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The Rake and The Rose (A Rake's Mistake)

Page 24

by Amelia Clearwater

  "This is a snack?"

  "Mmhmm!" Sophie bustled and got everything ready for what seemed like dinner.

  "May I help Sophie?" She nodded and wiped her hands on her apron.

  "Alright dear, I want to make sure that you rest, but here." She handed Charlotte a bowl of potatoes.

  "Oh, Sophie I thought I had graduated from this," she raised her brow in a humored look, but happily helped out.

  Dinner was a festive event. Anne had come as well bringing Precious, who had taken to frolicking about the Essex estate, but instantly hopped onto Charlotte’s lap and curled up and purred.

  "Well, I missed you too Precious. So finally someone caught you long enough to bring you home after your visit!" Charlotte scooped the kitten up and kissed it repeatedly earning a complaint and a growl. "Oh I know, such a grown up girl you are Kitten,” she cooed.

  Alexander smiled at the cat and actually patted her on the head. "Hello Precious." The cat mewed at him and Sophie took her into the kitchen with her little dish of food.

  The rest of the evening went in a lovely array of brandies, sweets, wine and later, when no one else was there, beneath a canopy of pink and dusky twilight.

  Kisses, slow and burning, were shared between two whose souls sing and hearts beat at the same pace.


  Alexander's Birthday July 14th, 1815

  She was so nervous. Her belly had gotten a bit bigger, and thankfully Alexander had been avoiding her to make sure she was still fully recovered. Not that he had a hard time keeping busy with his own list of things to do. He was still trying to figure out the mystery that was, well, Charlotte. And she let him brood over it, waiting to make her move.

  Her days consisted of waiting for Alexander to go gallivanting off with Kade. When they were gone she easily slipped into the forming nursery. It was lovely so far, now that the walls had been stripped clean of the fading wall paper, and given a clean wash of lovely creams and whites, it actually brought out the room's space! The curtains were replaced with lovely lace and white chiffon that was nearly seen through so the light could filter in. She sighed contentedly.

  Francesca had brought down Alexander's mother's old rocking chair and the cushioning had been replaced with a beautiful gold color. "Gold for the little prince or princess," James had said, when he himself had gone and gotten the fabric in his spare time since everyone else was tied down.

  She loved the feel as her fingers went across the fabric. The windows had been cleaned and redone and the crib was going to be custom done and was nearly finished. Deep woods stained dark and shining were everywhere from the dresser to the pretty stools by the window to the shelves that would soon hold books and toys. Charlotte hoped her child liked reading, and had started reading aloud...just in case the baby could hear. She was ecstatic at how it looked! She fiddled with the key that locked the door and had tied a lovely gold and lace bow on it.

  Before the party she was excited to feel a small thump against her belly when she was reading her book Pride and Prejudice. She squeaked and nearly dropped the book. Sophie who had been sitting and going over different teas that would help Charlotte in the long run bolted upright.

  "What is it?" Sophie glanced at her confused.

  "Sophie, come!"

  “What is it?”

  She clutched the woman's hand and brought it to her belly, and began reading again. "Elizabeth Bennett..." she began reading and suddenly kick...kick!

  Sophie gushed in excitement "Well will you look at that!" She walked to the door and called for James and Francesca. Soon all took turns and placed a warm hand on her belly. They felt the beginning life that was now making its presence known.

  "If I didn't know any better, I'd say there were two in there," Sophie mused.

  Everyone laughed and Charlotte drank in the happiness her life had suddenly offered her. It didn't matter about her past or where she was from. As long as she had these people smiling down at her and Alexander by her side, her life would be complete.

  Meanwhile, Alexander was busy in his study piecing together his latest finds. Kade was again sitting across from him looking at the Rabbit and everything else. "So there was a young woman living in Caversham. Hm."

  Kade nodded and rubbed his jaw thoughtfully. "Leroy also said apparently that a nurse took a young woman around the same age as Sara from the eyed and blond. They’re attempting to get her records."

  "You are jesting." Alexander gasped.

  "I don't know, but I am still working out the details" Kade sighed and glanced at the lockets that lay on the desk.

  "Hm, it's quite a mystery isn't it?” Alexander sighed.

  "Well, enough of this nonsense." Kade snatched up both lockets and the rabbit and promptly put them in a drawer

  "What?" Alexander protested.

  "It's your birthday. And you know what that means."

  Suddenly another gentleman came in with shining, neat blond hair and intelligent grey eyes.

  "Leroy! You sodding cad, come here!" Alexander engulfed the taller man in a bear hug. Leroy was a veritable giant compared to Kade and Alexander, only matching Kade by his width. The bright eyes regarded his friends with wonderful humor and joy.

  "What? I can't come wish my best chum a happy birthday?" He tossed a mahogany box at him when he stepped away. It held a pair ornately carved cufflinks in the shape of lions.

  "Well now." Alexander chuckled.

  "I heard of you causing many a lady to swoon over your..." Leroy feigned a feminine tone, "Masculinity, my Lord,"

  As if to add to it he then pretended to swoon in a chair.

  "Sod off, you bloody git." Alexander cuffed him good-naturedly and Leroy dodged nearly knocking back the chair.

  "Steady on I'm just chaffing you!" He and Kade doubled over with laughter. Through wheezing Leroy gasped, "It's a damn good thing Charlotte won you, considering-" a burst of laughter "considering the poor Lion's been tamed and now jumping through hoops and eating peanuts!"

  Alexander all but tackled Leroy and soon both men were acting as if they were adolescents. "Ah, you've gone soft Cromwell! A lady got you and you know what happens then!" Leroy gasped between laughter.

  "What?" Alexander chuckled stepping away as Leroy lay out on his study floor sitting up.

  "It means she has your cads in her reticule. You'll never be the same again!" He howled in mirth.

  Kade burst into deep laughter. "Aye, poor Cromwell. Wee little thing as yer wife will probably just turn you into mince pie."

  “She really that terrifying Cromwell?” Leroy asked tilting his head, the blonde hair going off kilter for just a moment.

  "Mince pie is it?" Charlotte's voice came from the door and she stood regally with her head tilted up. Her eyes flashed with humor "And what are you three up to?"

  Leroy leapt up and bowed with color flagging his cheeks "Begging your pardon my Lady I did not know you were there. Why! Cromwell you dolt she’s not terrifying she’s adorable!” his exuberant personality leaked and stuck to everyone he met and they all laughed.

  Charlotte eyed him and suddenly burst into life "You must be Leroy!" She gasped happily and before he could protest she hugged him tight and in one quick breath: "I have heard so much about you! Do you really do medicine? I am so fond of such things you must tell me what you've studied. Oh, you also study animals. That must take such a great deal of knowledge! Alexander told me all about your travels with Kade and I am ever so excited to hear about them!"

  Leroy just chortled. "Alexander you have your hands full what an inquisitive little spitfire!" He hugged her promptly before stepping back shuffling his feet shyly. Kade picked her up and spun her around, and she caught a strange look across his face as he set her down.

  He gave her a curious stare with a hidden smile and handed her to Alexander. "Hello, love." she whispered "Happy Birthday."

  "Why thank you Sweetling." he kissed her softly.

  "Damn well kill me, eh Kade?" Lero
y pretended to strangle himself.

  Kade barked a laugh "More like shoot ye." "Oh I'll do the same you can bet on that.”

  "You damn well better Leroy or I'll leave you to yer woman to blister in her scorn. And I'll go the Fawkes's Tavern meself."

  Both hooted as Charlotte gave them humored glances.

  "One day," she said softly, "a woman is going to catch your eye, and then where will you two be?"

  "Not bloody likely," they both said. Alexander and Charlotte shook their heads, and she turned to him as his friends playfully bantered. "So, are you ready for dinner?"

  "I do hope my lovely woman enjoyed playing house,” he whispered to her.

  "I always do. Francesca and everyone have been working up a storm!" She was giddy with excitement for his private present later.

  The staff was flying around the entire kitchen laughing, drinking, bringing dishes into the main dining hall. Charlotte laughed and darted- more carefully mind you- around with the rest keeping her self contained with her joy.

  Alexander sat back and watched the festivities and grinned at his fire haired beauty. Everything she did was beautiful, the way she moved the way she walked the way she talked and used her hands to speak. He found himself entranced by her and his eyes followed her wherever she went.

  A Scottish voice broke his admiration, "Smitten are ye?"

  "Kade, shut it." he scoffed and his friend grinned lopsided

  "So, Leroy seems smitten, too." Leroy was staring at Lottie who was sitting clapping along with the music someone played on the piano as people danced about. But he refused to introduce himself at first, merely eyeing her in a lovely way.

  "Not smitten just...interested," Leroy said softly. "She is quite lovely isn't she? Quite the little lady.” Lottie made eye contact and turned a soft red, the young sixteen year old was obviously intrigued by the tall man.

  Charlotte having heard him laughed, "No, Lottie is everything but a little lady, at least that is what I have discerned in my time with her."

  "How so?" Leroy asked, Lottie looked like a perfect little lady sitting just properly, but Charlotte was right- there was something wild about this one that was practically tangible.

  “She has no want nor need of high society."

  Indeed, Leroy nodded and watched her more closely. Lottie had a delicate relaxation about her, which most women of refined class did not. She also laughed without reserve at everything around her if she found it funny. Her wit was as sharp as his military grade sword. "Hm."

  Alexander left his friend to stare and glanced sideways at Charlotte with an infectious grin "So, how are you doing? Do you want any rum punch?" she nodded and took a small sip, but it tasted off so she set her glass down with a soft frown.

  "I'm alright, but I guess I am not in the mood for it." She felt the baby kick again and she nearly started.

  "What?" Alexander looked worried and she batted his hands away.

  "I'm alright, quit being a ninny," he chuckled and dragged her to him to dance a waltz along with everyone else. It was infections the joy in the room. The entire house ablaze with celebration and laughter, no one could keep from joking, dancing, drinking and just simply having fun!

  But when the party died down, and Kade left to go and drink a few pints at the Tavern and Leroy escorted Lottie back to her little cottage as a gentleman would on his arm. Alexander and Charlotte glanced at the dispersing party. The twilight was coming into the sitting room, reflecting off the wood and shining on the gold, silver and brass fixtures, bowls, and china as the staff cleaned up.

  Well, this was great fun," he said blowing out a breath. "So...I thought we might."

  He nipped her jaw, as he dragged her into the shadows and she giggled, "Wait," she said.

  "Hm?" His hands were everywhere, tugging at her body.

  "Wait Alex!" she whispered excitedly.

  "What?" he looked dazed.

  "Here" She pressed cold metal object with something satiny in his palm.

  "A key?" He weighed it in his hand with a curious expression. "An old key."

  “Mmhmm!" she said exhaling quickly.

  "What is it to?" he said raising a brow. In fact, he remembered that there was a key on his mother's chatelaine that looked just like this.

  "Well...go and find the door it goes to!" she said impatiently.

  So they went through the house trying all the doors to see if the key fit. There were quite a lot, and he took the chance of ducking with her into the darkness of the house to steal kisses and touches that left her breathless.

  Soon, they were at the second floor and when the key landed home with a shunk-clack! Alexander’s eyes lit up like lanterns. "What is behind this door?" He watched her bounce up and down her hair bobbing with excitement.

  "Open the door," she whispered her dark eyes wide.

  With an easy swing of the door, he did as she asked. There stood Francesca, James and Sophie. They were all standing by a beautifully darkened wood crib in a cream and gold room. His eyes widened considerably, and he walked in as if confused. The cream colors lightened the room, and he saw even his mother's rocking chair was in the room, redone the only change being the color of cushions.

  "This was my...Wait..." his mouth fell open.

  When Charlotte took his hand and guided him over to the chair, sitting down. She tugged him to kneel, which he promptly did. Then picking up a copy of Sense and Sensibility after putting his hands on either side of her belly, she began to read... "Chapter ten..." suddenly it started and his entire body jolted as if he had been struck by lightning.

  "No," he whispered in awe, as if not believing it. She kept reading and again, the kick hit his palm like a small bump. "A baby?" she nodded and kept going. Again, again, again as if telling him Yes I'm in here! he shouted with absolute joy and swept her up.

  It was then that the staff- waiting outside the room trying to peek in on the happy moment, finally came in. They congratulated him happily with hugs and well wishes. And soon, they left the couple to retire to their room...where many other ways of enjoying each other were discovered...As the Lord and Master of the house did not want to disturb or potentially hurt his new, and favorite birthday present that was being knitted together with love, protection and care.


  Charlotte smiled as she exited the house tugging on her gloves. "Sophie I'll be back! Let Francesca know to meet me in a couple hours at the teashop in Combe Down! I want her to show me the ones for the baby that you mentioned! We also need to get fabric!"

  Sophie waved at her smiling "I'll let her know dear, not to worry." Charlotte was grinning from ear to ear as she sat down on the carriage seat and opened her large carpetbag. With a "Merow", Precious popped her head out of the bag and looked around.

  She exhaled and looked at the fabric swatches she had cut from the leftover fabrics that were left over from the curtains and the cushions. She wanted to find a lovely set and wood color to redo the crib. Alexander had said he wanted a final say as he apparently had some type of plan of his own, her skin goose pimpled with excitement.

  Precious was on the excursion to acquire a new bow and an engraved tag. She had spoken to the toy maker also about the fabric for the room, and adored the gold and warm tints.

  The ride was short lived and she sighed softly, as she tucked Precious away in her carpetbag and started to get out as the driver helped her. "Thank you so much." She smiled at him and he grinned widely.

  "Ma'am whatever you need I'll be right here."

  "Thank you, but do get yourself a cup of tea or something dear, it's a bit chilly today." she patted the driver on the arm happily and headed to the toyshop.

  "Ah! Miss Charlotte!" the toy maker smiled at her from behind his desk. His spectacles showed her reflection; as he tilted his head down to see her off his high stool. His workshop was up on a step platform, with a large number of oil lamps. He was a gangly man and was busy painting a face on a wooden toy soldier.

Beautiful. But I would expect nothing less."

  "So, is Lord Cromwell here, dear?" the Toy Maker asked.

  "No, sadly he is gone to the Essex estate, but I shall have him come by later if he is able!" Her eyes flashed with maternal delight. "I did bring the fabric!"

  "Oh, let me see! Let me see it my dear." The man hopped from his stool and she opened the bag, scooping the fabric out from under Precious, who squeaked in protest.


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