had been guarding his men, had been overcome and were dead. Then he barricaded the door from the inside to buy them more time to get away. After learning where the escape route was, he and Slate agreed they would split up. Dylon would take his men and get Kieran and the pups while Slate and his men would get the freed prisoners down the stairs to the escape tunnel.

  “Come on,” Cody said, “let’s get the pups.” Sprinting down the hallway to the nursery, he slid to a stop in front of the door. A vision had resurfaced and he realized that danger lurked in the room. Mind linking to his mate, he quickly explained the situation before becoming invisible again.

  Dylon opened the door and stood in the doorway. Arald was holding a gun to Kieran’s head. Slate’s men that had been helping with the pups were tied up and the pups were howling. What a fucking mess!

  “Come in, Dylon,” ordered Arald, “And close the door behind you.”

  “Why should I do that?” asked Dylon, buying time for Cody to slip around him and get in the room.

  “Surprised to see me?”

  Dylon didn’t respond but that didn’t stop Arald. “I snuck back in while my enforcers were picking a fight with your men. Now, I want my money since you seem bent on taking all my merchandise—even my slave here. Now that I think about it, make it double the amount.”

  “My client needs time to arrange for that big a sum.”

  “Really? The High Council doesn’t have that kind of money? Well, what do you think your father will pay for his only son?”

  “My father?”

  “Yes, you know him—Franklin Royd. Or have you forgotten him already? Where’s your mate? Did you leave him home, you fucking queer? Oh yes, I heard about you and your fucking mate.”

  “No, my mate is with me.”

  Arald’s eyes grew greedy. “Which one is he? Tell me or I will kill this one,” Arald said, shaking Kieran and causing a whimper from the young man.


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