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Closer: A Stage Dive Novella

Page 9

by Kylie Scott

  “No, go ahead.”

  He kissed my bare shoulder and away he went. “There’s like five hundred tubes and jars of stuff in here. Enough for a dozen women.”

  “Get used to it.”

  “Yes, Miss Cooper.”

  Such a smartass of a man. The bathroom door softly clicked shut. Truth be known, I don’t think I’d stood much of a chance against him either. Handsome, capable, had his shit together. Behaved like an actual grown-up most of the time and had no sexual shenanigans currently showing on YouTube. Yes, I’d searched. Once bitten, twice shy and all that. He even thought I was hot in all of my various moods and modes. To all intents and purposes, I’d hit the maybe boyfriend jackpot. Actually, I should probably get some specifics on that.

  “Ziggy?” I wandered closer to the door.

  Inside the bathroom, the toilet flushed. “Yeah?”

  “Sorry to disturb you, but…quick question,” I said. “Are we dating now? I mean, are we like together? You know, boyfriend/girlfriend or partner or whatever type of—”


  “No pressure. I’m just curious.”

  “We’re together, okay? We’re working this out.”


  “I’m going to wash my hands. Be out in a minute.”

  “Sure. Go ahead.”

  A tap turned on.

  We were official. Glad we had that sorted. Now I just had to stop or at least learn to ignore the weird feeling going on in my stomach. Hopefully it would go away. It was a sickly churning heavy kind of sensation. An uncomfortable weight in my middle, like a premonition everything was somehow about to go wrong. Which was stupid because it wasn’t. We’d just had spectacular sex. He was laughing and happy and stating in specific terms that we were together. My stalker was behind bars for the foreseeable future. All was good and right in my world.

  I studied my somewhat glowing post-great-sex face in the mirror beside the bed. “Knock it off,” I whisper-hissed. “Everything is fine.”

  But even though Ziggy held me in his arms all night long and I actually slept, the feeling didn’t go away. Dammit.

  Dicks were kind of fascinating. I wrapped my hand around Ziggy’s the next morning, feeling the heat, breathing in the musky scent. Waking up to bacon and eggs was great. Waking up to Ziggy naked before having bacon and eggs was even better.

  “Sweetness,” he sleepily muttered. “What are you up to?”

  In lieu of a response, I sucked on his cockhead. No messing around. My tongue massaged the tip of his penis, digging in a little to the hole before circling the ridge. At this, he muttered a few other interesting things, his hands tangling in my hair. Taking him deeper, I rubbed my tongue up and down his swelling shaft. Below where I was working, my fingers grasped and stroked the rest of his length.

  We’d used up the remaining two condoms during the night. Whenever I woke up from a bad dream, he was there, ready to put my world to rights. Nothing like an orgasm to put a smile back on a girl’s face. Since I still wouldn’t let him be on top and risk busting any stitches, we’d done it doggy style and lying spooning on our sides. I had a feeling sex wouldn’t be a problem in our relationship anytime in the near future. Honestly, after the night before, I was a little sore in the very best way.

  But back to sucking cock.

  I firmed my lips and worked them up and down, taking turns to flick across his cockhead with my tongue. With my hand below keeping up the rhythm, he started pulsing in no time. Seemed his whole body tensed and the way he said my name, like it was something holy. It was very nice to hear. Finally his dick jerked, cum flooding the back of my throat. I swallowed it down fast, easing up on my attentions as he slowly came down.

  “Okay?” I asked, stroking his thighs and flat stomach.

  In response, he grabbed me beneath the arms and dragged me up onto his chest. Then he held me tight, his heavy breaths ruffling the hair on top of my head. Fingers dug into the sides of my spine, massaging up and down its length. Finally, he lifted my hair and rubbed the back of my neck. Magic fingers worked my muscles into mush. The man had many talents.

  “Good morning, sweetness,” he said, voice husky.

  I kissed his pec. “Morning.”

  Which was when someone started hammering on the damn front door.

  “Why does God hate me?” I mock cried.

  “I’ll get it.” He carefully rolled me onto the mattress then jumped off, pulling on jeans before going in search of his T-shirt. Probably it lay somewhere in the hall where he’d abandoned it last night.

  I followed my bodyguard boyfriend somewhat more slowly, pulling on a blue silk robe. Probably time I got busy with the bacon and eggs. Lord knows, my stomach was growling. We’d worked off some serious calories through the night. Ziggy gave me an even better workout than Kwana. God bless him.

  Familiar female voices came from the living room.

  “I’ll just put it over on the counter,” said Lena. “No need to wake her up.”

  “Yes, Mrs. Ferris.”

  “The croissants can just be warmed up a little in the oven if she likes.” That was Ev. “Oh, we should pop the juice in the fridge.”

  “Good idea,” said Lena.

  “Hey.” I raised my hand in greeting. “What’s all this?”

  Lena rushed toward me, giving me a fierce hug. “I’m so glad you’re okay. Thank goodness Ziggy was there to stop that lunatic from hurting you.”

  “I’m fine.” I patted her on the back. “Really. He’s the one that got hurt. Hi, Ev. Thank you so much for all this, you guys. Is this all from your café?”

  Ev smiled, a takeout coffee in hand. “It is. And it’s the least we can do after everything you’ve been through. I’m so glad you’re okay.”

  Ziggy stood near the closed door, T-shirt, jeans, and sneakers in place. Along with his professional face. He stood straight and tall, hand hanging loose by his side. No one would suspect a thing. Surely. Not that I was embarrassed by my new relationship with Ziggy. But I wasn’t sure when and how he wanted it to become public knowledge. But also, when something was this new, you kind of wanted to just enjoy it privately for a while.

  The phone rang, the little button for reception lighting up. Ziggy answered it in a low voice before putting a hand over the receiver.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  Something in his jaw jumped. “Your ex is downstairs.”

  “My ex?”

  His nod was a sharp jerk.

  “Huh.” I pondered the situation for all of half a second. It was tempting to send him on his way without giving him a minute of my time. That’s probably what he deserved, but still… “Ask them to send him up please.”

  He paused, quickly burying whatever he felt about the situation. “Whatever you want, Miss Cooper.”

  Oh yeah. This morning was going just great. But fuck it, it was time to face my demons.

  Lena stepped back with a worried frown on her face. “Do you want us to go, or…”

  “No. It’s fine,” I decided. “This shouldn’t take long.”

  “Whatever you say.” Lena grabbed a coffee too and made herself at home on the couch. Ev soon sat down beside her.

  Ziggy hadn’t relaxed any. Guess I could understand that. Maybe he was a smidgeon jealous. I certainly didn’t look forward to ever meeting any of his exes (but you could bet I’d do it wearing Louboutins). Or maybe he’d already stopped one crazy person with a knife from getting at me this week. The ex had done a lot of damage to me without being allowed a second swing now. Though maybe this time things could be different. Thing is, I’d never know unless I tried. And I really wanted to try.

  When the knock came, Ziggy opened the door without a word.

  In the ex stepped, every bit the big-ass quarterback I remembered. He pretty much dominated any and every room he entered. The dude always seem to loom. Not that I’d ever been scared of him or anything. He and his ego just took up a lot of space. There was, however, an impressiv
e display of concern going on with the tight lips and soft eyes. He looked around at those assembled before once again fixing on me. “Mae. Babe.”

  “Uh!” I held up a finger. “That’s enough. Let me guess, what with the flowers you sent and then the news about your little fan boy attacking me yesterday, you thought you’d ride on over here and save the day. Is that right?”

  He blinked. “Mae. Babe.”

  “You already said that. Try something new.”

  “I just wanted to make sure you were okay. Scared the crap out of me, hearing you’d been attacked.”

  “Uh-huh.” I grabbed one of the almond croissants out of the goodie bag and ripped off a piece. “What else have you got?”

  “What else have I got? What do you mean?” He gave me his gosh ma’am smile. “I missed you. I’m worried about you. Isn’t that good enough?”

  I scrunched up my nose. “No. Not really.”

  Now he did his awkward nervous chuckle, gaze slipping over the assembled audience. It stopped on Ziggy. Then the ex’s eyes narrowed into a mean slit. “Who’s this guy?”

  “My new boyfriend.”

  “I knew that was sex hair.” Lena just about jumped out of her chair. “You look like a well-pleasured mess this morning and I’ve never been more proud of you.”

  I laughed. “Thank you.”

  Ziggy quietly groaned.

  Ev just smiled and took another sip of coffee. She really had the Mona Lisa smile thing down.

  “You’re fucking your bodyguard?” asked the ex, disgust dripping from every word. Such a schmuck.

  “You’re going to judge? You? Really?” I set my hands on my hips. “Anyway, doesn’t matter. I only let you up here to say what I need to say, then you’re gone. Done with. Kaput.”

  Now he looked cranky. It wasn’t like people said no to him often, the big football baby. Ziggy took a step closer. But I was fine. Hell, I was on fire.

  “I forgive you,” I said. “Most important though, I forgive myself. For letting your bullshit opinions mess with my self-confidence. For putting your lies inside my head. For allowing you to make me feel even an inch like less than the queen that I am. For giving you a second of my precious time during this one wild and precious life.”

  “Oh, well said.” Ev set down her coffee and started clapping. “Bravo.”

  “Seconded,” added Lena.

  “Excellent use of Mary Oliver, too.”

  “Yeah, I noticed that. Nice touch.”

  “Thank you, ladies.” I smiled. “I was rather proud with how it shaped up myself.”

  Ziggy hid a smirk behind his hand.

  “What the fuck, Mae?” The ex’s fingers clenched into fists. His happiness levels had definitely taken a plunge. “Have you lost your damn mind?”

  “No, I lost you. And it was the best damn thing that ever happened to me.” I pointed at the door. “Now get out. You’re neither wanted nor welcome.”

  “I was good to you.”

  “You were shit. But it doesn’t matter anymore.”

  “What?” he sneered. “Because you’re fucking the hired help?”

  “No. Because I’m over you. I have been for a while.” I sighed. “If I hadn’t met Ziggy, I still wouldn’t want a damn thing to do with you. You’re nothing more than human rubbish. Now kindly take yourself out to the curb.”

  The ex sputtered, his face turning a particularly vibrant shade of red. It was a wondrous sight. Truly. Something I’d treasure until my dying day.

  Ziggy stepped forward. “The lady asked you to leave.”

  And while the ex might have been big and built, I wouldn’t give him a chance against someone like Ziggy. Happily and somewhat surprisingly, he seemed intelligent enough to understand that much at least. The sound of the door slamming after him will reverberate in the happy depths of my soul unto my dying day.

  I breathed out. “Wow.”

  “Feel better?” he asked, coming up nice and close to me.

  “Much. It’s amazing really. I feel lighter, almost. Like I’d been carrying something around and I didn’t even realize it.”

  He just smiled. “I’m glad.”

  “You two are so cute together.” Lena happy sighed. “Honestly, just, you look great together. Would you mind if I took some pictures? Just for your private collection, of course.”

  “We should leave,” said Ev, dragging the other woman out of her chair. “We should go so Mae and Ziggy can have some privacy and breakfast and whatever.”

  “Oh, okay. Mae, call me later.”

  “I will call you later,” I dutifully replied.

  The door finally closed behind the two women, and Ziggy and I were alone. At last. Just me and my new man, who looked particularly fetching with his stubble and all.

  “Thank you,” I said. “You helped get me back to myself. Everything that’s happened…I guess I just really see what I let that idiot do to my head now.”

  “All those doubts gone?”

  “Yeah. I think they really are.” I slid my arms around him, resting my head against his chest. “You want to be happy with me, Ziggy Thayer?”

  “Let me tell you something,” he said, kissing the top of my head. “Miss Cooper, I already am.”


  The door clicked open, Ziggy stepping into the apartment. “Why wasn’t that door locked?”

  “Because Leonard let me know you were on your way up.” I sucked some chocolate frosting off a finger and gave him my wickedest smile. “Also, that’s a shitty way to greet your woman after you’ve been gone for five long days, Mister Thayer.”

  “I’ll take seeing to your safety over niceties any day of the week, sweetness.” He turned the alarm system back on and locked the door. “You know that.”


  He moved toward me like the big predator he was. “I missed you.”

  “Did you now?”

  “I did. Did you miss me?”

  I smiled again. “You absence might not have gone entirely unnoticed.”

  “Kind of you. That why you’re making my favorite cake?” He stepped around the kitchen island, sliding an arm around my waist. The man still wore a black suit like nobody’s business. Playing it cool after he’d been gone for a week was a tough ask, in all honesty. He kissed my cheek, lips lingering against my skin. One big hand slid over my left butt cheek. “Or is that why you’re wearing nothing but a skimpy chemise beneath that apron?”

  “Maybe. How was life on tour?” I asked, craning my neck to give him better access.

  “Honestly, I’ve had enough Country and Western music to last me a lifetime.”

  Ziggy had moved in with me all of about five seconds after we got together. Not that it was official or anything for the first few months. But if he wasn’t at work, he was here with me. So keeping his apartment across town seemed pretty silly pretty fast. He only took away jobs for a week maximum before swapping out with another bodyguard so he could come home. His choice, not mine. Though it was nice to know he made us a priority. It wasn’t always easy, what with the long hours. However, we made it work. For me, the man was more than worth it and I guess he felt the same. Sometimes I had to go to L.A. or New York for work and if he was available, he went with me. If not, we talked and texted whenever possible. While his boss, Sam, reportedly hadn’t been delighted at our coupledom, he’d come around to the idea of Ziggy and me being serious. There were certainly no weird scenes or vibes at any of the Stage Dive etcetera get-togethers. Life was good. Very good.

  “Hello there. Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?” I asked when he ground something suspiciously hard against my hip. Hard and vaguely box like in shape so sadly not his magnificent dick.

  The man instantly stilled. “You weren’t supposed to notice that.”


  “Let’s pretend you didn’t notice it.” Something in his gaze seemed almost…damn, I wasn’t sure what the emotion was. Which made me even more curiou

  “I don’t think so. Hand it over.”


  “Gimme.” I slipped my hand into his pants pocket, drawing out the small blue box. As always when he was coming home from a job, he wore a gun in a holster beneath his arm. But I’d gotten used to that. This Tiffany box, however, was something quite new. “You bought me jewelry? It’s not my birthday for months yet.”

  “I know. This isn’t for your birthday.”

  I popped the lid on the box, eyes going wide as twin moons at the sight of the diamond solitaire ring sitting within. “Holy shit.”

  “Agreed,” he muttered. “Meant to hide it in the car. But I was rushing to get back to you and forgot. I had plans for how this was going to go down.”

  “Ziggy, that’s a really big ring. Like seriously huge.”

  “Had Lena use the Ferris name to get us a table at the fancy new restaurant in town you’ve been wanting to try, but has been booked out for months.”

  “It’s so shiny.” I took it out of the box, sliding it onto my ring finger. “See how shiny and pretty it is?”

  “There was going to be roses and music. It was all going to be very romantic. You’re getting chocolate frosting on the ring.” He laughed quietly against my ear. “But I’m glad you like it.”

  “Hold up,” I said, turning on him. “Did you actually just give me an engagement ring without telling me you love me first? Because I’ll have you know, that’s not the correct order these things are done in. My mother would be appalled at your lack of decorum.”

  “To be fair, you stole the ring straight out of my pocket. Like I keep saying, I had plans…” He winced. “But also, you mother loves me. I’ll have you know, I already asked for her blessing and she happily gave it.”

  “You called my mom and asked for her permission?”

  “I did.”

  “That’s so nice.” I grinned. “You’re a nice man, Ziggy Thayer.”

  He tried giving me his hard-ass blank face expression, but it didn’t work. “To be honest, I was a little worried you’d think it was too soon. But I don’t know, it just felt right to me. You feel right to me, my mighty benevolent goddess.”


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