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A Very Merry Romance (Madaris Series Book 21)

Page 20

by Brenda Jackson


  She reopened her eyes to find a naked Jonathan standing beside the bed. “Ready?”

  “Yes, for your bath, baby.”

  “My bath?” She didn’t want to sound like an echo but she was having a hard time comprehending him. “I heard the water running but I figured it was for you.”

  He shook his head. “No, not for me. I’m perfectly okay going home with your scent all over me.”

  Marilyn didn’t know what to say to that. One thing she discovered about Jonathan tonight was that during intimate moments, he felt comfortable talking openly about how he felt and what he was experiencing. “I might want to keep your scent on me for a while, too. So why would I need a bath?”

  He chuckled. “Your body needs to soak in warm water. You used muscles tonight you’ve never used before. A bath will help eliminate some of the soreness you’ll feel tomorrow.”

  She broke eye contact with him and studied the designs on her bedspread. He might feel comfortable talking so openly about what they’d done but she wasn’t sure she was. “I will take care of things after you leave.”

  “As your man, I want to take care of you before I go.”

  As her man? She looked back at him. Was he her man? That question must have been evident in her gaze because he added, “I’m yours, as you are mine.”

  Before she could ask him to further elaborate, he leaned over, pushed back the bedcovers and gathered her into his arms.

  “Jonathan! Put me down.”

  “I will when we reach the bathroom.”

  Her nostrils picked up the scent of her fragranced bubble bath. The one thing she liked about her bathroom was that it was roomy, which was a good thing, since it seemed Jonathan planned to hang around. He proved her right when he eased her body down into the warm bubbly water. Then he knelt beside the tub. “You okay?”

  She wasn’t sure if she was okay or not. She’d never had a man give her this much attention; especially like this. “I’m okay. You can leave now. I can handle things from here.”

  “You don’t have to handle things on your own. I take care of what’s mine, Marilyn. Always remember that.”

  Before she could rationalize what he was saying, he took her washcloth and began to gently lather her up. She closed her eyes and moaned, loving the feel of him massaging the soreness from her aching muscles.

  “How does it feel?”

  She opened her eyes and met his gaze. She could tell him that any time he touched her, she felt wonderful. But instead, she said, “It’s lovely. Thanks for caring enough to do this.”

  “Serving you will always be my pleasure, sweetheart.” And then he leaned in and kissed her deeply. Thoroughly.

  Moments later, he helped her out the tub and wrapped her in a big towel. Then, gathering her up in his arms, he took her back to her bedroom and placed her by the bed. “Where are your pajamas?”

  It was bad enough he’d given her a bath. Did he think she would let him dress her for bed, too? Undoubtedly, he did, she thought, as he reached to open the drawer where she kept her panties and bras. Ignoring the soreness between her legs, Marilyn hurriedly grabbed her nightgown off the back of the chair. “Here!”

  By the time he’d turned toward her, she had quickly pulled the baby-doll nightgown over her head. “Done.”

  He smiled over at her. “No, sweetheart. When it comes to us, this won’t ever be done.”

  She wondered what he meant, as she watched him dress.

  A part of her was glad he hadn’t asked to stay the night. Robin would be by in the morning to take her to school and it would be awkward if he was just leaving when she arrived. “I’ll stop by later to check on you.”

  He would? She was used to him asking permission before he came over, but his words sounded pretty commanding, as if he was telling her what he would do. “Jonathan?”

  He glanced over at her while buttoning his shirt. “Yes?”

  She opened her mouth but closed it when he eased into his jeans. It was hard to think while watching him get dressed, so instead she said, “Nothing.”

  He lifted a brow. “You sure?”

  “I’m sure.”

  He nodded as he slid into his jacket. “I’ll call you before I come, to see if you need me to bring you anything.”

  “Anything like what?”

  He shrugged. “Anything.” Then he crossed the room and swept her into his arms. “Time to let me tuck you in,” he said, placing her on the bed. “There’s no need to see me to the door. I know my way out.”

  Knowing he wouldn’t leave until she did as he asked, she scooted beneath the covers. He leaned over and brushed a kiss across her lips. “I’ll see you later. Promise me that you’ll call in sick if you’re more than a little sore today.”

  She shook her head, thinking that she’d been out two days last week. She couldn’t take any more time off. Besides, she could handle a little soreness. “I’ll be fine.”

  He gazed at her for a moment and then nodded. “I’ll see you later, baby.”

  And then he brushed another kiss across her lips before straightening his tall form to walk out of the bedroom. “Remember what I said, Marilyn. If you hurt, don’t go into school today.”

  And then she heard the door opening and closing behind him. She snuggled against her pillow, inhaling the scent he’d left behind on the sheets, and drifted off to sleep.


  “Are you okay, Marilyn?”

  Marilyn glanced up at Helen Chapman and plastered a smile on her face. She was the third person today who’d noticed that she was walking stiffly. First, there had been Robin, who’d picked her up that morning. Then Mr. Palmer, another teacher at the school who usually arrived as early as she did each school day. And now Mrs. Chapman.

  “I’m fine. Just a little slow today,” she said, entering her boss’ office for their scheduled meeting.

  The older woman smiled as she offered her the chair across from her desk. “I understand.”

  Marilyn sat down. She doubted Mrs. Chapman had a clue, but wondered what the older woman was thinking. “And what do you understand, Mrs. Chapman?”

  “The reason why you’re walking so stiffly.”

  Good grief, just what did the woman think she knew? Trying to remain as calm as possible without giving anything away, Marilyn asked, “What do you mean?”

  “I spoke with Felicia Laverne Madaris last night. She couldn’t wait to call me and let me know about Robert’s engagement. She also mentioned that Jonathan had invited you out for the weekend, and that the two of you went horseback riding on Saturday. Trust me, if you’re not used to riding on a regular basis, it will leave you really sore.”

  Marilyn let out a deep sigh. Although she and Jonathan had been seen together at certain venues, she hadn’t officially mentioned anything about their relationship to Mrs. Chapman. Should she have?

  “You okay, Marilyn?”

  She smiled. “I’m fine, really. But you’re right, though. Horseback riding can really do it to you.” Marilyn knew her soreness had nothing to do with the horse she’d ridden on Saturday, and everything to do with what she’d done in her bed with Jonathan last night.

  “Did you enjoy your weekend on Whispering Pines?”

  “Yes, ma’am, I did. It’s a beautiful place.”

  “It sure is. And Felicia Laverne was over the moon at the thought of another Madaris wedding. Now if only I could get my son married off as quickly, I’d be happy.”

  Marilyn knew, from conversations she’d had with Helen Chapman that her only son, who was studying to become a pediatrician, claimed he would be a bachelor for life. That hadn’t made Mrs. Chapman happy. She was ready for him to get out of med school, marry and give her a grandchild. The only problem was that he liked chasing women and doubly enjoyed when they chased him.

  She glanced over at Mrs. Chapman who was now browsing through the folder Marilyn had given her for the rest of the year’s budget. Her job was a special project, which meant th
at all expenses had to be pre-approved by the principal.

  Since Mrs. Chapman was aware that she had been to Whispering Pines for the weekend, it likely meant the older woman knew she and Jonathan were seeing each other. But still, maybe it was something she should tell her boss herself.

  “Mrs. Chapman?”

  The woman glanced up. “Yes, Marilyn?”

  “I guess you’re aware that Jonathan and I are seeing each other?”

  Mrs. Chapman smiled as she leaned back in her chair. “Yes, I already knew. I think the two of you make a beautiful couple. I’m so glad he sent you over here to Cullers.”

  Marilyn lifted a brow. “Sent me over here to Cullers?” she asked, not sure what the woman meant.

  The woman nodded. “Yes, because of the school board’s non-fraternizing policy. Granted, you’ve been a blessing to this school and I’m sure he knew that you would be. However, I’ve known Jonathan long enough to know how his mind works. I figured he was interested in pursuing a relationship with you, but the fact that he was your boss was an obstacle. So he took matters into his own hands. Isn’t that romantic?”

  Romantic? Honestly? Marilyn didn’t see it that way. She glanced back at Mrs. Chapman, who had gone back to looking at the report again. It was as if she thought that Jonathan deliberately sending her from Parkwood to Cullers because of the non-fraternizing policy was perfectly all right. Well, it wasn’t all right with her.

  But what if Mrs. Chapman was wrong? What if she was just assuming that’s what Jonathan had done? It’s not like Jonathan had reached out to her or anything after she’d left Parkwood. In fact, a full month had passed before she’d even seen him again. Then, it had been by accident, when they’d run into each other at Senator Jordan’s fundraiser. But what if he’d planned things to work out that way? What if she’d been set up? What if…?

  “Here you are, Marilyn. Everything looks good as usual,” Mrs. Chapman said, handing the folder back to her.

  “Thank you,” Marilyn said, taking the papers, and heading for the door, ignoring the temptation to question Mrs. Chapman any further. Marilyn knew that the person she needed answers from was Jonathan. She refused to believe he would play games with her career, just for his benefit.

  She left Mrs. Chapman’s office and headed back to her classroom. Jonathan had said he would drop by later today. She was certain Mrs. Chapman assumed wrong and that Jonathan would assure her of that fact.

  * * * *

  Jonathan checked his watch before picking up the phone on his desk. Marilyn should be home from school by now. He had hung around Parkwood to give her time to get settled before he dropped by. But he needed to know if she wanted him to bring her anything.


  “Hello, Marilyn. You okay? How did things go for you today?”

  “I’m fine, Jonathan.”

  “Well, I’m on my way to your place to see for myself. Do you need me to stop and get you anything?”

  “No, but there is something I want to talk with you about.”

  “Okay.” He checked his watch again. “I’ll be there in less than ten minutes.”


  He raised a brow as he hung up the phone. Marilyn didn’t sound like herself. Standing, he went to the closet for his suit jacket. He hadn’t been able to concentrate at all today. His mind had been filled with too many memories of making love to her last night. It had been perfect. She had been perfect. He had done his best to be gentle--after all, it had been her first time--but he’d been worried that she’d be sore today. More than anything, though, he wanted to make love to her again.

  He wondered what they needed to talk about. Was she regretting what they’d done last night? As he headed for his office door, he knew there was only one way to find out.


  Goosebumps prickled the skin on Marilyn’s arm when she heard the knock at the door. Jonathan had arrived. She wasn’t sure why she was so nervous, when she was certain Mrs. Chapman had misunderstood Jonathan’s motives. Once she asked him about it, she was certain it would be all cleared up.

  “Hi, beautiful.”

  She couldn’t help but smile. “Hi, handsome.”

  He chuckled and the sound was rich and sexy. She stepped aside when he entered. As soon as she closed the door behind him, she was pulled into his big, strong arms. He studied her features. “You sure you’re okay? You want to convince me you weren’t sore at all today?”

  Marilyn tried to keep from blushing. It wasn’t easy for her to have such an intimate conversation with him. “I was sore but I’m better now.”

  “Umm, let me see for myself.”

  And then he leaned down and captured her mouth in one explosive kiss. She felt blood gush through her veins the minute his tongue touched hers. Then he began to make a thorough exploration of her mouth, as if he was coming up with a diagnosis. Moments later, he pulled back, placing butterfly kisses on her face.

  “I thought about you all day today. Did you think about me?”

  “Yes,” she said, still in a daze from his kisses.

  “Good. Now what did you want to talk to me about?”

  Marilyn smiled. “It’s no big deal. In fact, a part of me feels kind of silly for even mentioning it, since I know things didn’t happen that way,” she said, leading him over to the sofa.

  He sat down and when she dropped beside him, he took her hand. “Things didn’t happen what way?”

  She shifted her position on the sofa to face him. “The reason I’m at Cullers.”

  “The reason you’re at Cullers?” he asked, a bemused expression on his face.

  “Yes. Mrs. Chapman talked to your mother last night. Your mom told her about Robert and Diana’s engagement and how happy she was about it. She also mentioned that I had spent the weekend at Whispering Pines.”

  He nodded slowly. “And?”

  “And Mrs. Chapman said she wasn’t surprised that you and I were seeing each other. She thought we made a nice couple.”

  “We do,” he interjected.

  “Yes, we do,” Marilyn agreed, chuckling. “However, it’s the other thing she said that threw me.”

  “Oh? And what was that?”

  Marilyn figured Jonathan would laugh out loud when she told him. “Mrs. Chapman assumes the reason you sent me to Cullers was because of the Houston school system’s non-fraternization policy. She thinks you wanted to date me, so you sent me away. Isn’t that crazy?”

  * * * *

  Jonathan didn’t say anything. Mainly because what Marilyn had just described was not only not crazy, it was exactly what had happened. Unfortunately, he couldn’t be upset with Helen Chapman for suspecting his motives, especially when his mother had done the same thing. He figured the only reason Marilyn hadn’t put two and two together herself was because, during those two months he’d been her boss, he’d worked hard to conceal his interest. She hadn’t had a clue.

  Now it was time to tell her the truth. He had wanted to wait until he was certain she loved him, although a part of him believed that she did, even if she hadn’t told him. But he’d gotten to know her well enough to see she was a traditional woman with high values. She would not have given him the gift of her virginity, if she didn’t think she loved him, or believe he loved her as well, though he’d never said it. Still, she had to know how he felt. He’d hoped his actions spoke louder than his words.


  He glanced over at her. He knew she was waiting for a response. “No, Marilyn, I don’t think it’s crazy at all.”

  She pulled her hand from his as she stared at him. “And why not?”

  “Because everything Helen Chapman said is true. I wanted you but because of the non-fraternization policy, there was no way I could approach you, so--”

  “You sent me to Cullers!” she said, quickly getting to her feet and facing him with an incensed expression on her face. “Because you wanted me?”

  He exhaled a deep breath, knowing he neede
d to fully explain just what he meant. “It was more than just me wanting you, Marilyn. I fell in love with you the moment I saw you.”

  Marilyn didn’t say anything for a long moment. She just stood there staring at him. He hoped she was seeing the man who’d just confessed to loving her. The man who did love her.

  She shook her head and said, “You really expect me to believe that? Honestly, Jonathan, you can do better than that. Why not admit you were playing a game with me?”

  “A game?”

  “Yes. During the two months I worked for you, you never displayed anything but total professionalism around me. Yet now, you want me to believe you fell in love with me? No, I think it’s just like you said. You wanted me, although you hid that well. And you played your hand by sending me away. When you thought the time was right, you reappeared. Have I got it right?”

  “Yes, but I--”

  “No. I don’t want to hear anything you have to say. I thought you were different, that you were the type of man who didn’t play games with a woman’s affections. But you did. You only thought of yourself and your wants. You sent me away from your school, so you could use me however you saw fit. Well, I hope last night was worth all the trouble. You’re no different than my brothers.”

  Jonathan was off the sofa in a flash and stood before her. “How dare you compare me to them, Marilyn. Regardless of whether you believe me or not, I did fall in love with you and had to fight hard to hide my feelings. I knew that if I let you remain at Parkwood, I would have eventually said or done something inappropriate.”

  He shook his head. “Then at the same time, I realized what a great teacher you were and what you could bring to the students. That’s when I came up with the idea of the math coach program. Even you have to admit, the concept is working.”

  She glared at him and he saw the hurt and the betrayal in her eyes. The last thing he wanted was for her to let those erroneous beliefs cloud the truth of what he was saying. How could she not know he loved her? Even when he had spoken it out loud just now, she hadn’t believed him.


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