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Kiss Lonely Goodbye

Page 23

by Lynn Emery

  “Humph, you’d be surprised. Mummy and Daddy cut off the funds and suddenly you’ve got classy thieves. Toss in a drug problem and stealing comes easy.”

  “Not Nicole,” Marcus said in a tight voice.

  “She got into some trouble seven years ago. Seems our princess got wasted and took a swing at somebody.” Dayna tilted her head to one side.

  “Seven years ago she did something stupid. We all did at one time or another,” Marcus replied. “Nicole paid a small fine for public disturbance.”

  “No signs she’s drinking too much or got some shady friends hanging around?” Dayna frowned. “I’m assuming you’d tell me if she did.”

  “No to both questions and maybe I would, maybe I wouldn’t,” Marcus shot back.

  “You’re not objective. I wonder if you could see the warning signals,” Dayna replied.

  “No, I’m not,” Marcus said evenly. “But that doesn’t have anything to do with the facts. You won’t find a trail that leads to her.”

  Dayna wore a crooked smile after a few seconds of gazing back at him. “Just testing the waters. Sure wish I had a guy sticking up for me with such passion.”

  Marcus relaxed. “You will one of these days.”

  She held up a palm. “Don’t tell me some guy will be lucky to have me, blazy-blah.”

  “Okay, even though it’s true.” Marcus grinned at her. His smile faded when a thought occurred to him. “Who told you about Nicole’s little run-in with the law in Louisiana?”


  “Russell. I should string him up.” Marcus clenched his hands into fists.

  “He doesn’t like his cousin at all. He’s not that wild about you either.” Dayna laughed. “Don’t worry, I saw through him fast.”

  Marcus waved a hand. “Russell swings from being a minor nuisance to a major pain. He and his father didn’t get along. Mr. Summers may have been unfair toward him for years, but Russell didn’t help.”

  “So I heard. Could be he’s taking revenge against his father and Nicole.” Dayna rocked her chair back and forth. “Now there’s a possibility. If he can’t have the company, no one can.”

  “Russell couldn’t plan a one-float parade, let alone a slick criminal operation.” Marcus gave a short, humorless laugh. “Not that I wouldn’t love to see his aristocratic ass in jail.”

  Dayna grinned. “Yeah.”

  “Your turn. I know you can’t tell me a lot, but give me something.” Marcus leaned forward.

  “We pulled up the arrest record of Tameka Grant. Three years ago she had a charge of harboring a fugitive. It was dropped. The people we’re looking at have some shifty acquaintances.” Dayna waved a legal-sized sheet of paper.

  “Can I see that?” Marcus nodded at the sheet. Dayna handed it to him. He scanned the faxed copy. “Two years before she was hired here.”

  “Yeah. Recognize any of her buddies?” Dayna handed him three more sheets.

  He scanned them. A name stirred a memory. “Olandon D’Jarrod Jackson,” he mumbled.

  Marcus blinked hard. Shaun’s cousin had literally been their partner in crime on more than one occasion, except Olandon had progressed to more serious offenses. Marcus had finished college and Shaun had earned an associate degree, just barely. Olandon had been studying his chosen profession in various jails and prisons for the past twelve years.

  “Somebody you know?” Dayna stared at the list as though trying to see what held his interest.

  His old habit of protecting a partner from the ’hood kicked in. “Nah, just thinking out loud. Can I get a copy of these?”


  “Nicole has to know. She is my boss,” Marcus added when Dayna started to object.

  Dayna continued to gaze at him a beat longer. “All right. I can print out another one. Just don’t tell that idiot Russell. He’s got an itch to be the hero. He wants to be the boss bad.”

  “Oh, yeah,” Marcus said, his thoughts on the list of names he held.

  “You don’t seem too worried. He’s got plenty of ammunition against Nicole.” Dayna tapped a finger on a stack of reports detailing the thefts.

  “We’ll see what the board thinks.” Marcus frowned as he carefully folded the sheets of paper.

  “Are you gonna tell me?”

  Marcus glanced up to find himself the subject of Dayna’s piercing scrutiny. Marcus forced his facial muscles to relax. “You know it all, Detective. I’ve got a super-sized mess on my hands. I don’t think the board will seriously consider putting Russell in charge of anything more than office supplies. That doesn’t mean Nicole won’t have problems.”

  “Interesting dilemma. If they decide you should be CEO, there could be real trouble in love land.” Dayna pursed her lips. Her expression almost suggested she’d welcome such a development.

  Marcus stood. “They could fire us both. I’ve been working here longer than Nicole.”

  “Russell is at least smart enough to know he needs you. If Summers Security is the center, then someone has done a good camouflage job.”

  “Until Tameka slipped.” He slapped the folded reports against the palm of one hand.

  “Solid police work and stupid criminals, a combination that warms my heart,” Dayna wisecracked. “Remember, don’t tell Russell. Knowing him, he’d tell some of the employees before we have a chance to follow up.”

  “Gotcha. Thanks, Dayna.”

  Marcus left the small office she’d turned into her interview room. He forgot about Russell in seconds. Instead he turned over the issue of how to approach Shaun. They hadn’t spoken in almost two weeks. Looking back over their last conversation, Marcus felt bad about the clumsy way he’d handled it. Shaun’s ego had been bruised. Still, deep down Marcus realized that the distance between them was growing by the day. Despite what Shaun believed, Nicole was not the reason. They both wanted the fine life they’d dreamed of as ghetto kids. Unlike Shaun, Marcus drifted away from the old methods of getting there.

  “I just hope this dude’s name popping up is a mad coincidence,” Marcus whispered to himself.

  Nicole stepped out of the shower and wrapped the oversized terry cloth around her. Steam fogged the mirrors. Humming along with a tune coming from the radio, she walked to the front section of her master bathroom. Marcus watched her from where he sat in the wide Jacuzzi-styled bathtub. Jets sent swirls of hot water over his muscular body.

  “You really should have joined me in here.” He sighed and rested his head on the cushioned ledge.

  “Not for me. I prefer having pulsating streams of water pound my troubles away.”

  Nicole sat down and let the towel fall. She poured creamy lotion into her hand, then massaged it into her skin. The honey almond scent soothed her jangled nerves even more. Marcus splashed around in the tub. None of the nasty details of the day had followed them into this sanctuary. Suddenly Marcus was standing behind her. He picked up the ceramic bottle of lotion.

  “Let me help.”

  He poured lotion across the length of her shoulders, then spread both his large hands flat and made circular motions down her back. Nicole closed her eyes to better savor the sensation. When he reached around to gently knead her biceps, Nicole moaned with pleasure.

  “You’re better than my aunt Jacquelyn’s hideously expensive New Orleans masseuse.” Nicole squirmed at the tingle of sexual hunger growing in her pelvis.

  “I minored in kinesiology, even took a few acupressure courses.” Marcus kneaded her biceps as he spoke in a soft voice.

  “I’m not sure what that is, but I like it. I feel tranquil and energized at the same time,” she murmured. Her body went limp from his tender attention.

  “That’s the point, to bring the body back into balance,” he replied.

  “Umm-hum.” Nicole rested her head against his belly. “Balance is a good thing.”

  Marcus laughed deep in his throat. He bent forward and nuzzled her neck just behind one ear. Nicole turned around until she faced him, still sea
ted. She planted delicate kisses across the flat, firm flesh of his stomach, then down, teasing him until he cried out. His fingers combed through her hair.

  Nicole looked up at him, totally relishing the sight of his tall physique. Tiny beads of moisture made his toasted brown skin glisten. He gazed into her eyes with his lips slightly parted. His breath hissed like steam. The effect drove her to want him so much it was an ache between her thighs. She drew back and spread the thick wide terry towel on the floor. Marcus knelt on it, bringing her down with him. When she lay down, he stretched his powerful body on top of hers.

  “I love you, baby,” Marcus whispered.

  “I love you back.” Nicole wrapped herself around him.

  Their lovemaking was slow, deliberate, and delicious. Every movement seemed choreographed, yet perfectly natural. His rhythmic thrusts drove Nicole wild, then eased her back from the edge. After what seemed like a forever of mind-bending bliss, Nicole took control. She pushed against his strapping body until he got the message and flipped onto his back. Once on top she rode him hard and didn’t stop until they came together.

  “Wow,” Marcus panted.

  Nicole lifted her hips, then lay atop him as though he were a firm mattress. She whimpered when he stroked her buttocks. “I’m so balanced my head is spinning,” she gasped.

  “Me, too. I think the phone is ringing.” Marcus didn’t move.

  “Hmmm.” Nicole didn’t move either.

  “Baby,” he whispered in her ear. “Too much is going on right now. Better answer it.”

  “I’m not ready to leave paradise,” Nicole mumbled with her eyes closed.

  “Neither am I, but we’ve got alligators snapping at our butts.” Marcus gave her buttock a playful swat to emphasize his point.

  “Damn! You’ve got to be Mr. Practical at this very minute?” Nicole extricated her arms and legs from his and got up. She padded to the phone before the answering service could cut in on the sixth ring. “Hello. Yeah, Russell. No, you’re not interrupting us. Cut the opening monologue and tell me why you called.”

  As she listened to his report, Marcus padded in wearing the robe she’d bought for him. He sat down on the edge of her queen-sized bed. Nicole rolled her eyes at him to signal she was fed up with her cousin.

  “Okay, I’ll call Jesse and see what he thinks. I’m not questioning your word, but—”

  “Tact,” Marcus whispered.

  “Fine, fine. I’ll talk to you both tomorrow.” Nicole tossed the cordless phone onto the bed. It bounced once and landed on the thick carpet.

  Marcus retrieved it and put it back in the charger cradle. “Cool down.”

  She stomped one foot and let out a loud growl of frustration. “Lucky for him his neck isn’t within reach right about now.”

  “What did he say?” Marcus reclined on the pile of pillows on the bed. He patted the sheet next to him.

  “They interviewed staff after your pal got through with them. Several were shaking in their shoes and confessed to doing stuff we didn’t know about, hadn’t even suspected.” Nicole lay down beside him and took a deep breath to steady her nerves.

  “Like what?”

  “Nothing criminal, just lying on their time sheets and covering for each other. Bad enough, since the company paid overtime as a result.” Nicole shifted to snuggle closer into the crook of his arm.

  “If it goes back far enough, we could be talking big money.” Marcus combed his finger through her hair. He frowned in thought.

  “I’m going to meet with them and get the details. At least Russell didn’t jump the gun and fire anybody.”

  “See? Even Russell can use good judgment in a crisis,” Marcus replied.

  “Please! Jesse had to tell him.” Nicole propped herself on an elbow. “You mentioned alligators. Well, I feel like I’m surrounded by them. There’s Russell, our customers, the police, and my family. I can’t take much more.”

  “Yes, you can. We can.” Marcus enfolded her in a protective embrace.

  “I don’t want them to take it out on you,” Nicole said.

  “Your family can’t throw anything at me I can’t handle.”

  “Don’t let those fancy manners fool you.”

  “If fighting your family bothers you that much, then give in. Quit. You’ll be free to shop in the middle of the day and party all night again.”

  Nicole gazed at him through slits. “Be very careful, Reed.”

  He shrugged. “I’m just saying. You made a good showing for a few weeks. Nobody can say you didn’t try.”

  “I’m not going to ride off into the sunset to the nearest mall,” Nicole snapped.

  His full mouth curved up at the corners. “Just checking.”

  She poked his side with a finger. “You’re so obvious. Okay, no more whining. Tomorrow I’ll deal with it like a grown-up.”

  “With me close by,” he added. “You can whine to me anytime, baby. No one is going to hurt you unless they go through me first.”

  “Let’s try to forget again. For a few more hours at least.”

  Nicole rested her head on his chest as he caressed her back with his long fingers. She closed her eyes, and Marcus kissed her eyelids. The rest of the night he did a fine job of keeping the shadows away.


  Marcus hesitated, then pushed the button. Chimes played a tune inside Shaun’s town house. Moments later the door swung open. Shaun leaned against it and stared at him. His gaze seemed to dare Marcus to come in. Ignoring the attitude, Marcus walked past him into the living room.

  “What’s up?” Marcus glanced around. Two long-stemmed goblets of amber liquor were on the cocktail table.

  “Just kickin’ back enjoying my solitude.” Shaun shoved the door closed.

  “Uh-huh.” Marcus nodded to the glasses.

  “I don’t do dishes that often.” Shaun picked up both goblets and took them into the kitchen. He came back immediately. “Okay, now you tell me what’s up.”

  “You must have heard about all the stuff going down at Summers Security.” Marcus sat on the sofa.

  Shaun stood over him. “Nah, I’m too busy with my own thang, if you know what I mean.”

  Marcus bit off a comment about Aliyah keeping him up to date. No need to make their conversation tougher than it had to be just yet. “Right, right. One of our customers was robbed, a jewelry store. The manager was badly beaten.”

  “Damn, that’s too bad. Crime is out of hand.” Shaun cocked his head to one side and waited.

  “Yeah. So, how’ve you been doing?” Marcus propped an ankle across his knee.

  “Pretty good. Look at me forgetting my manners. I’ll get us something refreshingly cold.”

  Marcus said nothing as Shaun went to the kitchen again. He came back carrying two bottles of imported beer and a bowl of corn chips. Shaun wore an easy smile.

  “Like I said, I’ve got no complaints.” Shaun handed Marcus one of the bottles. He put the bowl on the cocktail table. “Sounds like you’ve got troubles,” he said casually.

  “The police are looking into crimes committed against our clients in the last two years.” Marcus got a handful of chips and ate them.

  “Hell, Houston has crime everywhere. The thugs make sure of that, man.” Shaun let out a gruff laugh. “Your girlfriend is getting a real shock, huh?”

  “Nicole has led a totally different life, for sure.” Marcus took a sip of beer.

  “She might as well learn now. How else is she going to understand the risks of the security business?” Shaun stretched out his long legs.

  “I hate to see her getting all kinds of pressure. She really has tried hard to be a good CEO.” Marcus stared down at the dark green bottle he rolled between his palms.

  “Okay, so she gets credit for effort. It’s your call, but I still don’t see why you sweatin’ her problem. You got played once.” Shaun glanced at him.

  “Nicole needs me and I’m going to be there for her. I was angry at first about the way t
hings went down, but not anymore.”

  “Sweet happy ever after.” The scorn in Shaun’s voice leaked out.

  Marcus looked up at him. “Something like that.”

  “Be a country club member and hang with the upper crust, you mean.”

  “I don’t give a damn about being in the Who’s Who club, Shaun. I want a reason to look over my shoulder.”

  Shaun’s eyes glittered with anger. “You talkin’ to me?”

  “If the shoe fits, then wear it good,” Marcus shot back.

  “Oh, so now we’re coming to the real reason you stopped by. This isn’t a friendly visit to hang with your boy. Wait, I forgot we’re not boys anymore.” Shaun glared at him.

  “I’ve got different goals. Don’t make this some kinda test of our friendship.” Marcus leaned forward and thumped the bottle down on the cocktail table.

  “A test. Guess you’re right. When your friends need you and you don’t step up, then you get a failing grade,” Shaun replied.

  “How about respect for a friend’s right to choose his own path?” Marcus gazed back at him.

  Shaun sprang from his seat and jabbed a finger at Marcus. “Don’t give me that talk show crap! Two months ago you were itching to put a knife into the heart of Summers Security. Now you’re looking down your nose at me.”

  “You’re crazy.” Marcus stared up at him.

  “Don’t even try it. I blew it off when you started kissin’ the old man’s ass. Just knew my partner had a plan.” Shaun gave a snort of disgust. He spun around with a twisted smile. “Yeah, right.”

  “True, my first instinct was to get payback ghetto style. Then I thought it over. My grandmother always said don’t live down to expectations just because you grew up in the Fifth Ward.” Marcus stood to face his accusations.

  “Don’t play me, man! Nicole is your ticket to respectability. You wanna leave behind all your baggage, your crazy mama, your jailbird daddy, and me.” Shaun slapped a palm to his chest.

  “You’re going too far, Shaun.” Marcus clenched both hands tight.

  “Think you can snap your fingers and be one of them? Nicole will dump you fast even if she doesn’t find out the whole truth. And don’t try to tell me you’ve spilled it all,” Shaun spat.


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