Flower Queen (Flower Readings Book 3)
Page 9
The pattern morphed into different shades of blue, and extended outwards, searching for Braklen’s energy to anchor itself in. Triena found the edge of the tendrils, the ones that were just beginning to join with his energy, then she worked backwards, allowing herself to enter the regular formation of the blue hues. It was cold, but also beautiful.
Blue color surrounded her, snagged on her energy. She tried to flatten herself, so she was like a slippery surface, but without success. Triena flinched as another blue hook caught her. She pulled away. Determined to find out information, she went back into the pattern.
She saw Queen Arkina sitting in the catacombs in the castle, meditating in the Energy, looking for her. Her energy shivered as Triena found the tendril of dark blue color that led to where the Queen searched. She had nearly found them when Braklen had stumbled on her. Flames burst over the Queen consuming her.
This wasn’t new knowledge for Triena. She retraced the tendril of color and took another strand. It was becoming more difficult to stay here. It was freezing.
Blue thorns grew around her and transformed into buds. Their cold scent, sweet and floral, an aroma of fecundity swirled around her, intoxicating her, distracting her. She was drawn to the buds, captivated by the smallness, the softness in colour, and their delicate shape of potential. Small icicles crystallized over the buds, stopping them from opening. Triena breathed on the buds, her energy warmed them, making them tremble and melt the ice.
Gradually the color deepened on the buds, the petals peeled outwards, in a rush of life, blossoming into a full rose. Then the cycle continued. The petals darkened in colour, their sweet scent diluted, until something pulled off the outer petals releasing them to tumble in the Energy Field, dying, they began to crisp to black.
More petals fell. Fluttering over Triena, their edges tickled her before melting in with the blackness of the Field until they were absorbed.
She watched the process unfold, until there were no more petals. Only empty stalks surrounded her. She tried to make sense of what she had seen. The blue hues around her became darker and thorns on the stems stabbed into her energy. Energy flowed into Braklen. Triena knew she had to leave now, before she was sucked into the current and trapped.
But she wanted to find out more, and followed another path of blue, one that was so light it was almost white. She moved toward the thread. The vortex pulled her back. She fought keeping her focus on the thread. A blue colored ship in the distance, one traveling between the stars, was coming straight for her. It wasn’t going to stop as it, too, was pulled towards Braklen’s essence.
Triena shielded her hands. Something caught her. Pushed her backwards into her body.
She lay on the floor, looking up at the off-white ceiling. Braklen snored. Her left elbow ached from hitting the floor. Her head pounded, but she forced herself to recall what had just happened.
The blue roses. It was a message. But what? She remembered them unfurling, birthing into life, then quickly dying, crisping in the Energy Field. The process had a familiarity to it. Like how she felt during a reading, but she was on the receiving end.
She rubbed her elbow, thinking. A flower reading. That’s what the Queens wanted to do to her. Pull off her petals and read her. She knew that there was more at the edges. But what?
Triena’s gut twisted from the warning. She got up, her body aching. Time for some rest. She went to get into bed, but Braklen was now lying on her side. That’s probably how I was jolted back into my body, him pushing me out of the bed. She went around the other side and eased herself into bed.
The ship lunged forward. The momentum pushed her onto the bed. A strong wave of space sickness caused her head to spin. Her stomach twisted, with the new faster movement. I’ll do more after a quick sleep.
She had spent too much time in the Energy Field. The softness of the mattress eased the tension from her body and lulled her away from what she’d just experienced and the space sickness. I’ll just sleep for a little while.
She tumbled into sleep. A ghost image of a ship passed her by. She missed the last of the message she had been so desperate to find.
Chapter 8
As she went to check on Braklen, Triena played with the green pendant she’d taken from Queen Pernally. It felt good when she wore it, helped her to feel calmer although Triena didn’t know why.
She stepped into the room and abruptly stopped. Oh. She blushed, but didn’t avert her eyes. Braklen stood there naked, water dripping off his toned body. He didn’t even cup himself.
“Got a towel?”
“You don’t need one.” Heat rose within her. She put down the cups and walked up to Braklen. “I like you just like this.”
She kissed him, hard, taking pleasure in feeling his surprise at her forwardness. His tongue warm and soft helped to melt away the tension building in her body. She pushed herself into him, felt him harden against her thigh.
He ran his hands down her back. His touch fueled the desire within her. “You’re wearing too much.”
“Doesn’t matter for this.” She traced the tips of her fingers slowly down his back, then around his hips, towards his groin. Then she held him, moving back and forth, feeling him harden. He groaned encouragingly.
When she knelt down and took him in her mouth, he moaned louder. “Triena. Is this …”
She felt him relax as she worked her tongue over his hardness. He eased his hips back and forth against her movements increasing his pleasure. He groaned as his desires heightened. His hands gripped her hair.
He pulsed inside of her mouth and she knew he was close to coming. Triena kept her pressure, increasing the tension and speed, until he tipped over the edge with an orgasm. He breathed heavily as she slowly withdrew, sucking playfully to cause him to pulse as he came back down.
“That … that was unexpected,” he said as she stood up. He slid his hands around her. “And quick.”
“Oh … well …”
He kissed the words from her mouth. “I don’t mind,” he said softly.
“I didn’t think you would,” answered Triena between slow kisses. She could feel he wasn’t done with her. His hands lifted her dress, looking for her sweet spot, glided over her mound, down into her juicy folds.
“You feel ready for me.”
Triena kissed him, dancing her tongue over his. “Always.”
He fumbled with the lace of her corset, and she helped him remove her clothes. They embraced, hot skin on hot skin as they kissed, and ran their hands over each other.
He picked her up, and she hooked her legs around his waist as he carried her over to the bed. He gently placed her on the mattress. Pushing her legs apart with her hands, he kissed her lower abdomen.
Triena groaned. Her thighs clenched.
“Steady on.” Braklen teased her some more, kissing around her mound, until he couldn’t hold back anymore.
He eased his tongue into her fleshy folds, running it back and forth. He found the bud of nerve endings near the top of her slit, played there for a while, then went down and tasted her juices.
Triena moaned. Her body responded so easily from his touch and opened to receive him. Her energy climbed higher, vibrating faster and hotter as he sucked on her. He circled his tongue through her folds before finding her spot. He kept the pressure steady and slowly began to increase the speed.
She gasped as she lost control and was completely at his mercy. She moved her hips with the rhythm he set. His hot breath added to the pleasure. It caught her by surprise as she burst open. Her body arched backwards. Her hips thrust forward. She reached down and gripped his hair as the orgasm rippled through her.
Braklen kissed his way up her body, staying between her legs. Triena was still gasping as he thrust into her. Her abdomen muscles contracted around him. He moved his hips forward, sliding in and out, building a different sort of pleasure. She wrapped her legs tight around his waist, held onto his hands, as they urged each other back towards the
peak of another orgasm.
Triena felt his energy merge, as they worked at becoming one. Her muscles gripped him hard, his movement added to the friction between them until they reached the peak perfectly balanced as one. They shuddered together in a long ripple of bliss.
Braklen untangled himself from Triena, resting his body next to hers. He kissed her on the lips softly and slowly. She found herself melding back with him. The magic of sex had been spent, and now the real world flooded back into her mind.
She didn’t move, kissing him back, running her hands over his shoulders. “We have to get up.”
“No, we don’t.”
“We could …”
“Yes, we could.” He leaned on her and kissed her hard. “But, I thought we had to get up.”
“Changed my mind,” she answered as she straddled him. She felt him harden again, and despite the satisfying pleasure she had just experienced, she wanted him again.
He reached up and kissed her breasts, flicking her nipples with his tongue. She groaned as her body began to climb towards another orgasm. She allowed herself to relax as he pulled her down.
Then it happened.
A memory surfaced before she could push it away. A ship. A blue ship sailing towards her. She gasped and pulled away.
Braklen looked at her surprised. “You all right?”
“Yes. No.” She got up before she changed her mind. The Queens were close and they didn’t have much time. She finally understood the rabbit’s urgency. “They are close. We have to train again.” She dressed quickly.
“That didn’t stop you just then.” He crawled to the edge of the bed and tried to pull her back.
A part of her wanted to give into him, but she pushed him away. “I mean it.”
His face hardened.
“Sorry,” she said. “I want to … but we have to deal with them otherwise we can never fully be together. And to be together, we need to deal with them.” She slipped the dress back over her head.
“I need a beer. You’re talking too much.” Braklen eased himself off the bed.
She tried not to look at him, but of course she did. His toned chest muscles, nice crop of hair framed his … She blushed. It was hardening again. She looked up at him.
He grinned at her. “We can go again.”
Triena sighed. Her body and heart screamed, Yes, take me, take me! But her mind had already seen the ship. “I want to. I will. First, we deal with the Queens once and for all. Then, we can be left in peace.”
“We better be left in peace because I have things I plan to do to you.” He pulled on his trousers. “Right. Let’s get these Queens whipped into shape, so I can start with you.”
Triena’s face reddened. If she could trust herself stopping at just one kiss she would’ve stepped over and done that. But she didn’t want to stop at one kiss. “I’m going to hold you to that.”
Chapter 9
Where have you two been? asked the rabbit. Oh. Well that could’ve waited, you know.
Like hell. Triena walked into the reading room suppressing a blush.
“Going at it like rabbits.” Rangit leaned back in the chair, boots on the table, chewing on a toothpick. “Glad you’ve got your priorities sorted.”
“Get your feet off the table,” said Triena. “It’s a good way to refresh our energy and release tension.”
“I need to keep my boots away from the rabbit,” said Rangit. “He has a bladder problem.”
Triena pushed his feet off the table. He nearly toppled from the chair.
“Trust that you two will have enough energy for this session,” said Rangit.
“Of course.” Triena started preparing the tea. She’d never felt more alive than she did right now.
Braklen sat down on the chair opposite Rangit. His tall body folded awkwardly on the small, wrought-iron chair. “We really have to do this?”
“Course not,” said Rangit sarcastically. “Why don’t you two go back to fucking? I’ll turn the ship around and drop you back at Oberon, then head off into the sunset on my merry way.”
Braklen glared at Rangit. “Smart arse.”
Rangit smiled at him. “Least I know what’s ahead for me. You’ve got not one fucking idea. Otherwise, you’d be begging us to teach you more about the Energy.”
“I’m no pussy,” said Braklen. “I fought in the war. I’ve handled weapons.”
“But, not the Energy.” Rangit raised his eyebrow.
“I can,” said Braklen. “I’ve taken down one Queen. How many have you dealt with?”
“Boys, that’s enough.” Triena placed a cup of warm tea in front of Braklen. “You keep mentioning that we don’t have time to waste, yet here you are bickering like children.”
Triena placed her hand on Braklen’s shoulder. His energy vibrated nervously.
“Someone’s got to get him ready.” Rangit looked sternly at Triena. “Lifting your skirt ain’t going to help him.”
The hairs on the back of Triena’s neck prickled with anger. “How dare you …”
“Not going to help me either. I don’t want to be killed without the Queens being brought down. I want that more than anything.”
“That’s no way to talk to a lady,” said Braklen, finally finding his voice and a gap in the conversation.
Rangit laughed. “Priceless.”
So much fear bounced around in the room. She could feel it clearly now. Their anxiety flooded into the room and scared each other.
“Please, both of you, enough,” she said. “We are all scared.”
Don’t treat Braklen like a baby. He’s got to step up. He put the crown on in the Field, just like you did. You’ve both made a choice. Tell him to man up.
You’re being a little harsh. He’s not used to using the Energy. It’s taken me years to learn this.
Someone’s deep in love, thought the rabbit. It’s blinding you.
“Not scared, just concerned you two ain’t going to be worth it, that you are so caught up with each other that you ain’t going to be able to move against the Queens when it matters.” Rangit’s forehead wrinkled with worry.
I’m not blind. Braklen will learn enough. He’s already shown he’s open. Triena rubbed her temples. Her head began to ache with all this talk.
Better get started then, because I’m sure you are right, but I need to see it for myself to see that it’s not all talk.
“Enough.” Triena’s voice was sharp. “We have work to do. First, we teach Braklen. Second, we start planning how we’re going to get into the castle. But either way, we start working together because we have one common goal. Stop the Queens.”
Braklen wasn’t sure about returning to the Energy Field. It didn’t get any more complicated than that. Every time he’d entered the Energy, something bad happened. He didn’t like being out of control of his life. It’d be different if I was trained to use the Energy. But I’m not, and I’m not going to take such a risk again.
“You have to,” said Triena.
Braklen raised an eyebrow. He was built for combat. Physical combat, not moving around in the Energy. Only women did that.
He was chuffed he’d made it to the Energy Field, and thought that would be enough. He wasn’t left in pain like the readings, but the exhaustion frustrated him because he spent the time sleeping like a weakling. “Communicating in the Energy sounds difficult.”
“It isn’t, but first you need to learn to hold onto your essences so that if someone attacks you in the Energy you won’t break apart. Then, we’ll try communicating.”
“Sounds messy.”
“It nearly was.” Triena looked at him. “But, then I found you. I might not be able to do that again.”
“It won’t happen again.” His skin prickled.
“Good. Drink the tea and let’s get started.”
“Do you need to be here?” Braklen looked at Rangit. He hadn’t liked the way the one-eyed pirate spoke to Triena. Braklen rea
lly wanted to sucker-punch Rangit in the nose. Then, kick him in the balls, as low as that was. The scum deserved it. “I don’t know if you’re really helping us.”
“You going to fly the ship then?”
Braklen narrowed his eyes. The one thing he wasn’t good at always came up. “It’s night blindness, so I can’t fly since we’re here in space.”
“We’ll be fine without you. Go check on the engines,” said Triena, her voice gentle and sweet.
It scared Braklen that he might have to fight in the Energy. He wasn’t up for that. I might have killed a Queen, but that was fluke. I wasn’t trying.
“Fuck the Queens, you two are a waste of time,” said Rangit. “I could’ve been doing that instead of listening to this crap.”
“You can always keep an eye out in the Energy, especially while I’m busy here with Braklen,” said Triena.
“Do it yourself,” grumbled Rangit. “I’m a leader, not a lackey.” He left the room swearing under his breath.
“That’s better,” said Triena.
“Yes.” Braklen stood, grabbed Triena’s waist, and kissed her.
She pushed him back. “We have work to do.”
He tried to kiss her again.
“I’ll bring him back,” said Triena, “if you aren’t going to sit here and learn I’ll bring him back. We’ll use force.”
The glow in her eyes unsettled him. She meant what she said. She wasn’t the same woman he’d just been making love to. She’s preparing herself too. He sighed and sat down in defeat.
Before he could change his mind, he drank the tea. The now tepid water was easy to drink. This time the bitterness didn’t affect him so much. He put the cup down. “What do I do now?”
“What did you do last time?” Triena sat opposite him. He found it hard to keep her gaze. “You can do this.”
He took a deep breath.
“Good. I’ll meet you in the Energy Field then.”
Braklen took another breath and relaxed. The path formed in his mind. He extended his awareness along the trail into the darkness. Let’s get this over with. He was pretty sure that no matter what Triena said, or Rangit, or the rabbit, when it came down to it, he would be needed for physical fighting.