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Dragons of the Dawn Bringer: The Goddess Prophecies Fantasy Series Book 5

Page 43

by Araya Evermore

  ‘It’s getting away!’ roared Rust, leaping into the air as one tried to escape.

  The Dromoorai was already a hundred yards high in the sky and heading west.

  ‘Leave it!’ said Asaph as the others launched into the air. They paused but were itching to go. ‘Let it tell its master what has happened here. It will help deflect attention away from our imminent attack in the south. There is much happening you do not know about, but trust me on this.’

  The dragons considered this reluctantly, then one by one settled back down upon the ground and laid their wings neatly against their backs. The green dragon set about licking his deep wound and tending it with magic.

  ‘You left,’ said Garna.

  ‘You didn’t return,’ said Asaph.

  ‘We are late,’ nodded Rust. ‘It took longer than we thought and we had to eat. We are still weak. We would have been longer but Garna sensed trouble.’

  ‘Where are the others?’ asked Asaph.

  ‘Gathering other dragons. There are still many we can’t reach,’ said Garna, sadness in her voice.

  ‘We cannot stay here. They will return with more,’ said Rust.

  Rust was right, but Asaph couldn’t leave Avernayis in this state. ‘Help me cleanse this place. It is…important to me. It was the birthplace of the one who raised me before they murdered him. Destroy everything that is tainted with the black magic,’ said Asaph.

  The dragons agreed. All dragons were deeply loyal to those who had raised them. Revenge for wrongdoing came as instinct.

  Garna breathed fire upon a mostly collapsed tower and the necromancer who had chained Asaph ran out. Asaph leapt and stomped on it, feeling hot mess spurt between his claws. He flicked it off his talons in disgust.

  Swiftly, they carried the bodies of the Dread Dragons between them and dumped them into the sea. Tails smashed any standing structure and claws raked blocks of stone into rubble until the whole place was levelled, they even crumbled the new harbour walls into the sea. White fire melted metal and cleansed the ground. Finally, dragon magic dissolved everything to dust and soot. They were done within the hour.

  Asaph looked around at the great patch of black ground that had once been Avernayis. Only the remains of the original human houses on edge of the village and the crumbling old pier remained. ‘Our fire has cleansed the land so new things can grow. Humans will return and rebuild this place greater than it was before. Thank you, my brethren and sistren, for coming to me. This is our first battle, our first victory. We will not stop until all the world is free of this scourge. Let us rest in the north for a short time and gather the others. Soon a greater battle calls us.’

  Asaph leapt into the air with a roar. The other dragons echoed it. Again they roared until the whole coast trembled with their noise.

  Issa clenched the rails at the prow of the Atalanph ship she was aboard. She squinted into the morning light, the rushing wind and cold air making her eyes smart. Ehka perched between her hands, balancing himself as the ship swayed in the waves. Velonorian chatted to two other elves in Elvish a few feet away.

  Nothing was going to plan and her stomach was in knots. Marakon hadn’t arrived and neither had Asaph. Freydel had not been seen for days and neither had Domenon. She felt deserted and alone. Knowing they couldn’t wait any longer, she’d boarded a ship and now stood at the front of a long line of vessels. She wanted to feel the glory of it, being on the ocean with an entire fleet around her, but she was fraught with worry.

  ‘They will arrive, they have not deserted you,’ said Naksu, laying a pale hand on her arm.

  Issa forced a smile at the seer who had silently come to stand beside her. The one good thing that had happened was that the seer along with Orphinius and his new army of elves had arrived by boat yesterday. Issa was very thankful that another Orb Keeper was with her. In a short time, the new elf leader had organised an army of over one thousand elves, and several of them were aboard this ship, along with many Karalanths.

  Karalanths and elves respected each other deeply, but the deer-folk had refused to board alongside dwarves. One almost fatal casualty involving a dwarf with a Karalanth knife stuck in him pushed the point home. They were kept far apart after that. It saddened Issa to see their hatred towards the dwarves, but she understood why.

  ‘The Captain says Drumblodd’s army is bringing up the rear and King Navarr’s soldiers have rendezvoused with the Lans Himay mercenaries. They have just set sail. So you see, there is nothing to worry about.’ Naksu smiled.

  ‘Nothing about going to war can make me feel good,’ said Issa.

  ‘No true human should ever feel good about war,’ said Naksu. ‘It is simply what must be done when the balance has swung so far in the enemies’ favour.’

  ‘I wish none of this had ever happened. I wish, sometimes, that I had died a long time ago, or had never been born, rather than go through this…pain,’ said Issa.

  ‘We are all very glad that you were born and are with us now,’ said Naksu, her face serious. ‘People might know what it is they have to do but they need a leader to take charge. You are that, whether you like it or not. You know we have no other choice as that black scar in the sky opens up to swallow us. Zanufey is with you and you are with us.’

  They didn’t say anything for a long time and just stood watching the white horses rise above the deep blue waves. When Naksu turned to go, Issa said, ‘Thank you.’ Naksu paused and she continued. ‘I’m so glad you made it here in time. I need as many friends as I can get. I just wish I had Asaph, Marakon and Freydel with me.’

  ‘I know. They will come.’

  The sea was calmer further out into the ocean. A glance behind showed that Davono was a mere sliver of green on the horizon. Soon it would be lost from view. The wind dropped a little and the sea calmed. As the ship swayed less, Issa seated herself cross-legged at the prow and took out her talisman. Ehka hopped down beside her.

  ‘Shall we see where the others are?’

  Ehka understood and with a caw launched into the air. She watched him circle above the ship’s swaying mast, then closed her eyes and stilled her mind. Entering the Flow, she found Ehka’s familiar blue aura and connected with him. Through his eyes, she saw hundreds of ships spreading out behind them on the ocean. Their sails were brilliant white in the sunshine and colourful pennants decorated each of them, flapping taut in the wind. It was a breath-taking sight and one she never thought she would see.

  Ehka flew above them all; Davono ships, Atalanph ships, dwarven ships, and now a smattering of elven ships made of beautiful blue oak with spiralling carved designs, unrivalled by the others. Aboard them worked the crews of all those races and nations, including the Karalanths.

  Ehka flew further, losing the ships from view and Davono appeared again. He angled to the right to the large port of Teramides. There, streaming out of the harbour were more Davonian ships and aboard each were hundreds more soldiers. No, not soldiers as such, but mercenaries from Lans Himay, she thought. They were dressed in greys, browns and animal skins. Most were pale skinned and had brown hair. Men were bearded, and both they and the women were tattooed in blue ink. They looked particularly fearsome with their short swords and their axes. Amongst them were reddish-blond Draxian exiles, similarly dressed and armed.

  Issa sighed, thinking of Asaph. She believed Naksu was right. Asaph still had time to reach them. Besides, seeing all these ships and all these soldiers filled her with confidence. Before, she had only imagined how to attack, now she saw them in all their glory, how could they possibly fail?

  ‘Miss! Miss!’ a panicked voice hollered, breaking her connection to Ehka.

  She blinked and looked behind. Cantering up the deck was Duskar, his black mane streaming out behind him and his coat gleaming magnificently in the sunlight. A stable boy was desperately running after him trying to catch the trailing rope attached to the horse’s neck.

  Issa stood and laughed as Duskar skidded to a stop and nuzzled her roughly. The
stable boy caught up, red faced and panting, and doubled over trying to catch his breath.

  ‘I was moving him to another part of the stable and he leapt the barrier,’ he gasped.

  Issa grinned. ‘I’m sorry, he hates ships. He’ll be all right if he sees daylight once a day.’ She stroked Duskar’s nose and hugged his neck. ‘With you by my side, how could I ever doubt?’

  With a hand on his back, she stared back out to sea. Far ahead lay Venosia. If she wasn’t ready to face the enemy now, she never would be.

  Deep within me lies the strength to do the impossible, or at least try. Together, we must all face that which we fear and overcome it. I must, for I am the Raven Queen.

  Continued in War of the Raven

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  When strangers knock on Fraya’s door in the middle of a stormy night, her life is changed forever. The man is a bard, a warrior, and a follower of the Old Ways. The woman is a seer, heavily pregnant with a child so blessed by the goddess, they are forced to flee for their lives…

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  Next in the Series


  The Goddess Prophecies

  Book 6

  Araya Evermore

  The Epic Saga continues…

  About Araya

  Araya Evermore is the author of The Goddess Prophecies epic fantasy adventure series. She has been exploring other worlds and writing fantasy stories ever since she came to planet Earth.

  Despite holding a degree in Philosophy and Theology, and a Master’s degree in Computer Science, living in fantasy worlds will always be her true passion. Which is why she left her successful career in The City to embark upon her first love; writing fantasy.

  Originally from Somerset, England, where she eternally hunts for Excalibur, Araya has been living in America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Europe for many years. Aside from writing, she spends time working, feeding wild birds, talking to trees, swimming, cycling, snorkelling and playing with swords. Having lived in the mountains, she realised she is a sea-based creature, and now lives by the ocean.

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  Also by Araya Evermore

  Goddess Awakening ~ A Prequel

  When strangers knock on Fraya’s door in the middle of a stormy night, her life is changed forever. The man is a bard, a warrior, and a follower of the Old Ways. The woman is a seer, heavily pregnant with a child so blessed by the goddess, they are forced to flee for their lives.

  Download it HERE

  Night Goddess ~ The Goddess Prophecies Book 1

  Issa knew nothing of the evil ravaging the world until Dread Dragons invade her home. Her family murdered and her village razed, she flees for her life from the immortals hunting the Raven Queen of prophecy. Visited by a goddess cloaked in the stars, Issa discovers her past has been a lie, her destiny is entwined with…

  Buy it HERE

  The Fall of Celene ~ The Goddess Prophecies Book 2

  The battle for Maioria has begun. Issa faces a deadly enemy as the Immortal Lord’s attention turns fully in her direction. The hunt is on for the Raven Queen and nothing will stand in Baelthrom’s way—he must destroy this new power that grows with the rising dark moon…

  Buy it HERE

  Storm Holt ~ The Goddess Prophecies Book 3

  The Storm Holt… The ultimate Wizard’s Reckoning, where all who enter must face their greatest demons. No wizard knows of a woman who has entered and survived since the Ancients split the magic apart. Already demons and the strange white spear plague Issa’s mind, but to find her answers she must enter the Storm Holt and…

  Buy it HERE

  Demon Spear ~ The Goddess Prophecies Book 4

  Demons. Death. Deliverance. All these Issa must face as darkness strikes into the heart of their last stronghold. Greater demons are rising from the Pit, Carvon is brutally attacked, and a horrifying murder forces Issa and her companions to flee. But despite the devastating loss, she must keep her oath to the Shadow Demons and alone reclaim the spear that can save them all…

  Buy it HERE

  Dragons of the Dawn Bringer ~ The Goddess Prophecies Book 5

  Sacred lands fall. The Sword of Dragons is stolen. There is no reason to hope, and yet Issa must find the strength within herself to wage the war that will save Maioria.

  Issa can trust no one. Her closest allies betray her and nobody is as they seem. When a Dromoorai captures her and a black vortex to another dimension rips into her room, she realises the attacks will never stop…

  Buy it HERE

  Coming soon:

  War of the Raven


  Thank you to Jon for his unending support and patience. Thanks to Ian for all his help, ideas and encouragement. Thank you to Jill for her excellent editorial work.

  A special thank you to all my Beta Readers who made this work that much more epic. Thank you to my precious Reader Team who make this work especially fun.

  Thanks to Milo and the Deranged Doctor Designs team for their wonderful cover art. Thanks to the Cosmos for making this work possible. I would also like to thank you, the reader, for continuing the adventure.



  Issa – Issalena Kammy. The Raven Queen. Young woman from the Isles of Kammy. Chosen by Zanufey

  Asaph – Asaph Dragon Lord. The Dawn Bringer. Last of the Dragon Lords and heir to the throne of Drax. Chosen by Feygriene.

  Arla – Albino, somewhat wild child in the Temple of Celene

  Duskar – ‘Black Fire’ in old Celenian. Issa’s horse

  Edarna Higglesworth – Witch of the West and a Way Shower for the Lost Ones

  Ehka - Issa’s guardian raven, Zanufey’s messenger.

  Lady Eleny “Ely” – Lady of the Castle Elune, Issa’s friend

  Faelsun – a pure dragon; guardian of the Dragon Dream

  Fraya Littlehand – Issa’s adopted mother

  King Ixus – Asaph’s father and a Dragon Rider

  Maeve – Lady Eleny’s maid

  Marakon si Hara - Half-elf. Feylint Halanoi High Commander

  Mr Dubbins - Edarna’s blue cat familiar

  Naksu Feyrin - Seer of Myrn, a White One

  Queen Pheonis – Asaph’s mother and a Dragon Lord

  Rance – dark-haired jouster. Tries to rescue Issa from Keteth. Cirosa’s former lover

  Sheyengetha - the great elven blue oak - gateway to Land of Mists

  Yisufalni – an Ancient and Priestess of the Usteralax peopleMurlonius – The Boatman. An Ancient

  Wykiry – Sea Nymphs. The name means “land banished” in the Ancient’s tongue


  Gharupoha – oldest shaman of the Kuapoh

  Kahly – friend of Asaph and goblin hunter; the Fearsome Four

  Jommen – friend of Asaph and goblin hunter; the Fearsome Four

  Tillin - friend of Asaph and goblin hunter; the Fearsome Four


  Triest‘anth – old wizard and former tribe leader

  Cusap’anth – Triest’anth’s son and tribe leader

  Op’ynth – Cusap’anths’ wife


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