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Dreams and Desires

Page 17

by Paul Blades

  The last time Kelly had done her nails was in high school. It was a level of vanity she had never really aspired to. It was yet another detail of her loss of the right to control her own body.

  Adele went back to the bag and Kelly felt something going around her left ankle and then the right one. “And these are for your legs,” Adele continued. “It's so you won't move around without permission. No more dirty ropes for that either. Although, I think Ramón really likes the feel of tying you off, so he might want to use them on you sometimes any way. That's up to him. Until then, these'll be real comfy."

  Adele rose to her feet. She stood back and admired the accouterments she had placed on her friend's unwilling, supine body. “These look really good on you, Kelly,” she said. “They kind of match your hair.” Kelly's long, auburn ponytail was lying across her back. “They come in black too,” the style conscious young woman continued, “but I think I like the brown better.” She paused for a moment, weighing the benefits of black and brown in her mind. “Maybe we'll get the black ones too. Your skin is real light and they might go really good together. We'll have to see. Come on now, you've got to get up."

  Kelly, despondent at being so cruelly bound, recalled her vow to submit herself to whatever it took to make her keeper happy. She knew that rising from the soft, blue bathroom rug on which she lay was prepatory to being delivered to his presence. What difference did it make really how she was bound before him? It was just that the ropes had seemed temporary, makeshift, and these bindings bespoke more than that. It was as if her bondage had been institutionalized. An investment had been made, albeit at her expense, to acquire the formal tools of submission. The fact that Adele had gone to the trouble to get them implied some permanency to her condition. How long would they keep her like this, Kelly wondered unhappily as she rose to her knees. How long?

  Adele helped Kelly rise to her feet from the kneeling position. She urged Kelly to turn around so she was facing the door. “Oh, I've got some more. I almost forgot,” she said, chastising herself. Adele leaned down to the plain, white shopping bag and pulled out another object. It was a brown leather collar about two inches wide. Kelly's heart sank when she saw what it was. She submitted meekly as the taller, bigger breasted woman fastened it around her neck. Adele had also taken a three foot long leash out of the bag. She clipped its end to a ring in the front of the collar. “Now we won't have to lead you around by your arm,” she told the sad, bound woman. “It makes you look like you're a prisoner at police headquarters. This is much prettier.” She took hold of the leash and jiggled it so the chain swung between Kelly's breasts. Kelly felt like she was about to break down into uncontrollable, heartfelt sobs. She was leashed like a dog, her master's pet. Adele knelt down and she felt something being attached to her ankle bracelets. It was an 18” long chain. Kelly's felt like her heart would break from misery. How could this be happening to her? And her best friend too! Her world had been turned upside down.

  Adele stood up. ‘There!” she announced happily. “You're all dressed up! And you look so pretty. Wait till Ramón sees you! Having your hands behind you like that makes your tits stick out really nice. He'll want to fuck you all night long!"

  At the mention of Ramón's intentions towards her, Kelly felt a surge of lust in her loins. He was out there, beyond the bathroom door. What would he think of her? How could he think of her as a human being if she was all trussed up like this? Adele placed her hands on Kelly's proffered breasts and massaged them gently. “Oooooouu!” she said, in her pleasant drawl. “He's so lucky. And you're lucky too!” As she said this last, she ran her finger slowly along the length of Kelly's hairless love lips, from the bottom up. The lack of hair and the fact they had been recently shaved made them much more sensitive. Kelly felt a surge of passion. It was a stark reminder of her newfound nudity there.

  Adele opened the bathroom door and, giving Kelly's leash a little tug, began to lead her into the living room.

  Ramón had gone through about forty technical journals while the women were in the bathroom. He was absorbing rapidly the information he would need to get started. He didn't need to make notes as his memory was photographic and his mind was so facile that he could retrieve any fact he learned accurately and at will. As an otherworlder, he was totally unfamiliar with earthly compounds and there was much to learn. His probing of the pretty scientist's brain had been of much help there. He could see where her project had been leading and he believed he could be of some help to her. She had made some mistakes in her assumptions. These were easily corrected. But her project was secondary to his needs.

  He was also studying quantum physics, which meant he needed to learn calculus and trigonometry. And then there was molecular biology, metallurgy, computer technology and a number of other fields. He would bring his store of skills and information back with him to his world and add to the Whole's vast fund of knowledge. And he would be able to process materials he needed in his quest. He needed a weapon, for he knew without saying that his enemy would not submit to him willingly. Although the renegade had crossed a short while before Raijamoon did in his native world's measure of time, it had been more than five years ago here. His adversary would be very strong. And he would be wary. He would know that someone would come for him. He probably even knew who it would be.

  And he needed formulas to develop substances which would help sustain his familiar and his servants, to make them more useful to him and protect them from harm. It would be many weeks, maybe longer, before he was ready to move against the renegade, assuming he could find him.

  Ramón had heard the laughter in the bathroom. Although the principal of human humor escaped him, he recognized it as a good thing. The women needed to be close. When he heard his familiar moaning her pleasure through the door, he was approving of his servant's actions. She would have to pleasure the other woman often.

  He sensed Kelly's profound disturbance, even before she left the bathroom. When he turned to see her as she emerged, towed behind the younger, blond woman, her eyes downcast and wet, taking tiny, humiliating steps, he understood why. At first, he thought his servant had gone overboard. Then he realized she had read his needs and desires precisely. Nothing could have emphasized his familiar's need for subservience more than her present accoutrements. He would need to bond her to them, make her yearn for them. He noticed her bare loins with pleasure. She was more naked to him than she was before. And her availability for coital union could not have been more readily displayed. His male human nature stirred at the sight of the imprisoned woman. Her helplessness advertised his freedom to use her as he pleased.

  As he watched Kelly shuffle miserably behind the younger woman, he was glad to see he had been right to use her former subordinate and friend as a tool for her further subjugation. The futility of opposition was made blatantly obvious when those closest to you were determined to facilitate it. The blond girl, acting merely on his telegraphed unspecific desire, had on her own initiative found appropriate bindings for his auburn haired familiar. A night spent in chains would make her easier to deal with tomorrow when they had to emerge into the outside world.

  Kelly was led to the middle of the room to a spot just opposite where her lord was sitting. As she drew closer and closer, Kelly's need for him grew stronger and stronger. She had been afraid he would see her habiliments as grotesque. When she finally found the courage to look up at him, she was relieved to see his approval in his powerful, deep, brown eyes. He sent her a wave of pleasing energy, a reward for her submissiveness. Kelly swooned as it passed through her. He got up from his seat and approached.

  Adele was holding the end of Kelly's leash out as an offering to her master. She was beaming with delight at his satisfaction. She had read in his mind, after he had subdued her and she had learned of her life's purpose to serve him, his need for control over her friend. She also knew he could not ‘reveal’ his benevolent goodness and the holiness of his cause to the woman he had selected as his familiar i
n the same way he had to her. To serve the master properly, she had to be carefully led to total submission, convinced in her own mind that she had no choice. And Adele knew adorning her with objective signs of her helplessness would help do that. Binding her so securely and obscenely, stripping her of the shroud of hair that obscured her lord's view of her sex, would both be important steps in helping Kelly to abandon any thoughts of an individual identity. She was the master's vessel, his link to power. And she could only serve him well if she lost her sense of self, gave control over every aspect of her being to their common master.

  She had meant it when she told Kelly she would care for her. She loved Kelly. The master had shown her that. She would calm her and pleasure her, and guide her to her destination.

  Although she remembered the moment of her rebirth with great joy, Adele envied her friend's singular role as the focus of her master's lust and need. She could not conceive of a greater fate than to serve the master fully and absolutely, to give over your very being to him. When her friend Kelly learned to forget her happiness, she would be happy. When she learned to give up her all of her freedom, she would be free. She would live a life of absolute pleasure. Adele would help her do that.

  Ramón took hold of the handle to Kelly's leash and pulled her towards him. The woman looked at him expectantly. He could see the lust in her eyes. He wanted her to learn that at each stage of her road to complete submission, her rewards of pleasure would grow greater. When the trussed woman was a foot away from him, he took hold of her breasts and passed a strong signal of sexual excitement to her. Her knees buckled and she swooned in response. When he ran his hand over her hairless lower lips, he sent another. She leaned forward, her body falling into him, overcome by the pleasure running through her.

  The dream man led the woman over to a nearby easy chair and sat her down in it. Wrapping his large, strong hand hands around her bound throat, he felt her shame at being collared like a domesticated animal, her humiliation. He left that in place and tied her need for him to it so she would yearn for her demeaning collar, feel her lusts begin to burn whenever she wore it, feel lost whenever she did not. He bent her head down and placed his hands on her bound wrists, transmitting feelings of desire mixed with comfort and warmth through them. He leaned her back and took hold of her ankles by where the bracelets were mounted and did the same. Now, whenever she was accoutered in her bindings, she would re-experience the feelings he had sent her. She would crave, when free, to return to them.

  His cock had grown to excitement as he had handled the impassioned woman. Adele had taken a position kneeling on the floor next to him, set so she could watch her lord enjoy the clean, sweet smelling and enticingly attired female she had returned to him. Ramón bent down and unbuckled the gag from behind the auburn haired head of his familiar. He eased it from her mouth. The woman's eyes peered up at him and then down at his rampant manhood. She needed no instruction. She pushed her head forward and wrapped her eager lips around his rigid rod.

  The dream man took hold of Kelly's long, silky, reddish brown ponytail and guided her mouth along his long, thick shaft. Her tongue worked it hungrily. The warmth of her mouth sent a wave of exquisite pleasure to his male, human body. It was late and they all needed their rest. It was his last chance of the day to fill his connector to his dimension with the seed that would facilitate her emotional voyage there to gather the fuel that he would need. While he had been studying, and while the women had been occupied in the bathroom, he had let his body build up his reserves of fluids. He would fill all three of her orifices before he sent the female to her rest.

  The bound and collared woman moaned as she received Ramón's radiating energy through the hard, meaty pole in her mouth. She felt it suffuse through her and her body became heated like a blazing fire. She was lost and she knew it. She would do anything to insure she could enjoy this wondrous experience again and again. When she felt the heavy, fleshy manhood begin to throb and pulse on her tongue, her pussy clenched with pleasure and sent her intense, repeated, almost unendurable spasms of ecstasy.

  Kelly was breathless when the man slowly removed his still engorged cock from her mouth. Her mind protested at the loss. Adele, her beautiful, blond handler, rose to her feet and restored the comforting gag between her lips. She felt a pull on the chain that connected her braceleted ankles. The man was raising them, holding the chain with one hand and bringing her fettered legs up towards her head.

  Ramón lifted Kelly's legs by the chain that connected them. He pressed it back until it touched the chair above her. The back sides of her long, pale flanks were exposed to him and both of her lower places of pleasure beckoned. Her hairless pudenda was squeezed tight by her thighs and he lowered her legs until her knees bowed out, and the naked slit spread before his eyes. It was glistening with the female's arousal. Without its furry beard, it looked clean and soft. The aroma of her skin was pleasing to him and accentuated his arousal. He took his free hand and stroked the soft skin around the enticing opening. The beauteous female moaned as he touched her. He felt her discomfort with the reality of her denuded sex. His mind played with it. He decided he would strengthen it, while at the same time he sent her a stronger, more compelling need to display it to him, to proffer it to him. She would struggle with her inner shame each time she did so.

  Ramón stroked the female's sex until it was wide with invitation, her juices overflowing its banks. He poised his ready manhood at her gates and pushed himself inside. She gave a deep, impassioned moan from behind her gag as he filled her steamy canal with his hot cock. He could see her face between her bowed knees. It looked trance-like, as if her whole being was subsumed by the lusts he was driving higher and higher within her. He sawed himself within her cleft while, with his free hand, he stroked her hard button of pleasure. When he felt her fevered pussy clamp down on his prick, saw the woman's body convulse with pleasure, he released his sperm deep into her womb, sharp charges of ecstasy from his ejaculations piercing his frame. He felt his own knees bend and he closed his eyes, leaning his neck back. His alien soul rejoiced at the pleasure his human form was delivering to it.

  His lust was on full burn. It radiated through the room like a furnace. Adele, kneeling by his side, was overcome with deep, sexual need, watching with adoring pride as her master pleasured the vessel she had prepared for him. She had lowered her hand to her loins and was stroking her pleasure lips fervently, her other hand wrapped around the end of a breast, pulling and tugging at her rigid nipple. Her eyes were glazed, her plump lips parted, her breath heavy. When she saw her master's moisture covered prick emerge from her offering's discharge laden cleft and descend into the small, dainty star of her rear, her climax overwhelmed her. She cried out her pleasure, a loud, staccato celebration of her master's virile power.

  From within her mad delirium of lust, Kelly felt the thick prick part the small, now pliant entry to her bowels. Her mind cursed herself for the pleasure it brought her. The feel of the thick member dragging across the delicate membranes of her small anal ring made her raised thighs shudder and quake as she came for the third time and then the fourth as she felt the man's welcome flood of essence spread inside her.

  Ramón, his body exhausted from his expenditure of lust, let himself lean over the moaning female, while his cock, still implanted in the women's murky depths, continued to glow with pleasure. His chest heaved from his exertions. At the same time, he absorbed the dwindling lustful psychic emissions of the two women, building his connection to them, strengthening his connection to this world. His powers were growing. He would need them tomorrow. And he would need the energies that would be transmitted to his familiar tonight in her dreams. Her psyche and her body needed rest. His sperm would meld with her cells, feeding her connections to him and the other realm.

  The visitor, Kelly's dream man, rose from the body of his thrall and eased his manhood from her. He lowered her upraised legs to the floor gently. She was in a stupor, her mind dizzy with the aftermat
h of their impassioned coitus. Adele was recovering from her self administered bliss. He had no need to bar her from the pleasures of her own body. His control of her was different. He would need her alert and anticipatory of his needs. And she served his needs when she pleasured herself while bathing in the radiance of his lustful emissions, strengthening her devotion to him, reinforcing her satisfaction at the successful completion of his.

  He needed to clean himself and the female needed to be placed at rest. He caressed the auburn air of his familiar, sending her a wave of rewarding warmth for her surrender to her lusts. He did not need to send a message to his lovely, blond, acolyte. She would know what to do.

  As Ramón made his way to the shower, Adele rose to her feet and eased Kelly to hers. The bound woman's body sagged and leaned into her. She waited, happy at her friend's blissful state, as Kelly slowly recovered her senses.

  "Come on honey,” she whispered to her in a sweet, comforting voice. “I've go to get you to bed. You've had a long day and you have a big day tomorrow."

  When she saw that the pale skinned, young woman was capable of walking, she took hold of the lead which dangled between her soft, round breasts and gently urged her to the bedroom. Kelly followed, contentedly, shuffling her chained feet. When they reached the bed, Adele assisted her in sitting down on it and, after removing the chain from her collar, rolled her over to her stomach on the mattress. The sheets were cool on her still burning skin. A radiating ember of fulfillment effused her flesh. Dreamily, she felt Adele unfasten her tightly bound wrists and then fasten them again, this time with a six inch long chain. Her shoulders relaxed at the increased distance between her hands.


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