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A Very Merry Romance (Madaris Series Book 21)

Page 17

by Brenda Jackson

  The older man nodded. “That’s good. Hard work never hurt anybody. I can’t wait to get back into my truck. Sitting in this house all day and doing nothing is driving me crazy.”

  “I can imagine.”

  “So, what, Mr. Madaris, are your intentions toward my daughter?”

  Jonathan met the man’s gray gaze directly. He decided to be honest. “I intend to marry her one day, sir.”

  The man chuckled. “Good luck with that. Over the years, she’s watched her brothers go through women as if they were tissues. Her mother and I know that’s why she’s never gotten serious about a man herself. Marilyn is tough--she won’t tolerate what other women put up with.”

  Yes, Marilyn had said as much. “That’s why I’m taking my time, letting her get to know me, before I propose. But I wanted you to know my intentions toward your daughter are honorable.” He stopped short of saying he knew how to respect a woman and wouldn’t treat them the way he’d heard the man’s sons did.

  “I believe you. Besides, I figure you’re the one who arranged for Marilyn’s ride back and forth to school every day. I appreciate that, since I’m the reason she doesn’t have a car. I didn’t want her to do it, but she sends more than half of her check home to help us out here. My disability insurance ended months ago, and without her help, we probably would have lost this place.”

  Jonathan hadn’t known that. He remembered questioning her about why she didn’t have a car. Now he knew. She was sending money home to help her family.

  “Stuart Jr. had the money to spare, but he was too busy running around. Look where that got him. Two bullets in his behind. Now he wants to see Arlene. As much as I love my son, if I were her, I wouldn’t come. She was a good girl and she’d put up with his unfaithfulness longer than what she should have.”

  Jonathan didn’t say anything. He wondered if Stuart Jr.’s wife would come, as well. He knew Marilyn’s mother had managed to contact her. He was about to engage the man in more conversation, mainly about his job as a truck driver, when the front door opened and a guy he figured to be Marilyn’s other brother walked in, carrying an overnight bag. The man’s gray eyes gave him away.

  The man smiled at his father. “Hey, Dad.” He then glanced over at Jonathan. “Who are you?”

  Before Jonathan could answer, Stuart Sr. said, “He’s Marilyn’s boyfriend.”

  The man seemed shocked. “Marilyn has a boyfriend?”

  “Yes, and he intends to treat her a lot better than you and Jr. treat your women.”

  Instead of making a comeback, the man smiled, then crossed the room and offered Jonathan his hand. “I’m Roland Bannister.”

  Jonathan took the hand offered and said, “Jonathan Madaris.”

  * * * *

  Marilyn couldn’t believe she’d slept so long. Easing off the bed, she glanced at her watch and saw it was already three o’clock. She had intended to go back to the hospital long ago to relieve her mother. Then she wondered whether Arlene had made the decision to see Stuart Jr.

  She left the bedroom and quickly moved down the stairs when she heard male voices. Her father’s, Jonathan’s and her brother’s. Roland had made it home.

  “Ro!” she screamed, racing over to her brother and throwing herself into his arms. Although she didn’t agree with her brothers on a lot of things, she loved them dearly.

  “Hey, Marilyn. Glad to see you. But I hate that I had to come home for this reason.”

  “Me, too.” She then glanced over at Jonathan and smiled. “Hey.”

  “Hi. Did you take a good nap?” he asked her. She knew that look in his eyes. He wanted to kiss her but wouldn’t, because they weren’t alone.

  “Yes, I feel much better.” She glanced over at her father. “Has Mom called?”

  “Yes. There is no change in Jr.’s condition. We’re hoping that Arlene decides to come home and see him.”

  “She should. Legally he’s still her husband, no matter what he’s done,” Roland said.

  “She was divorcing him, Ro. As far as I’m concerned, she owes him nothing.” She just didn’t understand her brothers. They thought they could treat women like dirt, then expect them to come running when they called.

  Not wanting to get into an argument with her brother, she turned to Jonathan. “I hate to bother you, but will you take me over to the hospital? It’s time for Mom to come home and make dinner for Dad.”

  “No bother,” Jonathan said, smiling over at her. “Ready?”

  “I just need to grab my purse.” She raced back up the stairs.

  Moments later, she was back and Jonathan took her hand as he led her out the door.

  Once inside the car, she glanced over at him. “Do you remember the way to the hospital?”

  He smiled at her. “I remember.”

  She nodded. “I didn’t mean to abandon you like that with my dad but I was more exhausted than I thought. I guess you know by now that Dad’s a talker.”

  He chuckled. “I like him. We had a good conversation.”

  She wondered what they’d talked about, but decided not to ask. Instead she said, “I wonder if Arlene is coming.”

  “Do you think she will?” he asked her.

  She shrugged. “I’m not sure. I’ve only spoken with her twice since she filed for a divorce and left town. She was pretty bitter, but then, she’d truly loved Stuart Jr. I think her leaving was a wake-up call for my brother. He didn’t want the divorce and couldn’t believe she was gone.”

  When Jonathan pulled the car into the parking lot of a fast-food restaurant, she suddenly felt bad. Except for the breakfast her mother had left for them earlier, he hadn’t eaten and neither had she. “Sorry, I’m a terrible hostess. I should have suggested that we stop somewhere to grab a bite to eat before going to the hospital.”

  He brought the car to a stop. “Yes, I am kind of hungry, but this is what I’m hungry for, Marilyn,” he said, leaning over and kissing her, plunging his hands into her hair to bring her mouth closer to his. Suddenly bone-melting fire began spreading through her as he took her mouth with a greed beyond anything she’d ever seen from him. She heard the low growl in his throat when he finally dragged his mouth away from hers, then watched him lick his lips.

  “I needed that, Marilyn.”

  She licked her lips as well. “I needed that, too.” She then reached up and rubbed a finger across his shadowed jaw.

  “I haven’t had a chance to shave.”

  “I know and it’s my fault. You’ve spent so much time with me and my family.”

  “I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else, Marilyn.”

  He’d said that before and each time he did, she felt warmth flow all the way to her soul. And she knew that at that very moment, she had fallen in love with Jonathan, whether she had wanted to or not.

  * * * *

  “Hello, Mama Kattie.”

  Kattie Bannister looked up. Standing in the doorway of the waiting room was the woman she had fallen in love with the moment her son had brought her home. From that day, Arlene had become a second daughter to her.

  “Oh, Arlene, baby, you came,” Kattie said, getting up off the sofa and walking over to give her a hug.

  Arlene nodded. “Yes. But I honestly don’t know how long I’ll stay.”

  “I understand.” She gave her daughter-in-law another long squeeze. Then she straightened. “Like I told you, he’s been asking for you. The doctor thinks he’s only holding on for you.”

  Arlene shrugged. “I don’t know why.”

  Kattie nodded. “Only he can tell you why, baby. I’ll let the doctor know you’re here.”

  * * * *

  Arlene nodded, and went to the window to look out. She had hated to move away from San Antonio, but she knew she’d had to leave or she’d have lost her sanity. She liked living in Memphis. She didn’t know anyone and they didn’t know her. She was trying to get her life together.


  She glanced over to where Kattie stood w
ith a nurse. “Yes?”

  “Nurse Lattimore will take you in to see Stuart Jr., now.”

  “Okay.” She moved to where the two ladies were standing, and before leaving with the nurse, she took Kattie’s hand and gave it a squeeze. Kattie, the mother-in-law she’d always adored. The woman who’d always treated her like a daughter and who’d never condoned her son’s wrongdoings. “I love you, Mama Kattie.”

  “And I love you, too.”

  Arlene nodded, then followed the nurse.

  * * * *

  Kattie Bannister went over to stand at the window Arlene had just vacated. She wondered what her son wanted to tell his wife. Would it matter now? Stuart Jr. had treated Arlene so badly... Could she ever forgive him?

  “Mom? Are you okay? Sorry it took me so long to come back, but I dozed off and--”

  “Arlene is here, Marilyn,” Kattie said, interrupting her daughter’s words. Marilyn and her good-looking boyfriend had just arrived and were standing in the waiting room doorway.

  “Where?” Marilyn asked, glancing around.

  “The nurse just took her in to see Stuart Jr.”

  Marilyn nodded. “Ro has arrived. He said he’ll bring Dad in for a short visit in an hour or so.”

  Kattie nodded. “I’m glad Roland made it home. It will be good for Stuart to come to the hospital to see his son.” She paused and then said, “Several young men from the police department, all friends of Stuart Jr.’s, dropped by, so I’ve had company. One of them even went down to the cafeteria and got me something to eat.” She went and sat on the sofa and nervously began rubbing her hands together.

  Marilyn went to sit down beside her. Obviously she wasn’t the only one desperate to know what was going on in Stuart Jr.’s room right now.

  * * * *

  Arlene followed the nurse into the hospital room. The woman whispered, “Don’t let all the tubes upset you. He’s breathing on his own and that’s good.”

  Arlene was glad for the nurse’s warning, because seeing Stuart this way was almost more than she could handle. When she heard the door close, she moved closer to the bed. He looked as if he was on death’s door. His head was bandaged up from where he had hit his head after being shot.

  Mama Kattie had told her everything, including the reason the woman had shot him. Twice. He had told the woman he wanted his wife back. Arlene shook her head. Didn’t he understand he didn’t have a wife anymore? Their divorce had become final two weeks ago. Evidently, he hadn’t told anyone, not even his family. Yes, he had tried to fight her on it, but she’d found a good lawyer. Since she hadn’t wanted anything, not even the house, it had all gone fairly smoothly. There was nothing for him to fight, although she never understood his reasoning for trying, in any case. He hadn’t wanted her, but he hadn’t wanted anyone else to have her, either, she guessed.

  She pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind as she sat down in the chair next to the bed. There were also bruises on the side of his face. At least his breathing wasn’t labored. According to Mama Kattie, he had been in surgery close to seven hours.

  She didn’t know how long he’d been asleep, or how long it would be before he woke up. Until then, she’d sit there, waiting to hear what he had to say. And then she would leave.

  * * * *

  Deep in the recesses of Stuart’s mind, he picked up the scent and knew without opening his eyes, that Arlene had come. His body was filled with pain and any movement would only make it worse. But he needed to tell her how sorry he was. He needed her to believe him, and to forgive him for all the pain he’d caused her during their three year marriage.

  He was too ashamed to admit he’d treated her so badly, and he knew he didn’t deserve her. While lying here, so close to death, he’d seen his life flash before his eyes. He knew he had to make some changes. He believed that the only reason he was still alive was because he was getting a second chance to become the decent person he knew he could be. The type of person Arlene deserved.

  He forced his eyes open and saw her, sitting beside the bed, asleep. She looked beautiful. She’d always been beautiful. Why hadn’t he appreciated her beauty before? “Arlene?”

  She slowly opened her eyes and he watched as a guarded look appeared in them. “Your mom called and said you wanted to see me.”

  He swallowed deeply and forced himself to speak. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry for causing you pain. I never deserved you.”

  She frowned at him. “No, you didn’t.”

  He forced himself not to smile. Even that hurt. His wife now had the spunk she’d lacked during their marriage. He was glad to see it. “I want my wife back.”

  Her frown deepened. “You no longer have a wife. We are divorced.”

  “You’ve given me a reason to live, Arlene. I intend to get my wife back.”

  She glared at him. Actually glared, and he liked it. “You can try.”

  “I most certainly will.”

  He watched her. She was staring at him as if wondering if he was crazy, if perhaps a bullet had ricocheted off his head. “Why did you want to see me, Stuart?”

  “To let you know I’m sorry and that I love you.”

  He saw the tears that began streaming down her cheeks. “No, I don’t believe you.”

  “Then I will make you believe me.”

  “It’s too late, now.”

  “I refuse to accept that. Before I opened my eyes and saw you, I was willing to die. Now I plan to live. Do you know why?”

  She shook her head. “No, why?”

  “Because it took me almost dying to realize what a horrible person I’ve been. I don’t deserve you, but I honestly don’t think I can live without you.”

  “You’re going to have to.”

  “No. I will show you that I’ve changed. I’ll prove to you how much I love you.”

  She swiped at her tears and stood. “Goodbye, Stuart. I wish you all the best.”

  She was heading for the door. She would leave and he knew there was no way he could stop her. But he meant what he had told her. He loved her, and regretted everything he’d done. He was a changed man and intended to get his wife back. It was the only thing worth living for.


  “Are you sure you want to drive all the way back here to come and get me next Sunday, Jonathan?” Marilyn asked as she walked him to his car. It was Sunday evening and he was returning to Houston. She’d already spoken with Mrs. Chapman and told her about her brother. The older woman had been super understanding about Marilyn’s need to take some time off and assured Marilyn she would get a sub to cover her classes. School would be closed Thursday and Friday for Thanksgiving, so she would only miss three school days.

  Marilyn wanted to help her mother get situated with Stuart Jr. before she left next Sunday. It seemed the shooting had changed her brother. Luckily, there would be no paralysis, although he might have a slight limp. He was definitely a blessed man. All he had to do was give his body a chance to heal and undergo eight weeks of physical therapy, and according to the doctor, he would be able to return to work in about six months’ time.

  Stuart Jr. had surprised everybody when he’d agreed with their mother’s suggestion that he move back home until he got on his feet again. When he’d had the chance to talk to Marilyn privately, he’d shocked her by apologizing for not contributing to their parents’ finances and placing the burden all on her. He then told her what he’d told everyone else--he believed his life had been spared for a reason. He was a changed man, and he intended to prove it to them...and to Arlene. He intended to get his wife back, one way or the other. Marilyn wished him the best of luck with that one.

  She had been glad to see Arlene again, and they’d promised to keep in touch. Marilyn had introduced Arlene to Jonathan and she knew he had to wonder how Stuart Jr. could cheat on a woman as pretty as Arlene was.


  She looked up at Jonathan when they reached the car. “Yes?”

  “Will I still be able to c
all you every night?”

  She chuckled. “We won’t be in the same town. Are you willing to pay the long-distance rates?”

  “You’re worth it.”

  She couldn’t help the huge smile that spread across her lips. “You say some of the nicest things, Jonathan Madaris.”

  “Haven’t you figured out yet that I’m a nice person?”

  Yes, she’d figured that out a while ago, which was probably why she loved him so much. “I know how nice you are.”

  “And are you sure you’ll feel up to spending a weekend with me at Whispering Pines?”

  “I’m positive. You’ve met my family. I’m looking forward to meeting yours.”

  “Just remember, your family is small compared to mine. And they can act a little wild and crazy at times.”

  “I’m sure I’ll feel right at home.”

  He smiled and pulled her into his arms, not caring if her parents were watching through the window. “You will. I’m going to miss you. Are you going to miss me?”

  “More than I want to admit. Be careful driving back.”

  “I will. I’ll call you when I get to Houston, so you won’t worry.”

  She tilted her head back and grinned up at him. “What makes you think I’ll worry?”

  “Because you will.”

  He was right, she would. “I hope you have a nice Thanksgiving.”

  “And I hope you have a nice quiet holiday. Your family deserves it.” He shifted his body and leaned down to kiss her gently. She knew he was making sure he wasn’t too forward, in case her parents were watching. She had a feeling they were.

  When he ended the kiss, she took a step back and licked her lips. “The more we do this, Jonathan, the more I like it.”

  He threw his head back and laughed. “One day I will show you all the other things I can do.”


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