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JORDEN: (Justice Brothers #3)

Page 17

by Taylor Lee

  The Judge’s strained reminder broke through the loud chorus of acclamations from Jorden’s brothers. Looking to Mac, he said in tremulous tone, “And in addition to putting my great-granddaughters in imminent danger, Sylvia Mortenson also managed to smear the most honorable woman I know.”

  Jorden didn’t bother to swipe at the tears looming in his eyes as he gazed at Mac, whose closed eyes couldn’t hide the tears welling there. He said with an aggrieved sigh, “Yeah, Judge, there’s that, too.”

  He was grateful when Mac looked up and glanced from one to the other, focusing her gaze on the Judge.

  “Thank you for your concern, Judge. But just so all of you know, I’m tough. I will admit I don’t relish the gossip that is sure to fly. But Jorden and I have done nothing except fall in love. Yes, we were indiscreet, and God knows I learned my lesson. One that as a professional educator, I should have learned long ago. But in a million years, I never dreamed that Chloe would steal your phone, Jorden, and use it as evidence against us both. I’m as angry with her as I am with anyone.” She pinned a hard gaze on Jorden. “I could forgive her except that she has hurt you in a way that only a beloved daughter could. King Lear couldn’t have said it better, ‘How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child!’”

  She added with a self-deprecating half-smile, “That’s the outraged Mac talking. Now here is the trained psychologist’s advice to all of us. Chloe is in serious trouble. Every day I hear the girls on the team gossiping about what’s happening at Francine’s. I’m sorry to tell you that apparently Chloe is a full participant in the activities taking place there.” She hesitated for a long moment then added, “If the gossip is true, even half true, open sexual activity is taking place at Francine’s parties among the adult men and women congregating there. It is only a matter of time until that activity involves underage girls. Which, as all of you law enforcement types know, is called statutory rape. We can only pray to god that Chloe isn’t one of the victims.”

  She reached over and refilled her glass and raised it to the circle of stunned men staring at her. “Here’s to Sylvia Mortenson and Mary Ellen Lundgren. May they reside in their personal prejudiced hells for the rest of their sorry lives.”

  Mac had intended to shock Jorden and his bothers. She was concerned that they were so outraged at the unfairness of the custody decision that they were missing the true danger. She wasn’t exaggerating when she told them about the rampant gossip circulating at Wildwood. Admittedly, she’d laid it on a little thick to get the Justice brothers’ attention. Little did she know that her warnings were on target. If anything, they didn’t begin to capture the hideousness that happened next.

  Chapter 24

  “I won’t apologize to my stupid team if it’s the last thing I do.” Chloe raised her chin higher in the air and glared at Principal Daniels and Mac. She directed a sneer at Mac and added, “You know what a stickler my father is for honesty. If I said I’m sorry it would be an out and out lie. What would dear old dad, the great Assistant US Attorney Jorden Justice, think about that?”

  Mac sucked in a deep breath. She’d known this was going to be a challenging conversation. One glance at Chloe’s outrageous clothing confirmed that the shy, uptight, eager-to-please girl Mac had met a few short months ago was a distant memory. Instead, shooting daggers at her from across the desk was a hard-eyed young woman in a miniscule skirt and tight halter top that showed her surprisingly curvy figure to advantage. Both articles of clothing were expressly forbidden by the Wildwood dress code. Add the platform sandals, garish Goth makeup, and bright purple streaks in her hair, it was clear that Chloe had made her choice. She wasn’t asking to be suspended. She was begging to be. In addition to her one finger salute to her basketball team, the idea of apologizing to anyone for anything was clearly not in the cards.

  Mac fought the desire to smack the smug look off Chloe’s face. It was scary how much she looked like Francine. Her wildly inappropriate clothing, exaggerated mannerisms, and even her facial expressions were ripped from Francine’s practiced playbook. Refusing to respond to Chloe’s indirect reference to her relationship with Jorden, Mac forced herself to take a deep breath and responded coolly, “I imagine that like myself, Principal Daniels, and so many others, your father would be sad and disappointed.” She added, “I’m sorry you have made that choice, Chloe, among the other bad choices you’re making.”

  When Chloe merely lifted her chin higher and assumed an even more bored expression, Principal Daniels spoke. “I agree with Coach Durant, Chloe. As you know, apologizing to your basketball team was one of the conditions we needed you to meet if you were to avoid being suspended. But apparently you’re refusing to apologize to your fellow teammates, who were embarrassed by your exceedingly inappropriate actions. Given that, I have no choice but to suspend you for one week. In addition, I presume that you will no longer be a member of the basketball team. Is that correct, Coach Durant?”

  Before Mac could answer, Chloe jumped to her feet and said scornfully, “Like I even want to be on the team. Basketball is a stupid game. The only reason I played was because my dad wanted me too. Now I know the only reason he did was so that he could hit on my coach. Or, more likely, it was her who hit on him!”

  Principal Daniels rose to her feet and faced Chloe, who had the decency to step back, a fleeting shadow of concern crossing her face. The woman’s voice was stern, her expression solemn. “You owe Coach Durant, me, and the rest of the school an apology, Chloe. But since it clearly is not your intention to take responsibility for your actions, much less bestow that courtesy to those of us who have supported you at Wildwood, as of now, I’m suspending you. I’m as disappointed in you, Chloe, as I have ever been with a student. I can only hope that you spend your suspension thinking hard about what you have done, and as Coach Durant said, thinking about the choices you’re making. Perhaps after your week away from school you will reconsider and decide to make different choices. I hope so, Chloe. You are far too gifted a student to turn your back on all you have accomplished.”

  Principal Daniels held up her hand when Chloe started to respond. “That will be all, Chloe. You may leave. Assuming that you would not apologize, I spoke with both your parents indicating that you’re suspended for a week. Your father said he’s on his way to pick you up. Good day, Chloe.”


  Mac didn’t know how long she sat her desk resting her head on her crossed arms. She’d been expecting the message that was waiting on her voicemail when she returned from the hideous conversation with Chloe. Actually, she’d been expecting the call since the news about Jorden’s custody hearing hit the community gossip wires. All things considered, she’d held up amazingly well over the last several days, even managing to be the rock Jorden and the Justice family needed. They were all looking to her for support, and somehow, because that was what she always did, she was able to give it. But the voicemail message asking her to return the formidable call had scraped the tenuous scab off the agony that was hovering close to the surface of her battered psyche.

  She’d been thankful that before they met with Chloe, Principal Daniels was considerate enough not to mention what had become topic number one among the Wildwood students and faculty. Which only meant that the gracious principal had chosen not to address the gargantuan elephant in the room. Mac didn’t have to see the students stop whispering to each other when she approached or hear the sudden silence in the faculty lounge to know that her relationship with Jorden was all Wildwood and likely the community at large were talking about.

  Now that she’d received the call that she’d been dreading, she knew her ersatz reprieve was over. Expelling a long, pained sigh, she picked up her phone and dialed the number.

  Superintendent Peter’s response was curt. “I’ve been wanting to talk with you, Mac. Thanks for returning my call.”

  “Of course, sir.” Mac sniffed to herself. As if she could have ignored his message. It was as close to a summons f
rom the king as any subject could expect.

  “Been a couple of rough days, I imagine, huh, Coach?”

  “Yes, sir, it has been.”

  His voice was crisp, hurried. “Yes, yes, I’m sure it has. Gossip can be vicious. I want you to know, Mac, that Jorden Justice is the most honorable man I know.”

  Mac’s heart sank, knowing what was coming next. She closed her eyes and bit down hard on her bottom lip, determined to keep from giving into the anguish she was feeling. Forcing herself to listen, she thought she must be crazy or had misheard what he said next.

  “That said, Mac, I’m glad Jorden got his head out of his ass and fell in love with you. He’s been alone far too long, paying an unnecessary penance for marrying that vicious woman.”

  Mac tried to respond but the words were stuck behind the basketball-sized lump in her throat.

  At her silence, Peters continued. “When I hired you, Mac, I did so because you were by far the best person for the job. Not only are you an accomplished psychologist, but you’re a hell of a basketball coach. We got our money’s worth times ten. And yes, when I reviewed your references, I heard some of the gossip about you and your previous supervisor. When I interviewed you, without my asking, not only did you bring up the issue, but you took total responsibility. It took that one interview with you, Mac, for me to know that you’d been shafted by a dishonorable man.”

  When Mac made a vain attempt to speak, but still couldn’t stammer out a response, Superintendent Peters continued.

  “However, it’s only fair that you know that I did speak with one other person about the personal issues you’d faced. I consulted with Judge Justice.”

  At Mac’s shocked gasp, Peters quickly continued. “Look, Mac, that old guy is the primary financial supporter of this entire school system. All four of his boys attended St. Christopher’s. He practically bought the renovated physical plants for both schools. I had to check my gut reaction regarding you with the Judge. Before you get all upset, you should know what the Judge said. He listened quietly, like he always does, then asked, ‘And the guy never supported her? Never took responsibility for his part?’ When I said that he had not, the Judge shrugged, and said, ‘Hire her, Craig, before that tough old bitch Sister Carmelita at St. Mary’s grabs her. You know those fucking nuns could care less about indiscretions. They assume that’s de rigueur outside of the convent.’ Then the old goat added with that twinkle in his eyes that always lurks behind his tough exterior, ‘Hell, if she’s half as pretty as her picture we’re getting the pick of the litter and then some.’ ”

  For several long moments Mac stared at her phone. Superintendent Peters’ signoff was still ringing in her ears. He’d said, “Mac, you’re tough. You can handle this. Just wanted you to know that I’ve got your back. Now, Coach Durant, get out there and do what you do best. Win that fucking game against the Scorpians and bring home the first state championship in our division that Wildwood has ever had!”

  Mac shoved at the sob rising in her throat and it turned into a pitiful, choked laugh, albeit with tears streaming down her cheeks. Now some of the things that the Judge had said to her in the past made sense. To think that he knew her questionable past and still supported her was a gift she frankly didn’t know how to receive. She’d never forgiven herself for the affair she’d had. In addition to the huge personal pain she’d suffered, it had ended with her having to resign from a position she loved. But in the last few months she’d truly begun to think it was behind her. Particularly when she’d done so well at Wildwood and especially when she’d met Jorden. Somehow she’d convinced herself that she deserved the extraordinary man and had allowed herself to do the unthinkable. She’d fallen in love with him. And then the crisis with Chloe hit.

  Forcing herself to consider Superintendent Peters’ message, Mac came to grips with his underlying message. She forced herself to tick off the evidence. At the lowest point in her life, Craig Peters had supported her, so had her mother and father. And now she knew that the Judge, a man she hadn’t met then, had also supported her. They did so because they thought she was an honorable person and deserved their backing. And to a person, they thought she was tough. Mac gave a soft laugh, acknowledging that now even four big, brawny Justice brothers agreed. They were all turning to her for support.

  Now all Mac needed to do was to convince herself that she was as tough as apparently everyone else thought she was. But the rational Mac couldn’t hide from the fact that this wasn’t the first time she was the subject of salacious gossip about an affair. She tried to shut down the ugly voices that chided her for not being up front with Jorden. The voices that harassed her for not telling him about Stephen. It would be so much easier now if she had. She reminded herself that she likely would have, if the crisis with Chloe hadn’t overtaken them. Ultimately, so fucking what? Yes, she had a past, but so did Jorden. She reminded herself, neither she nor Jorden were married and they were madly in love with each other. That had to count for something. Even as she tried to talk herself out of her fears and keep from jumping on the downward emotional escalator one more time, Mac faced her real fear. Yeah, she was tough. The question was, was Francine Justice tougher?

  Her vibrating phone startled her. Seeing that it was Jorden, she answered it.

  “Thank God, you’re there, Mac. Is there any way that you can break away? I need to see you.”

  “Aren’t you with Chloe?”

  “No, she reminded me that this is her week with her mom. Do you have any idea how hard it was to take her over to Francine’s? I wish you could have seen the act that bitch put on. She acted shocked that Chloe had been suspended. As if she wasn’t the root cause of the whole fucking mess. Honest to God, Mac, I nearly lost it. Somehow I managed to leave Chloe at the door and keep from driving the smirk on Francine’s face down her throat with my fist.”

  “Where are you now, Jorden?”

  “I’m out in front of the school. I’ll understand if you can’t get away…”

  “No, Jorden, I can leave. But do you really want me to get in your car outside of the school?”

  Jorden barked a harsh laugh. “In case you didn’t notice, Mac, our little secret ain’t so secret any more. In fact, I’m waiting for it to be breaking news on every fucking local channel if not the national ones, that AUSA Jorden Justice is having an affair with his daughters’ basketball coach.”

  An ice floe of emotion froze Mac’s overwrought nerve endings. With a supreme effort she managed to keep her voice somewhat controlled although she couldn’t dampen the strain.

  “Is that how you see what we have, Jorden? As something elicit? Something we should be ashamed of?”

  Jorden exploded. “Jesus God, Mac, no! Christ, baby, I didn’t mean to say it like that. I’m just amazed at how fast the word has spread. I’m crazy to see you. To be with you. Dammit, Francine can poison things even when she isn’t here. But, goddammit, Mac, we can’t let her. Just to prove the point, I’m getting out of the car now and in two minutes I’ll be at your office door. If you so much as hesitate, I will throw you over my shoulder and march down the hallway with—”

  Mac broke in. “I have a better, idea, Jorden. How about you wait out front. I’ll be down in two minutes.”

  Jorden’s voice was choked with what could have been a laugh or a sob. “See that you are, Coach Durant. I’ve waited all my life for you, Mac. And, just so you know, I’m going to spend the rest of my life shouting from the rooftops what a lucky man I am. I’m in love with the most beautiful, toughest, sexiest woman in the world, and, lucky bastard that I am, she loves me!”

  Mac almost laughed when she saw Jorden leaning against his car waiting for her. His designer sunglasses underscored his casually elegant silk shirt open at the neck, pressed trousers and cap toe leather boots. In a word, he looked sexy as hell. Without hesitation, he pulled her into his arms and grinned. “Jesus, woman, I thought you’d never get here.”

  He brushed at the tears on her cheeks and drag
ged her hard up against him and emphatically planted an open-mouthed kiss on her lips. Any witnesses to his over-the-top behavior got an eyeful. Mac admitted it was more than enough to keep the gossip wires buzzing for days to come.

  Gratified at his public acknowledgement of their relationship, Mac kissed him back, then uttered a silent pledge. Yes, dammit, she was tough. Tough enough to stand up to whatever came their way. Everyone, including Francine Justice, needed to know that. The red-haired daughter of Lucky Liam Durant squared her shoulders, mimicking the indomitable Irishman himself, and upped the ante on her silent pledge. Whether Francine Justice knew it or not, she’d met her match. Mac gave a combative snort. Someone should tell the crazy bitch that she should be afraid. Very afraid.

  Chapter 25

  Glancing at the distinguished man beside her artfully guiding his BMW over the hilly terrain, Mac smiled. It was clear Jorden was heading to his house, no doubt planning an erotic adventure to take the edge off their tight wire nerves. The tension between them was obvious. Mac agreed that sex would do more than relax them. It would siphon off some of the fury they both had to be feeling.

  Without thinking about why, she made a surprising suggestion. “Is there a chance that you have a gym bag in your trunk, Jorden?”

  Jorden frowned slightly, then confirmed that he did. “Yeah, Mac, I always keep gear in my trunk. Why?”


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