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Dreams and Desires

Page 56

by Paul Blades

  The fact that all of the women who worked at Kelly's lab had become pregnant at the same time had been the talk of Jacksonville. But people soon got over it. Melissa and Felicity had gone back to school and obtained certificates in child care and ran a day care center in town. They lived together as lovers with their four children by Ramón. Chandra had changed her major to study fashion and Ramón had set her up with a major fabric design company in Los Angeles. She had named her daughter Kelly and she now lived with her husband and her son by him outside L.A. The dream man had kept his promise to Nadine and had gone to Omaha to finish the cure he had started. She and Diane still lived at the Fortress with their babies. Nadine had had two, a boy and a girl and Diane was expecting again and due in a few months. Cindy and Natalie still lived there too, but came East often to visit with Hannah and Natalie's dad and show them his grandchildren.

  Adele had returned to the lab and continued to live and work with Kelly for about two years. She had given birth to a delightful baby boy. The women continued to be passionate lovers, although Adele had moved to Richmond to get a business degree. In June, she would be graduating and planned to move out to New Mexico to work with Ramón and have a “passel” of babies with him.

  Poor, brave Lucy Douglas had been killed in a car accident out on Route 256 a year after she gave birth to twins, a girl and a boy. They had been adopted by Hannah and Phil Hardings. Ramón had attended the funeral and it was the only time Kelly had ever seen him cry.

  Ramón had gradually released most of the women who had been enslaved by Blackthorne. Many of them were ‘convinced’ to spend a year or so at the Fortress while the babies Ramón had given them gestated. Some, unfortunately, like the women who had been sent abroad, they were unable to find. But Ramón had insisted the search continue and even five years later they kept trickling in. The women who had been enslaved to the various executives and scientists Blackthorne had corrupted had almost uniformly gotten divorces. A good number of them, after meeting Ramón and partaking of his gentle, loving attentions, opted to accept his child. The men were made to understand that their crimes would go unpunished as long as they kept their mouths shut and kept doing their jobs. There were, unfortunately, some retaliatory killings by enraged former wives or girl friends, but with lawyers hired by the battered women's legal defense fund set up as one of Marjoram Industries’ charities, and certain political influence exercised by Ramón, the punishments were light.

  As to Blackthorne's demonic symbol, Ramón had wanted to erase its memory from the women's minds, but it was Barbara Feathers who derived a better solution for it. The pentagram was converted to a symbol of hope and love. It had been very close to one of the Apache totemic symbols anyway. While not mandatory, most of the prospective mothers chose to have the mark affixed to them as a sign of their commitment to the Project and to a new way of life for the world. The sight of it would comfort them and reinforce their bond to the Project's goals. Kelly and all of his former servants now wore one happily.

  Ramón had convinced Barbara that a target of 20,000 offspring was a little ambitious, at least in the short term. Even for a human with Ramón's stamina it was a bit much. They agreed on an initial goal of 500 a year, although now, five years later, Barbara had convinced Ramón to raise it to 750. Each of the tribes that had joined the Genghis Kahn Project, as Barbara called it, contributed three volunteers a year. That alone accounted for 100 babies the first year. And the women coming in from their various enslavements around the country, after they had been cured and made healthy with the help of Kelly and Ramón's formula, helped them more than make quota easily in the first two years. After that, word just seemed to spread somehow. A formal, confidential and underground application process was developed and Barbara and Ramón would go over them every month to select candidates. Careful consideration was given to ethnic diversity and a steady stream of women of all races and colors made their way to the Fortress. Bob and his agents continued to troll the streets of the inner cities for women who had lost their souls to addictions or lives of degradation. Once recruited and cured of the sicknesses of their bodies and minds, they would be incorporated into the Project. Recently, Barbara had begun recruiting abroad and Asian, African and European women were pouring in.

  Careful track was kept of Ramón's many offspring. Liberal subsidies were provided to their mothers together with comprehensive health plans. Some of the women formed what Barbara referred to as colonies, choosing to live and raise their children together. When in their cities, Ramón would stay with them and satisfy any of the women's demands for ‘seconds'.

  Barbara had insisted, and Ramón agreed, that the process of impregnating the women should not disintegrate into a fucking factory. Once a woman was selected, and her day had come, she would be pampered and catered to by Ramón's servants. A ritual bath and beautification ceremony would take place and the nervous but eager woman would be adorned with an alluring, delicate chemise or nightgown and introduced to Ramón in a specially reserved room decorated with flowers and bathed in a soft, comforting light. She would get to spend an hour with the dream man, during which he would claim her as one of his servants, mold her mind to assure her happiness in her new role and bring her to several earth moving orgasms. Usually, the women stayed on at the Fortress for a time, sharing their newly liberated minds and bodies with their newfound sisters. Although he had mated with hundreds of women, Ramón never tied of exploring their natures, tasting of their personalities and appreciating their capacity for love.

  Ramón was able to keep Marjoram Industries on the forefront of technological innovation and the company could well afford the costs of underwriting the Project. Dolores, Blackthorne's former tortured wife, was one of its directors and she insisted that job training, advanced education and job placement for the mothers be a part of it.

  The dream man also took his ‘light show', as he called it, on the road. Small but well attended ceremonies were conducted in parks, private homes and rented VFW and volunteer firehouse halls around the country. The gatherings were not advertised and were by invitation only. Publicity was resisted and more than one reporter found his story killed by his editor when he tried to relate what he perceived as the beginnings of a mass movement.

  Now, five years later, as Kelly sat at her desk at the lab waiting for 5 o'clock to arrive, she tried to shake herself out of her reverie of reminiscence. She had to go over her checklist one last time. It was about a quarter to five and Ramón would be there soon. She gasped as she felt her new baby kick inside her. She had been depressed for a while at her separation from the dream man, but the presence of his child in her womb soon began to provide her a feeling of warmth and comfort, almost as if a piece of him were inside her. The other girls all said the same thing. Adam had more than a little of Ramón's personality and gifts for love and affection in him. The little boy seemed to glow at times and, whenever Kelly felt low because she was missing her former master, all she had to do was hold the child in her arms and it would seem like the tall, black haired man was there with her.

  Kelly had decided Adam needed a brother or sister and that it was time for her to turn the lab over to someone else so she could spend more time with Ramón. The Fortress was overrun with happy, healthy children now and Kelly wanted to help set up a school there. It was a great place to raise kids. Also, she wanted to act as Ramón's familiar again after the baby was born, at least for a while. She missed the closeness she had developed with him and the experience of being fucked by him into insensibility every morning.

  Her love for Ramón had not faded and neither had his love for her. Kelly was proud of the man she had concocted from her dreams. He was on his way to making a profound change in the world and she was happy to have been the catalyst for it. Barbara referred to her as “First Mother", a title Kelly relished.

  Tonight she and Ramón would spend at the farmhouse where it all began. Adam was staying with his “aunts", Melissa and Felicity, for the night. I
t would be Kelly's last night there and while she was excited at the prospect of living with Ramón, the event was filled with melancholy. She wanted the night to be special. She was about three weeks away from delivery and her doctor had given her strict instructions on abstaining from sex. But it just didn't seem right not to have the small house reverberating with moans of passion.

  Ramón arrived at 5 o'clock sharp. Kelly rushed to him as quickly as her expanded form would allow and gave him a firm hug and a deep, loving kiss. Linda Roberts, the attractive, new lab director, came over to greet him and Kelly made the introductions. As she shook hands with the dream man, a tingle spread up her arm and her eyes widened. Smiling affectionately, Kelly invited her over for dinner.

  es widened. Smiling affectionately, Kelly invited her over for dinner.

  The End

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  I am a fifty-five year old criminal defense attorney living in the northeastern portion of the United States. I have written a series of BDSM novels exploring the emotional and sensual extremes of human behavior. The attraction of the BDSM format is that there is juxtaposed the two extremes of human sexuality. On the one side is the subject, powerless to regulate her sexual life, exchanging, either willingly or unwillingly, her control over her body for the freedom to experience its pleasures without the responsibility to govern herself according to conventional sexual mores. On the other side is the actor, a man, or men, who have abandoned any and all restrictions on the pursuit of pleasure and are able to remorselessly strip away the humanity of the women who they make their victims. There are few among us, I would hazard to guess, regardless of gender, who have not wished to be one or the other, or both, at some time in our lives.

  But who among us is capable of reaching the true apotheosis of desire? The characters in my novels often struggle with their fates. Shame and remorse creep in after a newly made slave has undergone the most explosive sexual climax she has ever experienced, at the hands of a master who casually sends her back to her cell or hands her over to another when he has finished with her. A master, his burning lust finally abated and satisfied, rues, if only momentarily, the objectification and suffering of his female victim.

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  By Paul Blades

  For years, college student Devan Astor has penned erotic stories based on her dark fantasies, but when she's abducted, she is faced with the real terror of being at the mercy of a cruel stranger. She flees, but in the remote cabin where she takes refuge, will she encounter a danger even more frightening than the kidnapper who is still hunting her? At the end of her ordeal, will she be left scarred by the experiences that so closely match her own fantasies, or will she discover fulfillment she never imagined?

  Review from Kyraninse at Night Owl Reviews (4.5/5—TOP PICK!)

  "I really enjoyed ... (this) ... Not only is it remarkably executed but the psychological profiles of the characters are mesmerizing and their desires and needs sharply poignant ... Varian manages to be descriptive without being cloying, her writing almost clean in its efficiency ... I will look forward to Varian's works in the future..."

  Review from Dawnie at Fallen Angel Reviews (4/5 ANGELS!)

  "From the start the raciness of the tale is heart stopping. The unusual turn of events will keep the reader guessing what will happen next. Nothing is what it seems ... I couldn't put it down and the pages rolled by ... Varian Krylov is an intense author that I will definitely be reading more of."

  Warning: This title contains elements of non-consensual sex, anal sex and m/m sex.

  Excerpt From ABDUCTION:

  He knew she would let him do anything, have anything. Anything. It was that thought—that he could do what he wanted—that made him so hard, so hot, rather than any particular thing he could think of actually doing. That this strange, quiet girl would let him touch her, take her, look at her any way he liked, and yield to any thing he might do with nothing but breaths and sighs and that look of hers.

  Somehow her pigtails seemed perverse. He wanted her hair loose. Quietly, calmly, like a child with a doll who will neither judge nor protest, he took one pigtail in the loose circle of his fingers and worked her wet hair free of the elastic band. Then he did the other. He put the bands around his wrist and, with both hands, combed his fingers through her wet hair until it hung heavy and wet in thick strands over her shoulders and down her back. But he missed the nape of her neck, pale and whisped with baby-fine hairs in two Vs, so he twisted her hair up in one hand and drew it up, bending her head forward, elongating the back of her delicate neck, making the pale skin go taut over the smooth rounded curves of her spine.

  Christ, he hadn't even really touched her yet, and he was rock hard. What was it with this girl?

  He leaned into her, let his face brush against her neck, heard her suck in her breath, felt her quiver as his chest pressed against her back. Breathing in the smell of her skin, feeling the heat of their bodies warming the wet cloth between them, seeing the tiny hairs—the soft blond down of her ears—he was momentarily aware of how on, how tuned into every sensation his body was in that moment, as if he could taste and see and hear molecules of air, of rain, of her and he felt oddly happy.

  It was exciting to touch, to run fingers along the bare wet gooseflesh of arms, to peel the wet, sticking sleeves back to reveal her upper arm and the first hint of her shoulder, to brush his lips against her there without kissing, to think of licking and biting her tender flesh, to feel the excitement of anticipation, the little twinge of denial.

  The t-shirt she had on was soaked and clung to her like gray skin, and he took in the shape of her tits, her dark areolae, her hard nipples, the vague ripple of ribs, the slight hollow of her belly. He came to her, his body pressing her, his thigh parting hers, getting a little sigh from her as his leg pressed against her cunt. After that little noise she turned her face away and closed her eyes, and he smiled, amused by her shyness. He leaned into her, her body soft and trembling, mouthed her ear, felt her panting breath with his chest, and whispered,

  "What do you want, Devan?"

  One of her wrists he let go, let his hand come down into her hair to feel its heavy thickness between his fingers. Her other wrist he brought down, down, and pressed her hand to his hard, aching cock.

  "Is this what you want?"

  She only answered with a breathy sigh, her eyes closed, her lips parted.

  Still holding her hand to his swollen cock, barely moving it over him, he mouthed her ear again, gently bit her jaw just beneath it, kissed her neck, breathing in the smell of her hair and her skin as he tasted her flesh. He heard his own excited breathing, panting against her face, her neck, her jaw, tasted his own saliva as his mouth moved back to the places it had been already, tasted the salt of her skin—salty chin, jaw, neck, cheek. Strangely so, when her ear hadn't been, or the smooth neck beneath, under the canopy of her wet hair. Not thinking, just feeling, feeling his way around her, he tasted the rain dripping from her chin, trickling down her smooth cheek, wetting her lashes.

  But the rain on her lashes was all salt...


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