From Midnight to Guntown
Page 51
Fayette, 239, 262
FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), 20, 21, 35, 49, 64, 72, 74, 75, 79, 81, 82, 83, 88, 97, 98, 102, 115, 132, 136, 140, 141, 146, 149, 159, 166, 167, 175, 179, 183, 189–90, 196, 200, 203, 223, 224, 243, 245, 246, 248, 257, 260, 268, 274, 297, 303, 307, 310, 321, 324, 329, 335–37, 351, 353, 363
FBI Training Academy, 75
FBI’s Most Wanted List, 46
FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation), 42
Federal Bureau of Prisons, 53
Felt, Mark, 230
FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency), 347
Field, Sally, 321, 326
Fifth Amendment, 55, 278
Fifth Circuit Bar Association, 129
Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, 126, 129, 219
Figgs, James, 178
First Tennessee Bank, 135
Fisher, Marshall, 352
Fitzgerald, Pat, 338, 341, 344, 345
Fitzgerald’s, 56
Florida, 55, 134
Floyd, Larry, 210–12, 214, 218–20
Floyd, Leonardo “Leon,” 60–61
Ford, Richard, 207
Ford, Will, 273, 299
Fordice, Kirk, 220
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, 336
Fort, Jeff, 277–85
Foxx, Redd, 196
France, 60
Bordeaux, 161
Burgundy, 161
Lyon, 321
Paris, 5, 6, 218, 236, 319, 321
Sorbonne, 6
Frank, Anne, 225
Franks, Frederick, 59–61
Fred’s Store, 57
Freedom of Information Act, 232
Freeh, Louis, 341
Freeland, Hal, 112–13
Freeman, Morgan, 233
Frier, Jim, 340, 342, 344
Gaddafi, Muammar, 284, 343
Gafford, Gerry, 112–13
Gaines, Bobby Gene “Riverboat,” 239, 272–73
Game of the Week, 243
Gangster Disciples, 186
Gardner, Tommy, 265, 267
Garrity, Bob, 227
Gates, Nazareth, 207
Geneva, Switzerland, 320, 359
Georgetown Law School, 10
Georgetown Law Journal, 10
Prettyman Fellows, 10
Georgia, 153
Germany, 62, 63
Ghosts of Medgar Evers, The (Morris), 234
Gibbs, Jake (New York Yankees baseball player), 195
Gibbs, Jake (Ole Miss football player), 195
Gibbs, Jake (police brutality victim), 195–200
Gibson, Bill, 109
Gilder, Bob, 76–77, 89, 92, 97, 99
Gillespie, Norman, 20, 164–66
Gipson v. Kase, 173
Girbaud jeans, 60, 62
Glenn, James Mitchell, 144–46
Gober, Bertha, 130
Gober, Dorvin, 130
Godown, Jason, 65–66
Gonzales, Alberto, 232
Gordon, Marcus, 222, 286
GQ magazine, 50
Grafman, Steve, 245–46, 248, 261
Graham, Fred, 290
Granada, 236
Grant, Ulysses S., 201
Graves Value Map, 205
Gray, Bill Ray, 133–35, 140
Great Depression, 147
Great Gold Heist, 44
Great Recession, 147
Greene, Don, 263, 305, 309
Greenlee, Jim, 159, 162, 222, 223, 355
Greenstreet, Sidney, 85
Greenville, 9, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 31, 32, 50, 53, 223, 234
Greenwood, 227, 231
Grenada, 148
Grisham, John, Jr., 74, 114–18, 160, 183, 285
Grisham, John, Sr., 74, 114–18
Grisham, Ty, 118
Guiliani, Rudy, 124
Gulf Coast (Mississippi), 23, 119, 142, 187
Gulfport, 146, 369
Guntown, 272, 354
Hackman, Gene, 285
Hahn, Gilbert, Jr., 13–14, 344
Hailman, Lydia, 164
Hailman, Regan, 6–7, 15, 183, 240
Haiti, 49, 216, 218
Hall, Joey, 186–88, 190–95
Hall, Nicky, 295
Hall, Richard, Jr., 148–51
Hall, Richard, Sr., 148
Hamas, 321, 333–34, 337, 339, 343, 346
Hamer, Fannie Lou, 33
Hamilton, Harvey, 71, 76, 79–92, 98–100, 102–4, 106–8, 116
Hancock, John, 88
Haney, Kevin Larue, 300
Haney, Maye, 299–302
Haney, Wanda, 300
Harbin, Robert, Jr., 82
Harbin, Robert, Sr., 82
Hardy, Wayne, 57, 58, 59
Harrison, Jack, 33, 177–82
Hart, Corbett, 136–37
Harter, John, 79–83, 86, 92
Harvard University, 40, 49
Haskett, Michael, 299–302
Hawaii, 30
Helena, Arkansas, 34
Hell’s Angels, 238
Henry VIII, 276
Hernando, 109
Hester, T. B., 258
Highway 61, 25, 38, 66, 207
Hills, The (Mississippi), 142
Hinckley, John, Jr., 245, 306
Hinds Community College, 152
Hinson, William, 274–76
Hodges, Warner, 93
Holder, Eric, 124
Holiday Inn, 146, 198, 264, 287
Holland, Steve, 147–48, 150
Holloway, Derrick, 246–49, 254, 256–62
Holly Springs, 19, 122–23, 132, 137, 201, 206, 352
Hood, Jim, 150, 177, 222, 224
Hoover, J. Edgar, 230
Hoover, William Jan, 28–29
House, George, Jr., 31–34, 182
Houston, Christine, 210–11
Howard University, 344
Howlin’ Wolf, 62
Howorth, Andy, 159, 276
Howorth, Richard, 224
Hubbard, L. Ron, 247
Hughes, Harold, 13
Hughes, Kenneth P., 75, 76, 77, 78, 85, 87, 111
Huie, William Bradford, 224
Humphreys County, 71
Hurricane Katrina, 146, 160, 219, 369
Husni, Samir, 363
Hussein, Saddam, 354, 357
Hutcheson, Jimmy Dean, 274–76
Hutcheson, Teresa, 239, 274–76
Illinois Supreme Court, 271
Illinois v. Gates, 173
Indianapolis, Indiana, 193–94, 300
Inns of Court, 144
INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service), 350
Inverness, 233
Iowa, 13
IRS (Internal Revenue Service), 86, 132, 135, 149, 335
Islam, 278
Islamic University of Gaza, 333
Israel, 328, 333
Itawamba County, 63, 71, 130, 131
Itta Bena, 11
Ivy, Curtis, 146, 353
Jackrabbit Parole (Reid), 45
Jackson, 6, 78, 119, 120, 145, 147, 151, 152
Jackson, Andrew, 304
Jackson, Henry “Scoop,” 241
Jackson, Jesse, 188, 189, 225
Jackson State University, 87, 282
Jaegermeister, 174
Jakarta, Indonesia, 321
James, Paul, 130
James Food Center & Deli, 129
Jefferson, Thomas, 12
Jenkins, Fran, 77, 78–79, 85–86, 88–90, 91, 98
Johns, David, 219
Johnson, Chuck, 36
Johnson, James Keith (aka Thunder Eagle Ghost Dancer), 55–56
Johnson, Lachelle, 303–4, 308, 311, 313, 317
Johnson, Linda, 303–4, 311
Johnson, Michael, 348
Johnson, Nathaniel, 53–55
Johnson, Pete, 114–15
Johnson, Terrell, 304, 305, 308, 313–14, 317, 318
Johnston, Albert Sidney “Butch,” IV, 144–45
Joiner, Clay, 65
Joint Ter
rorism Task Force (JTTF), 349
Jones, Hubert, 267
Jones, John Alan, 71
Jones, Johnny, 158
Jones, Peggy, 299
Jones, Willie Frank, 133–35, 140
Jordan, 334
Jordan, Billy, 212
Juárez, Mexico, 46–47
Jurgensen, Sonny, 48
Just a Country Lawyer (Ervin), 169
Kaczynski, Ted, 349
Kansas City, Missouri, 23
Karras, Ken, 338
Keady, William, 8–9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 28, 30, 31, 36–37, 38, 54, 112, 114, 125, 128, 163, 173, 203–4, 206, 207–8, 209, 229, 309
Kellum, Jim, 80–81
Kelly, Beatrice, 58
Kelly, James Earl, 56–59
Kennedy, John F., 258, 307
Kennedy, Weldon, 119, 121, 341
Kentucky, 77
Keystone Cops, 239
Khayat, Robert, 156, 363
Killen, Edgar Ray “Preacher,” 222
Killinger, Dale, 227, 230–32, 233, 236
Kim, Wan, 229, 232
Kings of Tort (Dawson and Lange), 168
King of Torts (Grisham), 161
King, B.B., 233
King, Margaret, 94, 98
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 93
Kirkuk, Iraq, 65
Kolovitz, Rich, 279, 280, 282, 284–85
Kroll Associates, 329
Ku Klux Klan, 93, 122, 184, 185, 188–89, 233, 319, 321
La Grande Riviere (aka Big Creek), 155
Lackey, Henry, 50, 154–61, 163–64, 170
Lake Charles, Louisiana, 300
Lake Cormorant, 183
Lamar, Chad, 43, 49, 51, 52, 152, 154, 162, 297–98
Lamar, L. Q. C., 130, 201
Lampkin, Cleveland, 239, 269–71
Lampkin, David, 271
Lampkin, John Sharp Williams “JSW,” 268–69, 270
Lampkin, Leroy, 268, 270
Lampkin, Monroe, 271
Lange, Alan, 168
Langston, Joe Ray, 20–21
Langston, Joey, 137–40, 168, 171, 298
Lanterns on the Levee—Recollections of a Planter’s Son (Percy), 9
Larson, Roger, 353
Lattus, Joe, 111
Laval University, 6
Lavoie, Helen, 325
Lavoie, John, 323, 325–26, 328–30
Law & Order, 214
Lawhon, Lawson “Twinkie,” 143
Lawrence of Arabia, 365
Leadbelly (police brutality victim), 201–3
Lebanon, 324, 326, 327, 332, 357
Ledbetter, Huddie, 201
Lee, Ed, 174
Leedom, Linda, 239, 293–95
Leflore County, 221, 224, 227, 230, 232, 234
Lewis, Anthony, 39–40, 49
Lewis, Larry, 180
Lewis, Ron, 40, 218
Libya, 284, 342
Lindsay, Arnold, 153–54
Liston, Bill, 180, 287
Little, Bobby, 124–29
Little, Thurston, 42–43, 124, 129
Little, Travis, 125
Livingston, Alice, 322–33
Livingston, Bill, 325, 327, 329
London, England, 6, 277
Long, Huey “Kingfish,” 69
Long, Tom, 43, 47, 49
Look magazine, 224, 226
Lott, Trent, 121, 162, 172
Lowndes County, 145
Luke, Virgil, 268
Lula, 34, 36
Mabus, Ray, 120
Malone, George Michael, 23–24
Maltese Falcon, The, 85
Manila, Philippines, 46
Manning, Archie, 233
Mansfield, Mike, 13
Manual for Prosecution of Public Corruption, 124
Maraist, Frank, 8–9
Marcello, Carlos, 69, 94
Marine Corps, 7, 75
Marion, Anthony, 133–37, 140
Marks, 33, 101, 174, 177
Marsh, Jerry, 303, 305, 313
Marshall, Bill “Tank,” 279–80, 281
Marshall, Debra, 244, 248, 249–50, 256
Marshall, John “J. B.,” 245–49, 254, 257–59
Marshall, Joseph, 251
Marshall, Tyrone, 244–62
Marshall County, 72, 82, 122, 140, 174, 201, 204, 206, 272
Maryland, 53
Marzook, Mousa Abu, 333–34, 338, 344
M*A*S*H, 215, 216
Mason, Perry, 257
Mason, Sonny, 299
Massachusetts, 32
Massey, Jessie, 97
Masur, Louis, 362–63, 366–67, 368
Matador Lounge, 76
Mathiston, 304
Maxwell, Jimmy, 162
May 15 group, 354, 360
Mayhew Junction, 237
MBN (Mississippi Bureau of Narcotics), 132, 224, 272, 278, 299, 324, 352
McConaughey, Matthew, 176
McCoy, Billy, 147–48
McDowell, Fred, 188
McDuff, Rob, 22
McGehee, Anita, 222
McKnight, Bubba, 216
McLemore, Leslie, 87
McNairy, Eddie “Cowboy,” 276–84, 289
McTeer, Charles Victor, 53–55
McTeer, Heather, 53
McVeigh, Timothy, 349
Medical Center for Federal Prisoners (Butner, N.C.), 53
MEMA (Mississippi Emergency Management Agency), 347
Memphis, Tennessee, 39, 41, 48, 63, 65, 72, 75, 77, 80, 89, 90, 108, 117–18, 119, 135, 136, 137, 193
Memphis Bomb Squad, 66
Memphis Commercial Appeal, 221
Memphis Hilton, 82
Memphis State University, 76
Met Life, 293, 294
Mexico City, Mexico, 46–47
Michael, Bud, 71
Michigan, 117, 344
Midnight, 227
Mid-State Pipe & Supply, 119
Milam, J. W. “Big,” 226–27, 229–31, 233–35
Milam, Juanita, 230
Milam, Leslie, 230–31
Miles, Johnny, 52
Miles, Vernon, 63
Miller, Larry, 122–23
Miller, Roger, 304–5
Mills, Hays, 304–6, 312
Mills, Michael P., 63, 152, 222
Millsaps College, 6–8
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), 27, 265
Miranda rights, 305
Mississippi, 15, 70, 73, 81, 105, 143, 144, 147, 152, 153, 173, 192, 237, 257, 269, 270, 363
Mississippi Bar, 168
Mississippi Beef (aka Cattlegate), 146–54, 159, 162, 170
Mississippi Burning, 285
Mississippi Cattlemen’s Association, 147
Mississippi Democratic Party, 164
Mississippi Highway Patrol, 268
Mississippi Law Enforcement Training Academy, 202
Mississippi Legislature, 70, 129, 143, 174
Mississippi River, 10, 47
Mississippi State, 149
Mississippi Supreme Court, 222
Mississippi Valley State University, 11
Mitchell, Jerry, 120–21, 228
Mitchell, Patrick Michael (aka Gary Weber, Paddy Mitchell, Richard Landry), 43–53
Mitchell, Pete, 354
Moffitt, Bill, 345
Mohamed, “Ollie,” 363
Mojave Desert Snow operation, 72
Moldavia (Moldova), 320
Money, 221, 223, 226, 230, 231, 232, 233
Monroe County, 63, 125
Montana, 13
Monterey, Mexico, 217
Montgomery County, 72
Moore, Edward Earl, 22–23
Moreton, Al, 22, 24, 28–29, 30, 31, 32, 38, 97, 98, 102, 115, 122, 125, 142–43, 205, 214, 216, 307–8, 310–16, 325, 353, 354
Morris, Houston, 79, 93, 95
Morris, Willie, 207, 234
Moscow, Russia, 220, 321
Moscowitz, Al, 226
Mott, John, 175
Mound Bayou, 38
bsp; Mubarak, Hosni, 342
Muddy Bayou, 36
Mueller, Robert, 227, 232
Muir, Robert, 241–42, 243, 249, 257
Mundy, Ken, 250–61
Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, 321
Musgrove, Ronnie, 148, 153, 168, 220
NAACP, 178
Nataisha (insider at Caesar’s Grand Casino), 65–66
Natchez Trace Parkway, 13, 147, 156, 237–38, 303–9, 317
Ballard Creek Rest Stop, 304, 306, 308
Pigeon Roost Rest Stop, 306, 308
Nation of Islam, 24, 27, 278
National Crime Information Computer (NCIC), 330
National Rifle Association, 188
Nationwide, 293
Needham, Ed, 354, 356, 366, 367
Neelley, John, 25
Neilson, Philip “Hal,” 223
New Albany, 164
New Jersey, 83
New Orleans, Louisiana, 7, 45, 48, 69, 94
Faubourg Marigny, 94
French Quarter, 8, 45, 48
Jefferson Parish, 69
New York (state), 338, 339, 343, 344
New York City, 69
New York Times, 19, 228, 232
New Yorker, 284
Newman, Paul, 207
News Gazette, 271
NFL, 108
Nissan, 147
Nix, Charles, 57, 58
Nix, Mary, 57, 58
Nixon, Hosia, 37
Nixon, Richard, 13, 250
Norman, Bob, 23, 162, 297–98
North Carolina, 132, 141
North Mississippi Supply (aka NMS), 124–25, 129
Northern District of Florida, 49
Northern District of Mississippi, 180, 239, 317
Northwest Community College, 108
Norton, Will, 232
Not Without My Daughter, 321, 326
Nunnally, Johnny, 71
Office of Intelligence Policy Review (OIPR), 341
Oklahoma, 24
Old Bailey, 6
Ole Miss, 8, 16, 154, 166, 217, 272, 322, 332, 334–35, 344
Admissions Office, 324
Grove, The, 130, 335
Legal Studies Department, 324
Meek School of Journalism, 166, 232
Overby Center, 154, 166, 169
School of Law, 15, 24, 105, 118, 299
OPDAT (Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development and Training), 320
Operation Pretense, 74, 119, 122–30, 154, 341
Operation Pretense: The FBI’s Sting on County Corruption in Mississippi(Crockett), 120
Operation 607, 352
Oswald, Lee Harvey, 237, 258
Overby, Charles, 166, 230
Owens, Danny, 76, 79, 89, 91
Oxford, 15, 16, 18, 24, 32, 39, 40, 50, 71, 88, 91, 102, 119, 130–31, 137, 142, 148, 154, 156, 160, 164, 165, 198, 201, 204, 233, 234, 264, 300, 319, 320, 321, 332, 335, 340, 346–48
Oxford (England), 6
Oxford Eagle, 52, 129
Ozark Baptist Church, 64
Ozarks, The, 118
Pace, Billy, 114, 263, 265
Pale Horse, Pale Rider, 341
Pale Horse operation, 341
Palestine, 333, 339, 356–57, 358
Palestine Liberation Army, 357
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), 320, 357, 358, 363, 366