Book Read Free


Page 11

by Amber Garza

  His rude remark cuts through my words and angers me. “Don’t call him that.”

  A cloud passes over his eyes, reminding me of the sky right before a storm. “I’m sorry.”

  “I know you don’t like him, but he’s my best friend.”

  “I know. It’s just I guess I’ve always been kind of jealous of the guy.”

  “Of Micah? Why?”

  “Because of his relationship with you.”

  A rowdy group of boys run past whooping and hollering at each other. I glance in their direction and then turn to Sam. “There’s nothing to be jealous of. My relationship with Micah is totally different from what we have.”


  I move as close to him as I dare. Swallowing hard I say, “When I’m with Micah I don’t feel the way I do when I’m with you.”

  “And how is that?” Sam is so close I can smell his skin and feel his breath on my face.

  “When I’m with you I come alive.”

  Ariel is with Micah when I go over to his house to check on him. He’s sitting on the chaise lounge at the end of his sectional couch, his legs outstretched. Ariel is sitting next to him with her legs tucked up under her body. Their heads are bent in conversation. I feel like I’m interrupting something and I contemplate heading back outside. The image of the two of them so close is one I wish I hadn’t seen in the first place.

  But it’s too late to escape. Ariel’s head pops up and her eyes meet mine. “Oh, Delaney. Guess what? My powers worked again. Now Micah’s completely healed.”

  “Well, it’s the least you could do since it’s your fault he was hurt in the first place.”

  “Delaney,” Micah scolds me.

  I sigh, feeling childish for my rude comment. It’s not like I have any right to be jealous of whatever is happening between Ariel and Micah when I’ve been sneaking around with Sam. But for some reason Ariel brings out the worst in me. “Sorry. I’ve just been so worried. But it’s great. I’m glad your powers are coming back, Ariel.”

  She flashes a triumphant smile that surprises me. If I didn’t know better I’d think that she wanted me to be pleased with her, which is odd since I had gotten the impression that she could care less what I think of her.

  “So, does that mean you’ll be back to school sooner?” I sit on the edge of the chaise lounge near Micah’s toes.

  “No. Even though my scratches are mostly gone, Mom is still worried about poisoning so I’m afraid I’m home all week. Tabitha couldn’t make it here today so she’s dropping by tomorrow morning. Apparently she has some amazing drink that will rid my body of any unwanted toxins.” Micah rolls his eyes to show how ridiculous he thinks the whole thing is.

  I giggle, picturing Micah’s eccentric aunt. Too bad I won’t be home to see her. She’s always so much fun.

  “I’m sorry, Delaney.” Micah covers my hand with his. “I know it must be hard to be all alone at school. So far I’ve shown no signs of poisoning so I’m sure that I’m good. But you know how overprotective my mom is.”

  I chuckle. “Yeah, she’s just like mine.” Glancing over at Ariel I see her eyeing my hand, and her face has gone whiter than normal. I guess I’m not the only one suffering from jealous feelings. After pulling my arm away, I stand up. “Well, it looks like Ariel is taking good care of you, so I’m gonna take off.”

  Micah raises his brow. “Where are you going?”

  I shift uncomfortably from one foot to the other. “Just to do homework, run some errands. I’ll be back soon.” Without letting him ask any more questions, I hurry to the front door. Once outside, I pull out my phone and shoot off a text to Sam.

  I’m ready. Where do u want to meet?

  His reply comes almost immediately. The lake. Same spot as before. Bring your suit.

  Ok. C u in 10.

  I go home to get on my swimsuit. It’s a warm fall day in Edenly and a swim sounds amazing. Fortunately, my mom isn’t home. She’s out grocery shopping or something. I’m glad that I don’t have to answer to her about where I’m going. However, Camille gives me a funny look when I leave, so I’m sure I’ll have some explaining to do later.

  I don’t want to think about that right now though. All I want to do is focus on my afternoon with Sam. By the time I arrive Sam is already sitting on a blanket in the sand. I drop my swim bag, with my towel and sun-block inside, on the ground and then plop down beside him. He leans over and gives me a quick peck on the cheek. “Glad you made it.”

  “Me too.” I smile. We are the only people in this secluded spot of beach, but I hear voices on the other side of the rocks. A boat speeds by in the distance. The warm sunrays beat against my back and sweat slides down my shoulder blades. “How did you manage to get the afternoon off work?”

  “I didn’t.” Sam shoots me a wry look. “I’m sure the old man is wondering where I am as we speak.”

  I giggle. “Won’t you get in trouble?”

  He shrugs. “No more than usual.”

  Something about the way he says this concerns me. It’s clear that his relationship with his dad is complicated. Hopefully he’ll trust me enough one day to open up about it.

  “Anyway, I don’t want to talk about my dad. Ready to get in the water?” Sam stands and begins peeling his shirt off. When he discards it in the sand I can’t help but stare at his lean, tanned chest and arms. I’ve never seen him with his shirt off and my breath catches in my throat. It’s all I can do to keep myself from reaching out and touching him. He may not be as built as Micah, but he still looks hot.

  “Hello. Earth to Delaney.” He waves his hand in front of my face and my cheeks warm with embarrassment.

  “Sorry. I-I was just zoning out.” I unzip my shorts and wiggle them off my legs. Then I yank off my tank top. I chose my new bikini, and I’m glad I did when I see Sam appraising me in it.

  “Let’s go.” He grabs my hand and we race toward the water’s edge. The minute we step in, I shiver. It’s colder than I had anticipated. Sam’s arm comes around my shoulder as we step further in. Frigid water spills over the top of my feet. Pretty soon we’re up to our knees and my teeth start chattering.

  Sam laughs. “It takes a little getting used to.”

  “I’ll say.”

  Sam faces me. “Come here.” He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me to him. My heart pounds beneath his chest. His arms tighten around me. “Better?”

  I nod, running my fingers up his back. He leans down and kisses me softly. I melt beneath his lips, drinking in the feel of him. His kiss becomes firmer, more demanding, and my head spins. We sink further into the water but I don’t notice how cold it is. I cling to Sam, my arms circling his neck. His hands massage my back and his fingers tangle in my hair.

  When we part, I notice that the water is up to our necks. Sam releases me and then ducks his head under. I lose sight of him in the murkiness, but I feel his fingertips tickle my feet. I giggle and try to swim away. His hand closes around my ankle and he pulls me under. My head sinks below the surface and I open my eyes looking for Sam. The water is dark, but I can make out his shape in front of me and I swim toward it. Our heads pop up at the same time and our bodies bob in the soft waves.

  “Let’s go this way.” Sam grabs my hand. “There’s a really cool place over here on the rocks that I want to show you.”

  We swim toward the cluster of rocks jutting out from the shore. It’s a little ways off but I’m used to swimming and running long distances. It’s partly because of my training for the rescues, but mostly from attempting to keep up with Micah all the time. Sam and I swim side-by-side. Usually I go to the lake with Micah and he always swims so much faster than me. It’s nice to be with someone who stays at the same pace.

  When we arrive at the rocks, I’m grateful. My tired limbs are ready for a break. Sam guides me to the side that wasn’t visible from our spot on the beach. I gasp in surprise. There is a tiny waterfall cascading over the side of the giant boulders. Foamy water gathers at the botto
m swirling into the dark blue. Inside there is a little cave built into the rocks and chiseled in such a way that it’s almost like there’s a bench to sit on. We swim to the underside of the waterfall and sit inside. Water laps over my legs, stopping just above my belly button. It’s the most romantic and beautiful spot I’ve been to.

  “I can’t believe I’ve lived in Edenly my whole life and I’ve never been here.”

  “Isn’t it amazing?” Sam moves closer, until our thighs are touching.

  The sound of rushing water soothes me and the waterfall acts as a curtain to shield us from onlookers. I wish I could stay here forever, away from bad guys, visions, rescues, obligations and duties. In this moment, I’m just a normal teenage girl swimming with a cute boy. The thought exhilarates me. I thread my fingers through Sam’s and place his hand in my lap.

  “You’re beautiful, you know that?” He speaks barely above a whisper.

  My hair drips down my back and moisture beads on my eyelashes. I’m glad he thinks I look beautiful even though I know I must resemble a drowned rat.

  “Have you been here a lot?”

  Sam nods. “I come here all the time.”

  His words conjure up a memory of a few years back. Micah and I were hanging out at another section of the lake and we saw Sam and a group of students taking turns jumping off the rocks a few feet away. I remember wanting so badly to join them, but knowing I couldn’t.

  “I’m glad that we started over,” I say to him.

  “Me too. I feel bad that we didn’t get to know each other sooner.”

  His words cut to my heart. “I was so shocked when you asked me out, Sam.” I stop for a minute, embarrassed by what I’m about to share. But then I look up at Sam and he’s smiling at me as if to encourage me to continue. “Because it was something I’d fantasized about for years, but I never thought it would happen. I always thought you hated me.”

  Sam pushes a strand of wet hair from my face. “I never hated you. I guess I just always thought you were a little stuck up. You know, because you and Micah have always kept to yourselves. I assumed it was because you thought you were better than the rest of us.”

  I feel sick. “No, that’s not it at all. I’m so sorry that you thought that. It’s just my parents are really strict. So are Micah’s. They kind of always encouraged us to stick together.”

  “And not hang out with anyone else?” Sam raises his brow.

  I nod.

  “Why would your parents encourage you to only have one friend? It seems a little strange. Is there something they’re afraid of?”

  I wish I could tell Sam the truth, but I know I can’t. So instead of making up an answer I decide it’s probably best if we don’t talk at all. Leaning forward I press my lips against his. At first he seems taken aback, but then his lips respond and I feel him relax beneath me.

  A half an hour or so later we emerge from our romantic hiding spot and swim back toward the shore. “I have to say, that is a much nicer spot than our one at school.”

  Sam chuckles at that. Both of us shiver as we put back on our clothes. Water drips from our bodies into the sand, creating mud by our feet. The last thing I want to do is go home, but I don’t have a choice. It’s getting late and I have a lot of homework to do. After getting dressed, I fling my bag over my shoulder.

  I turn to Sam. “Thanks for today. It was perfect.”

  He starts to smile, but then his gaze slides over my shoulder and he frowns. I whip around to see two men watching us from further up the beach. Something about them makes my blood run cold.

  “Do you know them?” I ask.

  Sam shakes his head. “Let’s just get out of here.” Placing his hand on the small of my back, he pushes me toward the parking lot.

  Mom descends on me the minute I get home. “Where have you been?”

  I drop my bag near the front door and run a hand over my wet hair. “Swimming.”


  “The lake.”

  “By yourself?”

  “What other choice did I have? Micah’s still recovering from the attack and Ariel can’t leave the house.” My tank top is damp and it clings to my body. My soaked hair sticks to my back.

  Mom throws up her arms in exasperation. Asa darts across the hall. I hear Camille call after him.

  Great. An audience.

  At least Dad’s not home yet. He’s even more paranoid than Mom sometimes.

  “I can’t believe you, Delaney. It’s not safe for you to be traipsing around town by yourself.”

  “Well, then it’s a good thing I wasn’t traipsing around.”

  Mom’s face hardens. “Enough with the smart remarks, young lady, this is serious.”

  “No, it’s not. I was hot, so I went for a swim. End of story.”

  “You shouldn’t go anywhere alone right now. Next time if Micah or Ariel can’t go, bring me along.”

  I narrow my eyes. “Seriously? I’m not going swimming with my mommy. I’m sixteen years old.”

  Mom smiles. “Point taken.”

  “Cool. Are we done here? I need a shower.” I walk past Mom.

  “Delaney.” Mom places a hand on my shoulder. “I know this is tough for you, but there are people after us. We need to be on guard.”

  Spinning around, I groan. “Correction. Someone is after Ariel. Someone she probably knows. Clearly she told someone her secret and they took advantage of it. Instead of worrying about what I’m doing, you should be questioning her.”

  “I don’t know them. How many times do I have to tell you that?” Ariel appears seemingly out of nowhere. She stands in front of me in cut off shorts and a t-shirt, a look of consternation on her face.

  I just roll my eyes. “I don’t believe you.”

  “I’m telling the truth. I don’t know them!” Ariel’s face is mottled with anger. Red stains her cheeks. “And I’m tired of you accusing me.”

  “But they got so close to you. How can you not have at least seen them?” I know she knows something. Why can’t she just tell us?

  Ariel runs a hand over her short hair. “I didn’t get a good look. But I could see their clothes…and the flames tattooed on their foreheads.”

  My heart stops. I freeze.

  “They were Sarafites, that’s all I know,” she whispers as if she’s too afraid to say it aloud.

  I refuse to believe that’s all she knows. Forcing my voice to stay even, I say, “If you don’t know them, then how did they know your secret?”

  And there it is again — that look on Ariel’s face. The one that tells me she’s hiding something.

  A cloud passes over her eyes and she hesitates for a minute. “Why won’t you believe me, Delaney? It’s like you want me to be lying.”

  Mom raises her eyebrows at that. “Ariel does have a point, honey.”

  I fight back my emotions, but it’s a losing battle. Suddenly all the fear and anger that I’ve been holding in for weeks bursts out of me like a flash flood. “I don’t want it to be the Sarafites, okay? Because if it is, then it means that it’s almost time to rise up and to fight. I know what my duty is. I’ve known it all my life. And I hate it. I don’t want it, but I know I don’t have a choice.” My lips quiver and I’m upset with myself for letting my emotions show like this. Turning away from Ariel and Mom, I wipe a stray tear from my cheek.

  Mom lifts a hand and touches my shoulder. I flinch and pull away. Walking to the window, I bite my lip. I see my reflection in the mirror and the terror in my eyes is evident. Unable to look at Mom and Ariel, I continue with my back to them. “I’m not ready. I’m only sixteen. I’m supposed to worry about homework and boys, not saving my people.”

  Mom’s voice is tentative and soft. “Honey, even if the Sarafites are after Ariel, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s time for war.”

  I spin around. “Yes, it does. They’re here, Mom. They’ve infiltrated Edenly. The war is near. I know it. I guess I just didn’t want to face it before.”

��Well, even so, you’ll be fine.” Mom walks toward me. “Zerach will make sure you’re ready and he’ll protect you.”

  My eyes fill with moisture again and I look away. “I’ve read the stories of the Warriors, Mom. I know some of them die during battle. There’s no guarantee I’ll make it out alive. And even if I do, my life will never be the same again.”

  “I understand how you feel.” I hear the tremor in Ariel’s voice. “I feel the same way. But I’m not lying. Those men were Sarafites.”

  Chapter 17


  I FEEL THEIR presence before I actually see them. Dad just drove out of the parking lot of the shop and I’m walking to my truck. He wasn’t too happy with me for showing up late to work, but it doesn’t matter. Even if I’d been on time he would’ve found something else to be angry with me about.

  It’s late at night and the sky is black. My shoulders tense and chills skitter up my spine. I know someone is watching, so I search the parking lot. Sure enough, Killian and Kane step out of the shadows and approach me. I take a deep breath.

  “So, how’s your little plan working out?” Killian circles me.

  “Good. She’s starting to trust me.”

  “We saw you two together. You looked like you were enjoying her company a little too much. This isn’t some escort service we’re running here. Saraf’s not going to wait forever while you mess around with that chick.”

  I swallow hard and glance over at Kaine, who stands with his legs apart like he’s ready to pounce. “I understand.”

  “Are you sure she’s gifted?”

  I nod.

  “Then you need to find out the source of the girl’s power. But most importantly, what her weakness is.”

  “I’ll get the information to you.” I wonder where Craven and Brone went. It seems that they completely turned me over to these guys, and I don’t appreciate it.

  “I know you will.” Killian purrs, while running a finger along my collarbone. “Because if you don’t deliver the girl’s secrets to us soon, then we’ll be forced to take matters into our own hands. Got it?”

  I nod.


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