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Deliciously Damaged

Page 41

by KB Winters

  I shrugged. “I just like them.”

  “Hmm. So, no particular meaning behind them?”

  I sighed and relaxed my head on him, delicate sensations running over my skin as he continued to caress my arm and shoulder. “I got made fun of, a lot, growing up.”

  “What? Why?” Cooper asked. I smiled at the protective fierceness to his voice.

  “Well, I was a chubby red-head. You figure it out.” I cringed as a wave of anxiety swept over me. I rarely let myself think about my childhood, let alone talk someone though it. “Anyways, I got bullied and teased a lot. I didn’t fit in with anyone. My parents made me try church camps, the drama club, band. You name it, and I was probably a part of it at some point. But none of it really fit me. Eventually, I started hanging out with a rougher crowd. The misfits, I guess. We smoked, drank, got high, and partied together. Nothing too serious, but it became part of my identity. I wasn’t doing it to be rebellious or just to act out. I hung out with those guys because they were the only people who liked me and accepted me. Of course, the perk was that all the other kids were afraid and you didn’t get messed with so much.”

  I sighed, letting the memories play through my mind.

  “I’m really sorry, Allie,” Cooper said before pressing a kiss to my temple.

  “It’s all right. I’m a stronger person for it. Once I got to high school, I worked at a sandwich shop and got enough to buy my first bike. My parents were horrified, but they couldn’t stop me. I was too stubborn.”

  “There’s a surprise,” Cooper teased.

  “Hey, now,” I said, laughing as I looked up at him.

  His gorgeous, dark eyes were staring down into mine and I got lost, wondering what in the world I’d been talking about.

  “So, then tattoos are mandatory for bike riding, tough chicks?” he asked.

  I laughed. “Yeah, I guess so. They drove my parents crazy, and at the time, that was part of the attraction. I guess I’m like a crazy cat lady or something, just with tattoos. You start with one and pretty soon you have a dozen and people look at you weird.”

  It was Cooper’s turn to laugh, and the soft vibrations through his chest soothed me and I nestled into him even closer.

  After his laughter faded, we were quiet for a spell.

  “What about you?” I asked, my curiosity getting the best of me. “I’ll bet you were the hunky jock that all the girls chased around school.”

  He laughed at my assessment. “I guess. My parents sent me to prep school. So it was uniforms and very strict. At the time, I was a little resentful because I wanted to go to a bigger school and play sports and all that but my parents wouldn’t let me. My dad started this company when he was young, and it was just this expectation that someday I would take over for him. So, to them, getting a good education was more important than sports and girls.”

  I nodded, slightly surprised by his answer.

  “I thought I was in love once,” I said, my voice low. “But, it wasn’t love. Love is for suckers.”

  “Hmm.” Cooper tightened his grip on me but didn’t argue my point.

  The adrenaline rush from chasing down the virus was crashing hard and I felt myself drifting in and out of consciousness as I lay in his arms.


  The sound of my name roused me and I opened my eyes, startled by the brightness around me, and equally as freaked out by the feeling of another body pressed against me. I sat up and jerked around, realizing Cooper and I’d fallen asleep on the couch in my office.

  And judging by the light breaking through my office window, it was already morning.

  “Shit!” I said, scrambling off the couch. “What time is it?”

  I smoothed my hair back, hoping I didn’t look as disgusting as I felt. My lips and tongue were dry and scratchy and my hair felt all out of place. I didn’t even want to know what my makeup looked like after my face had been stuck to the leather couch all night long.

  Cooper laughed softly. “Come here.” He reached out an arm, trying to lure me back to the couch. I resisted his invitation and crossed the room so I could search my desk for my phone.

  It was six a.m.

  I groaned. “Cooper, how did this happen?”

  He patted the couch. “Come here. It’s okay.”

  I hesitantly went back to him and sat down where he’d indicated.

  “We were up late working on the virus.”

  “I’m tired, not hungover. I remember what happened. But why didn’t you wake me up?”

  “I did! Just now.” He laughed again and I rolled my eyes.

  “I’m glad you’re so amused. I, on the other hand, now have to do the walk of shame in front of all my co-workers and I didn’t even get fucked!”

  “We could change that,” he whispered in my ear as he nuzzled my neck. His stubbled jaw ran against my skin, waking up every part of my body and restarting the craving for him that had started yesterday morning.

  “Cooper!” I hissed and pulled away. “Be serious!”

  “I am. Listen, Allie, calm down and relax. No one else is here, it’s too early.”

  He continued his nuzzling and I felt my body taking over. He was too much to resist and I wanted him…badly.

  Chapter Six

  “Cooper,” I whispered. He responded to my gentle plea by running his tongue in a small circle around my earlobe. I inhaled sharply at the surge of sensations dancing through my body as he nibbled with his lips and teeth.

  “I want you, Allie. All of you.”

  I craned my neck to look him in the eyes. They were dark and smoldering as he stared down at me. I knew I shouldn’t. I had a thousand reasons to say no, waiting on standby. I’d spent the entire weekend replaying my list of “10 Things I Hate About Cooper” over and over in my mind as a way to cope with his all too frequent appearances in my inner musings.

  But, looking at him now, the list was slowly erasing…morphing into a list of very naughty things I wanted to do with him—or better yet—have him do to me.

  His fingers traced back down my arm, around my waist, and over my hips as I sat pressed up against him on the couch.

  “Cooper, I just don’t think it’s a good idea. People will get here soon, and besides that, I have a lot of work…to…do…” My train of thought had completely skidded off the tracks as his fingers trailed over my hip and under the hem of my shirt. The pads of his fingertips rubbed along my stomach and my core became molten hot.

  “There will be time for all that. Later,” he growled into my ear, his hand sliding south.

  Oh, fuck…

  His breath was hot on the back of my neck as he resumed kissing me and teasing my sensitive skin. He brought his hand back up my body, leaving me desperate for more of his touch. His fingers wound through my dark hair and tugged gently, tilting my head back. Before I could breathe another word, his lips crashed against mine in a hot, hungry kiss that left me instantly breathless. His lips broke away all too soon and I whimpered, needing more.

  He smiled and slid my blazer off my shoulders. It fell and landed in a wrinkled mess on the floor by my stocking-clad feet. I couldn’t remember kicking off my heels, but I must have at some point in the night. Cooper didn’t leave me alone long enough to look for them, pulling me back to him and capturing my lips in another steamy kiss.

  My heart rate was through the roof and rising with each fierce kiss. It was hot in the room, and getting even hotter as our bodies clung together. My arms wrapped around Cooper’s neck and my fingertips automatically dug into his shoulders. He’d already removed his jacket and the feel of his expensive shirt was nice, but I wanted more. I needed his skin under my fingertips. I wanted to feel the rise and fall of his muscles as he ravaged me with his kisses and continued his desperate exploration of my body.

  A noise from outside my office door roused my consciousness and I jolted upright, away from Cooper.

  “What was that?” I hissed.

  Cooper looked cool and collected
as ever. He pushed up his sleeve and consulted his watch.

  I was worried about the noise, but the sight of his muscled forearm nearly sent me over the edge.

  “It’s almost seven. Some of the staff gets here about this time.”

  “Why?” I said, completely baffled as to why someone would bother rolling into the office any earlier than eight o’clock.

  Cooper laughed at my bemused expression and slid a thumb down my cheek as he looked at me.

  “What? I need my beauty sleep,” I said with a shrug.

  Cooper shook his head. “Not true. I’ve seen you first thing in the morning with very little sleep and you looked gorgeous. Just like you do right now.”

  I dropped my gaze, flattered but slightly embarrassed by his bold compliment. There were features about myself that I liked, but it was hard to think of myself as gorgeous. Cooper tilted my face back up with a gentle push of his thumb, forcing me to look back into his eyes.

  “You’re gorgeous, Allie. Never question that.”

  I nodded slowly, my eyes not daring to look away this time.

  Another noise outside the office interrupted the intimate silence.

  “Shit,” I said.

  Cooper stood and shut the wooden blinds on the windows and door of my office. I knew that no one would be able to see in with them shut, but he couldn’t seriously be considering having sex in my office, with an entire department of people waiting outside. Could he?

  He came back to me and pushed me back so that I was lying on the couch. Before I could interrupt, he was on top of me, his lips back against mine with a new edge of heat.

  “Cooper,” I protested as soon as I could break away. “Isn’t this…”

  He interrupted me with another kiss, so deep and fierce that I was momentarily lost and forgot all about the fact that I was lying on a couch in my office.

  “Can’t we,” I panted, my eyes searching his as he hovered above me. “At least get a room?”

  “I can’t wait that long. I have to have you. Right here.” He paused, drawing my lips onto his. “Right now.”


  Cooper laughed softly and placed a finger against my lips, silencing me. “You talk too much. Have I ever told you that?”

  I rolled my eyes. “I just don’t know how… appropriate… this is.”

  “You worry too much,” he said, before dropping his lips down to my collarbone.

  I couldn’t help a small gasp as his lips seemed to sear against my skin. He moved to the place where my shirt came together, my breasts barely contained by the cotton fabric that buttoned over my chest.

  He popped the first button with his teeth and I laughed out loud. It was sexy as hell, but I couldn’t stop giggling at his trick.

  “Allison,” he said, his voice firm, as if he was about to scold me. “You have to be quiet now.”

  I bit my lip and nodded.

  He proceeded to unbutton the rest of my shirt, and there was nothing funny when he spread the fabric apart. I could barely catch my breath as he stared down at me. My breasts were pushed up and spilling over the lacey cups of my bra. It was a new one that I’d bought on my shopping trip with Hannah. And I would be lying if I said I hadn’t been thinking of Cooper when I’d tried it on. The fabric was nude-colored with a black lace overlay, giving a nearly naked effect.

  An effect that Cooper was very clearly enjoying.

  He ran his fingertips over the top of each breast before lowering his head and using his tongue to follow the same path. I shuddered underneath him and my hands went back to his shoulders. He lifted me up, slipped the rest of my shirt off and tossed it aside. I lay back against the leather and wiggled as he continued to stare at me and trace lines down my body.

  Damn it, he was going to make me wait.

  I both hated, and secretly loved, this game he liked to play.

  He unbuttoned his own shirt and slowly removed it. I watched him strip like I was in a trance. The way the fabric slid down his sleek, toned muscles was more than I could stand. He was so fucking perfect, like he’d been carved from stone or modeled from clay, each line clearly defined.

  I bit my lip and shimmied, trying to entice him to go further, but it didn’t make a difference. He continued drinking me in with his eyes and the tips of his fingers. Each delicate graze was driving me more and more insane and it was all I could do to keep from begging for more. He studied the tattoos on my arm and then went to tracing the one that started along my side and spread over my hip. The majority of it was still covered by my skirt, and as he moved lower, his other hand started working at the zipper on the side of the garment. The faint buzz of the zipper being released was the only sound in the room as we stared at each other. Our eyes were locked together and everything was moving in slow motion. I couldn’t tell if it was just an effect of being so lost in Cooper, or if he was purposely moving slowly to completely unravel my patience.

  As soon as the zipper was undone, he picked up his pace as he whisked the skirt off my hips, down my legs and threw it to the ground. My now soaking wet, panties matched the bra and I’d never felt sexier than I did in that very moment. My back arched against the couch, legs spread slightly, watching Cooper as his eyes raked over every inch. It was almost more seductive than his actual touch. As I watched his eyes, I imagined his touch and the anticipation of what he was planning to do to me only made me more desperate.

  “Cooper,” I whimpered, arching more.

  His eyes darted to mine and he placed a finger against my lips to silence me.

  I got a naughty flash of an idea and licked up the length of his finger before slowly pulling it into my mouth, careful to hollow out my cheeks suggestively as I gave it a firm suck.

  Cooper’s eyes darkened even more as he watched me.

  “Oh, you’re a naughty girl and you’re going to pay for that,” he whispered leaning over me once I released his finger.

  I smiled at him, my eyes full of lust, and before I could even give him a cheeky reply, his moistened finger slid between my thighs and pushed aside the delicate fabric of my panties. I barely sucked in my breath and his finger slid deep inside me.

  I moaned out loud and arched back, my head back against the couch.

  “Allison,” Cooper said. His finger started to slide back out.

  “Okay, okay. I’ll be quiet. Please don’t stop.”

  My body was exploding with white hot heat. His finger slid in and out as he slowly worked me over. My fingers dug into the couch and I had to bite my lower lip to keep quiet. His touch was exquisite and the rhythm was sending me quickly to the point of no return. He slid his thumb against my clit and I nearly lost it. The pressure building inside me was quick and intense, urging me to release, but Cooper seemed to read my body and slowed just as I nearly came, and then started up again moments later, driving me to a new height.

  “Cooper,” I whispered, forcing my eyes open, to watch him as he finger fucked me.

  He replied with a kiss and the moment his tongue parted my lips and tangled with my tongue, I lost it. His fingers pumped in and out of me as the kiss deepened and I crashed over the edge. The orgasm was fast and intense, ripping through me like a sudden summer storm.

  Heat, flashes of lightning, and a crazy hard rain before melting away and leaving the aftermath.

  My body tense and shuddered under Cooper’s weight. His lips stayed on mine as I clung to him, waiting for my body to still.

  “You’re beautiful when you’re out of control like that,” he whispered as I finally relaxed back.

  His words made me feel vulnerable…too exposed and I started to recoil.

  He was starting to toe a line that I didn’t want to cross yet.

  Before I could pull away further, he kissed me and the heat returned, deep inside me. My climax had been deep and intense, but with Cooper, it always left me wanting more. I needed him to fill me, to feel him inside of me. My legs spread as the kiss deepened. Each new depth driving me out of m
y own head, and back to my deep urges.

  At some point, my hand had come to rest on his thigh and I automatically drifted it up, towards his hard cock that was pushing against the fabric of his suit pants. He gasped as I ran my fingers down the length and in a split second, he broke away and unbuttoned himself. My hand slid inside the fabric of his boxer briefs and ran along the hot skin. I worked up and down his thick shaft, loving the rock hard silky feel of it. His cock twitched at my touch and he buried his face in my hair.


  The desperation in his voice drove me as I stroked him and ground my hips up, rubbing against him.

  He stopped me, grabbing my hand by the wrist and holding me firmly. He used his other hand to free himself of his pants and then pulled me onto him so that I was straddling him on the couch. I ground my pussy against him and he pulled himself out of his boxer briefs.

  “Shit, Allie, hold on,” he said. He held onto me and leaned over to fiddle with his pants. He came back upright and had a condom in his hands.

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “Do you always have one on you?”

  “I do when I know I’m going to be seeing you,” he replied, a wolfish smile on his face.

  Oh, fuck.

  His confession made me even wetter and I ground against him, more desperate than before, my panties soaking as I tried to rub my clit against his cock, needing relief.

  He grabbed my hips and stilled me on his lap before he slid the condom on. In the moment of silence, I was suddenly hyper aware of the fact that right outside the glass door of my office, a whole horde of people were going to be filing in, talking about their evening, getting prepped for the day, and going about their business. Completely oblivious to the fact that the CEO of the company was just a few feet away, fucking me in my office.

  The realization, and the knowledge that we could potentially get caught, only made me hotter.

  What was happening to me?

  I didn’t have more than half a minute to figure it out. Cooper lifted me up by the waist and I lowered myself onto him. He filled me so completely and I had to once again bite my lip to keep from moaning out loud at the sensations trickling over my skin. He rocked my hips and I was nearly seeing stars at the overwhelming pleasure of each movement.


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