Gaines Mill, battle of
Garfield, Pres. James
Geary, Gen. John
Gee, B. H.
General Order No.
Georgia Military Units; 9th Infantry, 7th Infantry, 15th Infantry, 20th Infantry, 23rd Infantry, 59th Infantry
Getty, Gen. George
Gettysburg, battle of, campaign begins, July 1, July 2 morning of, July 2 early afternoon, July 2 late afternoon, July 3, days following, Congressional testimony, Historicus, battlefield development, 25th anniversary, 30th anniversary, 1904 reunion, 50th anniversary, Blue and Gray Reunion, maps, photo
Gettysburg: A Testing of Courage
Gettysburg Address, the
Gettysburg Battlefield Memorial Association
Gettysburg Campaign, the
Gettysburg College
Gettysburg Compiler, the,
Gettysburg Electric Railway Company, the
Gettysburg Hotel, the
Gettysburg Magazine
Gettysburg: Memory, Market, and American Shrine
Gettysburg National Military Park
Gettysburg Star and Sentinel, the
Gettysburg: The Meade-Sickles Controversy
Gettysburg: The Second Day
Gettysburg: Then and Now
Gettysburg Times, the
Gettysburg (movie)
Gettysburg (Stephen Sears)
Gettysburg’s Soldiers’ National Cemetery
Gibbon, Gen. John
Givin, Capt. A. W.
“Goddess of Victory and Peace, the,”
Gooch, Congressman Daniel
Gould, Jay
Graham, Gen. Charles K., photo
Graham, John
Graham, W. A.
Grand Army of the Republic, the
Granite Schoolhouse Road
Grant, Fred
Grant, Gen. Ulysses S.
Green-Wood Cemetery, the
Greene, Gen. George S.
Gregg, Gen. David
Grimes, Sen. James Wilson
Grout, Col. William
Hagerstown, MD
Hale, Capt. Charles
Haley, Pvt. John
Hall, Col. George
Halleck, Gen. Henry
Hancock, Gen. Winfield Scott, takes command of Second Corps, Meade sends to Gettysburg, on Cemetery Hill, Cemetery Ridge position, observes Sickles’ advance, defends Cemetery Ridge, Congressional testimony, Presidential Campaign, death
Hancock Avenue
Hanover, PA
Harburger, Sheriff Julius
Hardie, Col. James
Harper’s Ferry
Harrison, Henry Thomas
Harrison, President Benjamin
Hart, Capt. Patrick
Hart, Lt. Col. Orson
Haskell, Lt. Frank
Haupt, Gen. Herman
Hayden, Lt. Col. Julius
Hayes, Pres. Rutherford B.
Hays, Gen. Alexander
Hays, Atty. Daniel P.
Hazel Grove
Hazlett, Lt. Charles
Heintzelman, Gen. Samuel P., photo
Henry, Maj. Mathias
Heth, Gen. Henry
Higgins, Col. Benjamin
High Tide at Gettysburg
High Water Mark, the
Hill, Gen. A. P.
Hillyer, Capt. George
Hoffer, Edward
Hood, Gen. John Bell
Hooker, Gen. Joseph “Fighting Joe,” assigned to Third Corps, relationship with Sickles, takes command of Army of the Potomac, at Chancellorsville, disagreement with Meade, resigns command, Congressional thanks for Gettysburg, possible return to army, photo
“Hooker’s Division,”
Houck, John
Houck’s Ridge
Howard, Gen. Oliver
Howard, Maj. Charles
Howe, Gen. Albion
Huger, Maj. Frank
Humphreys, Col. B. G.
Humphreys, Gen. Andrew, assigned to Third Corps, background info, Meade’s choice as chief of staff, at Emmitsburg, division marches to Gettysburg, moves division to Emmitsburg Rd., division defends Emmitsburg Rd., division casualties, Congressional testimony, opinion of Sickles’ position, map, photo
Hunt, Gen. Henry
Huntington, Capt. James
Hyde, Bill
I Follow the Course, Come What May,
Illinois Military Units; 8th Cavalry
Imhof, John
Indiana Military Units; 20th Infantry
Irish Brigade, the
Irish Societies of America, the
Jackson, Gen. Thomas “Stonewall,”
Jerome, Lt. A. B.
Johnson, Pres. Andrew
Johnson, Rossiter
Johnston, Capt. Samuel, 122-123, 136
Johnston, Gen. Joseph E.
Joint Congressional Committee on the Conduct of the War, the, origin of, Gettysburg agenda, Sickles’ cooperation with, Sickles’ testimony, final report
Jomini, Antoine Henry
Karsch, George
Kearny, Gen. Phil
Kelly, Col. Patrick
Kelly, James
Keneally, Thomas
Kershaw, Gen. Joseph
Key, Francis Scott
Key, Philip Barton, friends with Daniel Sickles, relationship with Theresa Sickles, murder of, 10-12; murder trial, photo
Keyes, Gen. Erasmus
Kilgore, Congressman C. Buckley
Killer Angels
King, Horatio
Klingle Farm, the Daniel
Knoop, Jeanne
Ku Klux Klan, the
Lacy, Chaplain Beverly Tucker
Lafayette Square (Washington, D.C.)
Lakeman, Col. Moses
Lang, Col. David
Latschar, Dr. John
Law, Gen. Evander
Lee, Gen. Fitzhugh
Lee, Gen. Robert E., assumes command of Army of Northern Virginia, at Seven Days, at Antietam, at Fredericksburg, at Chancellorsville, between Chancellorsville and Gettysburg, Gettysburg July 1, Gettysburg July 2, retreat from Gettysburg, Fall of 1863 campaign
Lee and Longstreet at High Tide
Leister Farm, the Lydia
Libby Prison
Life and Letters
Lincoln, Pres. Abraham
Lincoln, Mary Todd
Lincoln, Tad
Lincoln and Sickles
Lincoln Speech Memorial, the
Little Round Top, Geary’s division occupies, Sickles to occupy, attack and defense of, photos
Littlestown, PA
Loan, Congressman Benjamin
Lockwood, Gen. Henry
Logan, Gen. John
Long, Gen. Armistead
Longstreet, Gen. James, background, at Fredericksburg, at Chancel lorsville, between Chancellorsville and Gettysburg, Gettysburg July 1, Gettysburg July 2, days following Gettysburg, Historicus, postwar relationship with Sickles, death of, photo
Longstreet, Lt. James
Longstreet, Helen
Longstreet, Maj. Robert Lee
Longstreet Tower
Loud, Gen. George
Ludlow, Maj. Benjamin
Lutheran Theological Seminary, the
Lyman, Dr. Jonas W.
Lyman, Lt. Col. Theodore
Mackenzie, Lt. Ranald
Madill, Col. Henry
Madrid, Spain
Mahan, Dennis Hart
Maine Military Units; 2nd Infantry, 3rd Infantry, 4th Infantry, 17th Infantry, 20th Infantry
Manly, Capt. Basil C.
Martin, Capt. Augustus
Martin, Dr. David
Marye’s Heights
Maryland Civil War Centennial Commission
Massachusetts Military Units; 1st Infantry, 5th Infantry, 9th Battery 22nd Infantry, 32nd Infantry
Mattocks, Charles
Maxwell, Ronald
McCarthy, Capt. Edward
McClellan, Gen. George B.
McClernand, John
McConaughy, David
McDowell, Gen. Irvin
McGilvery, Lt. Col. Freeman
McLaws, Gen. Lafayette
McMahon, Gen. Martin T.
McNeily, John
McPherson, Edward
McPherson, James
McPherson Ridge
Meade, Capt. George Jr.
Meade, Gen. George, at Fredericksburg, at Chancellorsville, assumes command, Gettysburg, battle of, advance to Gettysburg, Gettysburg July 1, Gettysburg July 2, after Gettysburg, Congressional hearings, Historicus, after the War, photo
Meade of Gettysburg
Meagher, Gen. Thomas Francis
Men and Things I Saw in Civil War Days
Merrill, Lt. Col. Charles
Merritt, Gen. Wesley
Michigan Military Units; 3rd Infantry, 5th Infantry, 16th Infantry
Miles, Gen. Nelson
Military Medal of Honor Legion, the, Pittsburgh, PA
Military Memoirs of a Confederate
Millerstown Rd., the
Mine Run Campaign, the
Minnesota Military Units; 1st Infantry
Mississippi Military Units; 13th Infantry, 17th Infantry, 18th Infantry, 21st Infantry
Mississippi River, the
Mitchell, Maj. William
M’Naghten Rule
Molyneux, Alfred
Monterey Gap, PA
Moore, Capt. Alexander
Moran, Capt. Frank
Morgan, Gov. Edwin
Morgan, J. P.
Morgan, Lt. Col. Charles H.
Moseley, Frazier
Moseley, Sarah
Mount Saint Mary’s College
Munshower, John
Munshower Field
Murphy, Gov. Franklin
National Archives, the
National Convention of Republican Soldiers, the
National Homes for Disabled Soldiers, the
National Hotel, the (Washington D.C.)
National Park Service, the
Nelson, Capt. Alanson
Nevin, Col. David
New Hampshire Military Units; 2nd Infantry, 5th Infantry
New Jersey Military Units; 1 Battery, 5th Infantry, 6th Infantry, 7th Infantry, 8th Infantry, 40th Infantry
New York Auxiliary State Monument
New York Board of Councilman
New York Commandery of the Loyal Legion, the
New York Day
New York Evening Post
New York Herald,
New York Military Units; 1 Light Artillery, 4th Independent Battery, 6th Cavalry, 8th Cavalry, 9th Cavalry, 12th Militia, 15th Independent Battery, 39th Infantry, 40th Infantry, 42nd Infantry, 44th Infantry, 70th Infantry, 71st Infantry, 72nd Infantry (the Second Fire Zouaves), 73rd Infantry, 74th Infantry, 86th Infantry, 111th Infantry, 120th Infantry, 140th Infantry, 146th Infantry
New York State Monument, the
New York State Monuments Commission, the
New York Sun, the
New York Times, the
New York Tribune, the
New York World, the
Newton, Gen. John
Nicholson, Lt. Col. John
Norris, Col. A Wilson
North American Review, the
North Carolina Military Units;1 Artillery
North Carolina Monument, the
Northern Democrats
Northern Republicans
Norton, Capt. Lemuel B
Norton, Oliver Wilcox
Oates, Col. William
Oates, Pvt. Alfred
O’Hagan, Father Joseph B.
Ohio Military Units; 1 Artillery, 5th Infantry
Olmstead, Frederick Law
Orange Plank Road
Ord, Gen. Edward
O’Rorke, Col. Patrick
Otis, Dr. George
Ould, Robert
Paine, Capt. William H.
Paine Map, the
Palmer, Lt. Joseph L.
Palmer (Artificial) Leg, the
Parker House, the
Parlaghy, Princess Lenott
Patrick, Col. John
Patrick, Gen. Marsena
Patterson, Capt. George
Peace Light Memorial
Peach Orchard, the Sherfy, photos
Peach Orchard, the
Peatman, Jared
Pender, Gen. William Dorsey
Pendleton, Gen. William N.
Peninsula Campaign, the
Pennsylvania Avenue (Washington, D.C.)
Pennsylvania Day
Pennsylvania Military Units; 4th Cavalry, 6th Infantry, 23rd Infantry, 57th Infantry, 62nd Infantry, 63rd Infantry, 68th Infantry, 72nd Infantry, 83rd Infantry, 99th Infantry, 105th Infantry, 110th Infantry, 114th Infantry, 115th Infantry, 118th Infantry, 141st Infantry, 147th Infantry, Independent Light Artillery
Pennsylvania State Monument, the
Perry, Gen. Edward A.
Pettigrew, Gen. James Johnston
Pettigrew v. Pettigrew
Pfanz, Harry
Philadelphia Inquirer
Philadelphia Record
Philadelphia Times
Philadelphia Weekly Press,
Phillips, Capt. Charles
Piatt, Capt. Benjamin
Piatt, Capt. Don
Pickett, Gen. George
Pickett’s Charge
Picking’s Clothing Company
Pierce, Pres. Franklin
Pinchon, Edgcumb
Pipe Creek
Pipe Creek Circular, the
Pitzer’s Schoolhouse
Pitzer’s Woods, photo
Platt, Barbara
Pleasonton, Gen. Alfred
Plum Run
Poland, Capt. John
political generals
Polk, Pres. James
Pope, Gen. John
Porter, Gen. Fitz John
Potomac River, the
Queen Isabella II
Queen Victoria
Radical Republicans, the
Rafferty, Lt. Col. Thomas
Ramseur, Gen. Stephen
Randolph, Capt. George
Rapidan River, the
Rappahannock River, the
Raver, K. Paul
Rawlins, Sect. of War John
Reconstruction Military Districts; First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth,
Reid, Whitelaw
Republican National Convention, the
Republican Party, the
Resaca, battle of
Revere, Gen. Joseph J.
Reynolds, Gen. John, photo
Rhode Island Military Units; 1 Light Artillery
Rice, Col. James
Ridinger, Dr. William H.
Robertson, Gen. Jerome
Robertson, William Glenn
Robinson, Gen. John
Rock Creek
Rockefeller, John D.
Rodes, Gen. Robert
Roebling, Washington
Rogers House, the
Rollins, Richard
Roosevelt, President Theodore
Rose, George
Rose, John
Rose Farm, the
Rose Woods
Rosensteel Family, the
Rosensteel’s Pavilion
Round Table, the
Round Top Park
Round Top Signal Station
Royce, William Hobart
Ruger, Gen. Thomas
Rusling, Lt. Col. James
Salm-Salm, Princess Agnes
Salomen, Gen. Edward S.
Sauers, Richard
Sayers, Congressman, J. D.
Schaeffer, Pvt. Lewis
Schindler’s List
Schofield, Gen. John
Schurz, Gen. Carl
Sears, Stephen
Second Battle of Gettysburg, the
Seddon, Sect. of War James
Sedgwick, Gen. John
Seeley, Lt. Francis
Seminary Ridge, photo
Semmes, Gen. Paul
Seven Days, battle of
Seven Pines, battle of (See also Fair Oaks)
Shaara, Michael
Sharpe, Col. George H.
Sharpsburg, MD
Shaud, John
Sheads, Lt. Col. Jacob M.
Sheaffer Farm, the Daniel, photo
Sherfy Farm, the Joseph, photos
Sheridan, Gen. Philip
Sherman, Gen. William T.
Shiloh National Military Park
Sickles, Capt. Daniel
Sickles, Caroline (de Creagh)
Sickles, Daniel E.; early years, Teresa, law career, misappropriation of funds, New York State Assembly, diplomatic career, Congressman, 1 term, Philip Barton Key, murder trial, Excelsior Brigade, the, Brigadier General, at Fair Oaks, at Seven Days, at Fredericksburg, Major General, at Chancellorsville, advance to Gettysburg, Gettysburg July 1, Gettysburg July 2, injury to leg, weeks following Gettysburg, Congressional hearings, Historicus, after the War, diplomatic career at Charleston, SC, diplomatic career Minister to Spain, later years, development of Gettysburg National Military Park, postwar discussion, New York Monuments Commission, as Sheriff of New York, Congressman, second term, Wilmerding, Gettys- burg 50th Anniversary, death of, burial debate, photos,front piece
Sickles (Crackenthorpe), Eda
Sickles, George Garrett
Sickles, (George) Stanton
Sickles, Laura
Sickles, Mary
Sickles, Roma
Sickles, Susan (Marsh)
Sickles, Teresa (See also Bagioli, Teresa); marriage to, relationship with Philip Barton Key, after the trial, later years, photo
Sickles Avenue
Sickles Bill, the
Sickles Map, the
Sickles the Incredible
Sickles Tragedy, the
Siegel, Gen. Franz
Sim, Dr. Thomas
Slocum, Gen. Henry
Smith, Capt. James E.
Smith, Gen. William “Baldy” Smith
Smith, Tim
Snyder Farm, the J.
Sohmer, State Controller
Soldier’s National Monument, the
Soldiers and Sailors Home, the, Bath, NY
Sorrel, Moxley
South Mountain, MD
Southern Democrats, the
Southern Historical Society Papers, the,
Spangler Farm, the Henry
Spangler’s Woods
Spotsylvania Battlefield, the
Springs Hotel, the
St. Patrick’s Cathedral
Stackpole, Edward
Stanton, Sec. of War Edwin
Staub, Jean
Star of the West
Stevens Knoll
Stone, Gen. Charles
Stoneman, Gen. George
Stony Hill
Strong, George Templeton
Strouss, Sgt. E. C.
Stuart, Gen. James Ewell Brown (Jeb)
Sugar Loaf Hill (See also Little Round Top)
Sulzer, Gov. William
Sulzer, Mrs. William
Susquehanna River, the
Swanberg, W. A.
Sweitzer, Col. Jacob
Swinton, William
Sykes, Gen. George
Taft, President William Howard
James A. Hessler Page 67