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The Rake and The Rose (A Rake's Mistake)

Page 12

by Amelia Clearwater

  “My Lord-“ her breathing erratic and the swell of her breasts rising and falling rapidly pleased him.

  “Alexander.” He growled softly at her.

  “But-“ he quieted her with a soft yank of her hair, tilting her head so her petite neck was bared.

  “Say it,” he whispered dragging his stubble roughened cheek along her the soft skin of her jaw.

  “Alexander…” It was a whisper and he swore pressing his mouth to her bared throat, leaving fevered kisses trailing to her soft shoulder, and back again nipping softly.

  The hint of a groan escaping her mouth set him on fire.

  He couldn't quite tell where this madness had come from, but the jealousy was vanishing. She hadn't denied him. No, she was loosening in his arms, soft and supple. It calmed the beast that had reared its ugly head.

  Charlotte didn’t know what to think, her fear replaced by shock, and then molten hot fire. It spread where his mouth was, where his hands clasped her waist and one snaked to cup her corseted breast she gasped against his lips.

  So this is what relations are? God I’m going to burn…

  But sense returned, “Alexander, stop-we cannot…” She pressed her hands against his chest to push him away, but instead her fingertips burned from his heat. When he moaned from her touch, she shuddered. He pressed himself closer, her back ached slightly from the wooden door pressing her spine; but his weight felt warm and inviting.

  His lips tangled with hers again, and Charlotte felt the reason for what they should not be doing vanish. Somewhere below her waist deep in her belly clenched. She felt hot.

  “Alexander…please.” She had no idea what she was asking for, but the ache below her waist, deep in her clenched harder when he pressed a thigh between her own.

  “Sh, Sweetling.” His tone was husky and deep. Heavy lidded, she looked up at him, as his hands brushed the tops of her breasts, fingertips lingering against her collarbone. “Come here, Sweetling.” It was no request.

  Alexander tugged her from the door and swept an iron arm around her, clutching her as close as he could. The ache in his loins worsened when he pressed his hips against her lower belly. “God you’re so slender, I could break you if I weren’t careful…” He had to lean down just to kiss her, and her lips were inquisitively returning the gestures.

  More. I need more. It wasn’t enough. His heart knew the truth; it would never be enough. He’d have to lock her away in his home and keep her in his bed, until they both perished from what he wanted to do to her, before it would be enough. His hands went to the ties on the back of her dress and he tugged gently at them to loosen them. “I like your hair down, Sweetling.” He tugged the combs from her hair and they dropped to the floor, setting it in wild disarray for his fingers to delve through.

  “Alex…” her groan caught him off guard. He had never been called ‘Alex.’ Something warmed within him and he flicked his tongue against her mouth before nipping the fullness of her bottom lip. She gasped.

  Pleased with the reaction he had aimed for and received, he darted his tongue against hers softly. A feminine delicate mewl escaped, and her fingers gripped his coat and he walked backwards to his chair at the desk. She stumbled slightly and fell against him, his hips pressing against hers through the layers of fabric.

  Charlotte froze for a moment when she felt hardness against her belly. His hands had undone her dress quickly and it slung off both her shoulders, her chemise off of her left, revealing a high curve of her corseted breast. She didn't quite know how it had gotten so far out of control.

  She blushed crimson when he pulled back long enough to glance down at her. “Beautiful, Sweetling…”

  She attempted to gather her dress about her body, but he clutched her hands to his chest. He quickly took off his coat and cravat leaving his loose undershirt on. She could see the vee of his shirt bare the expanse of his chest as his mouth trailed down her throat again. Charlotte’s gaze traveled down his body to the large bulge pressing against his breeches. She traveled her hands curiously under his shirt and her fingertips found defined muscle and hot flesh.

  Oh…this is what a man is like. Strong…broad and- his muscle flexed beneath her fingertips- big… she gulped feeling a bit frightened.

  Her fingers greedily roved his abdomen feeling every crease of muscle as it bunched and relaxed where she touched, as if unused to hands roaming his skin.

  “God, Sweetling easy.” He clutched one of her hands and pressed his forehead to hers. “You’re going to be the death of me.”

  She was terrified by this claim and the look in his green eyes. “No…I don’t want you to die…” Her skin paled.

  He chuckled at her. “No Sweetling, not that type of death.” He kissed her again and she eased in her panic.

  After tugging her to his chair, he sat down and yanked her to him. She had to press one leg on either side of his lap.

  “Alex?” Charlotte was startled when his hands were tugging her dress to her waist, and attacking the laces of her corset.

  “Yes, yes keep saying my name. Sweetling. You know what that does to me?” His voice was low and riddled with longing. With deliberate movements, he pushed his hips and ground them against her most sensitive place. It earned him a soft and surprised cry. “Beautiful.”

  Her corset fell away and her chemise fell loose, revealing a peek of soft pink buds already tightening from the cool air, across pale skin. Delicious looking, and he found himself needing to test that look.

  He tugged her chemise down and sucked a bud into his mouth, when her gasp reached his ears, Alexander’s heart nearly stopped. His hands clasped her still clothed waist, as the dress hung off her hips. He groaned out loud, before swiping the sensitive little nub that had revealed itself with his tongue again. Its twin was twisted softly between his thumb and index fingers as his free hand cupped the breast at his mouth and molded it.

  “Alex.” The gasp as her head fell back, letting her hair fall down in amber waves caused his member to jump in anticipation.

  “That’s it, enjoy it, Sweetling. Perfect, they fit my hands perfectly…” He purred before continuing. When he stopped, she groaned “Is this what you want?” he tugged on a sensitive bud with his fingers and nibbled the other one in his mouth, until she arched, whimpering “or this?”

  He sucked it hard and she cried out, her head falling back in pleasure. “Please…”

  Alexander just had to get her out of his system, much like any addiction, but was throwing oneself into it the cure? Would this would get rid of the lewd thoughts that kept him up, knowing she was in the next room? Would it would keep his member from pressing against his belly in the morning, long after dreams of touching her had faded?

  It had to be done now, or he might burn for his desire if not released felt like torture by flame.

  He nipped on the soft bud between his lips and her fingers dove into his hair, gripping him to her. Only then did he let go with a soft wet pop. Her black eyes were watching him as she was leaned back on his lap.

  “Now…” the growl was back in his voice.

  “Now?” she whispered staring at him questioningly. She let out a soft squeak of protest, when his hand darted up her skirts to her drawers finding the slit at the front.

  “Alex…no I-“ her protest fell away when his thumb brushed the nub that throbbed between her legs. “Oh, god…” she groaned low in her throat when lightning pooled in her belly and womb. Alexander’s head spun at the sound and he lightly brushed her wetness.

  Wet and ready.

  His body ached near the point of release.

  He quickly undid the front of his breeches and felt relief when he sprang free, rubbing her center. The moan from her lips rose in pitch as her breathing sped up. She blinked at him when she felt his length rub along her.

  “Alex…” her face paled. “I don’t think.” He was too far-gone for his conscience to wonder at her innocent expression.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll be gen
tle.” He reined in the hungry sound that vibrated in his throat.

  Charlotte stared at him intently trying to read his expression. The hand at her breast kneading it sent fire to her womb. His thumb still stroking her drove her insane.

  …All right…” she had her virginity checked after asking Francesca and Sophie, curious about if she was a light skirt, and she had heard the doctor tell Francesca after an embarrassing exam she still had it. But surely he would not hurt her. She saw a flicker of emotions flash across his face. First surprise, then worry and then pride mixed with what she had just learned, lust.

  She was beginning to like that look.

  She relaxed herself as he easily positioned himself against her, swiping her once to collect her slickness. His eyes partially closed in bliss and his hips began to press forward.


  Bang, bang, bang!

  “Alexander!” Giselle’s shrill voice came through the thick oak door.

  Charlotte heard him quietly curse, violently in a string of words, clutching her closer. Her breasts pressed against his jaw. He nipped the top of one. His member brushed against her center. She bucked against him. Alexander had to stifle the cry they both had with a rough kiss as his hands tugged her hair, just to feel her squirm. When he released her they were both flushed and panting.

  “What? Someone had damn well better be dead Giselle!” he roared. He was getting Charlotte set to rights, and in moments her dressings were back in place and he was moving to pick up her combs after he had restrained himself back into the confines of his breeches. Charlotte found herself frustrated and angry. She had no idea why, but Alexander was in the same state, so it must be normal; her eyes kept traveling to his mouth, she wanted more kisses.

  “The gentlemen wish to have brandy and to talk.” Giselle’s voice seemed far away.

  “I am finishing work that needs to be done for the estate.” His tone was harsh and strangled.

  He had her again in his arms and was kissing her furiously, almost maddeningly. Her fingers locked into his hair as he had done with her and tugged. She felt the bolt of desire go through him in a shake.

  “The door is locked…” her voice was suspicious. Alexander broke off their kiss.

  “I am busy. I have Charlotte helping me file papers, as I have no time to do so…is this a problem Aunt?” He steadied himself, pressing his forehead to hers silently cursing her to go away, Charlotte giggled into his throat and he clutched her hips closer but she moved away and he turned to the door.

  “Oh, so that’s where that Ginger girl is. No, I guess not…” They heard her foot tapping the wooden floors. “Well, send her out when finished I have work for that girl.” And with that footsteps faded.

  Alexander got his body under control. He turned to see her sitting in his desk chair. Her eyes were sparkling as they had in the bookstore and her breathing uneven. He growled in agitation. The sound deepened when her eyes glanced at the front of his breeches. “I could string that meddling woman up,” he swore running his hands through his hair. Alexander motioned to the servant’s door “Please…leave…” he sounded pained.

  “My Lord?” she whispered her eyes widening. He saw disappointment and he hated to make her think he was dismissing her.

  Charlotte’s body was on fire, and she stared at him.

  “Go on…” he gestured with a tilt of his head to the door and watched as she got up reluctantly and went to the door. “Sweetling…” she turned back.

  “My-“ his glare cut her off “Alex?”

  “That’s right…” he purred, “I’m not finished with you, not nearly finished.”

  She noticed his fingers still glistened with her wetness, and nearly fainted when he brought it to his mouth and licked it off.

  With that burned into her mind, she fled his burning gaze and hands. She was desperate for relief but completely unsure how to get it on her own.

  Her chores during the day did not help. Sure, Precious was adorable when she scampered across the wet floor chasing the brush she used to clean the halls. Or when she kept trying to jump and catch Charlotte’s apron strings as she walked.

  Her entire being felt aflame!

  The memory of his hands and lips sent her for a loop. She sat down and groaned when her body protested. The staff had been right. He was interested, but she had no idea what to give him. She wanted to loosen her dress a bit so she might breathe. Lady Deirdre walked by at the wrong time, and Charlotte inwardly cursed.

  “Oh, look it’s the help.”

  Charlotte was in no mood to deal with her. “I am in no mood, Lady Deirdre.” She sighed.

  “You will be in the mood if I say so, servant.” The tone was mocking and she snapped her fan open and fanned herself prettily. “Take a turn in the garden with me, servant girl. Now.” Charlotte picked up Precious and placed her in her pocket “I was wondering, that little kitten is adorable, let me have her.”

  “Excuse me?” Charlotte glared at her “No. Precious is mine.” Once in the garden, she set the kitten on the ground where it toddled off happily chasing the spring day butterflies. “Well, it’s not like a girl of…your standing needs an animal parading around after her!” She tapped Charlotte with her fan in a joking manner, but it only made her angrier.

  “Please do not do that, Lady Deirdre.”

  “What?” she tapped her again “I say, you are rather cheeky-“ tap “for someone of your-“ tap “standing, I think you need to learn some-“ tap! “Manner-“ Before she could tap Charlotte again, Precious screeched to the size of a miniature whirlwind of fur and attacked Lady Deirdre’s ankles. “Ah! Get that beast off of me! Why you little wretch!” Before Lady Devon’s fan could strike Precious, Charlotte had it and flung it into the small pond.

  “Don’t you even dare to strike that kitten Deirdre! For one thing, I am amazed Alex would even dream of being your companion, let alone how he can be in the same room with you, you spoiled heartless harpy!” Lady Devon’s face had gone three shades too pale. “What? Are you going to faint? Please do so, you will land in the pond and I shall not catch you.” She returned to normal color, flushed now.

  "Alex…Hm" She whispered confused before a dawning look came over her face. "Do you really think he's interested in you? A red headed, ill tempered woman?"

  "You obviously think he is, or you wouldn’t find me threatening." Charlotte retorted.

  “How dare you speak to me that way? I’ll see you sacked!” Deirdre’s face was mulish.

  “Good luck.” Charlotte threw her hands in the air and picked up Precious. “Come kitten, let’s go find better company, I think Lady Anne wants to see you.”

  In the tearoom, Lady Anne, Jessica Carlisle and another pretty girl with black hair sat and drank tea. Charlotte got on one of the gowns that were made should Alexander call her to dinner with them and entered smiling at James.

  “Anne, look it’s Charlotte! That girl you told me about!” Lady Jessica smiled at her widely. “Finally you come out of the scullery to talk with us! This is Lottie, Lottie this is Anne’s new friend.”

  Lottie though, nearly choked on her tea when she spotted Charlotte. “Oh!”

  “My Lord, are you alright?” Lady Jessica asked gently patting her back.

  Lottie nodded, though the light blue eyes were startled, her hair was in perfect ringlets thick and falling to her ears, he also noticed the blue eyes had green rings in them...if she tilted her head just so- they shifted color.

  “Forgive me, I thought I recognized you…” she glanced around and back to Charlotte.

  “So, won’t you sit? We have some lovely teas that were brought in.” Lady Jessica asked smiling wide, Charlotte rather liked the woman a bit more.

  Charlotte took a seat across from Lady Jessica Carlisle and was next to Anne.

  “I hope they are not working you too ragged” Lady Anne patted her hand gently.

  “No, but Lady Deirdre and I had a quarrel.”

  “Oh, do tell. I
despise that girl.” Lottie squeaked and clapped a hand over her mouth. “I should not have said that.” Charlotte got the impression that Lottie was very opinionated.

  Charlotte and the others laughed, “No, she attempted to hit Precious!” She sipped a newly steeped cup of tea and was in heaven. It was a beautifully flavored and light tea.

  Lady Anne looked shocked “No! Where is the little dear?” but when Charlotte looked about she did not see her. “Oh no, I better go find her before Lady Cromwell, or Lady Deirdre snatch her up for good!"

  Leaving the tea she walked the halls calling for the kitten. “Precious!” she whispered softly. “Where are you?” Walking by Alexander’s office, she saw the little kitten on a table beneath a mirror “Oh there you are!” But when she reached for the ball of fluff it hopped off the table and darted into Alexander’s study. “Oh, get back here!” she scrambled for the cat, but it was already prancing across the floor to his desk.


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