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Hagen, Lynn and Glenn, Stormy - End of the Line [Lady Blue Crew 1] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

Page 13

by Lynn Hagen, Stormy Glenn

  “Ready?” Colt asked in a low voice.

  Remy nodded as the two of them climbed over the top of the ridge and began the slow descent down the other side. They had to be careful no one spotted them. The element of surprise was on their side so far, and Remy planned on keeping it that way.

  Once they cleared the ridge, Remy and Colt hauled ass to the side of the hangar, placing their backs against the rusty shingles and listening for a moment. The sounds of pneumatic tools whizzed throughout the hangar and a few voices shouted, but Remy didn’t hear anything to indicate anyone was close by.

  He knelt down and peered through a missing shingle to see his mate with his back against the hangar wall. Remy wanted to shout for his angel but bit back the words. He had to get Gigi out before anyone knew that they were there.

  “Fuck,” Colt growled seconds before a hard object was pressed into Remy’s nape.

  “So glad you could join us, Commander.”

  “My pleasure, Drake.”

  Pax bit his thumbnail as he watched Livewire in the engineering room. He really didn’t want to be alone right now, so he shadowed the mechanic.

  “Could you hand me a half-inch?”

  “A half-inch of what?” Pax asked as he looked around the engineering room. He wasn’t sure what the guy was talking about, but he was willing to help out if it took his mind off of Gigi and Colt.

  Livewire chuckled as he pointed to the floor. “A half-inch wrench.”

  Pax knelt down as he picked up the silver-colored tools. He read each one until he found the one Livewire needed. “Is this it?”

  Livewire took it from his hand as he turned back to his work. “That would be the one.”

  Pax sat on the floor and played with the tools that surrounded him. He lined them up in the order of their size, and then lined them up again until they spelled out Colt’s name.


  “Yeah, buddy?” the mechanic grunted as he pushed his arm into a sliver of space between two parallel walls. It looked like a very tight fit, and Livewire’s face was pinched in concentration. Pax wasn’t sure if he should distract the mechanic.

  “I’m listening.”

  Pax flicked the tools with the tip of his finger as he thought about what he wanted to say. He wasn’t really sure, but he was tired of being confused. “What does it mean to be mates?”

  “I need a little more clarification of what you’re after, Pax,” Livewire said as he gritted his teeth, his arm shooting out from the space as he cursed, the half-inch hitting the floor.

  Pax crawled over and picked it up, handing it back to Livewire.

  “Thanks.” The mechanic grabbed it and then stuck his arm back in. “Go ahead, I’m listening.”

  Pax sat back down on his behind as he crossed his legs. He’d never really had anyone to confide in before, and he wasn’t sure he knew how. The words were getting jumbled in his head, making it difficult for him to form anything that would make sense.

  “Colt confuses me.”

  Livewire’s hand stilled as he looked at Pax. “That can happen. But as hard as this sounds, you have to trust that fate knew what she was doing when pairing you two. Now I’m not saying you should let your guard down and go running into his arms, although I’m sure Colt wouldn’t mind, but give him a chance. He doesn’t seem like a bad guy.”

  “I guess.” Pax flicked the tools around some more as he tried to make sense of it all. How could someone like Colt want him? The hawk shifter was strong, fierce, and brave. He deserved an honorable mate. Not someone like Pax. He was terrified he wouldn’t measure up. Pax thought of Colt’s beautiful blond hair that seemed to have a mind of its own and those gorgeous blue eyes that seemed to see right through him.

  Pax ran every time he saw Colt. If the hawk shifter could see through him, then he would know Pax’s shame. Pax couldn’t handle that. He wanted Colt to see him in a different light, the light that should have shone down on him if he’d had a better life.

  “Things will work out, buddy.”

  Pax nodded numbly, wondering if Livewire’s words would really come true or if Colt would discover his disgrace and run as far away as possible.

  Gigi gasped when he saw Remy and Colt come into the hangar. Drake was walking behind his mate with a phaser shoved into his neck. Fear and anger knotted inside of Gigi as his eyes followed his mate.

  “We have company, boy.” Drake pronounced the last word with disdain. “What should I do with them?”

  Gigi knew it was a trick question. He was afraid to open his mouth. Anything he said would get twisted around and used against him. Drake was twisted that way. The man made a fortune finding loopholes and manipulating others. Why should Gigi be any different?

  “I see you’re getting smart, boy.” Drake chuckled, but humor wasn’t a part of that laugh. “I have a little game we can play to pass the time until my ship is ready.”

  Sheer, black fright swept through Gigi at Drake’s words. His pulse began to beat erratically at the look on Drake’s face. The man had never had a full deck of cards, but there was a gleam of madness in his eyes now. Something that Gigi had never seen before now.

  “W–What kind of game?”

  “Get up,” Drake commanded.

  Gigi locked eyes with Remy as he got to his feet. His mate’s jaw was clenched as he watched every move Gigi made. He could see love shining in his mate’s eyes, but it was mingled with fear. The need to run to his mate was strong, but Gigi held back.

  Gigi instinctively threw his arms out when Drake tossed something at him. Why on earth would Drake give him a phaser? He turned it over in his hands as he tried to figure out what the bastard was up to.

  “It has enough charge for one blast,” Drake said as he steadied his hand on Remy’s shoulder, the phaser still glued to Remy’s neck. “You can use that one shot to shoot this guy standing here,” he said, nodding to Colt, “or I kill the commander.”

  “Why?” Gigi cried out.

  Drake’s lip curled back into a sneer. “To show everyone, including you, that I have complete control over you. You’ll do what I say, when I say, without question from here on out.”

  Gigi stared down at the phaser in his hand and then up at Colt, pleading with his eyes for someone to tell him what to do. He wasn’t crafty enough to figure out a plan on the spot. Gigi needed someone to give him a signal, something.

  “Make your mind up,” Drake said in warning.

  “I’ve made my mind up.” Gigi could think of only one possible solution to all of this.

  “I knew you would come around to my way of thinking,” Drake cackled with glee. “Go ahead, shoot him.”

  Gigi stared at Colt. The hawk shifter squared his shoulders and gave Gigi a nod. There wasn’t one ounce of fear in the man’s eyes. He stood there bravely, facing his death like a warrior. Gigi’s respect for the man grew in leaps and bounds.

  He looked over to his mate, trying his best to convey his feeling with his eyes.

  “No,” Remy whispered as his eyes widened with terror. “No, angel.”

  “I have to,” Gigi said as he placed the phaser to his temple.

  “No!” Remy shouted, tense lines mapping out a pattern on his face.

  Gigi choked back a cry as his finger applied the slightest pressure to the trigger. His breath seemed to solidify in his throat.

  “Are you fucking nuts?” Drake shouted at Gigi. “Get that damn thing away from your head.”

  Remy’s eyes locked onto Gigi’s, and then they lowered to the ground. Gigi’s eyelashes lowered and then rose, telling Remy he understood. Quicker than Gigi had been prepared for, Remy jerked to the right and Gigi flipped the phaser around in his hand, firing it directly at Drake.

  Remy yanked from Drake’s grip and leapt at Gigi, both hitting the ground. Drake hit the cement floor, his lifeless body unmoving. Colt grabbed the phaser from Drake’s hand and kicked the bastard, but Drake didn’t move.

  “I thought you would never
get the charade!” Gigi cried hysterically at Remy. “You took long enough.”

  “Ssshhh.” Remy breathed the shushing little sound against Gigi’s ear as he cradled him in those strong arms. “It’s over.”

  “I thought—” Gigi sniffled.

  “Colt, go get those fuel cells from Drake’s ship and anything else you can grab. If anyone gives you any problems, deal with them.”

  “Yes, Commander.” Colt nodded and walked away to get the cells.

  Remy picked Gigi up and carried him in his arms, walking out of the hangar with Gigi held tightly to his chest. Remy took him to the side of the hangar and then set Gigi on his feet. “I need, angel.”

  “Reclaim me,” Gigi begged. “I need you, too.”

  Remy nodded and picked Gigi up. Gigi wrapped his legs around Remy’s waist as he clung to the man that had stolen his heart. Remy’s mouth covered Gigi’s hungrily as he tried to devour him. Gigi’s hands pulled at Remy’s clothes, wanting to feel his mate’s skin under his fingertips. Remy yanked his shirt off, never breaking the connection.

  “Love you,” Gigi breathed against Remy’s lips. “Fill me, claim me.”

  Remy growled as Gigi felt the back of his pants being ripped. Cool air kissed his ass as Remy flipped him around, letting a string of saliva drip down the crease of Gigi’s ass. Remy pulled him back around and quickly freed his cock. His mate’s moves were desperate, hurried, as Remy lined his cock up and sank deeply into Gigi’s ass.

  “Remy,” Gigi cried out as he wrapped his arms around Remy’s neck, clawing at his back. “Fuck me hard, Remy. Remind me who I belong to.” Gigi’s head fell back, hitting the hangar as he panted and mewled.

  Remy’s strokes became almost savage, going deeper with every thrust. Gigi met his thrusts, almost in frenzy as Remy reclaimed him, branded him. Gigi tilted his head, Remy not waiting a second as he sank his canines deep into Gigi’s neck.

  Gigi cried out as his cock exploded. His head swam with the realization that he was back in his mate’s arms, safe, where he planned to stay for a very long time.

  Remy licked the wound closed and then threw his head back, howling loudly as his cock pulsed in Gigi’s ass, hot seed filling him. Gigi rested his head on Remy’s shoulder, inhaling the scent that was uniquely Remy’s.

  “Now how am I supposed to get back to the ship with my ass hanging out of my pants?” Gigi teased.

  “Very carefully.” Remy chuckled. “Very, very carefully, angel.”

  “Drake said I was Magi. He said I come from a long line of them.”

  Remy nuzzled Gigi’s neck, his tongue tracing a path from jaw to ear. “We’ll figure things out as we go along. There’s no need to worry about it now.”

  Gigi kissed the side of Remy’s neck, thankful for such a strong and loving mate. Remy accepted everything Gigi threw at him and kept coming back for more. Gigi cupped Remy’s face in his hands.

  “I love you, Remy.”

  Remy grinned. “Love you, too, angel.”

  Was there anything else to say?

  Colt stood in the corridor, staring out of the porthole at the stars. Crank and Blade had completed the blast job on Beta Five. It had felt like light-years since the stowaway was found and their lives had changed forever.

  Livewire and Tank had gotten Lady Blue off of her belly and back into space. With the five fuel cells they had confiscated from Drake’s ship, they were good to go for a long time. They had even appropriated some other supplies that would keep them from having to land for quite some time.

  Colt’s eyes stayed forward as he felt, more than saw, Pax heading his way. He wasn’t sure what he was going to do about his mate. The first thing on his list was getting to know the little blue-skinned man a little better. Their road was going to be a bumpy one, but Colt knew they would eventually work things out.

  Until then, all he could do was slowly chip away at his mate’s defenses and hope one day Pax gave him enough trust to let him in.

  Pax stopped walking when he passed Colt. He hesitated for what felt like forever. The hawk shifter held his breath and kept his eyes front and center. His mate walked to him cautiously and then stood next to him, staring out of the same porthole.

  A smile tugged at Colt’s lips when Pax slid two fingers into the palm of Colt’s hand. He curled his fingers around his mate’s as he stared at the stars, knowing in his heart that they were going to be fine.








  Lynn Hagen loves writing about the somewhat flawed, but lovable. She also loves a hero who can see past all the rough edges to find the shining diamond of a beautiful heart.

  You can find her on any given day curled up with her laptop and a cup of hot java, letting the next set of characters tell their story.

  Stormy believes the only thing sexier than a man in cowboy boots is two or three men in cowboy boots. She also believes in love at first sight, soul Mates, true love, and happy endings.

  Stormy lives in the great Northwest region of the USA, with her gorgeous husband and soul Mate, six very active teenagers, two boxer/collie puppies, one old biddy cat, and one fish.

  You can usually find her cuddled in bed with a book in her hand and a puppy in her lap, or on her laptop, creating the next sexy man for one of her stories. Stormy welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website at

  Also by Lynn Hagen

  Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 1: Maverick’s Mate

  Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 2: Hawk’s Pretty Baby

  Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 3: Sunshine’s Savior

  Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 4: Remi’s Pup

  Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 5: Stormy Eyes

  Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 6: Oliver’s Heart

  Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 7: Keata’s Promise

  Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 8: George’s Turn

  Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 9: Loco’s Love

  Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 10: Lewis’s Dream

  Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 11: Mark’s Not Gay

  Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 12: Nutter Nero

  Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 13: Heaven’s Hell

  Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 14: Nicholas’s Wolf

  Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 15: Murphy’s Madness

  Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 16: Montana’s Vamp

  Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 17: Carter’s Tryck

  Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 18: Joshua’s Law

  Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 19: Dagon’s Ride

  Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 20: Steven’s Journey

  Ménage Everlasting ManLove: Zeus’s Pack 1: Jasper

  Ménage Everlasting ManLove: Zeus’s Pack 2: Avanti

  Ménage Everlasting ManLove: Zeus’s Pack 3: Knox

  Ménage Everlasting ManLove: Zeus’s Pack 4: Torem

  Ménage Everlasting ManLove: Zeus’s Pack 5: Hunter

  Everlasting Classic ManLove: Demon Warriors 1: Hondo

  Everlasting Classic ManLove: Demon Warriors 2: Snooke

  Everlasting Classic ManLove: Demon Warriors 3: Rainerio

  Also by Stormy Glenn

  Siren Classic ManLove: Blaecleah Brothers 1: Cowboy Easy

  Siren Classic ManLove: Blaecleah Brothers 2: Cowboy Keeper

  Siren Classic ManLove: Blaecleah Brothers 3: Cowboy Way

  Siren Classic ManLove: Wolf Creek Pack 1: Full Moon Mating

  Siren Classic ManLove: Wolf Creek Pack 2: Just a Taste of Me

  Siren Classic ManLove: Wolf Creek Pack 3:

  Tasty Treats, Volume 3: Man to

  Siren Classic ManLove: Wolf Creek Pack 4: Blood Prince

  Siren Classic ManLove: Wolf Creek Pack 5: Love, Always, Promise

  Ménage Amour ManLove: Wolf Creek Pack 6:

  Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?

  Siren Classic ManLove: Wolf Creek Pack 7: Pretty Baby

  Ménage Amour ManLove: Tri-Omega Mates 1: Secret Desires

  Ménage Amour ManLove: Tri-Omega Mates 2: Forbidden Desires

  Ménage Amour ManLove: Tri-Omega Mates 3: Hidden Desires

  Ménage Amour ManLove: Tri-Omega Mates 4: Stolen Desires

  Ménage Amour ManLove: Tri-Omega Mates 5: Unspoken Desires

  Ménage Amour ManLove: Tri-Omega Mates 6: A Hunter’s Desires

  Ménage Amour: Lovers of Alpha Squad 1: Mari’s Men

  Siren Classic ManLove: Lovers of Alpha Squad 2:

  The Doctor’s Patience

  Siren Classic: Lovers of Alpha Squad 3: Julia’s Knight

  Ménage Amour ManLove: Lovers of Alpha Squad 4: Three of a Kind

  Siren Classic ManLove: Sweet Perfection 1: Sweet Treats

  Siren Classic ManLove: Sweet Perfection 2: Mr. Wonderful

  Siren Classic ManLove: True Blood Mate 1: Heart Song

  Ménage Amour ManLove: True Blood Mate 2: Alpha Born

  Siren Classic ManLove: True Blood Mate 3: Love Sexy

  Siren Classic ManLove: True Blood Mate 4: Redemption

  Siren Classic ManLove: Katzman 1: The Katzman’s Mate

  Siren Classic ManLove: Katzman 2: Dream Mate

  Siren Classic ManLove: Katzman 3: Pride Mate

  Ménage Amour: Love’s Legacy 1: Cowboy Legacy

  Siren Classic ManLove: Viking Lore 1: Honor Bound

  Siren Classic ManLove: Midnight Matings: Scales and a Tail

  Siren Classic ManLove: Midnight Matings: Fang and Fur

  Siren Classic ManLove: Midnight Matings: White Paws and a Dream

  Ménage Amour ManLove: Tasty Treats 5: Cowboy Dreams

  Siren Classic ManLove: Elemental Demons 1: Fire Demon

  Siren Classic ManLove: Elemental Demons 2: Air Demon

  Siren Classic ManLove: My Lupine Lover


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