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Lord Harrow's Heart

Page 11

by Susan M. Baganz

  Theo’s cheeks turned pink.

  Valeria quickly turned away.

  Jared handed Theo a shirt.

  When Theo finished dressing he quietly said, “I’m decent now.”

  Valeria laughed, grateful that Lord Harrow was recovering from his blow to the head and also that the darkness that had been radiating from him had seemed to disappear. At least for the moment.

  “Now we only have the challenge of who will keep guard over Lady St. John.”

  Valeria looked at the men. “I think it is time we use our names. I’m beginning to think I have several big brothers watching over me. I am Valeria. You may call me that. And I will take the liberty to call you all by your names. Jared, Marcus, Michael, Phillip, and Theodore.”

  The men nodded.

  “Now as for sleeping arrangements. I believe we will do what we did last night. Allow Jared a place to sleep for now so he can rest, and he can keep guard again during the night and I will stay here by Theo’s side lest he need anything.”

  The men looked past her.

  Valeria followed their gaze.

  Theo smiled and shrugged. “Sounds like a good plan to me.”

  “You would deny a lady her bed so you can be pampered?” Marcus shook his head in disbelief.

  Valeria bit back a grin.

  Theo looked down at his hands. “I can move to the floor.”

  “You will do no such thing. You need to rest and this is the ideal place for that. I will be fine in the chair or on the floor myself. I have slept in worse surroundings in the past. I will survive.”

  Phillip shook his head. “I do not like what this could do to your reputation, Lady—Valeria,” he corrected himself.

  “All I want is my son back and to take the next packet to the Colonies, so I can be far away from this bedeviled island.”

  “America?” Theo squeaked.

  Valeria folded her arms and refused to look his way. “Yes. I doubt my father-in-law would find Dartanian r me there.”

  Silence hung heavy.

  Theo slid back down onto his pillow and rolled to his side, away from the rest of the room. His back was all that presented itself.

  Oh, my, what had she gone and done now?

  The other men left the room, including Jared, with assurances he’d be back.

  Valeria and Theo were alone. Her gun was nearby in the event of any unwanted visitor. “Theo?” No response. She was not sure if he was sleeping, but she sat on the bed and placed a hand on his arm. “What have I done to offend you? Please forgive me so we can be friends again.”

  She thought he understood that in spite of the growing attraction between them, that she would need to leave once Dartanian was found. She could not risk Theo being taken or possibly killed. Staying would only endanger the man. “If anything should happen to me, I meant what I said the other day. I want you to take Dartanian and raise him.”

  Again, no response. Valeria left the bed and sat in the rocker, wrapping a blanket around herself. Soon she was asleep.


  Theo did not rest well that night. He could smell her near. Everything in him longed to take her in his arms and kiss her into agreeing to stay in England and be his wife. She had said she felt as if she was being taken care of by big brothers. Did she consider him more as a big brother than a potential husband? He didn’t desire a sister. No. What he desired was the woman so close and yet unattainable.

  The next morning, he rose and quickly dressed behind a screen that had been brought in for privacy. He experienced dizziness but could not rest helpless in bed any longer.

  Dartanian was in danger and they needed to rescue him so they could seek safety. If she wanted to be gone then it should happen quickly before he fell more in love with her and had his heart broken.

  He suspected it was already too late.

  The carriage ride to Newcastle-under-Lyme was uneventful but slow due to the mud.

  Jared chose to sleep in the corner of the carriage. Jared and Michael planned to survey the property before the rest of them sought to perform a rescue. Valeria was both a blessing and a curse in the process. She was well acquainted with the property and places where Dartanian might be held prisoner, but she also insisted that she go in with them for the rescue.

  Dartanian would want his mother, but it also meant greater danger in trying to keep her and the boy safe.

  Anxiety ate Theo up inside. If they rescued Dartanian, she would leave, but the rescue itself endangered them all. The teasing mood from the previous morning had dissipated in the light of the dangers that were ahead. For the first time, he was almost ready to pray for God to let him die so he would not need to face a future without her.


  The carriage pulled up to a pub across from the village green at Newcastle-under-Lyme. It was late afternoon.

  Michael and Jared got a change of horses and took off for the estate to check if Dartanian could be found.

  Valeria paced in front of the fireplace in the public room. Some townsfolk were present and recognized her and while they gave her warm greetings, they also kept a distance.

  Valeria had been burdened by Theo’s dark mood the entire day. He resisted any attempt at conversation. She consoled herself that she would be on a ship bound to the Colonies, perhaps within the week if it could be arranged. Michael told her he would fund the trip as a gift to his sister-in-law and nephew and asked that she keep him appraised of their progress when they had settled there.

  She suspected Theo’s withdrawal was because of her stating her need to leave the country. The likelihood of the Duke, whom they referred to as the Black Diamond, possibly being killed was small. He was a powerful man and above the laws. Even if they rescued Dartanian, they would never be safe as long as the Duke was alive.

  She only hoped his power could not extend to America. She suspected that since his energies were focused on France and his dream of ruling there with Bonaparte, she would be safe. She’d change her name. Perhaps dye her hair. Whatever it took for her son to grow up happy and strong.

  But now leaving left a bad taste in her mouth knowing that Lord Harrow existed and stirred feelings in her she’d never dared hope for. He tantalized her with dreams of a future that could never be theirs.

  Several hours later Valeria and Theo went up to the room they were to share. It felt odd to be entering a room again with him after the last attack, but Theo once again entered before her. The room was untouched, and he locked the door behind them.

  Valeria grabbed blankets and a pillow to make a bed for Theo by the fireplace. “I hope this will be the last night we need to do this.”

  “Why. Do I snore?” Theo asked with eyebrows raised.

  “Well, as a matter of fact, you do. But it’s not bothersome.” Valeria reached out to touch his arm and experienced a jolt of energy that seared her to her toes.

  Theo took a step closer and placed her hand on his chest.

  Valeria swallowed and broke eye contact to gaze at his lips. She leaned in.

  They kissed. Slow. Sweet. Bliss.

  Valeria pulled back and gazed into his eyes now turned a deep green.

  His arm snaked up behind her head and pulled out her pins. He ran his fingers through her hair and groaned. His hand came up behind her neck. He brought their heads together again and their lips met in a seductive dance.

  Valeria broke it off and stepped out of his arms. Her breath was ragged. “We cannot go on like this,” she whispered.

  Theo frowned. “I could have gone for far longer.”

  Valeria couldn’t help but be pleased at the admiration in his eyes and the longing in his voice. She didn’t want to start something she was not prepared to finish and if she went further with Theo it would be impossible to say goodbye without leaving her heart in England. She could not afford to do that. She took off her slippers, and fully clothed, she slipped under the covers with her face turned away from him. Her attempt at sleep was for naught. She tossed and tu
rned all night.

  Theo was not sleeping well either.

  Anxiety over what might transpire on the morrow warred with the desires that longed to be filled tonight. She could not give in. She could not do that to Theo. She did not want to leave his heart crushed when they finally parted. He had so much to give a woman. She tried to pray that God would bring him a bride who would be perfect for him, but inwardly she rebelled at the thought of another woman pressing her lips to his.


  Dark clouds once again spanned the sky above them as they drove to the Diamonte estate.

  Theo grew uneasy about the plan. For Valeria to walk in and ask for her son seemed like foolishness. Yet, the men would be nearby, armed and ready to assist.

  Valeria hoped that they could achieve their goal without a fight. Her back was straight and her hair braided, wound into a severe bun. She wore the plainest of dresses and had a look of steely determination on her face. She made it clear this morning in front of everyone that if anything happened to her today, she wanted Theo to raise her son.

  Michael, claiming kinship as the boy’s uncle, stated he would see that Theo did his duty and if for some reason he could not, then Dartanian would be welcomed into his own household.

  Valeria listened to Michael and nodded her head. After her initial fear of him she’d grown more comfortable in his presence and even chuckled at some of his jesting, especially when Theo was the brunt of the humor.


  Theo grumbled to himself. He suspected she was up to something and that he would not like it. They’d not talked much since she’d announced she would leave when this was over. Was she really a tease or as uncertain about her feelings for him as he was about her? Theo had not slept well. He could not shut off the memory of her body pressed against his and the taste of her lips that left him wanting so much more.

  The carriage pulled into the long drive to the Diamonte estate and Valeria sucked in a breath.

  He glanced over at her.

  She stared at him with hunger in her eyes. “You will care for Dartanian, Oui?”

  Theo nodded. He knew nothing about being a father and he hoped it would not be necessary, but his friends would help.

  “You are not planning anything foolish are you, Madame?”

  She bit her lip but gave no response as she turned to the window.

  Fear gripped Theo in that moment. She was gone from him. It cut like a knife twisted deep inside his torso. He wanted to cry out from the pain of it. He wanted to drop to his knees and beg her to marry him, to be with him forever and yet he knew what her answer would be.

  If they survived today’s rescue attempt, she would be gone on the first boat west.

  Theo closed his eyes fighting the fatigue and fear. He vowed to himself he would do anything to keep her safe. Anything. Even if he died doing it. For the first time in forever, Theo prayed.


  Valeria struggled not to throw herself into Theo’s arms in the carriage as they rode. To tell him how much she loved him. To beg him to understand. To experience one last taste of heaven from his lips. She cried out to God during the night, asking why she would finally, after all her years of loss, pain, and heartache, find the one man she could love and live with. Yet she needed to walk away from the country once her son was safe in her arms. It was too cruel for God to lead her on this path.

  She prayed for Dartanian, guilty that her heart kept pulling her towards Lord Harrow when her son could be injured, dying, or worse. She could not bear to think of the fear and anxiety her son had suffered at the hands of his cruel grandfather.

  Legally the Duke of Diamonte had full authority to do what he had done. But she could not allow it and swore she would do whatever it took to see the Duke dead today. Vengeance for the pain she had suffered. Vengeance for Dartanian and perhaps for the women who had also been affected: Josie, Elizabeth, and Katrina. She prayed that their husbands would prevail and return home to the loving arms of their wives. She loved them all as a family in a way she had never before experienced.

  She glanced over at Theodore. Her heart ached for him. He deserved a woman who would love him. She recognized how lonely he was and how his single state was now a curse compared to the blessings his friends had found with their wives. “Theo.”

  He turned towards her, startled. “Hmmm?” There was despair in the cool grey of his eyes.

  “May God protect you.”

  He nodded. “And you as well, Lady St. John.”

  The carriage rolled to a stop. Valeria straightened her back and patted her pocket where her gun was kept. A knife was sheathed to her outer thigh under her gown. She was as ready as she would ever be.

  Theo assisted her out of the carriage and walked up the front steps with her arm on his. She left her sling behind. She risked further injury but could not show any sign of weakness before the Duke lest he exploit it. He was a crafty man. As wily as Satan in the Garden of Eden. The Duke would do whatever it took to get what he wanted. He wanted Dartanian and she was the obstacle. She figured he had to be frustrated at the failed attempts thus far to eliminate her. That made him all the more dangerous.

  “Ready?” Theo asked.

  She nodded. “Ready.”

  Theo lifted the knocker and banged it three times on the heavy, ornate, oak door.

  The door opened, and Valeria tipped her head. “Watkins. How very good to see you again. I believe the Duke is expecting us?”

  The elderly servant’s face gave a flash of fear, but it was gone and replaced by a cool reserve. He was a wiry old man with a bald head and several inches shorter than her. He had always treated her with deference, but he would never cross his employer. Watkins escorted them into the main drawing room and closed the door firmly.

  A click sounded as it locked.

  Theo glanced at her with concern.

  “Maman?” a soft little voice whispered.

  “Dartanian? Mon enfant?” Valeria’s heart leapt at her son’s voice. She came around the furniture to find him lying on the settee with his head on a pillow and Mittens curled upon his chest. She knelt beside him. “Vas-tu bien?”

  “Je suis malade,” he groaned, clutching his middle.

  She became aware of the smell of vomit and a pot on the floor. He obviously had need of it. She placed a hand to his forehead.

  Theo quickly made the rounds of the room but kept an eye on the door. Light poured into the gloomy space.

  “He has a fever.”

  Theo’s eyes narrowed.

  It warmed her heart that he cared.

  “I unlocked the windows and pulled back the drapes.” He came back to stand by the fireplace. He urged the embers into a flame and stood with his back to the wall next to it to keep an eye on the entire room.

  Valeria turned her attention back to her son. “How long have you been sick, Dartanian?”

  “Shortly after grand-père took me from the park. I told him I did not want to go with him. I wanted you, Maman. He said you would come for me. I am glad you are here. Tu me manquess.”

  “I missed you, too, mon petite.” She gave her son a hug and the cat purred against her ear. “Mittens has kept you company?”

  Dartanian nodded. “Grand-père does not like cats. Says they make his eyes itch.”

  “Have you been treated well?”

  Dartanian frowned. “They feed me, and I like the candy he gives me, but I am bored and lonely.”

  “How long have you been in this room?” Theo asked softly.

  “Since we arrived. Grand-père will not let the cat in a bedroom and I will not be without Mittens.” He stroked the white fur on the kitten as it nestled back into a ball on his chest. “I am scared, Maman. Grand-père said you will get what you deserve. I think you deserve a husband. He does not agree with me.”

  “A husband? You want me to remarry?”

  Dartanian nodded.

  “Have you picked a man out for me?” Valeria asked, astonished.

Dartanian nodded again.

  “And who do you suggest I wed?” Valeria gave her son a small smile.

  “Grand-père said you belong to him but Lord Wolton has been begging to be your husband. He hates me. I want Lord Harrow as my new daddy.”

  Theo’s gaze met Valeria’s. He was as startled as she at her son’s declaration.

  “Never fear, I will not be wed to Grand-père or Lord Wolton.” Valeria patted Dartanian’s shoulder and pulled a blanket up over him to just below where the kitten sat.

  A door opened and closed.

  Theo tensed.

  “Ah, what a touching scene. The mother returns for her son. You are predictable, Lady St. John.” The heavy-set man wandered toward the center of the room. “You brought a visitor. Pray, introduce us.”

  Valeria rose. This man frightened her and made her want to retch into the pot her son had been using. “Lord Wolton, meet Lord Harrow.”

  “Ah, so this is the man you took as your lover?” Lord Wolton came forward until he was close to Valeria. He clasped her hand and raised it to kiss as he watched her eyes. She tried to hide the shiver of revulsion that rippled through her. “So, you are not indifferent to me, my dear.” He gave an oily grin and his eyes narrowed. “It is always good to have witnesses to a marriage.”

  Theo was behind her.

  She slipped a hand behind her back and he placed something in her palm. A knife! She pasted a smile on her face. “You must misunderstand. Lord Harrow is but a friend. We are not engaged to be married.”

  Lord Wolton walked a few steps away and laughed. He went to pour himself a drink and nodded to Theo. “No? Lord Harrow, it has been a perilous journey north and you have had little sleep. With a temptress such as Lady St. John it is no wonder.” Lord Wolton turned his attention back to Valeria. She moved her hand down to hide the knife in the folds of her skirt. “You cannot marry Lord Harrow, my dear. You are pledged to be married to me.”

  Valeria placed her free hand over her chest. “To you? Pardon, my lord, but you failed to propose.”

  Lord Wolton waved a hand at her in dismissal. “Tis all arranged by your father-in-law.” He moved over to Dartanian. “But the boy will stay with him. I do not need a brat around the house.”


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