JORDEN: (Justice Brothers #3)

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JORDEN: (Justice Brothers #3) Page 23

by Taylor Lee

  His grandfather was silent for a long moment, then spoke carefully. “Mac isn’t Francine, Jorden. Indeed, she couldn’t be more of a polar opposite—in every way. In fact, just as you’re the most honorable man I know, McKenna is the most honorable woman it’s been my privilege to know.”

  Jorden whirled on the old man, his rage flaring. He didn’t care that tears were streaming down his cheeks or that his voice cracked. “Goddammit, Judge! Do you think I don’t fucking know that?”

  The Judge shrugged. “I know that you do, Jorden. But trust me, McKenna doesn’t.”

  Chapter 32

  Mac rose up in bed and reached for her vibrating phone. Glancing at the clock, she was surprised to see that it was 2:30 a.m. She was wide awake the second she heard the tearful voice.

  “Coach, I…I’m in trouble. I need your help.”

  “What’s wrong, Chloe? Where are you?”

  “I’m with Bart. But I don’t want to be.” Chloe was crying so hard it was hard to understand what she was saying. “I want to come home, Coach. Please. Please come and get me.”

  Mac was out of bed, yanking on her clothes as she spoke. “I will, honey, but you have to tell me where you are.”

  “I don’t know…and Bart will be angry if he knows I’m calling you.”

  To her horror, Mac heard a man’s angry voice and then the sounds of Chloe crying and a man yelling. Seconds later, the connection went dead.

  A long moment later, Jorden’s ragged voice confirmed the obvious. “What are you saying, Mac? Chloe’s with Bart? That’s not possible. She’s here, in her own bed...Goddammit, Mac. She’s gone. I’m getting Jake. Wait right there.”

  Ten minutes later, Mac heard the roar of an engine and squealing tires as a powerful automobile came to a hard stop at her curb. She saw Jake at the wheel as Jorden leapt from the car and bounded up the sidewalk. Before she could speak, he grabbed her arm and practically dragged her to the car. Shoving her into the back seat, he leapt in beside Jake.

  Mac barely trusted her voice. “Where are we going, Jorden?”

  Jorden growled. “To the one goddamned person who will know where she is.”

  Knowing that Jorden was talking about Francine, Mac ventured to speak. “She’s not at Francine’s, Jorden. Chloe told me she didn’t know where Bart had taken her.”

  Jorden’s fury boiled over. “Francine will know, or she goddamn well better.”

  Mac forced herself to ask the obvious question. “Are you sure I should be with you, Jorden? Won’t I just make Francine angry?”

  “I don’t give a flying fuck if she’s angry. Goddammit, Mac, I need you. Since my daughter called you, not me, when she needed help and you are a fucking psychologist, maybe you can get through to her since I obviously can’t.”

  Jake barely brought the 911 to a stop when Jorden was out of the car and yanking Mac from the back seat. Within seconds, the three of them were at the door to Francine’s condo. Jorden pounded on it and shouted, “Goddammit, Francine. Open the fucking door or I’ll break it down!”

  Jake and Jorden were preparing to break through the door when it swung open and a bleary-eyed Francine wavered in the doorway. If she was surprised to see them, she didn’t show it.

  Obviously under the influence of God-knows-what, Francine eyed them and snorted derisively when she saw Mac. “Of course you would be here. Just can’t stay away, can you? Still determined to worm your way into my family? I’m surprised Jorden didn’t kick your ass to the curb. He’s got a thing against home wrecking women.”

  “Shut the fuck up, Francine.” Jorden strode past Mac and crowded against Francine. “Where is she, Francine? Where is my daughter? So help me God, if anything has happened to her…” He added, “Not that you care, but Chloe called Mac, not me. She was terrified. Said that Bart had her but that she didn’t know where they are.”

  Francine stumbled backwards and landed sprawling onto the sofa. Mac was shocked at her appearance. If anyone wanted to know why they should avoid hard drugs, they just needed to see Francine. Her hair was a tangled mess. It looked like it hadn’t seen a comb or brush, much less shampoo, for days. But it was her face that was the most shocking. Her harsh makeup had smeared. Purple eye shadow and black eyeliner had run together, highlighting premature wrinkles that no plastic surgeon could erase. Mac had seen what designer drugs could do to the most worked-on faces. She shook her head. Francine was living proof of the adage that eventually your life does catch up with you.

  “I’m not going to ask you again, Francine. Where is Chloe?”

  To Mac’s surprise, Francine’s glare was as fierce as Jorden’s. “Do you think I care? Do you realize what that little cunt has done? She and that skaggy Maggie and Christie sashayed in here and shook their tight little asses and perky tits at every guy in the place. Jesus Christ, how dumb can men be? You’d think they wouldn’t fall for that ‘I’m so innocent’ act, especially when the little cunts are all but spreading their legs open for any guy who so much as smiles at them.”

  Francine must not have seen the expression on Jorden’s face or she wouldn’t have rambled on. “I’m telling you, the biggest mistake I made was bringing those little tarts into my home. Of course all the stupid men went gaga. Christ, they were actually fighting over them to see who was going to do the honors of popping their cherries…”

  If Jake hadn’t grabbed one of Jorden’s arms and Mac clutched the other, there was no way Francine could have survived the growling man storming her.

  Stopping inches away from her mottled face, Jorden’s voice was all the more frightening because it was barely audible. Danger amplified every deceptively soft syllable. “Where. Is. She?”

  Francine actually had enough sense to look frightened hearing Jorden’s threatening hiss. She started to give her dismissive shrug but must have finally seen the fury on Jorden’s face. She actually stammered as she shrunk back against the sofa, trying to get out of Jorden’s reach. “I…I don’t know.”

  “Where. Is. She?”

  Francine came to life enough to answer. “I told you. The little tart went off with Bart. My Bart!” She shook her head. “I should have known. I saw it coming. I warned her. I told her what would happen if she went after my man. The cunt acted as if she didn’t know what I was talking about.”

  Mac stepped between Jorden and the deranged woman who was too high to know the danger she was in.

  “Francine, what’s Bart’s address? We’ll go get her, Francine. We’ll make sure she leaves Bart alone.”

  Francine focused on Mac’s intent face as if seeing her for the first time, then rattled off an address. “At least you understand. You know what that brat is doing. The biggest mistake I made was letting those girls into my home. I should have known they’d go after my men.”

  The drugged-out woman was still lamenting her foolishness and Chloe’s betrayal as Mac and Jake chased after Jorden in a mad dash to the car.

  Jake pressed a hands-free button on the dash and shouted a series of orders to his squad. Barking out the address, he said, “Possible rape in progress. Go in hot with lights and sirens blaring.”

  Jorden was out of the car and up the steps to Bart’s condo before Jake brought the 911 to a full stop. In seconds, Jake was beside his brother, guns drawn.

  Jorden shouted as he and Jake made short work of the locks on the front door. “Chloe, where are you, baby? I’m here, darlin’.”

  Mac didn’t know how she could have forgotten that Jorden was a trained MMA fighter. She knew every inch of his muscled body but had never seen him in action. With a low growl that would have frightened the shit out of a lunging tiger, Jorden was on a flailing Bart in seconds. The startled man was naked above the waist and there was no question as to what his intentions had been. Or the fact that they may have been too late to prevent him from raping Chloe.

  Chloe was hovering on the bed, her clothing in disarray, her glassy eyes wide with fear. It didn’t take Mac’s trained eyes to discern that
the young girl was high on drugs, likely MDMA or an eight ball, or both. Mac rushed to her side and held her in her arms. Chloe clung to her, sobbing as if her heart would break. Torn between her need to comfort Chloe and fearing for Jorden, Mac quickly understood if anyone needed her concern, it was Bart.

  The blare of sirens and sounds of men storming into the apartment clashed with Bart’s terrified screams and Chloe’s jagged shrieks. Holding Chloe tight against her chest, Mac marveled at the sight of Jorden systematically kicking or punching every square inch of Bart’s body.

  Finally, to her relief, Jake spoke quietly. The authority of his voice cut through the melee. “That’s enough, big brother. Gotta leave him able to walk. We want him in gen pop tonight. Don’t want to give them reason to put him in the infirmary.”

  Sucking in deep, ragged breaths, Jorden rose to his feet and stepped back. For the first time since she’d met him, Mac saw the trained special operative. With a shock, she realized what his brothers knew and his army buddies knew. The sophisticated, elegant Assistant United States Attorney was a killer at heart.

  On their way to the hospital, Mac sat in the backseat of the car with Chloe. Over and over the terrified, strung-out girl begged Mac to tell her dad that she was sorry. Seeing Jorden staring straight ahead and not answering, Mac knew what Chloe didn’t. If the tense man sitting silently in front of them had tried to speak, it was likely that he would have broken down. He was that tightly wound. Mac comforted Chloe and Jorden at the same time, her soothing voice saying over and over that everything was going to be all right. That Chloe and her dad were together now and nothing would separate them ever again.

  By the time they arrived at the hospital, Jorden had recovered his composure. Reaching past Mac for his daughter, he carried her into the emergency room, crooning soft, reassuring words. He handed her over to the emergency personnel, then leaned against the wall and closed his eyes as if he didn’t have the strength to hold them open. Mac stood off to the side and listened to Jake reassure Jorden that Bart was in jail, where he would be indefinitely. After what seemed like hours but was twenty minutes at most, the emergency room doctor took Jorden aside and told him that although Chloe had multiple bruises, the rape kit was negative for penetration. He indicated that Chloe was calling for him and that Jorden could see his daughter now.

  Mac took advantage of Jorden’s rush to Chloe’s side to leave the hospital. Hailing a cab, she sunk back in the seat of the anonymous automobile, silent tears coursing down her cheeks. After several long minutes Mac took what she realized was her first full breath of air since she’d heard Chloe’s terrified voice begging Mac to come and get her.


  Jorden gave a hard sigh, knowing that his voicemail message hadn’t been received. Since the night Mac kicked him out of her house, she’d blocked his calls. It was bad enough that he hadn’t been able to talk to her, but the fact that he couldn’t leave messages was galling. Even after she left the hospital without allowing him to thank her for helping save Chloe, she refused to allow him to contact her.

  Skylar and Jude had conveyed her recommendations for the residential treatment center Chloe was in. He knew Mac was managing Chloe’s treatment protocol and she saw Chloe every day, just not when Jorden was there. He’d had to rely on his brothers or Sky to relay messages to her. Mac never gave them a reply, making it clear that her self-imposed blackout was airtight.

  Jorden smiled as he prepared for the evening, thinking that for once, he was glad she wouldn’t take his calls. It was just as well that she didn’t know that the blackout had been lifted. Tonight, McKenna Leanne Durant was going to see him whether she wanted to or not.

  He ran into Jude as he was heading for his car. Glancing at the leather box Jorden was carrying under his arm, Jude’s lip quirked up in a grin. “Hmm, going trolling, bro?”

  Jorden returned his grin. “Yeah, little brother, I have some serious fish to land. Need all the lures I can get.”

  Jude nodded in amused agreement. “That you do, big brother. I gotta say I’m impressed with your determination, and, fuck it all, your confidence is inspiring. I just hope she doesn’t kick your sorry ass to the shore.”

  Jorden laughed and gave him a jaunty salute. Suggestively stroking the box at his side, he admitted slyly, “I’m kinda hoping she’ll try. Give me an excuse to bring out some of my new tackle.”

  Jude gave a hearty belly laugh. “Christ, and we wonder why the Justice brothers are known as the cockiest sons of bitches alive. I guess it starts at the top, right, big brother?”

  Jorden winked at him. “You think the Judge has a toy box?”

  Jude’s laughter echoed across the parking lot. He shook his head in mock wonder. “Damn, Jorden, I was laying it on you. But you’re right, I wouldn’t be surprised. We all got our proclivities from somewhere. In my view, the Judge is a hell of a good candidate for kink.”


  Not wanting to give her a heads up, Jorden parked his car on a side street then strode up the walk. He knew if Mac saw his car she would lock the doors. Not that locks or her outrage would keep him out. Tonight, he was claiming his woman.

  Mac’s surprise when she saw who was at her door quickly changed to anger. With a fierce scowl she tried to slam the door, but Jorden lodged his foot in the doorway.

  “Uh-uh, McKenna. I’m coming in.” At her outraged protest he pushed her aside and stepped into the entryway. As he reached behind and locked the door, he added, “Because we both want me to.”

  McKenna stepped back, her emerald eyes blazing with anger. Her voice was filled with rage. “You’re wrong, Jorden. I told you never to come here again. I meant it. I want you to leave. Now. This instant!”

  When she reached around him to try to open the door and shove him out, he caught her arm and pulled her up next to him. Her sharp intake of air and flaming cheeks telegraphed her surprise. Taking advantage of his size and knowing he would never hurt her, he twisted her arm behind her back and turned her face to the wall. Pressing her against it, he ignored her outraged cry. For a brief moment he allowed himself to breathe in her heady fragrance. He almost lost his breath, the multilayered scent was so powerful. Strafed with her anger, the intoxicating odor drove a rush of heat straight to his cock.

  Knowing that he had to contain her, break through her angry resistance, Jorden pressed his lips against the sensitive place beneath her ear. Certain that blowing cool air against the tender spot would send fiery messages to her overwrought body, he pressed his lips against the delicate skin and murmured, “I’ve concluded that you don’t listen, McKenna.”

  She started in surprise, then huffed scornfully as she tried to twist free. “I never have. Now let me go and get the hell out of my house. Now, Jorden. I mean it!”

  Ignoring her protest, he merely constrained her more forcefully against the wall and chucked softly at her heated gasp. “Not only don’t you listen, McKenna, but you pretend you don’t remember. Let me remind you, fiery woman. After that first night, I told you that you wouldn’t show me the door ever again. That when I’m ready to leave, I’ll leave, but not before. And, honey, the same thing goes for coming in. When I want to come into your house or your body, I will. And you can’t stop me.” He nuzzled his lips against her neck, then bit the tender skin beneath her ear. “But then, you don’t want to stop me, do you, baby?”

  Jorden groaned when she cried out and fought against his tight hold, pressing her curvy ass against his straining cock. Finding his voice, he crooned in her ear. “Do you know what I think, McKenna? I think what you need is someone who makes you listen.”

  “And…you…you think you’re that someone?”

  Her contemptuous sneer was gasoline on his flaming libido. He shoved her harder against the wall, then pulled her pants down to her knees and smacked her bare bottom. At her outraged cry, he murmured, “You tell me. Is this what you need to make you listen, McKenna? Is it?” He smacked the other cheek, leaving a bright red handprint.r />
  “I asked you a question, McKenna, Answer me. Is this what you need?”

  At her sobbing wail, “Yes, God, yes. And so much more!” Jorden groaned a hard male sound and rained a series of sharp smacks on her curvy ass.


  Jorden lost count of how many times he took her. First against the wall from behind with her pants at her knees, and then on the floor in the hallway. It wasn’t until he finally got her into her bed that he took off their clothes and began making passionate love to every part of her aroused body. Hours later, he lay next to her in her bed. Their naked bodies were damp with sweat and redolent with the combined juices of their passionate lovemaking. The evocative fragrance of their erotic release filled the air. Jorden forced himself to his feet and want into the bathroom, returning with a warm washcloth. He washed her face then focused on her lust-sweaty body. Lifting each of her full breasts, he carefully cleaned the flushed mounds. He smiled at her shudder when he gently rubbed her swollen nipples and grinned at her quiver when he scrubbed her ticklish navel. Moving down to her belly and then to her hips, he spread her legs wide apart. He carefully washed her outer, then inner intimate lips, reveling in her shivering sighs. He chuckled at her surprised cry when he spread her ass cheeks and stroked inside the tender crack with the warm cloth.

  When he was finished, Jorden strode naked into her kitchen and came back with a chilled bottle of Monteverro Chardonnay. She was sitting up, resting against the pillows stacked on the headboard, the sheet pulled up to her chest, covering her naked body. Given the way that he’d ravished every part of her body for the last several hours, he smiled at her charming modesty. Pouring them each a glass of the fragrant wine, he handed one to her then raised his in a salute. “To you, my gorgeous, erotic lover.”


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