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Dreams and Desires

Page 27

by Paul Blades

  The three redheads he had given to the shaman and the four kidnapped girls were set up in individual tents where they enthusiastically provided sexual services to the single men of the tribe, and a few married ones when their wives were not looking. Afterwards, the four kidnapped girls were given to the Snake God and his fellow performers. They graciously permitted Jonathan to have his turn with them. The lovely Paula was his favorite of the four, although he took great pleasure in giving the lanky blond girl, Jane, her first ass fucking. She moaned and cried with shame and lust as he stroked himself in her small, energized anal ring. Later, when the work started on his mountain fortress, Bob set up a little bar and trailer park near the construction entrance and staffed it with them. With the old man's blessing, Maria and the other redheads joined them. The lovely Fawn Who Leaps was kept by him as a sort of temple whore since it was not appropriate for an Apache girl to serve as a prostitute to non-Apaches.

  Jonathan didn't spend the entire three days fucking. He met with the tribal leaders several times as they worked together for an appropriate site for his complex. Blackthorne had Conway and a couple other executives fly down to conference about design details and they took a helicopter tour of the proposed situs. When Jonathan returned to corporate headquarters, work was already under way on drawings and cost estimates.

  The research facility was the first building completed, even before the sumptuous hacienda. It was to serve as his dream lab. The old shaman had agreed to assist him in trying to find a reliable way to pierce the dimensional barrier through the dreams of strong willed, intelligent, emotionally vibrant, young female subjects. As part of his company's affirmative action program, much lauded in the media, Blackthorne would personally interview prospective employees at job fairs at universities and colleges across the country. After his visits, several of the more promising ones would, after terminating all of their social relationships and winding up all of their other affairs, drive their own way to the gates of his compound, not sure really why and who their other pretty companions were. They would be shown their way to the research lab where they would spend the next several months, or longer if they seemed promising, as subjects in the dream experiments.

  Marjoram Industries prospered. The company had gone public about two years before Philip Marjoram's death in an effort to raise needed capital and about 10% of it was in the hands of outsiders. Ruling a publicly traded company was a pain in the ass with all of the government scrutiny and SEC regulations and one of the first things Jonathan did was have the company buy it back. One by one, he acquired smaller companies whose product lines could easily assimilate his subtle improvements to earth technology or supply goods or services necessary in his research.

  Now, five years later, Blackthorne was the master of a huge empire. The Fortress, as the vast complex deep inside the Chiricahua Reservation was known, served as his nerve center and his keep. His research into breaching the dimensional wall continued. In secret laboratories all over the United States, he had scientists and theoreticians working on it. Their silence was, of course, amply rewarded. This required a constant flow of enthralled, compliant women and untraceable funds to provide them with lifestyles they could only have imagined.

  These needs were satisfied with the alliances he had formed with organized crime syndicates throughout the country. These humans were frail and consumers of many vices. Pimps, whorehouses, strip clubs, porn sites, all were able to provide desirable young females who could disappear without too much question. In turn, Blackthorne was able to insure their other sex workers remained enthusiastic and obsessively loyal to their employers. Blackthorne had stocked his entire elegant 24 bedroom guest complex at one stroke one night when he converted all of the stunningly beautiful erotic dancers who had been specially invited to participate in a ‘go-go-a-rama’ at a Miami strip club. A special bus driven and attended by loyal Apaches had been waiting in the parking lot. After a spectacular show and when their night was over, the girls all obediently turned their earnings over to the club manager and marched onto the bus where, dazed and confused, they were given a cross country journey that terminated in southwestern New Mexico.

  Runaways, girls who had decided to use their bodies to make an easy buck, drifters, illegal immigrants, black, brown, yellow and white, even drug addicts who had not managed to ravage their bodies yet, were all easy prey. A surge of his power was all it took to turn them from one addiction to another. And a judicious culling of model agencies, college towns and rural backwaters produced a steady stream of clean, wholesome, attractive, young girls.

  The international interests of Marjoram Industries easily facilitated the flow of drugs and other contraband in and out of the country. And he had his tendrils deep into governmental operations to ensure attendance to his needs and influence the administration of justice. Those he was unable to corrupt, could be convinced to cooperate in other ways.

  It had started in the early days. Marjoram Industries had purchased a tract of land on which it intended to build a new factory. It was one of Blackthorne's pet projects. The mayor of the small burg in which the land was located was against the development and his influence was enough to stymie the issuance of necessary permits. Jonathan learned he had two young, pretty daughters attending college at the state university. He made a little visit to them and had afterwards invited the mayor to a “man to man” discussion with him at the Marjoram Estate. The sight of the two naked beauties happily cavorting together in an impassioned embrace on the carpet in his study had convinced the mayor to see the error of his ways. Blackthorne released the girls on parole back to the mayor and the project went through. Three months later, the mayor had a fatal ‘accident’ and the girls were recalled to duty.

  Some politicians made it easy. Senator Grant had been concerned his family situation would provide negative publicity during his reelection campaign. He, his irresponsible, alcoholic wife, his rebellious 20 year old daughter, Geraldine, and the growingly intractable senior campaign aide the Senator had been fucking were among the first guests invited to the fortress once the social amenities had been completed. They were no problem now and all lived together as one big, happy family. The Senator was recently touted by the press as being among a small circle of public figures who were viable candidates for the Oval Office in the next election.

  Conway had proven a disappointment. In spite of the millions Blackthorne had lavished on him, and the three compliant mistresses he had provided, Conway had been discovered feathering his own nest. The news had come from the elegant Anna, who had overheard Chuck talking on the phone one night with someone about some funds he needed ‘processed'. Chuck drowned on a fishing trip to Alaska. His mistresses were all reassigned by Bob. His widow, Anna, signed over all his assets to Jonathan. He let her spend some time with him before sending her to work down at the guest complex. She was still there and from time to time he had her brought up to the hacienda where, before using her, he relaxed his control long enough so she could beg and plead for her freedom.

  Earlier today, he had said farewell to select senior executives of his latest acquired company. They and their wives and girlfriends had been invited down to the Fortress for the weekend to celebrate the new venture. On Friday evening, when his corporate jet delivered them, there had been a welcoming banquet. Saturday morning, the men all were scheduled for ‘conferences’ and the women were invited for a brunch with his gracious, still beautiful wife, Dolores. The highlight of the late morning repast was a personal introduction to their host. The seven unsuspecting females all stood in a little semi-circle smiling and wearing their fashionable best as he went around shaking their hands. Their happy smiles, one by one, turned into looks of surprise and apprehension. He had spent several hours both Saturday and Sunday enjoying their conversions in the basement of his hacienda. They were waiting there in little cages when the men were ready to leave, after having spent their time appreciating the graces of the beautiful and engaging whores he kept aro
und for just such purposes. After making proper obeisance to their new masters and wearing Blackthorne's mark on their bellies, the women were given last minute ‘instructions’ and were allowed to dress and go on their way.

  The plane had left an hour ago and Blackthorne was finishing his business of the day with the two pretty Meztisas his men had picked up on Saturday morning. His connections on the other side of the border, only fifty or so miles away from the Fortress, had alerted Bob, otherwise known as Kajika, He Who Walks Without Noise, to their presence on the truck and Bob had arranged for the truck to be halted. It had been a quick trip on the helicopter to meet them and convince them to go with Apaches in their SUV. The other illegales had been adjusted so they would forget the truck had ever stopped.

  Bob had become Jonathan's right hand man. He recruited all the security staff, supervised the connections with the underworld and was constantly on the lookout for ‘corporate opportunities’ in the underground economy. The Latina girls had really been recruited for the entertainment of the hard working Apache security guards. Either this very night, or within days if Jonathan decided to play with them awhile, they would be sent down to the security barracks to join their hermanas who eased he burdens of life for the ruthless, efficient Apache warriors who worked for him. They particularly enjoyed the subjugated Latina girls as a revenge for ancient grudges. The Spaniards, and later the Mexicans and their hirelings, had decimated the thriving Chiricahua Nation, destroying their villages, murdering their families, enslaving their women. The survivors had been forced to move into the mountains. Later, it was the Americanos who took their land and slaughtered them when they protested. The tribe had continued a virulent, merciless guerilla war against the invaders right up until the late nineteenth century, when the surrender of Geronimo and his band signaled the end of substantial organized resistance.

  The two young, brown skinned women trembled in fear before him. The waves of terror that emanated from their bodies were sweet. But, Jonathan had something else on his mind right now. His pursuer would arrive any day, he just knew it, if he hadn't arrived already. For the last three years Jonathan had had his agents scouring the country for signs of him. He would go to Chicago first. While the Whole had no way of pinpointing Jonathan's location now, they would know where his jump terminated. It would not take long for the pursuer to realize that the beautiful, successful Professor Diane Lanier had disappeared without a trace soon after his arrival. From there, even though Blackthorne had covered his traces well, it was only a matter of time before the retributive agent of the Whole found him. Well, he thought, maybe it was about time. His researches had been lagging and his familiar was showing signs of toll after five years of serving as the conduit for the massive energies he drained daily from the other dimension. She was physically well taken care of. He still maintained his original acolytes, save the poor Marie, who had been replaced with Yvonne, and they assiduously attended to their duties of keeping the former biology professor in a state of almost continuous arousal. Daily ingestions of psychedelics had not left much of her conscious mind. He had detected a slight waning of her ability to absorb the essences necessary for his survival. She would not last forever.

  The pursuer would have a familiar as well. If Jonathan could locate her, make her his own, he might be able to transfer his bond to the Whole to her. That would give him at least five more years to solve the riddle of freeing himself of the burden and vulnerability of needing a familiar at all.

  The corrupted dream man redirected his attentions to the business and pleasures at hand. At an urging from his mind, the distraught, virginal Guadalupe Rivera began to remove her clothes.

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  Kelly had awoken on her third day of captivity to the delicious sensation of her dream man running his power laden hand down the soft curve of her hip and along her thigh. A wave of happiness infused her as she saw the face of her lover and lord gazing into her eyes. She had dreamt the mist dreams again, seemingly all night long, and she felt her body bursting with energy to convey to him. When he removed her gag and kissed her, spreading her lips with his and filling her mouth with his tongue, her whole body became charged with need. The man released her bonds and after affixing her hands to the headboard, rolled her to her back and entered her. During her body and mind wrenching climaxes, she could feel her night's accumulation of other worldly substance passing to the impassioned man through her fevered sex and mouth. In return, he granted her two of his long, soothing discharges.

  Ramón rose from the bed rejuvenated. His pretty familiar needed to recover from her taxing release of the essences she had brought to him from across the dimensional divide. It was early yet and, after checking on the still sleeping Adele, he went outside to re-experience the wondrous sensations, both visual and physical, of the new day.

  It was colder than it had been on the first morning he had made this excursion. The sky was overcast and grey, impending, he sensed, the release of moisture from the air to the ground. Two deer stood watching him warily on the edge of the woods as he made his way to the noisy brook. He was tempted to bring them to him, to examine them more closely and to run his hands through their appealing looking fur, but he had a busy, important morning ahead of him. He did take the time, however, to again drench his body in the pool of frigid water where the brook slowed and curved to change direction. The stimulation to his flesh was exquisite, but his body quickly reacted unpleasantly to the bitter cold of the air when he emerged and he hurried back into the house to dry himself and achieve a resumption of a more tolerable temperature.

  Before getting dressed, he awoke his blond acolyte from her sleep. He sensed there was still a part of her brain disturbed by her new mindset and he spent some time calming her. It would have been easy to drive all thoughts other than obedience from her, but he wanted to maintain a more sophisticated, delicate control. He respected her as an intelligent life form and his codes forbade him from disturbing her more than necessary.

  The shapely blond stirred dreamily from her sleep. He disconnected her bonds and eased her gag from her mouth. After stretching her soft, nude body luxuriantly, she looked up at him expectantly and taking hold of his hand, drew him towards her.

  Adele's flesh was comfortably warm to his still chilled skin. Her bountiful breasts pressed pleasantly against his chest and her legs slid around his thighs as he entered her. She moaned into his mouth her gratitude for his filling of her hungry space.

  Their lovemaking was long and tender. He let the radiance of his cock suffuse her with soft, comforting, pleasure. Her hands pulled him into her as her hips ground slowly back into his, relishing each prolonged stroke of his manhood. When her orgasm approached, she let out a long, pleased moan and her hands and legs gripped him tightly. “Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!” she murmured happily as her crevasse began its throbs. As it mounted into heavy, ecstatic pulses, her moans became louder, almost desperate. Ramón could feel her pussy's walls clench tightly around him and he came with a deep, throaty groan, his mind reveling in each spasm of his cock as it jetted his entrancing sperm deep into the frantic blond woman's womb.

  The couple took a few minutes to let the echoes of their orgasms calm their bodies. Adele rubbed her hand through Ramón's flowing, black hair as she tightened her pussy's muscles to give him one last, pleasurable squeeze. “You can wake me like that every day, honey,” she told him, an affectionate, adoring smile on her lips. “But I've got lot's to do and so, unless you want to spend the day in bed, not that I'd mind, you better let me up."

  Ramón drew himself up of off his appreciative servant. He went into the living room to turn on the TV while Adele removed her bindings and went into the kitchen. He was watching the news when she emerged and went into the bathroom. “The coffee'll be ready in a few minutes, honey,” she said. “I've got to take a shower or the dog catcher will be after me."

  He could hear th
e percolation of the coffee maker in the kitchen and the drum of the water from the shower as he watched the reporter relating the news about the most recent disaster, a train wreck outside of Tuscaloosa. Four people were killed. It reminded him of the hazards of this world he had entered. In turn, the dangers of his quest rose into his mind. Five years was a long time to be able to prepare. He wouldn't even have the element of surprise since the renegade would have been long expecting him. He had many things to do. First he had to secure his base. He would start that this morning with a visit to the female's laboratory. Then he would need to take steps to develop substances and technology that would protect and preserve his familiar and advance his quest. He needed an identity and to learn to drive one of their primitive vehicles. He required access to information and materials and that meant he needed to accumulate large quantities of the medium of exchange these beings referred to as money. Only then could he begin his search for the deviant jumper.

  Adele finished her shower and, after bringing Ramón a nice hot cup of coffee, milk, no sugar, she went into the bedroom. She crawled up onto the bed and lay next to her friend. Kelly was sprawled out full length and lying on her right side, her hands reaching out above her to the headboard. Adele stroked her lightly on her cheek until she saw her eyes flutter to wakefulness. Kelly smiled at the warm welcome to her return to consciousness. The blond woman placed her lips on Kelly's and gave her a deep soulful kiss, mingling their tongues and pressing their flesh together.


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