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Dreams and Desires

Page 40

by Paul Blades

  Cindy, a 19 year old runaway from Eastern Illinois was Natalie's best and only friend. She had followed a similar downward spiral as Natalie in the three years since she had left home. She was back at the motel with the pimp who, he learned, often kept one of the girls with him on slow nights for his own use and delight while the others worked. Tonight was Cindy's turn. Natalie was frantic at the thought of leaving her behind.

  Ramón could feel the deep well of sorrow inside Natalie at the thought of abandoning her. Shabazz would be furious at her disappearance and all the girls would suffer for it, especially Cindy since she was Natalie's friend. He could erase her concern in an instant, but something about the young woman's strong affection for the other girl made him pause. He couldn't save all the whores in the world. Some of them maybe wouldn't want to be saved. But he could sense Cindy would. It would be a risk, but he decided, for Natalie's sake, to take it.

  It was a little after one o'clock in the morning. From Natalie he learned Shabazz usually picked up the girls from the Strip a little after three. He would leave Cindy in the motel room while he drove the mile or so to get the other girls who had been working. All of the girls would need a fix before they headed back to D.C. and it was better they get it in the room than in the car. It was their reward for their hard work. But if they hadn't earned, they would have to make the drive strung out and aching from their need. It would only take a few minutes for Shabazz to drive up to the Strip and get the girls and return. They would have to act fast.

  Ramón parked the Sentra in the motel lot in a spot where he could keep an eye on Shabazz's car. Like clockwork, at 3 A.M., the door to his room opened and he strode out confidently to his car. He was wearing his heavy fur coat and his broad brimmed, pimp hat. He got into the Caddy, fired up the engine, backed out of the spot and pulled away.

  Ramón had parked tail in in his spot and left the car running. He quickly ran it up to the parking space Shabazz had vacated. He and Natalie got out of the car and hurried up to the door. Natalie banged on it loudly. “Cindy! Cindy!” she yelled. “Open the door!"

  There was no answer. “Cindy!” she yelled again. “It's me, Natalie! Open up! Hurry!"

  After long, tense moments, the handle turned and a blitzed out, naked, blond haired girl opened the door. She was swaying on her feet and her eyes were barely open. She had small, coffee cup sized, pointed breasts and short hair. Her torso was long and thin. She bore several black and blue marks on her as if she had been recently beaten. Ramón saw Shabazz's tattoo on her belly. He sent her a strong command of obedience.

  While he pulled the drugged and almost comatose Cindy outside to the car, Natalie ran in the room and seized a blanket from the bed. Ramón placed them both in the back seat, where Natalie could give her friend some comfort and he backed up quickly and pulled from the lot. He watched carefully in his rear view mirror to make sure they were not followed. In fifteen minutes, they were on the Interstate and heading south.

  It took about two and a half hours to get back to the farmhouse. It was still dark, but the tendrils of the dawn were reaching over the mountains in the distance. The dream man was concerned about his familiar, who had spent more than ten hours without him, longer than he had anticipated. Although he was loathe to do it, he agreed to Adele's proposal that they sedate the enthralled woman to make it easier on her. The problem was that while she was sedated, she would not be drawing the essence he needed from his native dimension. Soon, he would have a better solution to the prolonged separations that would be necessary as he hunted for the renegade. But for now, this would have to do.

  He entered the house quietly, not wanting to disturb the female if she was sleeping. Natalie followed, assisting the still virtually comatose and as yet unconverted Cindy. He had them take seats on the living room couch while he went into the bedroom.

  Adele and the female were both asleep on the bed, intertwined in each other's arms. His familiar was moaning quietly in her sleep, her body shuddering. He would need to comfort her shortly, but first he had to see to the young, blond whore.

  He took some time in repairing Cindy's mind and binding her to his service. Like Natalie, she cried and cried when she felt her captivity to her hellish lifestyle lifted. The two young women hugged each other fervently and sobbed in each other's arms after expressing their thanks to him again and again. After Cindy had recovered from her bout of tears, he brought them both back to Adele's room where he instructed them to lay down. Adele had liberated the room from Kelly's odds and ends and now had a large double bed there. Natalie threw off her clothes and joined Cindy on the bed and they were both very quickly asleep.

  Ramón showered and then walked quietly into Kelly's bedroom. He sent a message to Adele to rise and filled her in on the night's success and the presence of the young blond girl. Adele smiled at him and kissed him before leaving, going out to sleep on the couch. He settled down on the bed and stroked the auburn haired woman's face until she woke. Her face beamed with joy at his return. He made long, languorous love to her, serving her need for him.

  The next day was Christmas Eve. In anticipation of the long night before and because of the holiday, Adele had told the girls not to come in to work. Ramón and Kelly slept for a long time. He had freed her mind from the effects of the sedative and when they both awoke, he drew from her the mists she had gathered in her dreams. Not wanting to leave her yet, he remained by her side while she dozed off, recovering from the mesmerizing effects of transferring her night's harvest to him.

  It had been a hard night for Kelly. Even through her doped state, her need for the presence of the dream man had eaten at her. She was overjoyed at his return and was happy when she was able to dream and draw from the other world her captor's vital substance. Adele had not told her about the man's mission and she was surprised and disturbed, later that morning, a little before noon, when she was led by Ramón into the kitchen, naked and bound, to see the two young girls there. They were nude and obviously had recently showered, their hair still moist and their skin pink and clean. The black haired one looked oddly familiar, as if she had seen a picture of her somewhere.

  Adele quickly introduced them and told her what Ramón had done. When the story was finished, Kelly had a surge of affection and pride for her dream man. Although her commitment to his will had never flagged, she had had recurring doubts as to the beneficence of his purposes. Now, she felt relieved that he had proven himself. She was kneeling next to Ramón, who was sitting naked at the kitchen table, and she felt him send her a surge of his energies, rewarding her for her thoughts of him. The two young girls, who had become teary eyed at the retelling of their tales, came to her and hugged and kissed her, warmly expressing their gratitude and their admiration for her.

  "If it wasn't for you,” Natalie told her, “none of this would have happened. Ramón told us all about you and how important you are to him. We want to help anyway we can. We'll do anything for you."

  Kelly was overwhelmed with the girls’ sincere, heartfelt emotions. She could sense the presence of her master in them and when they hugged her again, their warm, young bodies sent a thrill of lust through her.

  "Now, girls,” Adele said. “Kelly and Ramón have got to eat breakfast and then we've got to call Natalie's dad and let him know how everything worked out. We're all going over there later for a big family dinner. And we've got to get you some clothes. I'll drive you both over to the mall in a little while."

  The two former whores gleefully fed Kelly bits of buttered toast and banana all the while caressing her breasts and the inside of her thighs. Kelly was dizzy with passion when they brought her over to Ramón so she could drink of his essence. The enthralled woman marveled at how easily she accepted their affections and caresses as she drew her lips around the dream man's rigid cock. When he filled her mouth with his discharge, she came hard and long, encouraged by the girls’ nimble fingers and lips.

  Adele made the telephone call to Hardings. Natalie stood next to
her biting her fingernails and stepping from foot to foot in anticipation. When she was handed the phone, she began to cry again. She told him how much she loved him and how sorry she was for everything she had done. She grinned from ear to ear when she put the hand piece back in the cradle. Cindy was crying too and Adele came over and hugged them both.

  "Come on girls, let find you some clothes so we can go shopping. We're due at Natalie's dad's by three o'clock. I'm sure you want to look nice when you see him. And I think we need to give Kelly some time alone with Ramón. She's earned it."

  Natalie dressed in the clothes Ramón had provided her with the night before. Adele went through Kelly's clothes and found the young, blond girl something presentable. Cindy was approximately Kelly's size, but she was so thin that the blouse and skirt Adele selected just hung on her.

  When the three women left, Ramón got up and guided Kelly back to the bedroom. He freed her hands and allowed her to caress him. She came sitting in his lap, facing him, welcoming the warmth in her belly as his essence spread within her. Afterwards, they remained in place and she wrapped her arms around him lovingly, absorbing the warmth of his body. She could not remember ever being so happy.

  Hardings had invited all of the girls from the lab to the dinner party. He lived in a large, expansive house hidden behind a large grove of tall evergreen trees. There was a broad swath of grass surrounding the structure. It was opulent, but not ostentatious, the living place of a man who had met with great success in his life, but who had not let it go to his head.

  Hannah was already there. She was wearing a festive, bright green dress with a red silk scarf tied around her neck. She was also adorned with a frilly apron, having apparently taken over the duties of managing the feast. Ramón could see the evidence of their blossoming relationship as they gazed at each other from time to time, pleasure in their eyes.

  Melissa, Felicity and Chandra were there already too, as well as Hannah's sons, their wives and her daughter.

  Natalie's reunion with her father was heartbreaking. The tall, broad shouldered, normally stoical man broke into tears when he saw her. He kept repeating, “I can't believe it; I can't believe it,” as he hugged her tightly. Natalie hugged him back as if holding onto him for dear life. Everyone started to cry at the happy scene. Even Ramón had the beginnings of tears in his eyes.

  When Hardings let go of his daughter, she introduced Cindy. He caressed her short blond hair and welcomed her. He said, “A week ago I was all alone. Now I have two daughters.” This, of course initiated another round of tears from everyone. He hugged both young women and then took Hannah in his arms and hugged her too. “And you, too, Hannah.” She put her arms around him and gave him a deep soulful kiss to everyone's applause.

  Finally, Hannah announced, wiping her eyes, “We can either stand around all afternoon crying or we can have dinner. I say, let's eat!"

  Hardings’ dining room was long and wide with a commensurate table that easily fit everyone. Hardings sat at one end with Hannah and Natalie sitting next to him. Kelly sat at the opposite end with Ramón and Adele to her right and left. The dinner was scrumptious. There was a large turkey Hannah had cooked with all the fixings. She had made several vegetarian dishes for Ramón, Adele and Kelly, including a delicious ratatouille, baked acorn squash divided in half with the centers scooped out and filled with hot maple syrup, onion soup, deep fried potatoes, and a host of greens.

  The room was filled with general merriment. Kelly sat silent at her end of the table, for once being permitted to feed herself. Adele had removed her collar and bracelets and dressed her in one of her nicer skirts and a smooth, beige, silk blouse. The satiny fabric rubbed pleasingly against her bare nipples every time she moved.

  All during the meal, Kelly beamed with pride at the happy, extended family the dream man had brought together. Cindy and Natalie were dressed in modest, bright colored, long sleeved blouses and fitted jeans. They sat next to each other, reserved and seemingly somewhat unsure of themselves. But the naïve delight of the young girls from the lab was contagious and soon they were chatting and laughing with everyone else.

  Sitting next to her dream man, Kelly could not help but feel her lust build up for him. She reached under the table and stroked his thigh and he turned and smiled at her, sending her a message of caring and comfort.

  After dinner, while everyone else cleaned up, Hardings took Ramón for a walk out in the back of the house. There was a brick walkway that circled the vast rear yard and skirted a wide flower bed, the plants dormant for the winter. Hardings had lit a cigar and the two men strolled along the path silently, side by side. Finally, when they had entered a small copse of white birch trees, carefully and artfully placed amidst a broad, wide rock garden, Hardings spoke.

  "I built this place for my wife, Emily. She loved flowers and gardening. You should have seen it when she was alive. There were flowers everywhere, blooming almost all year round. She did it all herself. I pay one of the landscaping companies to keep it up. I just can't stand the thought of it all going to brush. After she died, it was really all I had that was truly hers.” He took a deep drag of his cigar and let the grayish blue smoke waft away in the slight breeze. The sun had set and there was just a bare residual of light.

  The men had stopped walking and a few desiccated leaves danced idly around their feet. “When we lost Natalie, my wife was heartbroken,” Hardings continued. “And then when she got sick, I think she just kind of gave up on living. I've been all alone for five long years. It hasn't been easy. And now, all of a sudden, I've got a huge family. I went into the bathroom before and slapped my face to see if it was all real. It's really too good to be true."

  The man paused to cover up a surge of emotion. Ramón could feel the echoes of his years of unhappiness well up inside him. He had never encountered a species that had so much love to give their fellow creatures but had so much trouble doing it. What the man, Shabazz, had done to these women was beyond his comprehension, contrary to everything the Whole had taught him. As he felt Hardings’ pain, he realized that together with the great capacity of these creatures to feel pleasure came also a great vulnerability to pain. He remembered his second day with his familiar and the distress he felt when he realized he had hurt her more than he intended. It was an aching, empty feeling. How awful it must be to experience this every day for years on end as this man had.

  "I'm not very good at talking about these things,” Hardings confessed. “It goes against everything I was taught about what a man should be, strong, silently suffering. But I wanted you to know that when I tell you I'm grateful for the happiness you've given me, I really mean it. I don't know who you are or what your real purpose may be. I know you told me about this other ‘being', as you called him, and how bad he is. Maybe I believe you and maybe I don't. But I promised you that if you restored my daughter to me, I would give you everything I owned, help you in any way I can, no questions asked. I meant it then and I mean it now. You've given me much more than you promised and I never renege on a deal."

  The man stood, his eyes fixed on Ramón's. The dream man could feel his sincerity and honesty flowing from him. Ramón had taken a huge gamble and it looked like it had paid off. Very soon, he would be able to begin his work, subsidized by the business man's riches and access to tools and raw materials. He searched into his human mind for the appropriate response. He knew mere words would be insufficient. He held out his right hand to the man and he took it in his. “Thank you,” Ramón told him, shaking it firmly. “Thank you very much."

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  By the time they returned home after the party at Hardings', Kelly was burning with lust for the dream man. It was the longest time since the man had enthralled her that she had spent free from her bonds and in the company of people who did not know her secret. She had remained silent throughout the afternoon and early evening, something everyone, including, strangely enough, Hannah's children, had a
ccepted without comment. It had actually been a relief not to have to focus on anything but the presence of her captor and, except for when he had gone outside with Mr. Hardings, she had stayed close to his side.

  As usual, Adele disrobed her as soon as she crossed the threshold to the farmhouse and restored her bindings to her. She received them with a new joy. She had not thought it possible for her devotion to the man to grow any deeper, but the sight of all the happy people he had brought together had erased her remaining doubts as to his beneficial purposes. She still had no idea what they were, but was willing to serve him in any way that would help him, was proud of her role in bringing him into existence.

  When she had finished readorning her with the symbols of her captivity, Adele gave her a warm kiss and explained that she was going to spend the night at her folks’ house so she could be with them Christmas morning. Ramón had stripped as soon as he got into the house and, as she heard Adele's car drive away, he led Kelly into the bedroom. He took his time in pleasuring her, causing her to moan with passion as he gave her enflamed pussy, long, languorous strokes of his cock. He did not bind her hands and she was free to express her lust and love for him with them. After he had come in her once, she urged him to his back and knelt between his outstretched legs. Her hands reveled in the feel of his firm, muscled body as she mouthed him to climax, stroking his strong thighs, cupping his scrotal sack. She took her time, pulling back each time she felt him yearning for release, running her tongue along the underside of his cock's bulbous head, letting her broad tongue wash along its shaft. When he came, she drank joyously at his essence, her pussy pulsing with pleasure.

  Kelly had not been alone with Ramón since the day of his appearance in her bed and she relished their time together even though the house seemed somewhat empty without Adele. Ramón had discovered the pleasure of music and they spent a peaceful hour listening to Beethoven piano sonatas ensconced on her couch, Kelly curled up into his lap, his hands stroking and caressing her, sending her his warmth. Afterwards, he bathed her, making her lust burn while he explored every inch of her body with his hands. Before he put her to bed, he made love to her again, her body glowing with the warmth of her bath, her soul captivated by the man's affections for her.


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