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The Nosferatu Chronicles: Return to Vambiri

Page 12

by Susan Hamilton

  “Get the body back to the lifeboat before the authorities arrive,” said Jasper.

  Merk and Devonna began to take readings of the area with handheld devices that used Vambir technology.

  “Three, maybe four life forms came through,” said Devonna.

  “The vortex emanated from Vambiri,” said Merk, “but this was nowhere near the energy that was emitted when the Newisla was taken in the Kuiper Belt.”

  In the distance, the low buzz of helicopter engines could be heard.

  “We have to go,” said Jasper. “It’s the military, and we have no jurisdiction here.”

  “Two minutes longer!” pleaded Merk. “The scan needs to complete a cycle.”

  “We can’t risk discovery!” exclaimed Jasper. “They’ll seize everything!”

  “This is the only chance to get the extra data we need!” protested Merk.

  Jasper ran to his shuttle. Tariq, J’Vor, and Emanui had already departed for the lifeboat with Pocatello’s body.

  “They’ve spotted us,” said Devonna to Jasper.

  “Not us, Twofer,” said Jasper. “We’re cloaked. They’re picking up Merk’s heat signature.”

  “Merk!” shouted Devonna. “They’re coming for you!”

  “Finished!” exclaimed Merk.

  As Merk ran for the shuttle, shots rang out.

  “They’re targeting him!” cried Devonna.

  “I’m extending the cloak,” said Jasper. “Hurry up, Merk!”


  “What the hell just happened?” asked the gunner in the helicopter.

  “Report!” ordered the pilot.

  “I’ve lost the infrared!” exclaimed the gunner. “I had the heat pattern of someone running, and now it’s gone!”


  Planet Vambiri

  “Primus,” said Kevak as he entered the computer lab. “I’ve been unable to find Kwetz. Jirza and Tolum are also missing. They must be the ones responsible for this, since Ikato was nowhere near the particle accelerator when the rumbling began. Miboj just reported that Arkani is missing.”

  D’Hal was transfixed by the image on the screen in front of her, and she did not appear to even realize that Kevak had entered the lab. He saw that her hands were curled into tight fists on either side of the terminal.

  “Primus, are you alright?” asked Kevak.

  Moving only her head, D’Hal broke her gaze away from the screen and looked at him. A viscous tear flowed down her cheek.

  “It’s all lies,” she whispered. “Everything we have believed is a lie.”


  Wind River Reservation, Wyoming

  2046 AD

  Jirza’s eyelids fluttered as she regained consciousness. Once fully awake, she passed her hand over the length of her body while her brain received communication pulses from the nanobots. Walking over to Tolum, she placed her hand on his temple. Light flowed between her fingertips and his skin.

  “How long have we been in semi-stasis?” asked Tolum.

  “One standard Earth month,” answered Jirza.

  “Seems to have worked,” he said as he eyed her up and down.

  “We must rouse the others,” she said.

  Tolum placed his fingertips on Arkani’s forehead. “All systems normal,” he said to Jirza.

  Jirza knelt down beside Kwetz and performed a full scan. “The nanobots have successfully fused the human and Vambir markers. His immune system is accepting the change.”

  A shriek echoed off the limestone walls. “You’re all hideous!” exclaimed Arkani. “What’s that sprouting from your heads?” She quickly felt her own head and was horrified to find that the same thing had happened to her. Her bottom lip felt different, and as she licked it she realized that her central fangs were gone. She ran her hands through the strange fibers emanating from her head and touched her ears, which were no longer pointed.

  “Calm yourself,” ordered Jirza.

  Kwetz opened his eyes and stood up. “Ah,” he said, taking in a deep breath. “Already I feel better.”

  “Run a scan on yourself,” Jirza said to him.

  Kwetz touched the center of his chest and felt the tingle of the nanobots coursing through him. “They’re communicating! It’s not a language, but more like a feeling — I can understand them! The mixture of Vambir and human cells has accelerated their activity!”

  Arkani continued to stare at them in horror.

  “Recite the five stages!” snapped Jirza.

  “Enslavement. Revolt. Exodus. Transmutation. Rule,” whispered Arkani.

  “Again,” ordered Jirza. “This time make the sacred circle.”

  Arkani complied, and the ritual tempered her panic. “What is this place?”

  “Humans call it the Great Continental Divide,” said Jirza. “We won’t run across many of them here — not enough modern conveniences.”

  “Is this transformation the same as what happened to the crew of the Isla when they first arrived on Earth?” asked Arkani.

  “This is so much more than a mere transformation!” exclaimed Jirza. “Those on the Isla gained nothing from their metamorphosis! They were captives to the blood hunger and were vulnerable to disease! They still had to hide from the light!”

  “We were never meant for the light!” protested Arkani. “The Creator made the light a curse after Akam partook of the forbidden Plant of Knowledge. Akam and his prodigy would toil underground, only venturing to the surface at night. And those who behold daylight shall evermore be burnt.”

  “You know the Chant of Origin, Arkani,” said Jirza, “but you have forgotten the five stations. We all became Touch Healers on Vambiri, thanks to Ikato’s nanobots. And now, with the Vambir and human gene mutations combined, we have evolved into something new!”

  Arkani and Kwetz exchanged confused looks.

  “Enslavement. Revolt. Exodus. Transmutation. Rule,” repeated Jirza as she performed the circle ritual with her hands. “This is our Transmutation!”

  Within their vast, dark enclosure, Jirza turned away from them and calmly walked toward the light.

  “Sister, no!” cried Tolum. “Please, let me go first! You are too valuable to lose!”

  Jirza put her hand to Tolum’s cheek. “Brother, have faith.”

  When she reached the demarcation line between darkness and light, she raised a steady hand and pushed her fingertips through. The nanobots within her swirled with such fury that her body began to glow.

  She felt heat — rising heat. The heat was a life force.

  Unafraid, she walked fully into the light. Her chalk-white skin flushed with color, and her hair even took on a reddish tint. Beads of perspiration rolled from her brow. She began to twirl with outstretched arms, and her laughter echoed around the massive wall of rock.

  “A brilliant future beckons!” she shouted.

  Tolum ran into the light to join her. The sudden rush of heat coupled with the swirling nanobots in his system caused him to swoon, but he soon recovered. He placed his hands on the sides of Jirza’s face and looked into her eyes.

  “Slaves no more!” he happily cried.

  Standing together hand in hand, they triumphantly watched as Kwetz and Arkani tentatively crossed over.


  Planet Vambiri

  Earth Year 2046 AD

  Kevak was alone in the computer lab. D’Hal could not bear to sit through a repeat performance of what she had discovered earlier.

  “Replay video log Ikato-3193,” Kevak ordered the computer.


  Ikato appeared on the screen.

  This is the first time the computer deployed the revival sequence for my pod since the disaster. I’ve replaced one depleted hydrogen cell and two others that were below minimum safety levels. I have lasdrills that could be used to escape to the outside, but scanners indicate gamma particle concentrations are still at toxic levels.

  The falling debris has completely sealed me in. For now
, I have enough air to breathe. I’ve got disposable carbon scrubbers, so I’ll have to figure out a way to recycle them. Things might become dodgy then…there’s a limited supply of oxygen tanks.

  As soon as the singularity appeared to be expanding, I ordered the children into the stasis chamber. The cloak, coupled with the lead shielding, is holding up well. All indications are that they are sleeping soundly. If something malfunctions, I’ll have to try and fix it by remote command from my computer. I pray that the Creator will keep them safe.

  “Halt,” ordered Kevak. “Fast forward to next entry.”


  After reviewing data collected during the disaster, I’ve observed a correlation between an expanding singularity and the diameter of the vortex and have concluded that another attempt at wormhole formation is well within acceptable safety protocols if the vortex diameter is equivalent to the span of a laser beam.

  This tiny diameter will be more than adequate for communication and possibly transference of microscopic material.

  The planet to be targeted is the one detected by the long-range telescopes onboard the Isla, which was the only vessel to escape the carnage wrought by the Passenger Lottery revolt.

  END OF ENTRY 3194.


  Heaving a sigh, Kevak leaned forward and rubbed his forehead. “Proceed.”


  The minimal diameter wormhole, which I call the “pinhole,” has worked exactly as predicted! I have been able to observe a thriving, albeit primitive civilization of a bipedal species that bears a remarkable similarity to the Vambir! And more exciting still — they are immune to sunlight!

  These are the images of the amazing structures they have built without any modern tools — colossal pyramids! I have every confidence, barring an unforeseen natural disaster, that these sturdy structures will still be standing when the Isla is due to arrive in approximately three thousand years.

  Unfortunately, this species also appears to have a caste system. Their Primus is called “Pharaoh” and their Lowcastes refer to themselves as “Israelites.” The pyramid structures have been constructed with Israelite slave labor. Just like the Vambiri Lowcastes, these Israelites also believe in a deity who will send someone to deliver them from bondage!

  So far, I have only been able to observe this society but am hopeful that the pinhole wavelength can be adjusted to facilitate communication.

  END OF ENTRY 3195.


  “Proceed,” ordered Kevak.


  I have obtained a wealth of information about the Israelite language and religion, and I am about to make my first attempt at communication.

  One Israelite in particular, Moses, was actually raised as a Highcaste Egyptian. He was expelled after causing much offense to the authorities with his attempts to improve working conditions for the Israelites.

  Moses is currently an agricultural worker of sorts. This planet has an abundance of four-legged creatures that provide food and textile material, and Moses accompanies a group of them in their wanderings across the landscape.

  Here he comes! I am going to initiate communication! I expect that it will take several back-and-forth conversations before I am able to filter out the static:

  Moses! Do not look directly into the light! It will blind you!

  Here I am, Lord!

  Do not come closer! The red beam will burn you! I represent the Vambir Creator who is the same God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. I have seen the misery of the people of Egypt and am sending you to the Pharaoh to deliver the Israelites out of Egypt.

  Lord, who am I to attempt such a thing? Suppose I go to the elders and tell them You have sent me, and they ask me your name? What shall I say, Lord?

  Moses, I am not your God — Ikato is who I am.

  “Halt!” ordered Kevak.

  It was clear to anyone familiar with the book of Exodus that the transmission had been garbled by the static, and Moses had only heard “I AM WHO I AM.”

  No more…I can’t witness the destruction of everything I believe!

  But he had to know the extent to which Ikato had meddled in human history. He was still in intensive care in Medical, and if he succumbed to his injuries, his log would contain the only information on what had transpired.

  “Resume!” ordered Kevak.


  Lifeboat, Arctic Circle

  2046 AD

  “That was close,” said Nadia to Jasper as he exited the shuttle with Devonna and Merk.

  “I extended the cloak around my shuttle after the first one departed,” said Jasper. “Neither of them should have registered on any military frequencies — did they?”

  “No, the shuttles didn’t show up on their detectors, but for a brief amount of time, Merk did,” said Nadia. “They locked on to him, and then he abruptly disappeared. That’s going to trigger national security concerns at the highest level.”

  Nadia was stationed in the Operations Room of the lifeboat during the mission to Wyoming. It was her responsibility to monitor two sets of output, one that resulted from conventional Earth detection methods and the other for devices that employed Vambir technology.

  “It was worth the risk,” said Merk. “We’ll be able to run a comparison to the readings from the Kuiper Belt. We now know that the diameter of a vortex isn’t fixed. The comparisons should give us an idea of how to make the adjustment.”

  “The smaller the diameter, the less energy it will require,” said Devonna. “A vortex that transports radio waves should be the easiest to generate. We could transmit a message to Vambiri.”

  “Where are the others?” asked Jasper.

  “They’ve taken Pocatello’s body to the lab for analysis,” said Nadia.

  “Are you coming?” Jasper asked Devonna and Merk.

  “You go ahead,” said Devonna. “Merk and I need to start running the comparison algorithm right away. If Pocatello’s body yields anything that could help with the wormhole generation, let us know.”


  Through the window, Jasper and Nadia could see Pocatello’s body on the table.

  “We’ll have to suit up,” said Nadia as she pointed to the flashing yellow light.

  Jasper pressed the speaker button. “Is there a risk of contagion?”

  “Foreign bodies have been detected at the bite marks,” answered Tariq from inside.

  Once Jasper and Nadia had put on their Hazmat suits, they entered the lab’s outer door and passed through the disinfectant corridor before proceeding to the inner chamber.

  “What kind of foreign bodies?” asked Jasper.

  “Lights out!” ordered Emanui. “Deploy infrared screen!”

  The screen hovered into place just above Pocatello’s body. When Jasper and Nadia stood over it, they could see each bite mark had scattered bits of material that glowed.

  “Lights on!” ordered Emanui. “Retract screen!”

  “Bioluminescence?” asked Nadia.

  “Nanobots,” answered J’Vor, who motioned for them to come over to the electron microscope. “The glowing is emitted when they are in an excited state. They’re too small to see without the microscope.”

  “What’s their function?” asked Jasper.

  “Maybe the nanobots have something to do with the fact that they didn’t use a spacecraft to travel through the wormhole,” said J’Vor.

  “What makes you say that?” asked Jasper.

  “I’m only guessing,” said J’Vor. “The only experience we’ve had with this type of technology were the nanobytes that facilitated the cerebral implants. Perhaps these nanobots keep the atomic structure intact while transporting organic material through the wormhole.”

  “They targeted Pocatello,” said Tariq. “They could have easily overpowered any human if all they wanted was blood.”

  “They neede
d Pocatello’s communication link with Kwetz in order to reach Earth,” said Emanui.

  “That and her super-blood,” said Tariq.

  “I think it’s safe to assume that Kwetz has returned with Jirza and Tolum,” said J’Vor.

  “And not a single one of them has a cerebral implant!” exclaimed Nadia.

  “At the time, it was not deemed necessary,” said Jasper. “They were taken into custody and put into stasis just before the Newisla departed, and there weren’t any humans where they were headed. No one could have foreseen them getting a hold of wormhole technology and returning to Earth.”

  “We’ll need to tackle this on two fronts — tissue samples from Pocatello and a spectro-analysis of the nanobots,” said Emanui.


  Continental Divide Hospice of Wyoming

  2046 AD

  “That one,” said Tolum as he pointed to a woman stepping out of a limousine.

  “Why her?” asked Arkani.

  “Her hair and nails have been groomed by a professional,” answered Tolum. “Every day she wears a new garment that has been meticulously tailored to her measurements, and the jewelry that adorns her is composed of precious metals, the one exception being the string of wooden beads around her wrist.”

  “Anyone can see she is a Highcaste,” said Arkani. “They’re all Highcastes.”

  “Hardly, Arkani,” said Jirza. “The majority are pretenders. You must pay attention to the minutiae. Watch how others are especially attentive to her as soon as she enters the facility. She comes from the upper echelons of human society.”

  “Her movements are predictable,” asked Arkani.

  “That’s only half of the equation,” said Jirza. “Observe her closely when she exits the building.”

  Several hours later, the limousine collected the woman.

  “Nothing has changed — her attire is the same as before,” said Arkani.

  “Look past the physical characteristics,” said Jirza. “She’s distressed. You can see it in her face. Notice how she clutches one piece of jewelry in particular.”


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