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Dreams and Desires

Page 13

by Paul Blades

  "It's a good thing I didn't get the Swiss cheese and ham quiche,” she said. “Ramón doesn't eat meat."

  Kelly looked at her friend. “How did she know his name?” she asked herself incredulously. She looked at her lover. “Was that his name? Ramón?” Her lover smiled and sent a wave of pleasure to her. Kelly moaned and her knees sagged.

  Adele ignored Kelly's display of lust. “I've got a place for you over here, honey,” she said, her natural, eager smile still on her face. The young, blond woman had set the plates next to each other, separated by the corner of the table. She had taken the little, plush, deep orange rug Kelly kept in front of the sink to soak up spilled water and had placed it on the floor between the two settings. She took Kelly's other arm and helped Ramón guide her to it.

  "That should be nice and comfy, honey,” Adele told her concernedly as Kelly sank her knees onto it. “Just rock back on your heels and you should be all right."

  Kelly's back was to the kitchen window. The early afternoon sun cast a shadow in front of her of her restrained form. The man she now knew was called Ramón sat to her left. She was perched at the corner. He reached down and caressed her left breast, sending a tingle of pleasure and a wave of calmness to the upset woman.

  Kelly had been trying to come to mental terms with the vision of her naked friend fluttering around the kitchen, her large breasts swaying and jumping as she moved. If Adele was mind controlled, she sure didn't look it. She had all the mannerisms and quirks of the friend she had known and worked with for a year and a half. Nothing was unusual about her except for her incongruous acceptance of Kelly's plight. “Maybe I am mad,” Kelly thought, just before she felt Ramón's hand give her breast another gentle squeeze and passed a warm flow of his energy to her. Her concerns faded as she enjoyed the dream man's comforting gesture.

  Adele stood next to Kelly with the golden yellow wine bottle in her left hand. She had one of Kelly's plastic cork screws in her other, the kind that come apart into two pieces and then reassemble to make a screw with a tiny handle. She had peeled away the plastic covering at the top of the bottle and was struggling to turn the screw into the cork. Kelly wanted to tell her about the larger, more efficient cork screw she had in the bottom drawer to the left of the sink but then chided herself for succumbing to the deceiving naturalness of the setting: two young women and a dark, handsome man about to enjoy a Sunday brunch. Quiche, salad, a nice wine, what could be more normal? Except the man is some kind of dream man or alien, one of the women is tied up, kneeling on the floor, naked, with a gag over her mouth and the other woman, who is also naked, has developed some kind of psychosis which makes her act as if this scene was not eminently unusual.

  And then Kelly's mind paused. She had described the dream man as an alien. Was there something to that? It was as good an explanation as any. She decided she would have to mull that possibility over in her mind during one of her infrequent bouts of sanity. She looked at Ramón, as she now knew he should be called. He was looking at her. Did he really know what she was thinking? If she worked out that he was an alien and she was right, would she get some kind of reward for being so smart? Or would she be punished? Just the thought of being punished again by the man made her cringe. The man reached his hand out for her head and a well of panic and fear rose up in her. But when he touched her, a warm, comforting force was released that was so strong it almost made her faint.

  Meanwhile, Adele was having problems with the cork. “Damn this thing!” she said in her sweet, Southern voice. Kelly turned her head to see Adele tugging and pulling at the cork. All of a sudden, the God of Wine decided to allow them to partake of his essence and the cork slid quickly out. “Pop!” it went. Adele's large breasts shook as her right hand pulled the cork free. A splash of wine emerged from the now open top and spilled over her bare chest, rolling down the crevasse between her mammaries. “Oooou!” she yelled out, giggling. She looked down at herself, noting the dribble of wine rolling down her cleavage. “Oh, well,” she said, looking up and smiling, “waste not want not!"

  The happy woman scurried over to Ramón still holding the wine bottle and the now impaled cork in her hands and, arching her back, leaned over and presented herself to him. She used the heels of her hands to spread her breasts apart. “Would you like to sample the wine?” she asked merrily. Ramón looked at her with what might be called amusement. He saw the line of liquid slowly descending between the woman's pretty breasts. “Why not,” he thought and he leaned his head forward and plunged his face into the deep valley. He dragged his tongue its length while massaging the tips of the naked woman's breasts with his hands.

  Adele's eyes rolled back and she entered a mild swoon. “Ohhhhhhhh!” she moaned. He was sending his energy through her, a message of intense pleasure. Her adjustment to the alignments of her brain had gone better than he ever would have thought. He wanted to reward her. When he released her breasts, Adele's body swayed and she took a small step backwards. “Oh, my,” she said dreamily. It took her a moment to recover her equilibrium, but then she smiled at the man and proceeded to pour several inches of the amber hued liquid into his rounded wine glass. She then stepped around the kneeling Kelly and poured some into her own. She sat in her chair and brought the glass into the air. “First one today,” she said, grinning, and she took a deep sip.

  Ramón mulled over the wonderful flavor of the liquid. He picked up his glass to sample some more. He noted the intoxicating nature of the beverage. He made a note not to consume too much. But the mouthful he swallowed brought a myriad of flavors to his palate. He did not know how to describe them; they were combined in both subtle and not so subtle degrees. It was another amazing discovery for him. He smiled at the pretty blond woman.

  Adele started to slice the quiche. “I got the wine at Caravaggio's. The old man behind the counter said it was good,” she said as she lifted a slice and put it on Ramón's plate. “You know the place, Kelly, don't you? Well, if I got a nickel discount for every time he looked at my tits, I would have gotten it for free.” She was concentrating on her task of slicing and serving the quiche and did not look at the kneeling, naked woman or wait for a response.

  "They were out of the ham and cheese quiches. It's a good thing, too, for Ramón here. This is cheddar and broccoli.” She put a piece on her own plate. Ramón watched her as she took her fork and cut into it. He followed suit and when he put the forkful of food into his mouth, was immediately lost in the wonderful, warm flavor.

  "Don't forget to have some salad,” Adele said as she scooped some out of the bowl for herself. “Try the mustard vinaigrette dressing, it's real good. Kelly turned me on to it. I was always one of those creamy dressing types, with all those calories,” she said, the last phrase in a whispery, conspiratorial voice. “But I like this stuff."

  One of the reasons Kelly liked to have lunch with Adele is that she rarely really had anything to say. Adele's mouth went a mile a minute and her conversation wandered aimlessly from subject to subject without pause. Kelly could let her mind drift and put her worries away for a while. Her mind began to drift now as she took in the younger woman's easy to listen to tones.

  "And, its low cal, too,” Adele continued. “I mean it's not one of those diet things, but it's real good for you. I hate that diet stuff. It never really tastes right. I don't drink diet sodas or use Splenda or any of those things. In fact, I heard that Splenda.... “She had turned to look at Ramón, who was sniffing at the open bottle of salad dressing and caught the kneeling, naked, Kelly from the corner of her eye. “Oh!” she exclaimed. “I'm being so rude!’ She put a dramatic emphasis on that last word. She pushed back her chair and knelt next to her friend. “I forgot all about you, honey,” she said to the astonished Kelly. “Let's get this silly thing off of you,” she continued, referring to the woman's shiny silver gag. Adele looked up at Ramón as if to see if it was okay and then began to tug the edge of the tape free from Kelly's cheek. “I have to do this careful, honey. I don't want to
hurt you,” she said.

  The naked blond girl leaned against Kelly's body as she slowly tugged the tape free. Kelly was embarrassed at the contact as the blond woman's bare breasts rubbed against hers. It didn't seem to phase Adele one bit. Kelly's eyes watered with tears as she realized her friend would never help her escape. She felt, suddenly, as if she was trapped in some kind of nightmare. It was like the Mad Hatter's tea party and she was Alice. She knew she could never escape from the man on her own accord. Her need for him, like some highly addictive narcotic, bound her to him too strongly. But if she had help, someone who would rescue her and find some kind of cure for her madness, that was something else. Maybe a day or two away from the man would make his spell wear off. Clearly, though, Adele would not be the one to free her from his clutches.

  When Adele had finally exposed her friend's taped mouth, she looked at Kelly's upper lip. “Oh, it's all red and splotchy!” she said. She was obviously distressed. She looked up at Kelly's eyes and, misinterpreting the source of her tears, said solicitously, “Don't worry, Kelly, I'll get you something for it.” She looked up at Ramón with a mild scowl on her face and said somewhat petulantly, “Men really don't know anything, do they?” She turned back to Kelly and gave her an affectionate kiss. “You'll be okay,” she said, smiling.

  Kelly was startled by the woman's kiss. Not that they hadn't kissed before. They often pecked at each other as they parted or as a gesture of greeting. But this was something different. Adele's mouth had been open. Her lips had been soft, pliant. She held them against Kelly's just long enough so the other woman received an almost imperceptible taste of her hot breath. She had placed her hands on the sides of Kelly's head, mooshing them in her soft hair. When their lips separated, Adele smiled at her friend tenderly and then got up and resumed her seat.

  Kelly was comforted somewhat by her friend's physical demonstration of affection, but was calmed even more by the hand of her keeper as he stroked her head several times, giving off strong messages of well being to her. It actually made her a little dizzy. “I'll be all right,” she thought as the hand left her head. “Everything will work out."

  During the meal, Adele fed herself and Kelly alternatively. She would turn and give Kelly a small forkful of quiche or a leaf of lettuce, holding her other hand under it so nothing would spill on the floor. Her large, naked breasts swayed from her torso as she leaned over and presented the food laden fork to the kneeling and bound woman's lips. She even gave her some of the wine to drink, although she consumed most of the two glasses she poured herself. She continued, uninterrupted, her soliloquy. She told Kelly who she had met up with on Friday night, how some girl tore her dress in the lady's room, about the guys they met and why they were idiots. She apologized for not calling on Saturday since she got really wasted the night before and almost, mind you, almost, let this guy talk her into going to a motel with him, and then she had to go see her cousin Melody so she could see her other cousin, Whitney's, baby, how cute it was and why she would never want one. And so on. She looked at Kelly happily as she prattled and at Ramón, when telling him something Kelly and she had done together or said to each other at this or that occasion.

  Kelly was happy to receive her first real sustenance since Friday. She chewed it slowly and leisurely. The wine gave her a warm, comfortable feeling and she realized that the alcohol was probably affecting some of the same receptors as the energy the man sent her from time to time did. He continued to caress her and stroke her throughout the meal. He was obviously enjoying his repast, tilting his head back each time he took a sip of wine, holding it in his mouth and savoring its flavor. Each time, he would smile and give Kelly a little stroke as if to share his pleasure. While he worked on his second piece of quiche, Kelly began to realize that the man's treatment of her was sort of like a favorite pet, a pet you could fuck and which would suck your cock. Was it his intent to domesticate her? And what would Adele's role be, caretaker? And how long could they maintain their little idyll before the landlord came to ask for the rent? Would the dream man or alien or whatever he was mind zap him too? And the Sheriff's Department when they eventually came to investigate, the state police, the Army, the United Nations? But each time Kelly had started questioning what was really happening, the man would caress her and send her such a pleasant, deep seated sense of contentment she would lose her train of thought and have to start all over again after she had regained her sense of place and time.

  For a while, she watched her friend, amazed at how she just continued on as if there was nothing abnormal about her kneeling there so naked and silent, her arms tied behind her back. The man had obviously altered her mind so that she accepted her own and Kelly's domination without a single pang of conscience or rebellion. She actually looked happier than Kelly had seen her lately. She had been worried about her inability to meet ‘the right guy', whether she drank too much, money, her folks wanting to know when she was going to get married, settle down, have a family. Now she looked and sounded as carefree as a bird, oblivious to the changes the man had made. Why hadn't the man done that to her?

  Why did she have to be tormented, Kelly asked herself, with her struggle between her desire to be a free, independent, successful woman and the need to submit to the man's irresistible will and lust. Wouldn't it be better, if you had to be a slave, to be a slave and not know it, like Adele? Or if you could believe all of your actions and desires were of your own free will, even if they weren't?

  The end of the meal was signaled when the man dropped his utensils on his plate and slid his chair back from the table. Adele poured back the last drops of her second glass of wine and did the same. Kelly's stomach was warm and satisfied from the wine and the food. She leaned back on her heels, closed her eyes and took a deep breath. There was silence in the room for a few minutes while the three savored the after effects of their meal.

  Suddenly, Kelly sensed that the eyes of the man and her friend were on her. She opened her eyes and looked at them. Adele was just smiling at her affectionately, as if she were conveying her happiness for her. The man had a deeper, more intent look in his eyes, one that Kelly well recognized. As if on his signal, her belly began to burn with desire for him. He was beckoning her, and she knew she would be unable to resist him. Her nipples grew tight and her pussy began to tingle. She felt ashamed at her lust, but her hunger for his flesh began to grow stronger and stronger. She looked up from her knees at her blond friend. She saw in Adele's eyes that she was aware of her gnawing passion and her face transmitted approval and delight. “You're so pretty,” she said to her in a soft, kindly voice. She reached out and stroked her silky, long, auburn hair. She said, “You go ahead, honey, don't mind me."

  Despite her friend's reassuring words, Kelly was torn by conflict between her lust and her shame. Up till now, her physical obsession with her dream man had been private, something only she and he knew about. Now Adele was obviously was aware of it too. She didn't want to display her wild lasciviousness before the younger woman who respected her and looked up to her as a kind of mentor. But the pull of the man's loins was too strong. Kelly bit her lip to silence a moan. “Why is this happening?” she thought desperately. “Why is this happening to me?"

  Finally, Kelly could stand it no more. With tears streaming down her face, she edged her way over to the waiting man. He had turned his chair and his thighs were spread expectantly, proffering his cock to her. She moved off the soft rug Adele had considerately placed down for her and she felt the hard, stone tile surface of the kitchen floor on her knees. She did not have far to travel. The man's cock was not hard, but turgid, in a state of semi-erection, as if it was readying itself for her. She looked up at the man. His eyes were piercing, demanding. He placed his hands on her head and a wave of lust passed through her body. She gasped and her mind forgot all about Adele, her shame, her resistance. She moved forwards the final few inches so she could have ready access to the man's sex and then leaned over and took it between her lips.
/>   Kelly felt like she had seized a wonderful, precious object as the man's energy radiated through her mouth. She sucked on the stiffening pole as if taking in a long, cool drink of water on a steaming, hot day. Pleasure rippled through her brain and she moaned low and long, “Mmmmmmmm!” as her bound hands writhed behind her. Slowly, she moved her head up and down, swirling her electrified tongue over and under the fat, round head. She moved closer so she could force her head down into the man's loins, bringing the tip of the hard meat to the edge of her throat. Ramón had kept his hands on her head and she could feel his energy and the sensations of his own pleasure flowing through them to her.

  Suddenly, she was conscious of her young friend's warm body next to hers. She had forgotten about Adele, and now her passion was so far gone she could not muster the will to rebel at her close presence. She felt the woman's soft hand stroke her back, felt her put her lips on her skin. She pressed her body into her, rubbing her soft, round breasts against Kelly's arm. When she felt her soft hand begin to gently stroke her breasts, she moaned again. The woman was kneeling next to her, at her side, and she stroked and caressed Kelly's passion hardened breasts softly with her left hand while her right hand slid slowly and gently down her back, over her bound hands and proffered rear and under her, between her legs. When the hand found her hot, burning mons, Kelly felt her lust surge.


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