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Dreams and Desires

Page 8

by Paul Blades

  Now, as she knelt in the living room gazing at the naked form of her dream lover through the open door, the recollection of that moment sent a twinge through her loins. She wanted to do it again.

  * * * *

  Raijamoon was peering up at the heavenly canopy above him. He sensed the woman's thrill at her recollections. They had made much progress. He could feel her contentment flowing from her mind. He closed his eyes and sent back to her a small message of pleasure as a reward. He heard her responsive, soft moan behind him.

  It was the stars up above which were engaging him right now. Where he came from there was no concept of night and day. His universe, his dimension, followed different rules. Their reality was a wholly different construct, one he could not express through the limited capabilities of the human brain. Being human now, having taken on its aspects, he could appreciate the beauty of the vast, black sky above him dotted by the points of flickering light. It made him feel at once alone and connected, part of the sprawling universe in which he found himself and yet, somehow apart from it.

  The cold air began to chill him. Watching the distant headlights of a car chugging along the road some half mile away, he was reminded that tomorrow they would have to prepare for his entry into the world. The woman would have to be conditioned to accept him as part of her everyday life. His body's chilliness made him realize he would need clothes. He wondered what it would feel like to be covered in fabric. Other than a protection from the elements, as a concession to social norm, he could not conceive of wanting to interfere with the exposure of his wonderful body to the sensations of the environment around him.

  His mind wandered to the task he had ahead of him. He would need much information. He had not yet accessed the woman's electronic devices, but they would be useful in gathering data he could not possibly draw from her knowledge or recollections. He believed that her laboratory would be very useful. He needed to know more about the substances she utilized there and their properties, and he would undoubtedly have to add to her raw materials. The processing methods were primitive, but he was sure he could construct what he needed once he obtained or made the basic components.

  His mind also reviewed her staff of employees. They would present no problem, even be helpful to him. He saw the figure of the chief assistant, Adele. His male mind appreciated the woman's visual image of her. She was a vibrant, outwardly healthy, attractive female. She had an apparent very strong desire to serve and please her employer and friend. The woman, his familiar, projected a warm feeling towards the younger woman in her mind that seemed to be returned. He would need to explore it for its usefulness.

  The visitor's human body was tired. He understood that these life forms needed extensive periods of dormancy in order to function properly. He would need his energy for tomorrow. And so would the woman.

  Raijamoon rose from his perch on the stoop and turned to walk into the house. He could see the woman, kneeling where he had left her, framed by the outline of the door. She was looking at him anxiously. He had been outside for about half an hour and it had been the longest period and distance of separation between them since he had arrived. Although he had made much progress in molding her, he could sense some slippage. He would need to reinforce her bond to him.

  He stepped into the house and closed and locked he door behind him. He turned to face the prostrate female. Her reddish brown hair was spread like a corolla over her back and shoulders. She had raised her torso and was sitting on her heels. Her heavy breasts peered at him invitingly. He knelt down before her and took her soft mounds in his hands, caressing them. He took the woman's mouth with his lips and brushed her tongue with his. The woman's body responded easily to his attentions.

  Sensing the female's desires, he parted from her lips and, placing his hands on her shoulders, gently guided her torso down. He raised himself on his knees so his manhood was proffered to her lips. Without the need for encouragement, she slid her lips over the already rampant cock and took him inside her mouth.

  Kelly had grown uneasy at the man's distance and lack of attention to her. A twinge of fear had reentered her mind. All of what was happening was so unnatural. Her contentment at kneeling bound and naked in the middle of her living room floor started to worry at her. When the man placed his strong hands on her breasts, kissing her fervently, all of that passed.

  As he gently eased her down so her face was even with his loins, she wondered at how readily he had gleaned her desires. She had been thinking about and reexperiencing her oral caresses of him earlier that day, and had been longing for the taste and feel for him in her mouth. He had somehow intuited that desire and had presented his stiff manhood to her. She seized his distended and rigid cock hungrily with her lips. A wave of pleasure coursed through her body as she felt its heat and hardness within her. She was grateful for the opportunity to please him, to let him enjoy her obeisance to him.

  Raijamoon's male mind swooned as the heat of the woman's mouth engulfed him. What had happened earlier that day had been the woman's idea. He had merely read her inner compulsions and encouraged them. He had had no idea the feel of her mouth on his cock could be so pleasurable. It was a relatively effortless and extremely satisfying way of transferring his essence to her. And the direct contact of his manhood with the extensive nerve endings in her tongue and mouth facilitated the communication of his life force to her, bringing her pleasure and strengthening their bond.

  The eager lips and tongue excited his rigid pole. This afternoon, she had caressed his pole lovingly, with tenderness and wonder at the joy it was giving her. Now, she was serving him passionately, lustfully, as if she realized the need to reinforce her mind and body's connection to him, to restore the feelings of contentment and comfort that had ebbed. He could hear her moaning as she pleasured him and the sight of her bound hands on her arched back writhing and flexing with passion drove his lust.

  As the female's head bobbed on his cock urgently, he could feel his fluids rising, the flow of pleasure through his scrotal sac as it prepared to release his essence to her. He placed his hands on her arched back to steady himself and to allow some of his pleasure pass through him to her. When his cock started to spasm and jerk in her mouth, she gave an excited groan and her body shuddered.

  Kelly felt driven to accomplish her task. The heat of the man's tool emanated throughout her. When he came, her burning pussy exploded into orgasm. “Mmmmmmmm! Mmmmmmmmmm! Mmmmmmmm!” she moaned as the copious discharge of the man's prick flooded her mouth. She had never known a man to come so much or so often. He was incredible. She drank his spunk joyously, savoring its flavor, welcoming its absorption by her body.

  When his flow of essence ceased, Raijamoon slid his manhood from the woman's lips. He raised her by her shoulders and kissed her mouth, rewarding that part of her body that had brought him so much pleasure. He felt her soft breasts crush against his chest as he embraced her body with his arms. He felt her press against him, seeking contact with his flesh. “This race is so passionate,” he thought as the woman moaned into his mouth. He eased himself away from her, stroking her long, free hair with his hand and looking her in the eyes. She was his now. He would need to continue to reinforce his link with her regularly, but she was bound to him, bound to his will. She would devote herself to him, need his approval, his affection, seek his pleasure.

  Although his intelligence in some ways compared to hers as hers would to a dog or a cat, she was more than what a pet would be. The bond was so much stronger, and he could never disregard her nature as a sentient being. In some ways, their relationship would be like a child to a parent. She would accept naturally his dominance and want not only to please him, but to receive his adulations and praise. Like a parent, he was obliged to see to her needs, her happiness, and, from time to time, he would have to make decisions that would displease her, that she would resist, fight against. For he had not deprived her of will. That would have disturbed the mental patterns so necessary for his survival, his co
nnection to his native world. She could still choose.

  Which was why he had continued to keep her bound when the necessity for it had, if not passed, been attenuated. He had the ability to read her human mind, but his understanding of her race was not flawless. And there was much of her nature that was hidden, covered over by the experience of millions of events in her life, perhaps billions. Each little act she took in her daily life, hundreds of thousands of them a day, added a little to her memories and her psyche. He would have to be careful with her, guard her.

  He sensed that the bindings would continue to help assuage her inner revolt against losing control over her emotions and her destiny. When her body was confined, her hands unable to attempt to fend off his caresses, when her feet were unable to provide her with the mobility to escape, or even to move away from him, she could relieve herself of blame for succumbing to his demands, to surrendering to her own inner desires, the desires he had found in her and which he had fueled.

  Now it was time to prepare for the extended rest period. He untied her bound ankles and the rope that connected them to her wrists and brought the female to her feet. Her gait was unsteady as he led her to the bathroom. He had decided he would bath her and himself, to remove the excretions of their energetic day. He allowed her to use the toilet and then used it himself and then turned on the water in the shower. Although the cabin was small, the bathroom was spacious and well appointed. There was a large shower with ample room for both of them at the same time. He waited for the water to come to what seemed to be an appropriate temperature and unbound the woman's hands from behind her back prepatory to leading her in.

  Kelly was pleased the man was going to permit her to wash away the sweat and grime from her body. She usually washed her hair every morning. Several times during the day, when she had been able to concentrate on anything other than sex, she had regretted the sensation of her unclean hair. It was her pride and joy and, although a shorter cut would have been more conducive to a business like appearance, she was not inclined to change it.

  The experience of having her hands unbound was disconcerting. She almost didn't know what to do with them. She had wanted so much to touch the body of the strange man who had brought her so close to him. Now that they were free, she reached out and tentatively placed her right palm on the man's broad, well toned chest. A feeling of warmth and belonging surged through her. She could feel something flowing through her hand up her arm and into her body from the contact with his skin. She had never desired anyone so much, felt such an affinity for their flesh. It was unnatural, she knew it, but the experience of being close to the man, of having contact with his body was so pleasurable, so fulfilling, she had cast away her reservations.

  Seeing that she had become dazed at their contact, the man led her gently into the shower. He slowly urged her body under the steady, hard stream of water. When her head was under the flow, the water cascading over her and down her body, she closed her eyes and gave a sigh.

  The sensation of the hot water drenching her body was mesmerizing to Kelly. She raised her face to receive the stream directly on it. Her hair became slick and her body shiny as the water flowed over her. She raised her hands and drew them over her face and up over her head, smoothing her hair. When she opened her eyes, she saw the man standing in front of her, carefully observing her. The confined space of the shower was filling with steam and it reminded her of her dreams of him. “Could it really be true?” she asked herself. She was clearly involved in something outside the realm of human experience. To some extent, the impact of the hot water on her body had shaken her from her strange enchantment with the man and brought her back to her rational self. He had clearly done something to her, had powers beyond human understanding. Where had he come from, what was his purpose? She couldn't fathom it. He was watching her as if he had never seen or experienced a shower before, didn't know what to expect from it.

  Suddenly, she wanted him to feel the pleasure of having the hard, steady stream of hot water caressing his body. She wanted to watch him experience the comfort and relaxation it brought to his muscles and his mind. She stepped from under the water and, taking his arm in her hand, guided him in. He was hesitant, at first, and balked slightly as she urged him under the flowing stream. But when it began to strike his chest and slide down his body, his eyes lit up with surprise and pleasure. He relaxed and let her pull him fully under the shower head.

  Raijamoon's body welcomed the heat from the water and he nearly swooned with delight. He let the hot flow cover his head, wetting his long, black hair and compressing it to his skull. He felt some kind of energy from the hot stream and he again wondered at how many diverse, pleasurable experiences his body was capable of.

  Kelly saw the man become enthralled by the sensations of the hot water covering him. It was clearly a new experience, a fact that added to her clinical study of him. She guessed he did not know how to wash himself and she decided to take the opportunity to explore and discover the attractive, fit body that had all day explored hers.

  Taking a large, round, natural sponge from the wall and wetting it, she squeezed some liquid soap into its middle and worked it until it had developed a nice frothiness. She stepped up to the man and, checking with her eyes for his permission, applied the sponge to his well developed, hairless chest. She began to rub his skin softly, working the sponge in large, round circles over his pectorals. She ran the sponge along his strong neck, over his broad shoulders and down and under his arms. She was holding the sponge with one hand and, with the other, she was feeling his skin, exploring his muscles, the thick bones of his frame.

  The experience of being so close to the man and freely exploring his flesh was delightfully sensual to her. When she had finished his chest and stomach, she used her hands to turn him around so she could have access to his back. She refreshened the sponge with soap and began to wash the broad, muscular expanse. She loved the feel of his coffee colored flesh. It was everything she had ever thought about. Although he had mastered her, brought her under his sway, she felt, nonetheless, that he somehow belonged to her. She had conjured him from the ether, hadn't she? She had dictated his looks, his mannerisms, even the color of his skin. Although she had made into flesh a construct of her dreams that was stronger than herself, he was a part of her and her a part of him. It was like an idea that sprung from your mind so original, so creative it took a life of its own. It was still yours, wasn't it?

  Having finished washing the man's back, Kelly lowered herself into a crouch so she could wash his rear and the back of his legs. A wave of pleasure flowed through her as she placed her hands on the strong muscles of his buttocks. Her breath began to become heavy as the feel of his taut skin in her free hands delighted her. She rubbed the soft sponge over his rear, even separating the cheeks so she could clean the space between them. Then she lowered her hands to wash his thick, well defined thighs. These were the thighs that had pounded against hers as the man plowed her cunt, she thought. They were strong and powerful, just as she had imagined them.

  Her sex had begun to burn with need, clouding her mind. But she shook herself from her reverie and urged the man to turn around once more. She was startled to see his loose cock and heavy balls so close to her face. For the moment, she ignored them, washing down the front of the man's thighs and his shins. She lifted each foot and washed between the toes and under them.

  Now there was one place left to wash. Kelly hesitated before addressing herself to the man's loins. Mist rose around her and the steady drumming of the streaming water highlighted the tension and strangeness she felt. Her body was drenched with the flow cascading off of the man's body. She was crouched down in a squat and she felt herself swaying, losing her balance. She lowered her knees to the hard tile and spread them, giving herself a good base. She felt like she was about to pay obeisance to a god. The man's instrument had pleasured her so thoroughly, so many times throughout the day it seemed magical, almost sacred. The fact that she had not b
een permitted to touch it other than with her mouth and tongue and her lower place, gave it a mysterious quality, like some forbidden totem. She was no school child and had fondled and explored men's loins before. She had never been embarrassed or coy about it. She had enjoyed the heft of their soft sacs, the fleshiness and, ultimately, after she had fondled them to hardness, the strength and firmness of their cocks. Somehow this felt different. The man had used his manhood almost as a magical wand to entrance her, to drive her to delirious pleasure. When it had been in her mouth, she had been overwhelmed with its radiant heat. She looked up at the man's face. He was staring down at her with anticipation. She felt like she was seeking his blessing to adore him in this way. His eyes were soft, comforting. He ran his hand over her head and she felt goodness and peace flow from it.

  Gathering her courage, Kelly spilled a dollop of liquid soap into her hands. She fixed her gaze at the source of her anxiety and raised her hands towards it. She softly positioned them under his leathery, soft sac and placed her palms on it. The skin seemed to welcome her as she made contact. She was dizzy with passion as she gently worked the lather around the man's soft balls, caressing them softly, enjoying their vulnerability, their strange feel. The man had spread his legs and she heard him moan with pleasure as she massaged the tender stones. She brought her hands up and circled them around the man's long, thick shaft. It began to harden as she worked the soap along it, caressing it between her palms.


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