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Dreams and Desires

Page 3

by Paul Blades

  Suddenly, the man was upon her. The misty shroud still enveloped him. She was trying to tell her dream-self to back away, to withdraw her hand. Some part of her consciousness struggled to bring herself out from this entrancing night fancy. The dreams had never gone this far before and she knew that some barrier was about to be crossed, that whatever happened now, somehow things would not ever be the same. It was too late. She wanted to stop, to break the mesmerizing gaze of the man's sharp, fierce eyes. But her body would not obey her. She was lost.

  The dream Kelly slowly reached her right hand into the swirling mist. When her disobedient fingers made contact with those of the man, she felt a flow of energy pass into her. Her mind reeled with the pleasurable sensations being sent through her body. The man waited, his hand now grasping hers. She saw his lips forming her name, calling out slowly in a deep, inviting voice, “Kelly ... Kelly ... Kelly.” He seemed to want something. And then she realized he wanted her to pull him to her, that he needed her efforts to cross the misty barrier which separated them. Again, her rational self said, “No! No! No! Don't do it! Don't!” as she felt her arm drawing back, bringing the man towards her.

  Kelly gasped as the man's body emerged from the swirling field of mist that surrounded him. He was inches away from her now, his naked body fully visible at long last. His smooth chest was well developed, his stomach taut and firm. Heat radiated from his torso like a plinth. His arms and thighs were thickly muscled, his face clean shaven and strong. She looked down as he moved to press his body next to hers and saw his long, thick manhood was erect. For a moment, a fearsome regret passed though her mind. What had she done? Then the man leaned forwards. He placed his large, strong hands on either side of her head and pressed his lips onto hers. Her lips parted and she felt his hot tongue enter her mouth.

  A wave of lust passed through the excited young woman as she felt the tongue explore her mouth, dance against hers, sending hot passion into her very soul. She sucked and played with the hot invader eagerly. Something was passing between them, something more than mere lust. She felt as if her mind was being probed by the strong hands on her head. Something was wrong! This was more than a kiss! The strong, broad shouldered man was exploring her, drawing her essence from her and filling her with his will.

  Suddenly, she was no longer standing, but was on her back with the dream man lying beside her. Keeping one hand on the side of her head, his hot tongue in her mouth, he drifted the other down along her neck, across her heaving chest and captured first one breast and then the other, massaging them, caressing them, causing another wave of passion to pass through her.

  When the hand dropped to her belly, it brushed over the wiry bush that surrounded her sex and then slid a thick finger down the already wet slit between her nether lips. Kelly moaned. She spread her legs invitingly. Her hands were on the man's body, exploring the firm flesh, receiving an exciting flow of energy wherever they went. Their lips had separated and the man had pulled his head back. His eyes bored into hers. It seemed as if she couldn't look away, not even blink, as the brown pools, cold and hard, drew her in.

  The man shifted himself so he was between her outstretched legs. He took hold of his hard shaft and presented it to her fevered, distended nether lips. She felt a moment's panic when the fat, round head pushed aside her labia and delved between them. But the sensation of his entering her was overwhelming. The hard rod of flesh eased its way forwards, making the interior flesh part seemingly of its own accord, inviting his penetration. Slowly he pressed deeper into her. She felt herself being filled. She groaned with passion, her hands gripping the large man's shoulders. When he had sunk his manhood fully into her, his pelvis bone meeting hers, he slowly began to withdraw, dragging across the tender flesh of her sheath, running the top of his cock along her hard, electrified pleasure bud.

  The sensation of the man's languorous stroke drove Kelly wild. She wrapped her arms around his back, slid her legs down his hard, flexed thighs. Their lips rejoined and the impassioned young woman's body shuddered with delight. He began to rock back and forth within her, increasing his pace almost imperceptibly, until he was gliding in and out of her lush canal at an almost frenzied pace. Kelly rocked her hips back at him, meeting each thrust of his with a powerful push. She could feel her blood getting hotter and hotter. Her whole body tingled with the foreshadowing of her impending climax. And then it hit her. She felt her pussy throb and spasm. Her body shook and her back arched. “Ohhhhhhh! Ohhhhhhhhh!” she moaned into the stranger's mouth. There were no thoughts in her mind but the appreciation of the waves of ecstasy that flowed through her. When her pulses of pleasure began to ebb, she felt her passion begin to rise again as the man, not missing a stroke, continued his relentless plowing of her burning sex.

  It was when her body began to shudder and quake with her second, wrenching orgasm, her mind protesting at the almost painful pleasure, that she felt the man's body stiffen. A low, strained sound emanated from his throat. His thrusts became hard, his hips colliding with hers, presaging his climax.

  Suddenly, it was as if a veil had been lifted from her eyes. She was not in a dream. She was in her own bed, not in some flowery field. This was real! How could that be? A strange, unknown man was fucking her. Panicked, she tried to beat at the man's body, her hands balled into little fists. She tried to free her mouth from the man's ardent kiss. She writhed and rocked her body in futile protest. And then he came. She felt the throbbing and jerking of his cock deep within her. The sensation of his fluids jetting into her womb sent her into another mind numbing orgasm. She grabbed his shoulders with her soft, frail hands and pulled his body towards hers. Her legs wrapped around him, drawing his cock deeper into her pulsing crevasse. Each contraction of her pussy's muscles sent a wave of excruciating pleasure throughout her flesh.

  Kelly was practically breathless when the man's thrusts slowed languidly to a stop. Her body was slick with perspiration and her blood pounded in her brain. It took her several moments to recover a semblance of equilibrium. The man's head lay next to hers, his forehead on the bed. She could feel and hear his hot breath as he recovered from his expenditure. His chest rose and fell heavily on hers. Her mind filled with misery and fear. Somehow, someone had broken into her home, had stripped off his clothes and interposed himself in her dream. She was shocked that her newly lascivious nature had prevented her from detecting his real life invasion of her bed, that his assault had so easily integrated itself into her subconscious.

  But here he was, as real as herself. Kelly whined involuntarily and began to writhe and twist her body. She tried to shout out, to scream a protest into the night, but her voice was silent. For some reason, she could not push out a sound other than an inarticulate, barely audible, “Arrrrrrrrgh!” from her throat. The room was shrouded with darkness. She could not see the flesh of the body that had taken possession of her other than as a shadowy form, but she could feel it, his heavy torso lying on top of hers, his strong legs between her thighs, his hips pressing against her hips.

  The man seemed to have fallen into some kind of faint. Kelly struggled to push him off, terrified lest he should awaken. She felt weak, drained and he was too heavy. The man had taken her energy from her, she was sure, just as she was sure somehow he had deprived her of her voice. Then, the body above her began to stir. She felt his chest slide across hers, slipping over her sweaty breasts and belly. His torso rose, his lips found purchase on the side of her neck, kissing it, teasing it with his tongue. His hand covered her left breast, kneading the pillowy flesh gently, capturing her nipple between its fingers, stroking it delicately. She realized the man was still hard and still inside her. Her mind revolted against the pleasurable effects of his languid attentions. She struck at him with all the force her tired arms could muster, moaning her protests. But when the thick, hot cock slowly began to renew its movements along the course of her womb's canal, her mind was jolted back into passion.

  Kelly cursed herself for her wantonness as the ma
n's prick drove her again to lust. She felt shamed at her inability to control her fevered reactions to his assault, humiliated that he could force her so easily to succumb to his desires. Silently, he stroked in and out of her agitated pussy. If only he would talk, say something, taunt her or mock her powerlessness, then, perhaps she could muster her resources to oppose him. His quiet, determined, almost other worldly insistence on his pleasure and hers, though, subverted her need to resist him. For just a moment, Kelly imagined this was still a part of her dream, that she would awaken, sweaty and spent, alone in her bed. This hope quickly passed. The man's flesh was too real. The sensations of his body against hers were too substantive, too actual in their detail to be anything else.

  The man's heat and strength was intoxicating. He again took possession of her lips and thrust his hot tongue inside her. She moaned into his mouth as her crisis began anew. Her body rocked and shuddered as she came, her mind short circuited with pleasure. When she felt him discharge himself into her, the spasms of his cock sent her over the precipice of her passion one more time. Then she passed out.

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  The morning found the couple curled against each other, the woman's unconscious body spooned inside the man's wider arc. It was he who awoke first. Slowly, his mind focused into consciousness as his eyes took in the strange, new surroundings.

  This was his fifth jump. It was always the same. If the jump was successful, that is. No amount of casting into a largely indecipherable, other universe could prepare for its reality. It had taken quite a while before the technicians had found an acceptable subject. They had rejected a number of them as either insufficiently passionate or lacking the strong, independent intelligence that would cast a secure enough link across the void. For if the jump was not successful, well, no traveler ever had survived an unsuccessful jump. Their essence was dissipated in the barrier between the two realities.

  The man didn't have what we would call a name as much as a reference. Its sound, if approximated in the verbal tones of English would be something like “Rrrrrrjjayammmm", or to get even closer to our language, “Raijamoon.” The ideas of self and identity which we find so essential to our psyches did not exist in his home universe. So much was different. There was no real, corporal separation from the Whole. He, and we'll call him ‘he’ for purposes of convenience, was more like a kind of facet, a rivulet in the stream of race consciousness. Not that he didn't have individuality, a separateness from The Whole. It was just, well, different. As foreign to us as our universe was to him.

  It took many time periods of training to develop the mental capacity to be able to adjust to strange, new environments. And to take on the bodily form of an inhabitant, to prepare one's mind for sexual congress with an alien being, no matter how pleasurable it was to the new corpus one occupied, took an exceptionally flexible and fearless nature. But the Whole had the ability to manipulate its resources, concentrate aspects of itself. He and a number of other peaks of the Whole's existence had been infused with the mental resources they would need. He was the best, the place where the Whole had streamed the purest, densest accumulation of courage, adaptability and strength. The fact he had survived five jumps proved that.

  But now he was alone, separated from the Whole, on his own. He would need to adjust, gain strength, become familiar with the flesh he now possessed. For many, many weeks of our time, the physical reality of the male humanoid body had grown and developed. It had sprung from a kernel, initiated when the technicians had focused on the human female's psyche. Her need for sexual fulfillment was strong, and her yearnings, pushed by her, in human terms, superior mental strength, had stretched over the thin membrane between dimensions. They had learned long ago how to focus on and intensify those yearnings from many types of beings in many dimensions, and had isolated and focused on her as a single subject out of millions of possible ones. As Kelly's preoccupation with her unsatisfied lusts became stronger and stronger, encouraged by her night time contact with Raijamoon's universe, the physical being he was to inhabit grew from his own substance and of that of the Whole, slowly taking form, until, finally, last night, her passion had been strong enough to pull him through, his body, features, mannerisms all dictated by the visions in her mind.

  The acts of sexual congress they had performed together had solidified his existence in this realm as a human male, approximately aged 35, strong, healthy and energized by the far superior intelligence he possessed in his newly found mind. They would need to continue. The young woman was now his connection to this world, a sort of ‘familiar'. For although he was here, the connections to his old world would eventually draw him back unless his presence was sustained by her lust for him. And his powers were yet weak. He could not yet control her as he would have to do. The satisfaction of his new body's sexual urges, whether with her or with others, would strengthen him, allow him to draw on that part of him still left behind, his connection to the Whole.

  The minds of these beings were simple, almost feeble compared to those of his kind. As he solidified his channel of communion with his race over the barrier between the worlds, he would be able to draw on its power, project his will onto her and to others. The absorption of his seed by select individuals would strengthen his ability to control them, serve as a reagent of desire for him.

  So far, he only used his power of control to silence the human female's voice and to stimulate her sexual needs. He had probed her mind, drawing on her knowledge of this world to facilitate his acclimation to it. He had learned much from her during the night, some of which the unevolved mind he was now forced to use still needed to process and interpret. But that would come easier as time went on.

  For the moment, the man took the opportunity to revel in the physical pleasure his body experienced from the fact of being. The taste of the air his new lungs pulled in and out of his chest, the rushing of blood through his veins, the sights and sounds of this world. The air around him was slightly chilly and caused his skin to vibrate with need for heat. He felt the warmth being emitted by the female form lying beside him. He pressed his body closer to it, spooning against her, enjoying the sensation of the heat transfer between the two bodies where their skin made contact. He remembered the softness of her flesh, its roundness and malleability. He recalled the pleasure of his rigid, enflamed member being sunk within her, her passionate responses.

  No other race he had experienced possessed such a strong need to repeat again and again the sexual act necessary for reproduction. The desire for pleasure and union with another was intense within them. Their emotions were very strong as compared to others. Anger, fear and sexual desire were strong, and he could ‘feed’ on any of them. Of the three, sexual desire was the strongest and easiest to channel. He could feel his own now as he experienced the female's physical presence so close to his, the beauty and voluptuousness his human mind perceived, the memory of their coupling. These beings had an expanded ability to experience physical pleasure; his new body yearned for it again. That was good. It would greatly facilitate his task of developing his powers.

  The woman's long, pinioned, rust colored hair lay between them. He felt the silkiness of its surface on his skin. Although he knew he risked awakening the woman, he could not resist the temptation to run his hand over her naked shoulder, down her curvaceous torso and over her prominent hip. Her flesh was smooth, warm and satisfying to his hand. His male, human mind took great pleasure in the suppleness of the skin. He leaned his head over and took in a deep whiff of the woman's scent, detecting elements which made his loins stir. He felt the bittersweet pleasure of desire, the exquisiteness of the compulsion for union.

  The day had just dawned and a faint glow of sunlight was emanating from the closed drapes. Outside the open bedroom door, the man could see the dissipation of the darkness from the light through the unobscured windows in the other rooms. He needed to explore. Safety was one issue. He needed to make sure his possession of
his familiar was not threatened or interfered with by any other beings. And the other was his natural inquisitiveness, his eagerness to experience more of this new world.

  He didn't want to arouse the sleeping female. He could anticipate her unhappiness at her seduction and his forcing of his will upon her. She would be greatly disconcerted and confused about the melding of her dreams and reality. Until he was able to bring her under more close control, he would have to be careful she did not try to escape her fate or try to harm him.

  The man placed his right hand on the side of the sleeping scientist's head and concentrated his mind. Since she was already asleep, it was not difficult to nudge the part of her brain that controlled her unconsciousness and deepen her slumber. The woman moaned a meek protest as she slipped deeper into sleep. Her face wore a worried frown and then went back to rest. He would not have long until she struggled to wakefulness. He would return before she did.

  Slipping quietly from the bed, the naked man stepped across the bedroom and entered the hallway. His gait was unsteady, like someone learning to walk on high heels. The body felt wonderful. He flexed his large, strong hands as he walked, reveling in their usefulness as tools and he thrilled at the sensation of propelling himself on his feet. It was a clever way to manage the need to cross short distances, but he saw immediately the drawbacks as tools of locomotion for any long time. Walking seemed ponderously slow and he was anxious to try out one of the concepts he had drawn from the woman's mind, that of running, or to run. But that could wait until he grew more adept at controlling his body's functions and his strength had grown.

  From his vantage point outside the bedroom, the man could see into both the living room and the kitchen. In the living room, he saw fabricated forms which he recognized as chairs, a sofa. There were two electronic devices he gathered were for the purposes of accessing information. He had discovered a concept the woman's mind seemed to classify as ‘entertainment', but he would need to study that principle more before he could understand it.


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