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A Long Weekend at Lake Agony

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by Matthew Lee

  A Long Weekend at Lake Agony

  It started so simply. My wife Amy and I were out at the lake, enjoying the warm air and cool water. One camping spot away four tough-looking men pulled up on motorcycles and began unpacking. All of them were scruffy and hairy. Three of them were shorter than me but one was much taller and thicker and seemed to give the others instructions. He wore his long brown hair back in a ponytail that reached to his belt. All of them had a wallet attached to their belt by a chain and a knife on a hip.

  As I turned to tell Amy we had visitors I was surprised to discover she was already observing them and perhaps I was paranoid but Ponytail seemed to draw her eye. She quickly realized she was staring and I was watching so she looked away, embarrassed. I was shocked; Amy never ogles men. I looked back at Ponytail trying to see what Amy saw but to my male eye he was nothing special. His body was thick but not cut. His face, most of which was covered in a close beard, seemed pretty common. I'll be the first to admit I'm a terrible judge of a man's looks though.

  The guys finished unpacking and began setting up two tents. One of them began to inflate a small dingy. Soon they were setting up folding chairs and settling in. Metal music drifted across to our camp but they kept the volume low.

  I checked on Amy several more times but never again caught her checking those guys out. She never even glanced at them.

  Once the sun was higher and the day had turned hot I suggested we go for a swim. She quickly agreed and we entered our tent to change. Of course, changing takes me two seconds so I stood there waiting on her. She held two bikinis, debating, until I sighed. She shooed me out, telling me to inflate our raft and find the sunscreen. I left the tent.

  The raft was easy but the sunscreen proved difficult. I checked everywhere. Amy came out of the tent and I froze; she was stunning. She wore a stark white bikini I'd never seen before with triangles so small the bottoms and sides of her breasts were exposed. She's no prude, and we've had some racy nights out at the clubs where her short skirts drew lots of attention, male and female, but this swimsuit took us to a new level. Her big boobs and bubble butt were more revealed than hidden.

  Amy saw my face and stopped.

  “What?” she asked annoyed.

  “That's a lot of skin,” I answered.

  “I told you I planned on tanning this weekend, remember? This bikini is perfectly legal.”

  “And sexy as fuck,” I chuckled.

  She grinned and went to find her flip-flops and towel. I finally remembered I'd seen the sunscreen in a pouch on Amy's side so I entered our tent. It was now very bright inside. I found the tube. The flap on the screen window was now tied back and I was pretty sure it had been down when I'd changed my clothes. I stepped over to untie it again and when I looked out I discovered I was looking directly between several trees and into the biker’s camp. In fact, the flap was up on their window too and I saw one of the short guys looking right at me. Had someone over there watched Amy change clothes? I made a mental note to mention it to her.

  Back outside I grabbed the raft and towels, handed her the sunscreen, dropped my sunglasses in place, and we both hit the path to the lake, holding hands and smiling. At the shore we dropped our gear and I helped her apply sunscreen. I said I wanted to go out on the raft but she wanted to stay on the shore and tan first, so I left her there at the water's edge and floated away. In the warm sun I soon fell asleep.

  I awoke sometime later, drowsy, and lifted my head to check on Amy. Her towel was spread on the sand but she wasn't on it. I thought she either forgot something back at our tent or more likely was visiting the cinder-block restrooms on the path down to the lake. I laid my head back down. The sun felt wonderful. I drifted back off.

  When I awoke the second time she was on her stomach, stretched out in full glory, her swimsuit untied at the neck and back to remove tan lines. Even from this distance her tone body was impressive. I felt a sudden surge of desire and slowly paddled towards the shore.

  I looked around as I approached and we were completely alone. I silently pulled the raft onto the sand and crept towards her. The small muscles of her back gleamed with sweat. Her rounded ass looked scrumptious. The side bulge of her tits hinted at their glorious fullness. I was getting harder with each step. I stepped out of my trunks.

  She must have heard me because she turned her and looked at me. Her eyes went straight to my erection.

  “Oh hell yes,” she laughed and reached out for it. “How'd you know I was horny?”

  I steered it into her hot wet mouth, holding her head in my hands. When she rose to her elbows most of her tits swung free. She looked crazy sexy and I gave her my load in record time. She sucked out every drop and swallowed it down.

  “What brought that on?” she asked, wiping her lips with the back of her hand.

  “You, and your smoking hot body. I saw you from the lake and had to have some.”

  She was about to respond but I saw her eyes dart past me. I turned to see what she was looking at but was greeted by a leafy wall of trees. When I turned back to her she had rolled over onto her back, her gorgeous breasts soaking up the sun. She closed her eyes.

  “I guess you're not worried about someone coming by?”

  “Not really. Every campsite has its own path to the lake. We're pretty secluded here. I'm just topless and you didn't seem to care I was topless when we visited that beach in San Diego. Besides, you're the one standing there naked and you're the one that just asked for and received a very public blowjob.”

  She had a point.

  “Okay,” I added, trying to get her back, “Then you won't mind knowing you were spied on while you changed into your bikini. I saw some guy at the other camp looking over at our tent. I'm sure they saw you changing.”

  I expected her to react with surprise and maybe disbelief, but she didn't.

  “Oops,” was all she said.

  I pulled my trunks back on and lay down next to her. I felt vaguely uneasy.

  After a minute I asked, “So, did you know someone was looking? Did you flash them on purpose?”

  She chuckled. “I had no idea, Love. They seem pretty harmless though. I can't imagine we have much in common. I doubt we'll even speak to them. You know how private people are out here.”

  My unease grew. Amy seemed so cavalier and casual I felt like she was trying to hide something. I couldn't imagine what so after a bit I let it go.

  “Up for a hike later?” I asked. “There's a viewpoint that looks down into the valley next to ours. I hear the view is spectacular.”

  “That sounds great.”

  I dropped it. In fact, I stopped talking altogether. Soon I heard her breathing deeply and knew she was napping. I was drowsy from my previous nap and blowjob so I joined her.

  When I woke her towel was still with me but she and her sandals were gone again. The raft was still on the shore. I waited long enough to know she hadn't gone to the bathroom and then went looking for her. She wasn't in our tent. I went back to the lake but she wasn't there either. I waited for a while. Then I heard feminine laughter drift through the trees. I quietly followed it.

  Amy sat on a fallen log near the water. Her bikini had been retied loosely and her amazing body spilled out of it at breasts and ass. Her nipples were hidden, but by the narrowest of margins. She held a beer. Ponytail sat on a rock across the clearing, talking to Amy, also holding a beer. The other three biker guys were waist deep in the lake, splashing each other, their cut-off jean shorts barely hanging onto their asses.

  Ponytail had his shirt off. He was hairy and barrel-chested, with thick heavy arms and a flat stomach. I'd stopped to take the whole scene in and was now afraid to move. I didn't want to make a noi
se and have them catch me spying on them. My head was swimming with conflicting emotions; part of me was pissed that Amy had wandered off without me. Part of me was jealous. Part of me was strangely excited; whenever Amy looked away, Ponytail ran his eyes all over her body and it made me a little angry but a lot excited.

  It excites me when other men want my wife. They crave her but I have her. I feel pride. I feel like I have more power than they do. When Amy and I go dancing, I enjoy all the attention she gets almost as much as she does.

  Yet, part of me, I'm embarrassed to admit, was also afraid; these guys looked a little scary and intimidating. Ponytail was the biggest of the four but all of them were beefy and thick.

  I silently retreated, deciding to come the long way around and approach them from the trail. I double-timed it. I made plenty of noise as I came down the path. When I entered the clearing all four guys were seated on rocks and logs in a half-circle around my wife. Amy still nursed her beer. When she saw me she extended her arms for a hug.

  “Aw! My little sleepy-head husband. Come sit and meet our new friends.”

  I sat next to her and we pecked on the lips. She went around the crescent introducing me; Brian, Taylor, John, and, Ponytail, Gideon. I leaned over and shook each man's hand as Amy spoke their names. Gideon's hand was huge and calloused. My hand felt small in his, and I'm not a little guy. Once I was seated again Taylor threw me a beer and all six of us sat and talked.

  They were part of a gang out of Seattle but liked to take off and travel on their own. They'd covered most of the fifty states. None of them were married and only John and Brian had even semi-committed relationships; women they'd visit whenever they found themselves back in a town where that woman lived.

  Amy was the center of attention and loved it; all of us clung to her every word. I caught all four of them devouring her with their eyes and I'm sure she caught them too. One beer became two became three; two hours later Amy and I walked back to our towels.

  “They were an interesting group,” Amy said.

  “Indeed. A little rough around the edges but basically nice guys. I wouldn't want to piss them off though. I get the feeling they all have a dark, angry side.”

  “I picked up on that too. Kinda scary but kinda sexy. Gideon was hot; he nails that intelligent bad-boy thing. Did you hear he has three degrees? He’s like a super villain.”

  “I thought he was menacing. I believe he actually is a bad-boy. He's not acting like one. I'm sure he's fucked some guys up in his time. Can you imagine trying to fight that man?”

  We walked in silence for a bit. Back at the shore we collected our things and returned to our tent. We ate and changed our clothes for the hike and set out. The trail was easy and the view as spectacular as promised. It was dusk as we got back so we stopped at the lake and stripped, washing the trail dust off, then tossed on T-shirts and went back to our tent.

  Night in the wilderness is not like city night. It gets dark out here. I started a fire but step outside the ring of light and find yourself in pitch-blackness. As I got the fire going Amy stepped out of the tent. She wore a giant T-shirt and carried a flashlight and tooth brush and tooth paste.

  “I'll be back,” she told me. When we first started coming out here I'd go with her to the restroom but not now. She likes her independence. She likes that she is not one of those girls.

  I was poking a log in the fire when it occurred to me she'd been gone too long. I made sure the fire was safe and then headed down the path to the bathroom. She wasn't there but it looked like someone had brushed their teeth recently. Outside I heard deep voices down by the lake. I headed that way.

  Amy's white T-shirt gave her away. I saw her hiding behind a tree watching something down by the water. She had no idea I was behind her. I moved in closer and saw all four guys washing in pale light. They'd hung a small lantern on a tree branch and were standing in the shallow water, soaping up and rinsing off. All four were nude. All of them were solidly built. Amy was watching them.

  I moved closer to her and realized she had a hand under her shirt and was rubbing her pussy while her other hand squeezed a big breast. I looked back at the four men. Each was going about their business oblivious to the man next to him. Clearly they'd done this kind of thing many times.

  These guys were powerful; broad-shouldered, all of them had thick arms and tree-trunk legs, powered by strong rounded asses. Muscles played across their wide backs. Brian turned towards us as he poured water from a pitcher over his head and his large penis was revealed. I heard Amy gasp in the darkness.

  Brian passed the pitcher to Gideon and he did the same. As Gideon's body slowly rotated towards us, his penis came into view and Amy stifled a moan. Gideon's penis had to be superior to any other man on earth. He hung completely limp but still reached well down towards his knees. The shaft was thick, maybe three fingers wide, and the head plump and heavy. Behind it rested two testicles as large as hen eggs. The shaft bounced and swung as Gideon scrubbed and lathered. My wife was mesmerized.

  Taylor and John finished first and announced they were headed back to camp. Brian asked them to wait a minute and then he joined them. Soon Gideon was alone. I found myself wondering what my wife might do. Before I had the chance to find out I heard her emit tiny squeaks and muffled moans and realized she was climaxing. I was stunned. Amy doesn't fantasize about men; men fantasize about Amy. I quietly backed away and returned to camp.

  I couldn't believe what I'd seen. Would she tell me about it? My heart was racing. I beat her back by several minutes and did a convincing job of maintaining my composure. She put her things away and then joined me by the fire, snuggling close to keep warm. She pulled her shirt over her drawn-up knees. She leaned up to kiss me and I expected our customary peck, but she slipped her tongue into my mouth. We kissed passionately. I brought a hand up to her breast and lightly pinched a nipples and she moaned deeply and squeezed my penis. I grew hard rapidly.

  I stood and tried to pull her to the tent but she couldn't wait that long, or perhaps she wanted to do it out in the open. She pulled my shorts down and sucked my penis into her mouth, attacking me with lips and tongue. I tangled my fingers in her hair and started fucking her mouth. I felt exposed like this but the darkness helped. Soon I wanted more than her mouth and moved behind her. She dropped her head to the blanket and raised her pussy, inviting me, and I knelt behind her and buried my penis deep. I was too excited and just started hammering away but that seemed to be exactly what she wanted. She came after just a few minutes and I shot my load into her a few minutes after that, out of breath and collapsing onto her back.

  Of course after I climaxed I became acutely aware of our surroundings and checked all around. I thought I saw movement over by the trail but I wasn't sure. This time when I tried to get her to come to our tent with me she was fully compliant. I turned on our light and told her to get ready for sleep and then went back outside to quench the fire.

  Once it was out, our site was wrapped in almost total darkness. I moved around making sure everything was secure for the night. As I approached the far side of the tent I saw the light coming from our screen window. Then I saw movement from the other camp and saw Brian and Gideon looking in. After a few steps I had the angle to see what they saw and watched as Amy stretched and then put her long hair in a pony-tail.

  Jesus Christ my wife is beautiful.

  Her raised arms perfectly accentuated her big tear-drop tits and I stared at her just like the other guys. Her face looked dreamy and relaxed. The guys only watched for a minute or two until Gideon said something that ended it. I watched her another minute and then re-entered the tent.

  Once we were snuggled up and the light was off Amy kissed my cheek.

  “I need to tell you something,” she whispered.

  “Okay Baby.”

  She seemed to search for a way to begin. “I saw our neighbors, our biker friends, down at the lake, bathing, naked, all of them.”

  I acted surprised.
br />   “What? When? Did you see them completely naked?”

  “Yes. On my trip to brush my teeth. I heard a noise, people talking. When I looked closer there they were.”

  “I wondered what happened to you,” I chuckled, trying to keep things light. “And did you like what you saw?”

  “Yes,” Amy breathed. “Very much. They're such men. Do you know what I mean?”

  I shifted a little, suddenly uncomfortable. “I think so,” I answered.

  “Their bodies are so strong and hard. They're handsome you know? In the face. All of them, but especially Gideon. I wondered why they aren't married except I understand after talking with them it's part of their lifestyle. They're wild and untamed. Very male. Very sexy.”

  I waited in the dark for her to go on. When she didn't, I prompted her.

  “Who's your favorite? Who's your favorite biker-boy?”

  I tried to sound light and playful but it sailed right over her head. She answered me seriously.

  “Gideon. He's very attractive.”

  We both fell silent for a while. She'd used the word attractive and that meant something different between us, something special. Amy rarely uses that word to describe another man. They need to pass some ridiculous internal Amy-test to earn that title. She'd used it and she was sure I'd caught it. Now she felt like she'd said too much. Finally I broke the silence.

  “So of course every guy needs to know and since you saw them completely naked; how'd they look? Small? Medium? Large? How do I compare? Any of them bigger than me?”

  Under the covers Amy ran a hand up my leg.

  “No one was small. Taylor and John were medium I'd say, kind of like you, maybe a little bigger than that. Brian was large but Gideon was really big. Almost scary big. Gideon's dick belonged on an animal. It was beautiful though.”

  I knew by the way she abruptly ended her last sentence she felt like she had once again said too much. Thank God the tent was dark. She moved her hand on my leg higher and cupped my balls. I surprisingly felt my penis stir and swell. Amy felt it too.


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