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The Rake and The Rose (A Rake's Mistake)

Page 14

by Amelia Clearwater

  “It was I.” He said; it was a half-truth. He was thankful it was dark; the dampness against his shirt would not be seen.

  “Well I could have sworn you were with someone. I heard voices.”

  “Giselle, you always hear voices where there are none.” He chuckled half-heartedly. Damn her and her meddling! When he saw her go down the hall to her bedroom at the end, he disappeared into his own and back through the door to find her lying on her bed, cheeks flushed, fast asleep. Alexander chuckled to himself, tucking her in with gentle care. He kissed her forehead gently.

  “Goodnight, my Charlotte…” He already knew he was going to hell in a hand basket, but he didn't quite care. He had a feeling that even if he had his way with her, it wouldn't be the end of it. But he had to try.

  He had to get over the obsession.

  Charlotte slept well, her body thrumming still from what happened between them. Her heart a little bit more nourished than before.

  Through the course of the next few weeks, Alexander sent his friend Kade to find out more about Charlotte. His plan to be rid of her had backfired ten fold. Each chance he had, she was snatched up and thoroughly kissed silent, stroked and touched until she was pliant and willing in his arms.

  The entire mess was making him go insane. He was hardly paying attention to the families or ladies at all, and instead hunted her around the house desperate for a moment alone. He even started having her eat meals with everyone in the dining room, to her obvious discomfort. Upon being seated next to Lady Anne during each meal her mood lightened considerably.

  It seemed that the entire household was beginning to fall in love with this strange girl that wandered into his life, including his guests. The only one who seemed rather foreboding was his Aunt. He inquired about it later after dinner "Giselle." he spoke quietly as he walked into the sitting room.

  "What, Alexander?" she asked doing a bit of sewing under a bright lamp.

  "I am beginning to think you dislike Charlotte being here."

  "As I have said," she sniffed indignantly "I think she pulls your mind elsewhere, you need to be focused on courting the women, that Lottie girl is nice."

  "And you favor her." he accused.

  "No! All the others are-" she looked a bit pinched and it settled uneasily in her belly. "Fine."

  Alexander watched his Aunt continue with her work and walked away, not seeing the harsh glint of her eyes as she watched his retreating back.

  As the days wore on, the women he courted irritated him more and more. He hardly remembered their names, and did all he could to snatch precious moments from Charlotte. Her memory was no better, despite his staff’s efforts of talking to her about what she remembered- they reported no improvements. He was growing impatient to confirm if she was the courtesan that had vanished. His irritation grew to new heights when one of the girls, Lottie of whom he had no clue what title she had, was given more scheduled time than the other Ladies.

  “Giselle, you favor her.” He confronted his Aunt about it during an afternoon where he found her in the sitting room, and she denied it.

  "No, she’s just so…sweet!” Indeed, the young woman was a petite little flower with jet hair and blue eyes. But she was aloof, and did not seem to care for him at all. He decided to take her into the gardens for a walk, to ask her about her intentions.

  “Lottie” he asked as they took a turn about the garden

  “Yes my Lord?” her black barrel curls were bouncy and alluring. She’d make a lovely wife for someone one day, just not for him. Alexander nodded as Lady Deirdre walked by smiling at them. He still did not like how she gazed at Charlotte when she thought he was not looking.

  “What do you think of Charlotte?” he asked softly.

  “C-Charlotte?” Lottie whispered, “I do not know what you are asking.”

  “I know you are not interested in me, that is fine.” Alexander smiled at her, and it seemed as if a giant weight lifted off her shoulders.

  “My Papa has been bending me to try and snag you my Lord…it grew quite tiresome. But I love another. He is quite kind.”

  “Well. That is important.” He said nodding.

  “You are in love with Charlotte?” her smile beamed and he realized she was quite fetching.

  “No, no I just…wondered what you thought.”

  “What do you think my Lord?” she asked coyly. Alexander hadn’t really thought about that. How did he feel or think about it? As they made the turn around the small pond he sighed, “I’m unsure of that…”

  “You are not unsure. In fact, I believe you know quite well. You just aren’t willing to admit it yet. But that’s alright.” Lottie sighed smiling. He exhaled and continued with his walk, women confused him more and more he confirmed this when Lottie chuckled.

  “Did you hear about what Charlotte did to Lady Deirdre?” Her soft whisper was one of admiration.

  “No, why what happened?”

  “Lady Deirdre attempted to hit Precious,” she pointed into the pond where at the edge an ornate fan had gotten caught in the lily pads. “Charlotte threw the offending object into the pond!” they both laughed.

  “What did Deirdre do?” he asked curiously.

  “She apologized! Can you believe it? I’ve never heard that woman apologize to anyone! Though the poor girl cannot help herself," Lottie got a look that said not to repeat what she was about to say "Apparently the women of her family breed vice and jealousy into them young."

  "Well, then it is a good thing I haven't picked her, I'd hate to see what the children act like." He playfully grimaced.

  Lottie flashed her fan and giggled uncontrollably. He found that she was a very laid back person and very happy. "Charlotte is very kind from what I have seen."

  Alexander chuckled; Charlotte did have a way with people. He was beginning to like that about her. They made one more turn about the garden and Lottie glanced at him "Thank you, by the way."


  "Telling me not to go through with it; I mean not to continue this farce." She smiled widely and looked away, a tint of pink lightning her complexion.

  "Well, I'd tell anyone that." he said softly. He wouldn't want anyone to marry without love or affection. But then why am I courting women I have no interest in?

  "I think you and Charlotte look lovely together,” she said finally as they went back to the house.

  "What makes you say that?"

  "The way you look at her says it all. And I heard what you did to Mr. Whitmore. That was not something one does unless engaged in emotions, my Lord." Her smile was unwavering.

  “Have a good day Lady Lottie.” He said as she disengaged her arm and began to move away.

  "Good day my Lord." she walked towards the Estate. "Don't break her heart now." She said over her shoulder, leaving him to ponder her words.


  May 1815 . . .

  When the invitation arrived to attend a Masquerade Ball to be held by Lord Devon on a Late Spring evening, it was an exciting affair. The entire estate was buzzing with the news of the Ball, it was supposed to be a Masquerade. As usual, Charlotte was bustling about the kitchen trying to get different herbs dried from the garden. She sniffed the thyme and smiled inwardly, adoring the aroma that wafted from waving it under her nose.

  "Charlotte!" It was Sophie coming down the stairs in a hurried manner.

  "Yes?" She asked, setting the herbs down and walking to the stairs. "Lady Deirdre, and her mother sent you an invitation."

  "She did?" The hairs on the back of her neck stood up and she questioned the circumstances. "Well, I guess I will have to go." she said softly. "But I have nothing to wear!"

  In a blur of cream taffeta skirts Lady Anne was in the room "Ah! I knew you'd be here! I followed Sophie!"

  "Anne! It's the kitchens. You should not be down here!" Charlotte got up but the girl was bouncing around like a jackrabbit "Oh, do say you will come. Mother and I want to dress you!"

  "Like a doll?" she

  "No silly! We know you still have not found where you belong, so you need to come with us…" She paused and was staring at Charlotte's neck

  "I knew a two girls who had just that necklace. Interesting… Oh well there are many cameo's out there!" she crowed and started tugging Charlotte away.

  "But-" she looked back and Sophie who was laughing into her dough.

  "Go on child, have fun!"

  Lady Anne gathered her skirts and walked down the steps and down the walkway to one of the guesthouses, it was rather lovely in it's simplicity.

  "Anne, this is ridiculous…I'm a commoner."

  "Right," she scoffed "If you are a commoner than I am a duck."

  "Then, start quacking Anne."

  "No!" The woman turned her nose up in a playful snit.

  "What are we going to do anyway? I have no dresses, no-" Anne opened the door and Charlotte saw The Duchess of Essex standing, looking regal and very lovely.

  "My dear, we have a surprise for you!" she said softly.

  The dress they pulled out was burgundy, the color you would find upon a blood stained rose. The bodice dipped, nearly provocatively and gave her curves which she had no idea existed. But it allowed her delicate little ankles to come into view, when she swished about. They let her hair be pulled up so coils flowed down her back, the white stoned combs glinting in her auburn hair.

  The high-heeled slippers she wore were dyed to match the dress. She exhaled at the intricate gems of white that were in the shoes. A red sash was tied around her tiny waist so that the ends fell behind her back like a tail. With white fanning the edges that hung down her back near her ankles, she did indeed look like a fox.

  “My, Anne this is lovely…for me?" she blushed bright red and Anne hugged her.

  "You are so beautiful my dear friend, and besides you need to win over that Marquess Cromwell." Her smile held a hint of mischief. Charlotte giggled softly as she got ready. The corset brought her bust line to a rather admirable view. The silver bracelet she was fitted with complimented her skin tone and the way her skin glowed a creamy peaches and milk color satisfied her eyes.

  Her eyes, though, were what did it. They were rimmed with this new thing called eyeliner that was sort of blackened oil, but for your face, she wrinkled her nose at it, but had let them do what they wanted. And her lips, painted deep blood rouge looked plump and soft. She was slender, but curvy in all the right ways in that dress. Charlotte outwardly hoped it would catch his attention.

  "Of course it will!" Anne said tossing her beautiful hair back. Her limpid doe eyes shining as if in triumph "Lady Deirdre will want to go get kicked by a horse tonight, you look so gorgeous!"

  Her mother interrupted. "Anne?"

  "Yes mother?"

  "What have I told you?" Her mother's gaze was not scolding at all! In fact it was humored.

  "Pray she gets the measles, since any real injury will just get her pity, where as that will make men run for the border of Scotland?"

  The Duchess smiled at her daughter, the same shapely eyes sparkling with mischief, "Good girl!" She tapped Anne on the sleeve with her fan and said inconspicuously to Charlotte "We have never really gotten along, Deidre’s mother and I. And Anne and Deidra do not get along at all for the same reasons!" With that, the Duchess of Essex floated to a chair and sat down with her tea as Anne and her lady in waiting fiddled with Charlotte's hair some more.

  Charlotte stared at a small glass of cordial that was placed before her and she smiled at the ladies maid who set it down and then handed one to Anne and the Duchess. "So," she said sipping her cordial. "What is it that you like to do Anne?" Anne looked up abruptly and giggled.

  "I like to do needlework." With that she rushed over and brought out a lovely tapestry. It had delicate little flowers and filigree with a Latin saying embroidered into the border. Unable to read Latin she simply found herself in awe at Anne’s talent alone.

  "Oh, Good heavens!" Charlotte ran her hand across it. "It is so beautiful Anne! I wish I could do this as well as you."

  "I can teach you!" she glanced at her mother and then back at Charlotte. "I also wanted to say…from my parents and myself." The Duchess of Essex smiled at her softly "We wanted to know if you would stay with my family."

  "What!" Her mouth fell open and she closed it instantly trying to regain her thoughts.

  Her Grace spoke up, "Yes dear, you have been so sweet to my Anne and she has never had a sister. We could get you a fabulous husband…that is unless you have already chosen?" The Duchess eyed her with a knowing gaze.

  "I do not think that what I want is possible your Grace."

  Charlotte thought about it for a moment and smiled widely "I would love to live with your family, I shall need to speak with Alex though…"

  "Alex?" Anne giggled, "No one has ever called him that, not even his family!"

  "Oh…forgive me please I have spoken out of turn, when I should not have." She blushed bright red and hid her face with her hands.

  "Not if you love him."

  "Do I? I can say I do not like seeing him with Deirdre…But, do I love him?"

  Yes, I do. Her inner voice screamed at her. You do! You do! As her mind knowing the situation yelled back I don't! I don't! Or rather, You can't! you can't! “I do not have the position to…”

  “That does not mean everything in society, dear.” Her Grace spoke softly to her.

  “But…I cannot stay with you, what about Anne’s need to find a husband, many people think that I am improper just for staying with Alexander!”

  “We make it so that you relay things to people in your own way, how you realized that you cannot stay there anymore due to decency and propriety.”

  “Will that even work your Grace?” Charlotte furrowed her brow in concentration “It sounds absurd.”

  Her Grace Essex shook her head, “Do not be too sure of that, people will believe it if you act it! That is how society works.” She snapped open a fan and grinned devilishly, Charlotte could see a once very mischievous young Lady come through again. “Fool them and you can fool anyone.”

  Anne hugged her, breaking her thoughts. "My Papa likes you very much. He says you were born to be a Lady. He doesn't for one minute believe any of those rumors that you're a... well…” she coughed “He said he knew you were a Lady the moment he saw you." She nodded firmly.

  "I'm not a light skirt, I'm a Virgin, I cannot believe people think otherwise…but I cannot blame them.” she whispered sighing as she sat down. "The ball is going to be full of people who think-" she had her face in her hands.

  "Tosh! You'll be wearing this." She was given a beautiful fox mask, the red wood carved to be completely realistic, yet fantasy-like. It was painted white on the facial contrasting fur and brighter red in others. It covered everything except the fullness of her lips and her black eyes glinted from behind the eyeholes.

  "Well," the Duchess sighed, "You really do look like a fox!" They all laughed, and Charlotte realized that Anne was a peacock, her green dress beautifully feathered with real feathers! The green, blue and purple beading in her gown made her eyes blurry in it’s detail.

  Her mother was a swan; the masks they each wore were feathered and carved with extended beaks all colored the same as nature made them in life. Charlotte leaned forward and laughed with them, as they started to chat about men and the random issues that they all had in regards to them.

  Apparently the latest laugh was found in the home was Her Grace's husband's constant pickiness over food. Their cook had threatened to leave, but being a perfectionist in wanting his master's approval, he, of course, acquiesced to his needs and wants.

  Alexander sat in his rooms sighing deeply. His attire had been lain out for him in the gold and cream of a lion. The mask was simply the face and not the mane. Thank God for small mercies.

  His chestnut hair glistened from his bath and he flexed himself slightly. As he stretched, he was desperate for something to relive the tension in his body.
Charlotte was becoming a fixation he could not get his mind off. But he had to. With a new determination he set forth in his mind that he was to stay away and choose a woman at the Ball.

  As he got ready; he looked at himself in the mirror, and his jacket gold in tassels and the cream breeches taut in just the right places. He hated the ones that tightened to the point where he couldn't feel his nethers.

  Alexander chuckled to himself. Not that he'd ever been able to wear them anyway.

  Alexander exhaled, and wondered where Kade was, since he said he wouldn't be able to make it to the Ball. He was probably out and about with Leroy or some nonsense like that. They were always together. They were like two peas in a pod always gallivanting around all the pubs and bars they could reach. Now, Leroy was as fiery and mischievous as ever, if not getting Kade into more trouble than he did when they were younger.


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