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An Earl's Guide to Catch a Lady

Page 4

by Wilde, Tanya

  He smiled knowingly as he took a seat across for her. Oaf.

  Pouring tea into his cup Evelyn considered his motive for joining her. It could be that he was merely lonely and looking for company, but she wasn’t fooled. Nothing about him could be considered as uncomplicated. He was hard and masculine and so...domineering, maddening, arrogant and annoying in his attractiveness. Yet aside from his obvious male inherent flaws, she sensed something else, something deep, something gentle, something redeemable.

  Handing him his tea, she took a deep breath when his fingers brushed hers. Sharpen your senses, Evelyn! She would need her wits about her if she was to come out on top. Nothing would give her more pleasure at the moment than to rile him. He sipped his tea rather innocently, watching her expectantly. Evelyn furnished him with a crooked smile. His cup paused midair.

  “I gather you are here to ask for my hand in marriage?”

  His face turned comical as he sputtered, tea spilling over the brim of his cup. Evelyn managed to hold her composure. By a thread.

  “I beg your pardon?” he rasped, wiping the tea from his chin.

  Evelyn hid her smile behind her cup. This was even better than she could have hoped for. Normally she wouldn’t make such outlandish statements, if it could be seen as such, but in the case of Mr. Devilishly Handsome, it was refreshing.

  “It is why you are here, is it not?”

  Matthew stared at her in astonishment. “How did you come to that conclusion?”

  “Well, why else would you be here?”

  “Madam, I do not know whether you’ve escaped from Bedlam or simply read too many of those blasted women’s novels, but I am most certainly not here to ask for your hand in marriage.”

  Evelyn almost laughed out loud at his vexed tone.

  “Good, now that we have that all cleared, I’ll have you know the books I read are nothing as depraved as your thoughts.”

  “You tricked me,” he accused incredulous.

  “Nonsense! Now where was I?” she asked, giving him a mesmerizing smile. “Oh yes! I am reading a novel with the title, Lady Sugar Finds Love. It’s written by an unfortunate woman who thought she would never find love because of her circumstances. It’s a very good read. I will be happy to loan it to you.”

  Matthew grimaced. “You mean it’s about a whore finding someone to marry her?”

  A funny noise escaped Evelyn, something akin to a laugh and a snort. Her hand flew to her mouth, failing to gasp in mock outrage.

  “Just because you’re so high up on your throne does not mean there are not others struggling to make their way through this world,” she managed to say with a straight face. “I wager if you were put in her shoes for just one day you’d expire on the spot, you insufferable old goat.”

  She finished the insult with a flair that Matthew rarely saw. No one dared to call him names, much less to his face, and yet she did so with pleasure.

  He tried to keep his tone light as he said, “Let us call a truce between us. Your company would shed some brightness on this dreary day.”

  “It would, however, not be proper.”

  He blinked. “Proper? You have been nothing but improper.”

  “Notwithstanding recent events, I would rather steer to the side of caution.”

  “I doubt you know how, my dear. Alas, we are two people trapped in the same establishment, waiting out a storm. I hardly think enjoying each other’s company is a crime.”

  “The last time I enjoyed your company I woke up practically naked in your bed, and you were naked.”

  Matthew was taken aback by her admission. Or perhaps he was only taken aback that she’d voiced it out loud.

  “Yet, your virtue is still intact.”

  Yes, lovely.

  While Evelyn was relieved she hadn’t forgotten a night of wickedness, she was completely unprepared for the disappointment she felt. It had never bothered her before, but after such passionate kisses, Evelyn caught a glimpse of the price for her decision to never marry. Would it be so bad to be loved by a man, this man, for one night, a night that she could hold onto for better or worse?

  She did not know, but murmured into her tea nonetheless, “Well, that’s too bad.”

  A devilish smile spread across his face and she bit her lip to keep her own smile from broadening.

  “Is that a proposition, sweetheart?”

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” she scoffed, straightening her spine, not thinking anything of his use of her title except for the hoarse note in it. “I am beyond relieved that my virtue is still intact.”

  “Is that so?”

  Evelyn angled her face away. He would see the truth reflected her eyes. She had been given a taste of heaven, and she wanted another taste but dared not. If she had chosen to give her virtue away, it would never have been to a man like him. He would demand the surrender of her body, her mind, her very soul. Perhaps even her heart.

  That would have been expectable, except Evelyn wanted to travel the world. A husband, especially one like Matthew, would never permit her to go off and explore the wilds of Africa. Her brother on the other hand still held hope that she would marry. He can’t fathom why a lady wouldn’t jump at the chance to snatch an Earl.



  “Fine. Mr. Matthew. Why are you here? You must know it is, as I’ve said, highly improper.”

  That earned her the lift of an arrogant brow. “I believe we’ve covered this topic already and deduced that there is not a proper bone your delectable body.”

  Evelyn sputtered. “I did not intend for any of my improper behavior! And perhaps I might have overlooked us shearing tea in such an improper way if we were friends or even mere acquaintances but, we are neither.”

  “I disagree. We have become very well acquainted, my dear.”

  Evelyn’s stare turned stormy. “I have nothing more to say, so either voice your ulterior motives or leave.”

  “You do not believe that I enjoy your company and I have no other motive?”


  He set down his tea and folded his arms around his wide chest. “Very well Evelyn, I will go.” He saw the relief on her face, knew it would be short lived, “After we have discussed recent events.”

  She huffed, then said, “I cannot imagine why.” An edge of nervousness had creeped into her complexion.

  Matthew continued, “In light of these recent events, I demand answers.” He held up his hand when she would have interrupted. “Surely you did not believe I would just let you go?”

  Evelyn sat in stunned silence as his words mulled in her head. A tremor of unease made its way down her spine. Memories flashed through her mind.

  Sick maid, broken carriage, rain, impatience, delayed, misery, wine, Matthew, kiss.

  Her eyes flew to his. Now he demanded answers. Had she known she would accost a man in his bedchambers and make a spectacle of herself she would never have left London. And that brought her to the reason she had left London.

  Lord Harry Spencer.

  If she hadn’t overheard him plotting to compromise her, she would never have left the comfort of her home. She would never have continued without her maid and her carriage would never have broken down. She would never have indulged in wine and she would never have stumbled into Matthew’s bedroom.


  His voice pulled her out of her reverie. Coming to her feet swiftly she moved to stand by the window, staring at the storm raging outside. Could it have been fate that created all these extraordinary circumstances so that she could meet Matthew?

  “What is it that you want to know?” she murmured softly. If she had any hope of getting rid of him she would need to answer his questions. This had not been the hand of fate.

  She heard the scrape of his chair and felt rather than saw him come up beside her. He took her hand in his. Her traitorous heart jumped at the simple touch.

  “I have a confession.”

  Saints, now h
e had a confession. She didn’t think she could survive a confession, but still, she craned her neck to search his face. Goodness but he was tall. She barely reached his shoulder. He truly made an intimidating figure. Their eyes locked, and it felt as though he gazed straight into the depths of her soul.

  “Oh,” she heard herself murmur when she recognized the desire in his eyes.

  Taking a step closer he leaned forward and whispered softly, “From the first moment I laid eyes on you, stumbling into my room, I've felt something that I've never felt before.”

  Oh my. Evelyn swallowed. Her mouth suddenly dry.

  “You feel it too,” he said matter of fact. “I know you do.”

  She did not deny it. She couldn’t even if she wanted to. Not only would it be a lie, but she couldn’t form a single word of reply.

  Matthew watched her violet eyes widen with fascination and curiosity. She had beautiful eyes— large and intelligent. They were shadowed by thick dark lashes giving her a dreamy countenance. He could stare into them forever. A whisper of familiarity echoed through his mind and he frowned down on the mysterious Evelyn. Nothing about her added up. She was a lady, of that he had no doubt, yet she hardly acted like a one. She was an innocent, yet ran around stealing horses while scarcely dressed. Instinct urged him to demand she reveal all her secrets, or walk away and pray he never encountered her again. Everything about her was dangerous to his heart. He ought to leave her be, yet wasn't ready to let her go.

  Her scent filled his senses. It was intoxicating. She was intoxicating. Looking at her now she emanated radiance and brightness. It held him captivated.

  “I want you.”

  “You— Ah—” Whatever she was about to say died in her throat as she caught the truth in his eyes. He saw her swallow. “You do?”

  His response was a lazy purr. “I do, and you want me too.”

  “What? I—”

  He leaned closer and bent his head to the crook of her neck, breathing in the scent of her.

  “You smell delicious,” he murmured against her skin.

  He heard the ragged draw of her breath, but she didn't pull away. He was astonished that he had to struggle to resist taking her into his arms and kissing her senseless.

  “It— It’s the soap,” Evelyn stammered, her voice trembling.

  Matthew smiled when he saw her shiver at his touch.

  “Are you going to kiss me again?” she asked brazenly.

  He lifted his head to study her. He could see the desire in her eyes, a hint of curiousness calling to the predator in him. Her tongue flickered out to moisten her lips.

  Desire slammed through him.

  He clenched his fists at his side. “Do you want me to kiss you, sweetheart?” He needed to hear her say it.

  She bit her lip. Common sense warned her that this was not a man to be trifled with and yet her body wanted him in a way she did not understand. In the end common sense won out, he was just too dangerous.

  “No,” she said on a breathless whisper.

  “Liar,” he chided softly. “You want me to kiss you. You wanted me to kiss you this morning and you want me to kiss you now. What’s more, Evelyn, you want to kiss me back. Admit it.”

  Evelyn opened her mouth and closed it again. His green eyes held her captivated to the point of speechlessness.

  “Evelyn.” His voice was a hoarse whisper, a pleading note. To hell with her saying it! What he saw in her eyes was all the encouragement he needed. He took her face in his hands and lowered his mouth to hers. Her lips parted in a small gasp and he did not wait for her to press them together before deepening the kiss. For a moment she stood rigid in his arms, then a soft moan escaped her and she leaned deeper into him. His body pressed against hers, backing her into the wall. Slanting his head he urged her to open even more to him.

  Then just as suddenly she shoved at his chest, breaking out of his embrace. “We cannot do this Matthew,” she protested weakly.

  He closed his eyes at the sound of his name. “One kiss Evelyn,” he breathed raggedly. “Only one more.”

  Her heart pounded rapidly in her chest. In the back of her mind Evelyn knew this was dangerous. She should ask him to leave, but she could not stop herself from wanting one more kiss.

  Moving as if in a dream, she gently placed her hands on each side of his face, lifting herself onto her toes and kissed him, the scent of sandalwood making her senses swim. She felt his left hand move to her waist and pull her closer against him. The kiss changed then. His lips became more searching, insistent.

  She hesitated, but then decided to the devil with it. She wanted to be kissed senseless, by him. This would be their moment. She’d barely finished the thought when he broke away, breathing hard. She stared at him confused, while he stared at her with wonder, his arm still around her waist.

  “Evelyn, if we don’t stop now, I won’t be able to stop.”

  He was so tall, so strong, so overpowering and yet his reassuring hand on her waist was gentle. In that moment Evelyn desperately wanted to say yes. Yes to everything he wanted from her. But giving herself to him would mean giving up her independence. She knew, without a doubt, that if she said yes now, he would take over her life in a heartbeat. He would expect nothing less than her full surrender.

  “I cannot.” She took a step back, out of his arms. It had been nothing but a moment of insanity.

  Matthew forced his hands to let go of her when she stepped back. His body raged with suppressed desire and he had to fight the urge not to show her just how much she wanted him. He would let her go, for now. There was something between them, too powerful to ignore. Every instinct in his body told him they would be good together, so he could not make a wrong move now. He would have to treat her with care and thought, or risk spooking her. But he would not stop until he had her in his bed.

  His jaw tightened. It was time to find out exactly who she was and what she was up to.

  “Join me for dinner,” he said, daring her to refuse.

  “Why?” Evelyn asked defiantly.

  Matthew smiled a knowingly. “Because we both need to eat and I don’t want to eat alone.”

  “Very well,” she conceded. It seemed innocent enough. She could also use this opportunity to learn more about him. “Dinner would be lovely, thank you.”

  Stepping closer, Matthew took her hand in his and placed a gentle kiss on the inside of her wrist. “Until this evening, Evelyn.”

  Evelyn watched him leave with apprehension. She did not believe for one second that his calm demeanor was anything but. She’d seen the predatory look that entered his eyes when she’d said no. Leaving as soon as possible was the only option.

  Chapter 4

  At exactly seven o’clock Evelyn entered the dining room, prepared for anything, except the sight of Matthew, freshly bathed and dressed informally, with just a waistcoat and the sleeves of his white linen shirt rolled up to the elbows, revealing strong bare forearms. He stood when he saw her enter and Evelyn tried not to stare at his muscled arms during a breathless moment in which her heart fluttered in her chest.

  “You look ravishing.”

  She nearly snorted, but then she took in their surroundings. Not a nary soul besides the two of them occupied the room and candles illuminated the table in an all too romantic way. Their eyes met. Held.

  “I hope you don’t mind, but they only have beef stew on the menu tonight.”

  “I don’t mind, no,” Evelyn murmured. “I take it none of the other visitors are partial to beef stew then?”

  “Astonishing, I know.”

  An awkward silence ensued as Evelyn took the seat he held out for her, his hand brushing against the back of her neck, causing a trembling sensation to pulse down her spine.

  Matthew was the first to break the silence. “So, do you have any family, Evelyn?”

  “Yes. I have a brother.”

  Her direct answer surprised him and he regarded her intently before he asked, “Does your brother not ca
re that you are traveling alone?”

  “I’m not traveling alone,” Evelyn said innocently. “But even if I were, it would not be any of your concern.”

  His lips twitched. He would let her believe that. For now.

  “What about you? Do you have any siblings?”

  “I am fortunate enough to be an only child,” Matthew replied, but then added, “Although I do have a Dane named Copper.”

  She tilted her head. What an odd thing to say. She tried to imagine him as a boy. She could see him as a little scruffy lad running around the house with dog named Copper. She could not imagine growing up without her brother, Simon. “You named you dog Copper?” she asked, a smile spreading across her face. “What a silly name for a dog.”

  “It seemed fitting at the time,” Matthew said gruffly, entranced by the soft corners of her mouth. “Why are you not married?”

  The question was so sudden Evelyn jerked in response. His eyes observed her reaction like a hawk. Yet in them she could see nothing except blatant curiosity. Evelyn wasn’t fooled. She con-templated how to answer his question. For some reason, she did not want him to know about her dreams of becoming a world renowned traveler. He did not strike her as a man to indulge such desires.

  “I have not met a man I wish to marry.”

  Her meaning was clear.

  “Have you met many men, Evelyn?”

  She shrugged. “I suppose as many as one would expect to meet, Mr. Langdon.”

  “I see.”

  “You see a lot, sir.”

  He chuckled, and Evelyn found herself staring at his mouth. What a marvelous sound. What marvelous lips. She remembered those lips on hers. What marvelous kiss.

  “I see as much as one would expect to see, Evelyn.”

  His words brought her out of her musings. She could not help but smile back at him, suspecting this wasn’t a side one often saw from him. It made her feel warm inside. His next words however filled her with icy dread.

  “You are traveling to Bath, I presume?”

  Evelyn’s heart threatened to burst out of her chest. He could not possibly have deduced that from anything she had said to him, she told herself.


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