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Alan Cooper, Robert Reinmann, David Cronin - About Face 3- The Essentials of Interaction Design (pdf)

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by About Face 3- The Essentials of Interaction Design (pdf)

  A significant portion of computer users have some trouble using a mouse, so if we want to be successful, we must design our software in sympathy with them as well as with expert mouse users. This means that for each mouse idiom there should be at least one non-mouse alternative. Of course, this may not always be possible — it would be ridiculous to try to support drawing interactions without a mouse. However, most enterprise and productivity software lends itself pretty well to keyboard commands.

  Mouse buttons

  The inventors of the mouse tried to figure out how many buttons to put on it, and they couldn’t agree. Some said one button was correct, whereas others swore by two buttons. Still others advocated a mouse with several buttons that could be clicked separately or together so that five buttons could yield up to 32 distinct combinations. Ultimately, though, Apple settled on one button for its Macintosh, Microsoft went with two, and the Unix community (Sun Microsystems in particular) went with three. Apple’s extensive user testing determined that the optimum number of buttons for beginners was one, thereby enshrining the single-button mouse in the pantheon of Apple history. This was unfortunate, as the right mouse button usually comes into play soon after a person graduates from beginner status and becomes a perpetual intermediate. A single button sacrifices power for the majority of computer users in exchange for simplicity for beginners. Recently, Apple has admitted the importance of right-click contextual menus and Macintoshes now come with two-button mice.

  The left mouse button

  In general, the left mouse button is used for all the primary direct-manipulation functions, such as triggering controls, making selections, drawing, and so on. The most common meaning of the left mouse button is activation or selection. For standard controls, such as buttons or check boxes, clicking the left mouse button means pushing the button or checking the box. If you are clicking in data, the left mouse button generally means selecting. We’ll discuss selection idioms later in the chapter.

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  Chapter 19: Pointing, Selecting, and Direct Manipulation


  The right mouse button

  The right mouse button was long treated as nonexistent by Microsoft and many others. Only a few brave programmers connected actions to the right mouse button, and these actions were considered to be extra, optional, or advanced functions.

  When Borland International used the right mouse button as a tool for accessing a dialog box that showed an object’s properties, the industry seemed ambivalent towards this action although it was, as they say, critically acclaimed. This changed with Windows 95, when Microsoft finally followed Borland’s lead. Today the right mouse button serves an important and extremely useful role: enabling direct access to properties and other context-specific actions on objects and functions.

  The middle mouse button

  Generally speaking, you can’t count on users having a mouse with a middle button, unless they are using specialized tools that are so important that they will buy any hardware that is required to use the product. As a result, most applications use only the middle button as a shortcut. In its style guide, Microsoft states that the middle button “should be assigned to operations or functions already in the interface,” a definition it once reserved for the right mouse button. We have some friends who swear by the middle button. They use it as a shortcut for double-clicking with the left mouse button — which is enabled by configuring the mouse driver.

  The scroll wheel

  One of the most useful innovations in pointing devices is the scroll wheel. There are several variations, but it is typically a small wheel embedded in the mouse under the user’s middle finger. Rolling the wheel forward scrolls the window up, and rolling it backwards scrolls the window down. The fantastic thing about the scroll wheel is it allows users to avoid dealing with the challenges of interacting with scrollbars (see Figure 19-1).


  Using meta-keys in conjunction with a mouse can extend direct manipulation idioms. Meta-keys include the Ctrl key, the Alt key, the Command key (on Apple Computers), and the Shift keys.

  Commonly, these keys are used to modify the functions of selection and drag-and-drop interactions. For example, in Windows Explorer, holding the Ctrl key while dragging and dropping a file turns the function from a Move into a Copy. These keys are also commonly used to adjust mouse behavior — holding Shift while dragging often constrains cursor movement to a single direction (either up/down or right/left). We’ll discuss more about these conventions later in the chapter.

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  Part III: Designing Interaction Details

  Apple has had a history of well-articulated standards for use of meta-keys in combination with a mouse, and there tends to be a fair amount of consistency in their usage. In the Windows world, no single voice articulated user-interface standards in the same way, but some conventions (often rather similar to Apple’s) have emerged.

  Using cursor hinting to dynamically show the meanings of meta-keys is a good idea. While the meta-key is pressed, the cursor should change to reflect the new function of the idiom.


  Use cursor hinting to show the meanings of meta-keys.


  Pointing and clicking with a mouse

  At its most basic, there are two atomic operations you can perform with a mouse: You can move it to point at different things, and you can click the buttons. Any further mouse actions beyond pointing and clicking will be made up of a combination of one or more of those actions. The complete set of mouse actions (that can be accomplished without using meta-keys) is summarized in the following list. For the sake of discussion, we have assigned a short name to each of the actions (shown in parenthesis).

  Point (Point)

  Point, click left button, release (click)

  Point, click right button, release (right-click)

  Point, click left button, drag, release (click and drag)

  Point, click left button, release, click left button, release (double-click)

  Point, click left button, click right button, release, release (chord-click)

  Point, click left button, release, click, drag, release (double-drag) An expert mouse user may perform all seven actions, but only the first five items on the list are within the scope of normal users.


  This simple operation is a cornerstone of the graphical user interface and is the basis for all mouse operations. A user moves the mouse until the onscreen cursor is pointing to, or placed over, the desired object. Objects in the interface can take notice of when they are being pointed at, even when they are not clicked. Objects

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  Chapter 19: Pointing, Selecting, and Direct Manipulation


  that can be directly manipulated often change their appearance subtly to indicate this attribute when the mouse cursor moves over them. This property is called pliancy and is discussed in detail later in this chapter.


  While a user holds the cursor over a target, he clicks the button down and releases it. In general, this action is defined as triggering a state change in a control or selecting an object. In a matrix of text or cells, the click means, “Bring the selection point over here.” For a pushbutton control, a state change means that while the mouse button is down and directly over the control, the button will enter and remain in the pushed state. When the mouse button is released, the button is triggered, and its associated action occurs.


  Single-click selects data or an object or changes the control state.


  If, however, the user, while still holding the mouse button down, moves the cursor off the control, the pushbutton control returns to its unpushed state (though input focus is still on the control until the mouse button is released). When the user releases the mouse button, input
focus is severed, and nothing happens. This provides a convenient escape route if a user changes his mind or inadvertently clicks the wrong button. The mechanics of mouse-down and mouse-up events in clicking are discussed in more detail later in this chapter.

  Clicking and dragging

  This versatile operation has many common uses including selecting, reshaping, repositioning, drawing, and dragging and dropping. We’ll discuss all of these in this chapter and the rest of the book.

  As with clicking, it’s often important to have an escape hatch for users who become disoriented or have made an error. The Windows scrollbar provides a good example of this: It allows users to scroll successfully without having the mouse directly over the scrollbar (imagine how hard it would be to use if it behaved like a button).

  However, if a user drags too far from the scrollbar, it resets itself to the position it was in before being clicked on. This behavior makes sense, since scrolling over long distances requires gross motor movements that make it difficult to stay within the bounds of the narrow scrollbar control. If the drag is too far off base, the scrollbar makes the reasonable assumption that the user didn’t mean to scroll in the first place. Some programs set this limit too close, resulting in frustratingly temperamental scroll behavior.

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  Part III: Designing Interaction Details


  If double-clicking is composed of single-clicking twice, it seems logical that the first thing double-clicking should do is the same thing that a single-click does. This is indeed its meaning when the mouse is pointing at data. Single-clicking selects something; double-clicking selects something and then takes action on it.


  Double-click means single-click plus action.


  This fundamental interpretation comes from the Xerox Alto/Star by way of the Macintosh, and it remains a standard in contemporary GUI applications. The fact that double-clicking is difficult for less dexterous users — painful for some and impossible for a few — was largely ignored. The solution to this accessibility problem is to include double-click idioms but ensure that their functions have equivalent single-click idioms.

  Although double-clicking on file and application icons is well defined, double-clicking on most controls has no meaning, and the extra click is discarded. Or, more often, it will be interpreted as a second, independent click. Depending on the control, this can be benign or problematic. If the control is a toggle button, you may find that you’ve just returned it to the state it started in (rapidly turning it on, then off). If the control is one that goes away after the first click, like the OK button in a dialog box, for example, the results can be quite unpredictable — whatever was directly below the pushbutton gets the second button-down message.


  Chord-clicking means clicking two buttons simultaneously, although they don’t really have to be clicked or released at precisely the same time. To qualify as a chord-click, the second mouse button must be clicked before the first mouse button is released.

  There are two variants to chord-clicking. The first is the simplest, whereby the user merely points to something and clicks both buttons at the same time. This idiom is very clumsy and has not found much currency in existing software, although some creative and desperate programmers have implemented it as a substitute for a Shift key on selection.

  The second variant is using chord-clicking to cancel a drag. The drag begins as a simple, one-button drag, then the user adds the second button. Although this technique sounds more obscure than the first variant, it actually has found wider acceptance in the industry. It is well suited for canceling drag operations, and we’ll discuss it in more detail later in the chapter.

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  Chapter 19: Pointing, Selecting, and Direct Manipulation


  Double-clicking and dragging

  This is another expert-only idiom. Faultlessly executing a double-click and drag can be like patting your head and rubbing your stomach at the same time. Like triple-clicking, it is useful only in specialized, sovereign applications. Use it as a variant of selection extension. In Microsoft Word, for example, you can double-click text to select an entire word; so, expanding that function, you can extend the selection word by word by double-dragging.

  In a big sovereign application that has many permutations of selection, idioms like this one are appropriate. But for most products, we recommend that you stick with more basic mouse actions.

  Mouse-up and mouse-down events

  Each time the user clicks a mouse button, the program must deal with two discrete events: the mouse-down event and the mouse-up event. How these events are interpreted varies from platform to platform and product to product. Within a given product (and ideally a platform), these actions should be made rigidly consistent.

  When selecting an object, the selection should always take place on mouse-down.

  The button click may be the first step in a dragging sequence, and you can’t drag something without first selecting it.


  Mouse-down over an object or data should select the object or data.


  On the other hand, if the cursor is positioned over a control rather than selectable data, the action on the mouse-down event is to tentatively activate the control’s state transition. When the control finally sees the button-up event, it then commits to the state transition (see Figure 19-2).

  Mouse-down over controls means propose action; mouse-up



  means commit to action.

  This mechanism allows users to gracefully bow out of an inadvertent click. After clicking a button, for example, a user can just move the mouse outside of the button and release the mouse button. For a check box, the meaning is similar: On mouse-down the check box visually shows that it has been activated, but the check doesn’t actually appear until the mouse-up transition. This idiom is called “pliant response hinting” and is further described in the section on object hinting.

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  Part III: Designing Interaction Details

  Figure 19-2 These images depict feedback and state change of a check box in Windows XP. The first image shows an unselected check box, the second is the mouseover state (or hover), the third shows the feedback to the click (or mouse-down), the fourth shows what happens when the button is released (mouse-up) but with a hover, and the final image shows the selected state of the check box without a hover. Notice that while there is visual feedback to the click, the check box control doesn’t register a state change until the mouse-up or release.

  Pointing and the Cursor

  The cursor is the visible representation of the mouse’s position on the screen. By convention, it is normally a small arrow pointing diagonally up and left, but under program control it can change to any shape as long as it stays relatively small (32 x 32 pixels in Windows XP). Because the cursor frequently must resolve to a single pixel in order to point at small things, there must be some way for the cursor to indicate precisely which pixel is the one pointed to. This is accomplished by designating one single pixel of any cursor as the actual locus of pointing, called the hotspot. For the standard arrow, the hotspot is, logically, the tip of the arrow.

  Regardless of the shape the cursor assumes, it always has a single hotspot pixel.

  As discussed, the key to successful direct manipulation is rich visual feedback. It should be obvious to users which aspects of the interface are manipulable, which are informational, and which are décor. Especially important for creating effective interaction idioms is attention to mouse cursor feedback.

  Pliancy and hinting

  Returning to Norman’s concept of affordance (see Chapter 13), it’s absolutely critical to communicate visually how various interfa
ce elements may be used. We use the term pliant to refer to objects or screen areas that may be manipulated by a user. For example, a button control is pliant because it can be “pushed” by the mouse cursor. Any object that can be picked up and dragged is pliant, and every cell in a spreadsheet and every character in a word processor document is pliant.

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  Chapter 19: Pointing, Selecting, and Direct Manipulation


  In most cases, the fact that an object is pliant should be communicated to users.

  The only situation where this isn’t true is when you are concerned with presenting rich, complex functionality solely to expert users with no concern about their ability to learn and use the application. In these cases, the screen real estate and visual attention that would otherwise be devoted to communicating pliancy may be more appropriately used elsewhere. Do not make the decision to take this route lightly.


  Visually communicate pliancy.


  There are three basic ways to communicate — or hint at — the pliancy of an object to users: by creating static visual affordances of the object itself, by dynamically changing visual affordances of the object, or by changing the visual affordances of the cursor as it passes over and interacts with the object.

  Object hinting

  Static object hinting is when the pliancy of an object is communicated by the static rendering of the object itself. For example, the three-dimensional sculpting of a button control is static visual hinting because it provides manual affordance for pushing (see Figure 19-3).

  For interfaces with a lot of objects and controls, static object hinting can require an impractical amount of rendered screen elements. If everything has a three-dimensional feel to provide affordance, your interface can start to look like a sculpture garden. Also, static hinting requires that objects be large enough to accommodate the creation of affordance. These impracticalities call for dynamic visual hinting.


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