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A Knight To Call My Own

Page 10

by Sherry Ewing

  “Come lie with me, Lynet,” Ian urged, pulling back the coverlet for her to join him in their marriage bed.

  She shook her head as rationality to his illness took precedence over the matters of her heart’s desire to give in to his urgings. “Nay, I cannot Ian, at least, not as yet. I would not deny you your rights, as my husband, but you must needs regain your strength afore such an undertaking.”

  His chuckle rumbled deep within his muscular chest, even as her eyes devoured with yearning the expanse of his lightly furred torso. “You think a little thing like a dagger thrust could keep me from making you mine completely? ’Tis nothing but a small poke in my side, and surely will not hinder me in claiming you as my wife. Come…let me love you for what remains of the night.”

  Leaning down, she gave him a chaste kiss then watched when a frown appeared on his brow. She pushed on his chest, and he easily fell back upon the furs. “You are as weak as a newborn kitten, Ian, so do not attempt to flatter me with your prowess, and what you think you are capable of this night. We have the rest of our lives together,” she whispered softly then kissed him quickly again and moved out of his reach. “Now rest yourself, for I will not have you be an ornery patient whilst under my care. I will return in a few hours, after I myself have rested and seen to my normal morning duties at the keep.”

  “You promise you will return?” Ian asked with sleepy eyes, proving her point he was far from being completely healed.

  “Aye…nothing could keep me from your side,” she answered honestly, tucking the fur about his shoulders. “Now be good, and go to sleep. I shall see you afore you even have a chance to miss me.”

  “I miss you already,” he murmured quietly, closing his eyes as he reluctantly felt sleep claim him.

  Lynet took a moment to look her fill at this man who was now her husband ’til she reached out to cup Ian’s cheek. Brushing her thumb gently across the roughness of the stubble, she gave a brief smile and leaned forward to give him a soft kiss. He barely moved. Satisfied he took his rest, Lynet gathered her things and left his tent. ’Twas still many hours afore the dawn would break. If she hurried, she would still be able to catch a few hours of sleep herself and return to him after her morning ablutions and mass, come the break of day.

  She began to hurry whilst humming a tune to herself, but carelessly did not pay attention to the shadows filling the night. ’Twas a mistake she realized only too late when she felt a sharp object slam against the back of her skull. Darkness began to overtake her. Her eyes rolled back in her head whilst she felt herself pitching forward. Her last thought afore she lost consciousness was the wrath Ian would surely feel when she did not keep her promise to return.

  Chapter Twelve

  “What the bloody hell do you mean she is missing? Who was the last to see her?” Dristan’s bellowing caused several people in his solar to cringe with worry. There had been a long passage of time since any had heard so much displeasure coming from their lord.

  All eyes turned in Ian’s direction, as though he was, in truth, the culprit who had taken Lynet from the keep. “I can explain,” he began, “She came to my tent─”

  Slam! He stumbled back from the force of Rolf’s fist making contact with his face. He should have seen that one coming. Yet, nothing prepared him for Rolf reaching for his throat whilst Aiden lunged around his tormentor’s body to try and get a piece of him, as well. Rolf’s murderous eyes blazed with fury as he squeezed tighter. Ian clawed at the hand around his neck. His head whirled as felt the room spin from his lack of air. ’Twas evident he was not completely well that he could not shake off his adversary, who himself was also wounded and fighting with only one arm! Obviously, he was still in need of Lynet’s herbs and healing touch.

  The chamber broke into chaos. Not that Ian cared at the moment if voices were raised loud enough to shake the rafters in the ceiling. No one seemed to pay any attention that his very breath was being taken from him. A scuffle broke out and furniture began to scrape against the stone flooring as ’twas moved. The higher pitched voices of the ladies in the chamber mingled with the deeper tones of their knights as they tried to calm the hot tempered men. Ian gasped for air and at last heard Dristan’s bellow for Rolf to cease. Ian’s face flushed with color as he gulped air into his burning lungs, now that his windpipe was no longer being crushed.

  Rolf grabbed him by his tunic with his good arm, bringing them face to face. “I will kill you myself if you have harmed one hair on her pretty head,” he threatened, giving Ian a shake.

  Kenna came rushing to their side and grabbed Rolf’s arm. He at last let go of his grip on Ian, and she turned her scolding eyes at him. “He has been gravely ill, Rolf, and should not be out of bed. You could at least hear his explanation, although, I can vouch for his illness.” She began shaking her fist at the man, as though he were a misbehaving youth.

  “You have been warned,” Rolf pointed his finger in Ian’s direction.

  Ian pulled his tunic back down into place and brushed away Kenna’s helping hands. “I am well, Kenna,” he croaked and cleared his throat. “Stop fussing over me and leave me be!”

  Kenna moved off to be consoled by her husband, but still muttered aloud about insufferable men. Dristan quickly regained control of his solar and ensured Amiria was once more settled in a chair near the hearth. That she took a dirk from her boot and was fingering its hilt whilst her violet eyes flashed angrily in his direction, gave Ian only a moment’s pause. She, of all people gathered here, should know better than anyone that he would never harm her sister. Even Katherine had a perturbed look upon her features that showed she was displeased with him.

  Dristan sat next to his wife and finally leveled his gaze upon Ian, who did all within his ability not to squirm with the thought of telling the fierce warrior afore him he had handfasted with his wife’s sister. He gulped, trying to gain his composure when all eyes fell upon him, yet again. The hostility in this room was high, and ’twas all focused on him. God’s wounds, but he felt as if the world had been ripped asunder, knowing his wife was missing.

  “Well?” Dristan bellowed, drumming his fingers on the edge of his chair, giving proof his patience was at an end.

  “I can explain,” Ian began calmly.

  “Aye, you have said as much, but minutes afore,” Dristan replied, leveling his gaze upon him.

  Ian eyed the occupants of the room warily. He was not so sure Amiria’s dirk would not fly out in his direction once he found his words to justify what he and Lynet had done. “I must needs enlighten you to─”

  “I am sure you can give full details as to why my wife’s sister was in your tent without a chaperon, which is why, as you can plainly see, we all eagerly await your story,” Dristan all but growled like the fierce dragon his reputation proclaimed him to be.

  Aiden took a menacing step forward. “And here, I thought Rolf was the one I must needs keep my eye on.”

  “If she had been with me, she would not be missing now, I assure you,” Rolf chimed in.

  “Enough!” Amiria added, trying to calm the hot-headed men. “Let Ian have his say.”

  Deafening silence filled the chamber. Folding his arms across his chest, Ian hoped he appeared in charge of the situation. “I was ill from a knife wound. Although this may have been the reason Lynet was with me, for the most part, I was not coherent that anyone was attending my wounds ’til I awoke from my fever.”

  “But you’re better now, right?” Katherine inquired. His gaze fell to hers, and Ian could see the sincerity of her question. At least someone was concerned for his wellbeing.

  “Aye. Luckily I will live to see yet another day, but ’tis only because of my lady’s healing touch.”

  Riorden took a menacing step forward, only to have his wife take his hand to halt his progress. “Your lady? When did she become yours for you to make such a claim on her?”

  “Yester eve…when we handfasted. Lynet is my wife,” Ian stated confidently, “and as such, she is
no longer under your protection, Dristan.”

  “Your wife?” Dristan roared, balling his hands into fists.

  Ian could have sworn the floor shook as Dristan quickly advanced, but he stood his ground. He had known this would not go over well. Hands again went around his already bruised neck as pandemonium broke out once more in the solar. But Ian’s only concern was that he could not breathe for the second time in a matter of minutes. He tried to fight, but was losing the battle as he saw determined steel grey eyes ready to make him pay for his insolence. The world started to darken afore Ian’s eyes as he began to lose consciousness. The Devil’s Dragon demanded reparation for Ian’s trespass, and by damned, reparation he would have.


  Ian’s eyes flickered open. Bleary eyed, several moments passed afore his vision cleared enough for him to notice he had been taken to Lynet’s room. That he awoke at all, must surely be something short of a miracle and a testament Dristan did not wish him dead, after all.

  He caught a slight movement and noticed Lady Katherine mending something by the fire. She was most intent on her task and had not as yet noticed he watched her. He was surprised to see her here, let alone without another woman present. Riorden must have softened in his married state if he would allow his wife to be by herself with another man, especially given what had transpired earlier. He was not sure he would be so lenient with his own dear wife, once he found her.

  “Shhhhit!” Katherine hissed quietly, putting her finger in her mouth. “I friggin hate sewing! Damn inconvenient…that’s what it is. Where the hell is a department store when you need one?”

  Ian gave an amused chuckle, drawing the lady’s attention to the bed. “You really are not from around here, are you, my lady?”

  “You’re awake!”

  “Obviously…but that does not answer my question.” Ian put his fingers to his throat. His voice was raspy, and it hurt to swallow. Luckily, he was still amongst the living.

  Katherine put down her sewing and came to sit on the edge of the bed. Ian leaned up on one elbow and watched the woman afore him. She sat there as though ’twas the most natural thing in the world to be ensconced in a chamber with a man who was not her husband. A woman who would act so freely, in Ian’s acquaintance, was no lady at all.

  “You’re lucky to be alive. You know that, don’t you?” she responded instead, whilst still ignoring his question. “It took Riorden and Fletcher to pull Dristan off you. Not to mention, the three of them to keep Rolf and Aiden from taking his place.”

  Ian shrugged with disinterest and looked her up and down, trying to see the point of her being here.

  “What?” she asked, leaning back against the bedpost.

  “Riorden would allow you in a room with me alone? ’Tis most unusual,” Ian drawled.

  “He trusts me.” ’Twas a simple answer, but still, unthinkable.

  “Does he now?” Ian inquired, sitting up further on the bed.

  “Yes…ummm…aye, of course he does.”

  “But does he trust me?” Ian leaned forward to test this woman he knew very little about. He was curious just how faithful she, in truth, was to her husband.

  She leaned forward, as well, and got a strange look in her aquamarine eyes. For a moment, Ian thought she would betray Riorden, for she looked as though she were begging for his kiss. But she surprised him when she gave him a hard push, causing him to fall back upon the pillows.

  “Don’t even think it, buster! I’ve come a long way to be with the man of my dreams, and not you, or anyone else, is ever going to come between us again! The fact you’re still alive to be having such a stupid conversation with me should tell you Riorden trusts you, you fool!” She began muttering about idiotic, arrogant men, who only thought about what their needs were between their legs.

  “You see? There ’tis again! I have never heard speech as yours afore, let alone heard a woman voice such things aloud,” Ian proclaimed. “Come…tell me from whence you hail?”

  She gave a muffled laugh. “You’d never believe me in a thousand years.”

  “Try me…” His words lingered in the air, and Ian could see she mulled over the possibility of telling him her story.

  “I don’t think so, at least not yet.” She gave an elegant toss of her head and reached back to pull her tawny tresses together. Swiftly, she tied a ribbon around its length, ensuring its captivity. Folding her hands in her lap, she once again relaxed and watched him. It became a staring contest between them ’til she finally voiced what was on her mind. “So you married her…well…married being a somewhat loose term, since the ceremony wasn’t done before a priest.”

  “’Tis still binding. Besides, ’tis an old custom to handfast.”

  Katherine shook her head. “Old…yes, I suppose it was…umm…is a custom for this time period. I must admit, I’ve only read about such pagan rituals. Doesn’t it usually have a length of time attached to the arrangement?”

  Ian peered at Katherine. “If you are trying to politely ask if I will abandon Lynet and a possible babe after a year’s time, then nay, we made no such stipulation for our marriage to end.”

  “A baby? Then your marriage has been consummated.”

  “I said no such thing, nor do I feel I must needs justify my actions to a woman I barely know,” Ian said with a grimace.

  “Well, justify them to me, or validate them to Lynet’s family. One way or the other, you will still have to confront Dristan. I won’t even mention what Amiria has said of you.”

  He flinched. How could he not? “I would think it more prudent to find out who has taken Lynet, than to worry about how our marriage came about,” Ian rose and found his sword lying on a nearby table. Strapping the blade to his side, he turned again towards the strangest woman he had ever met. She was a bold one. He did not know how Riorden put up with her queer ways. “What have I missed?”

  Katherine stood, as well, and retrieved her sewing. She squinted whilst she scrutinized her work. “Damn, I’ll have to start again. The seam isn’t straight. Ugh! I’d rather clean toilets.”

  “My lady?”


  Ian ran a hand through his hair. “What…have…I…missed?” he reiterated and enunciated each word slowly, as if speaking to a child.

  Her brow rose at his tone. “Don’t speak to me like that. I’m not dimwitted, you know.”

  “My apologies, madam. I but wish to find my wife as quickly as possible so I can take her home.”

  “Her family may have something to say about that. Besides, Berwyck is her home,” Katherine stated calmly.

  “Not any longer. Her place is with her husband and at Urquhart. If you do not know what has happened since I’ve been put here, then I will find someone who can inform me of the circumstances surrounding my wife’s disappearance,” he bellowed, storming towards the door.

  “For God’s sake, get your head out of your ass, you dope! I’m tired of men with their testosterone levels off the charts. Always ready to go off to war and leave us women behind. It’s really very irritating.”

  Ian was aghast, hearing her words, but had to admit he did not hear most of what she hollered, other than where he should take his head from! “I beg your pardon?”

  “As well, you should. I accept your apology.” Ian scowled at her, since he was not aware he had offered a request for her forgiveness. She smiled at him, put down her sewing, and took hold of his hand. They went to sit by the fire, and he used every bit of patience he had left to wait to hear what she needed to tell him.

  “You’ll have to excuse me, Ian,” Katherine began demurely with a soft voice. ’Twas a complete contrast to the woman who had raised the hackles on the back of his neck, but moments afore. He just could not figure her out. “Sometimes, I forget myself, and where I am.”

  His brow rose. At least she admitted she was not from these parts. “Is there word about my wife?”

  “I’m afraid not. It’s hectic and crazy as hell out there with a mul
titude of people packing up their camps and heading in too many different directions, if you were to ask my opinion. Dristan has cancelled the remaining games, for obvious reasons. He has already searched the tents of those who are still here and sent off several groups of knights on various routes to find her. So far, they’ve turned up no sign of her.”

  “She could be with any one of those who have already left Berwyck,” he grumbled.

  “That’s precisely my point. We just need to be a little patient to see what turns up.”

  Ian stood abruptly. “You canna expect me to just sit here whilst my wife is at the hands of someone desperate enough to take her from beneath Dristan’s very nose. What kind of coward sits back and does nothing?” he shouted.

  Katherine stood up and poked her finger into his chest. “Well, you don’t want to be running around the countryside in circles, chasing your tail, like someone else we know, do you?” she yelled right back. Her eyes widened from the words that came rushing from her lips. “Umm…I didn’t mean to─”

  “By Saint Michael’s wings! Are you saying Rolf is even now out there, looking for Lynet, whilst I have been for the most part reluctantly napping?” He strode furiously to the door. Reaching for the handle, he halted when a gentle hand was placed on his arm. Worried eyes met his as he tried to calm the anger threatening to erupt inside him.

  “Please Ian, just be careful, would you? I have every bit of faith you will find Lynet. Just don’t do anything rash if you come across Rolf. He loves her, too.”

  “I never said I loved her, Lady Katherine…although, I do care for her.” She got such a sad look in her eyes. Ian instantly regretted his words. “I do not wish to cause you distress, but I barely know the lady she has become. I needed a wife. She was someone I remembered from my past. ’Twill take some time with each other for affection to grow into something to be called love, if such an emotion even exists.”

  “Then, maybe it’s best if Rolf finds her first. At least, he has no qualms facing the truth he is in love with her.” He watched her whilst she tried to think of something else to say, but she must not have come up with anything, since her lips shut closed in a firm line of disappointment.


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