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Page 2

by Kris Norris

  Roman answered her plea, peppering her ass as he drove into her, pumping his hips like a man on a mission. He rode her hard, plunging deep with every stroke, grazing his cock against her womb until she wondered if she might split. She’d never had a man claim her so completely, taking her to the threshold between pleasure and pain. Every thrust set her on fire, every slap intensifying it until she didn’t know which pleased her more. His body clenched and his hand tightened around her hair a moment before he shouted her name, the hard pulse of his cock sending her over the edge. She echoed his scream as her pussy clenched his shaft until she wasn’t sure how he stood the pressure. His fingers locked around her hair, tugging her head back, granting him access to the sleek line of her shoulder. Scarlet had one last coherent thought before his teeth locked around her flesh, and her world exploded.

  Pain and pleasure merged into one, draining her strength, Roman’s grip the only force holding her up. She fell back to earth, her body spent, tears threatening, his name a whisper from her lips. Roman curled into her, easing her against his chest, his hands holding her possessively around the waist. He mumbled something, but all she could do was breathe.

  “Now that’s how you fuck a woman.” Everett praised, joining them at the rug. “I can see why you want to keep her undercover. She’s one hell of a feisty little fuck. Okay, you’ve proven your claim. Meet me back here…ten o’clock sharp, and I’ll take you along. But make sure you bring cash. My supplier doesn’t take credit.”

  His laughter followed him out the door. It’d all be over tonight, and Scarlet couldn’t help but wonder if they’d finish more than just the assignment.

  * * * *

  “Fuck, Scarlet!”

  Roman dashed through the warehouse doors, Scarlet cradled in his arms, looking for the damn ambulance as chaos broke out behind him. He spotted one beyond the police line and headed for it.

  “Needtoknow,” she mumbled, threading all the words together.

  Her feet were cold?

  “Hush, darling. Don’t talk.” He glanced behind him. A circle of men surrounded Everett, his body splayed out across the floor, blood pooling at his head. The girl he’d used as a shield clung to one of the S.W.A.T. guys, crying hysterically, though the man didn’t seem to mind. Why would he, cursed Roman. The girl was young, beautiful and had more cleavage than sense. Why else would she have run to Everett when the first wave of cops had crashed through the doors, barking our orders, releasing a short burst of ammo at the thugs guarding the supplier. Hell, it’d all happened way too fast.


  He looked back as her head lolled against his chest. She’d read the bastard’s intensions—used the initial confusion to slip away and circle around, cracking him over the head as he pinned the helpless girl to his chest, gun pressed against her temple. Scarlet had snagged his arm, but he’d managed to rotate the gun in the struggle, and she’d taken two to her shoulder…point blank.

  Now her blood soaked his shirt, like warm sticky patches of honey on his chest, as her eyes fluttered and rolled. Her lips moved, but no words came out as he laid her down across the stretcher, watching the paramedics swarm over her. He stayed close, his chest too tight to speak, her hand sandwiched between his. She opened her eyes once as they lifted her up.

  “I love you.”

  He let her hand slip from his, unable to move as they pushed her into the back, mumbling something about meeting them at the hospital. But he couldn’t think. Couldn’t breathe past the lump in his chest as reality slammed back. He’d already spotted Aiden pushing his way through the crowd, his eyes locked on him, and for the first time in his life, he felt completely lost. His heart was bound to two people, and he had absolutely no idea what to do about it.

  Chapter Two

  Six months later

  Scarlet sat opposite the Lieutenant, halting him mid-sentence. Surely she’d heard him wrong. “Am I crazy, or did you just ask me to become Miss December…again?”

  The Lieutenant grimaced. “Now, Scarlet. I realise you’re still harbouring a few…bad feelings about the previous assignment, but…”

  “Bad feelings,” she interrupted. “I’ve spent the past six months pulling copies of my naked ass off every bulletin board in the damn station!” She stalked to her feet, moving roughly to the window. “Hell, Lucas and James are using it as their bloody screen saver.”

  The Lieutenant chuckled as she glanced back at him over her shoulder. “You could take that as a compliment, Detective. You’ve got one hell of a cute ass.”

  Scarlet sneered, and if the man hadn’t done everything possible to get the damn DA’s office to slap an injunction on the magazine, she would’ve slapped the smug smile off his face. “Not funny,” she sighed, looking back out the window. December used to be her favourite month. Now it was just a name she wanted to forget.

  “You know I wouldn’t be asking if we weren’t desperate. But we’ve got four dead models and only two weeks left before the year’s up.” His chair squeaked a moment before his hand squeezed her shoulder. “This Christmas Retreat the magazine’s putting on is our best chance at catching the creep. All the other women will be there. And Miss December’s our only way in.”

  Scarlet huffed and pushed past him, palming his desk. She knew the man was right, but the thought of resurrecting her alter ego sent a cold shiver down her spine, and a hot flash straight to her groin. Parading around in bikinis and fuck-me-boots was one thing, but reliving the memories of her ex-partner was another. They’d crossed the line, and just thinking about him touching her made her knees tremble and liquid moisten her panties. Well, it would’ve, if she’d been wearing any.

  She cursed as her now engorged clit rubbed against the seam of her jeans, sending shards of heat blasting to her sex. She hadn’t been with a man since Roman had fucked her senseless, saved her life and ran as fast as he could from it, and she just didn’t know if she could be that woman again. She looked up as the Lieutenant slid back into his seat, his lips a thin line across his face.

  “I won’t order you to take the job.”

  “I’ll do it.” She met his gaze. “Don’t go looking all surprised when you knew I wouldn’t be able to turn it down. Not after going to the last crime scene.” She pressed her hand to her mouth, trying not to taste the bloody scent. “No one should die like that.”

  The Lieutenant nodded as she sank back down. “I know this isn’t easy for you. But if this psycho’s going to carry through with his threats, he’ll have to crash that Retreat.” He flashed her a genuine smile. “I’m just thankful you weren’t Miss July.”

  Scarlet couldn’t help but laugh. She’d found that fact ironically pleasing as well. “So, who’s my back-up?”

  The Lieutenant’s jaw twitched as he glanced at the door. The soft press of boots whispered across the room a moment before a voice answered. “Hello, Scarlet.”

  She turned, breath lodged tight, eyes locked on his. Her heart kicked twice as she stood up and stalked towards him, slapping the sexy smile off his face. “You fucking bastard!”

  Roman took a step back, his hands braced for another attack. “Now, Scarlet, honey…”

  “Don’t you ‘Scarlet, honey’ me. Six months, Roman. Six months! The last thing I remember is you carrying me out of that warehouse. Then I woke up two weeks later with a couple of bullets for souvenirs and a letter saying you’d joined the Feds.” She shook out her hand, clenching her jaw to keep the sudden rush of tears at bay. “After two years as partners, you owed me more than that.”

  Roman shuffled his feet, brushing his fingers along his jaw as he shot the Lieutenant a desperate glance. The man sighed as he scraped his chair back and shuffled over to the door. “I’m sorry. I realise these aren’t the best circumstances for a reunion, but…” He shook his head when she whirled on him, stopping her protest with a gentle hand on her shoulder. “Roman’s the only other officer we can send in and not raise suspicions. Despite how the last job ended, your cover’
s still intact. At least that asshole Everett took your identity to his grave.”

  “But he’s not an officer,” she countered.

  “Not exactly, but the F.B.I. has graciously offered his assistance. So until this serial bastard’s caught, consider your partnership reinstated.” He moved back over to his desk and eased into his seat. “I’ll make sure you both get a copy of everything we’ve got. He’ll be targeting Miss May and her sister, Miss June next. Let’s just hope they make it to Glade Manor alive. You’ve got two days. Go home and scour the records. See if you can unravel anything that might narrow down your search. Roman will pick you up Saturday. Just be careful, and for God’s sake, Scarlet, call in the damn cavalry if there’s even a hint you’re next on his list.”

  Scarlet huffed as she glared at Roman, trying to ignore how her nipples tightened and her pussy wept. Hell, just looking at him made her treacherous heart leap for joy, resurrecting the pieces she’d buried inside. “Fine!” she snapped, storming the doorway, muttering to herself.

  “If you’d just stop being mad for one minute I can explain—”

  Roman’s voice cut off as she spun around. “I might have to work with you, but I don’t have to like it.” She bit her lip to keep it from quivering. “And your explanation is six months overdue.”

  She smiled at the curse that followed her out the door and down the hall. Guess December was going out with a bang.

  * * * *

  “This can’t be all of it, Roman,” cursed Scarlet through the bathroom door.

  Roman chuckled. He could see her. Hands palmed on her hips, staring at the closed door with the cutest little pout edging her lips. He’d picked her up two hours ago, hoping to finally bridge the gap. But she’d met him with a toss of her bag and an icy stare. She’d pushed past him, stalking out to the car with a sexy little swagger that’d had his cock straining against his jeans. Then she’d come across Aiden.

  She hadn’t expected his roommate and current partner to be leaning against the car, tight jeans slung low, leather jacket accentuating the broadness of his shoulders. She’d crossed her arms, accentuating the tight press of her nipples, as she’d motioned to the man with a flick of her head. Scarlet had known Aiden for over a year, had even flirted with him when she’d had a few too many tequilas, but Roman knew Aiden’s presence was a complication she hadn’t planned on. She’d held her tongue and had conceded to Roman’s statement that Aiden was part of the team with little more than a roll of her eyes, but he knew she was cursing him now.

  As soon as they’d opened the door to their room, her eyes had rounded in shock and she’d shot him a scathing look. One bed, an oversized king, and he’d made it more than obvious they were sharing…everything. Since then, she’d hidden in the washroom, probably plotting their murder, or maybe the Lieutenant’s.

  “Come on out, and let us see you,” he rasped.

  She cursed again, louder, flinging open the door. Roman’s breath stalled as blood surged to his cock. God, she was hot. Wearing nothing but high heels, white velvet boy shorts and a matching bra she looked like a fallen angel with a new faith…one that had absolutely nothing to do with saving the righteous.


  It didn’t help when she stomped over to him, her hair bouncing across her creamy skin. “Are you sure this is the least revealing outfit in the bunch? Or is this payback for not talking to you?”

  He answered her with a growl and moved before she had time to react, backing her into Aiden’s chest. “Do you really think I want all those slimy bastards looking at your sweet body, wondering what it’d be like fuck you?” He shook his head. “I thought you knew me better than that.”

  She tried to move, but he blocked her way, nodding to Aiden as the man wrapped his hands around her waist. A loan moan broke from her chest as he caressed her skin, stopping just below her breasts. She forced in a quick breath. “Roman…”

  He cut her off with a single finger grazed to her lips. “Not this time. I’ve been trying for hours to get you to listen, and I’m done waiting.” He moved impossibly closer, brushing his chest across her nipples. Her head fell back against Aiden’s chest as the light motion tightened them further, pushing them out against the thin material. Roman smiled, flicking his thumb over one turgid bud as he lowered his lips to her neck.

  “I know I hurt you, darling, and I’m sorry. But after our last assignment…” He sighed, feathering his breath across her skin. She arched into him, clenching her jaw as he scraped his teeth along the hollow of her shoulder. “Our first time together was like a dream come true. Then we went to the warehouse…”

  He closed his eyes as the images shifted in his head, forcing a smile when he looked back, skimming his fingers over the scars on her shoulder. “I still remember your blood warm against my chest…your body limp in my arms…your voice whispering you loved me.” He touched her cheek. “I didn’t know what to do.”

  “You could’ve just told me you didn’t feel the same. You didn’t have to leave. I—”

  He stopped her with a firm nip to her shoulder. She gasped and met his gaze. “Don’t you see? I did feel the same, but there were…complications.” He looked past her at the man holding her captive and took a deep breath. “Aiden and I had been lovers for three months before I went with you on that assignment. After drifting from women back to men, I’d finally thought I’d figured out who I was. Then we got sent there, and everything changed.” He shook his head as he trailed his fingers down her side, feeling her skin bead beneath him. “Posing as your lover…living with you.” He sighed. “I realised I loved you, and had for some time. I just needed an excuse to show you. So when Everett…”

  He shifted his gaze as his voice dimmed. “At the hospital, I was so confused. How could I be in love with a man and a woman at the same time? I couldn’t explain it, so I ran. I took the job Aiden had been offering for months, and tried to put it all behind me. But I couldn’t.” Roman looked at his lover, and nodded.

  “I knew when I saw Roman standing beside the ambulance you two had become more than just lovers,” Aiden whispered, his voice just as low, just as gravelly. “Roman was in love with you. But the jealousy I thought I’d feel didn’t surface. Instead, I felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I’d been trying for months to put you out of my mind— ever since you kissed me at that bar. I knew it was the alcohol talking, but I just couldn’t forget the way my heart raced whenever I was around you. The same way it races when I’m with Roman. I couldn’t put my feelings to words, but I got the sense Roman was experiencing the same strange emptiness. While I never questioned my love for him, I knew we needed more. Someone to complete us. And I knew that someone was you.” He dropped a soft kiss behind her ear, smiling at her whispered gasp. “When the Lieutenant called, I knew my prayers had been answered. Roman finally opened up and we made a decision.” He lifted his hand, cupping one breast, holding it out to Roman. Roman held her gaze as he dipped down, laving her nipple through her skimpy top. “We want you to be with us. We want to show you how much we treasure you.”

  Roman looked up, his teeth holding her nipple captive. He bit down just enough to make her moan before releasing and raising his face to hers. “We love you, darling. All we’re asking for is a chance. Just give us this time away from the rest of the world to show you we’re serious. If you don’t feel the same by the time we catch this creep, we’ll walk away.” He brushed his lips over hers, tasting her anticipation. “Just. One. Chance.”

  He didn’t wait for her reply. Her lips were too close, too damn full to wait. He slanted over her, testing their softness, forcing himself to go slowly. If this was going to work, he and Aiden needed to seduce her into their bed. Lure her with soft tempting touches and fleeting caresses designed to leave her wanting more.

  She hesitated, her lips touching his, her breath a sweet bounty of chocolate and spice. He hedged his bet, tracing her bottom lip with his tongue, dipping just the tip inside her. A breath
y little whimper was the only indication he’d won before her hands curled around his neck, raking through his hair.

  Roman moaned his victory, plunging his tongue inside her wet heat, using Aiden’s shoulder to tilt her back and deepen the kiss. His lover growled, shifting his hands to cover her breasts, his fingers finding just the right pressure to make her groan into Roman’s mouth. Roman pulled back, watching her eyelids flutter open, her mouth still parted, the edges wet and swollen. She moaned again when Aiden tweaked her harder.

  “So what’s it going to be?” he asked.

  Scarlet snagged her bottom lip, tilting back to look at Aiden. He dipped down, brushing his lips across hers, tracing their fullness with his tongue. He eased away when she tried to kiss him, his smile hissing the breath from her chest. She glanced back. “Roman…”

  His heart jackhammered.

  She sighed. “I’m just a bit nervous what you…what you both expect of me. I’ve never…” Her voice faded as a deep flush laced down her chest. “I don’t want to disappoint you.”

  “You could never do that. Just trust us to guide you along.” Roman cupped her chin, raising her eyes to his. “We’d never hurt you.”

  A slow smile spread across her face. “Then let’s begin,” she said, shaking her finger when he rimmed her shorts. “But I want a chance to taste you first, Roman. You denied me six months ago, and I won’t be denied again.”

  Scarlet’s heart thrummed as Roman’s eyes narrowed, his breath a rough caress across her neck. She’d never been with two men before and wasn’t certain if she was ready to make that particular fantasy a reality. There was no question she wanted Roman, but her desire for Aiden made her feel light-headed. She’d felt it once before, when she’d kissed him at the bar, but she hadn’t expected it to lead to anything, not as long as Roman was her partner. But they’d changed the rules of engagement, and she needed to take stock. Roman had a male lover—a very attractive one that was currently holding her breast captive—and she needed to come to terms with that. After all, picturing the two men in bed together wasn’t an image she’d considered. Though she had to admit, it aroused the hell out of her.


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