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Emerald City Shifters (Bundle)

Page 23

by Kit Tunstall

  “Calm down and go to sleep, Jade.” He sounded exhausted, and she certainly was. “You know I’m not going to hurt you, and I promise I won’t touch you in any inappropriate ways until you’re asking me to. Just go to sleep for tonight. You and the babies both need your rest.”

  She felt like she should keep protesting, but it was obscenely comfortable in his bed, and she moaned softly when her body sank into the memory foam. It wasn’t unpleasant having his arm around her or his body pressed so close to her own. She decided she was too tired to keep fighting, at least for the moment, and surrendered to sleep before her head was on the pillow.


  Sometime in the night, she had rolled over to face him, and she woke with her face pressed against his chest. His hair tickled her nose, and she pulled back slightly, which instinctively caused him to tighten his arms around her. She held her breath for a moment, wondering if he would awaken, and she wriggled slightly, more in an experimental fashion than an actual desire to escape.

  It felt too good being held in his arms, and she knew she was going to have a difficult time tearing herself away. With some perspective and space, the revelation he’d given her last night didn’t seem quite as shocking or terrifying. It was difficult to worry about the fact that he could change his form when the form he held against her was so perfect and awe-inspiring. And panty-melting, she conceded with a twitch of her lips.

  “Good morning,” he said, his chest rumbling and sending vibrations through her body.

  She looked up at him, startled when his eyes went from closed to fully open, appearing alert, in a millisecond. “You’re awake?” she asked, though it was a stupid question.

  His lips twitched. “I’ve been awake off and on throughout the night. I was worried about you, and having you sleep so close made it difficult to fall asleep.”

  She frowned in concern. “It’s a king-size bed, so there should have been plenty of room for both of us. I’m sorry if I kept you awake though.”

  He flashed her a lazy grin as he cupped her buttocks and pressed her pelvis gently against his to show her the strength of his arousal. “That was what kept me awake most of the night off and on, Jade. It’s definitely your fault, so you should feel terrible about it.”

  She rolled her eyes at his teasing tone. “It’s not my fault you can’t control yourself.”

  His voice lowered an octave, turning smoky with desire. “I don’t think I can control myself, at least that reaction, around you. When we’re ninety years old, I’ll still be getting a hard-on every night just from sleeping with you in my arms.”

  She wanted to call him on his presumption, even as she wanted to cling to him and start planning their future. Neither option was viable, because her screaming bladder reminded her why she had woken to start with. “I have to use the restroom.”

  He nodded, releasing his hold on her so she could roll away. “I’ll start breakfast.”

  “You cook too?”

  He nodded, pausing for a moment before leaving the bed. “I cook well. What else do I do well?”

  She could have listed a few things for him, but his ego was already as large as his… She shut down that thought and forced a prim expression. “I’m not sure what else you do well, but I hope you really are a good cook. I’m starving.”

  “Any requests?”

  She shook her head as she pushed through the bathroom door, closing it behind her. It was a relief to escape the wicked temptation in his eyes and the smoky drawl of his voice. He was far too attractive to make it easy to sort out how she felt when she was so close to him.

  Not that she thought distance would really do much to clarify her perspective. She had a feeling that even when she wasn’t with him, she was going to be thinking about him on a disturbingly regular basis. And not simply because of his fantastical ability to transform into a bear at will. It was the man himself who preoccupied her thoughts, and she couldn’t imagine that changing any time soon.


  Cody focused on making a huge breakfast for Jade, uncertain how much she needed to eat. He knew a pregnant bear-shifter ate a prodigious amount of food, but he wasn’t sure if it was the same with humans. Human women also had a tendency to get too concerned with their weight, though he didn’t know if that affected pregnant women either.

  He imagined they were more focused on being healthy and taking care of their babies, but he wasn’t certain. Either way, the obsession with being stick-thin was puzzling to him. Jade’s curves were one of the things he loved about her, and the way her softness molded to his hardness was a delicious sensation. He loved being able to grasp her fleshy hips and sink into her liquid heat while feeling like he wasn’t going to break her.

  The uncomfortable tightening of his pajama pants reminded him to focus on breakfast before he burned the bacon. It proved a difficult task, especially when her scent permeated the area. Having her sleep in his arms had left him marked by her scent, and it increased his urgency to do the same. It had been torture to wake with her in his arms and not make love to her, especially knowing he couldn’t yet deliver the mating bite anyway. That would mark her as his and ward off all other male shifters who might show an interest, but it was too soon for that. She had to consent and understand she was agreeing to a lifetime commitment before he could bite her.

  In the meantime, he’d have to content himself with taking care of her and the babies, which was no small task. He was still humbled and a little bit terrified by the idea that his mate would be having his cubs in approximately eight weeks. He’d barely had time to grow accustomed to the idea, and he was soon going to be a father. He was excited and impatient to meet them despite his slight anxiety.

  First, he had to sort out what was happening with Jade and ensure she was safe. It seemed obvious someone was targeting her for a reason, but they’d have to go through one angry bear-shifter to get to her.

  He looked up when he detected her scent growing nearer, smelling and hearing her before he saw her enter the kitchen. “Perfect timing. I was just finishing up the hash browns.”

  She took a seat at the table, and his cock twitched at her moan of pleasure when he placed a plate before her a moment later. It might have been in response to the food, but his brain conjured memories of their night together, when he’d heard that same sounds of pleasure as they had lost themselves in each other. “I hope you’re hungry.”

  Her eyes widened as she looked down at her plate. “I’d better be. I think you made an enough for three lumberjacks here.”

  “You are eating for three now.”

  She giggled. “I think that gives me like five hundred extra calories a day, not five thousand.” Despite her teasing, she lifted her fork and dug into the homemade hash browns, crisp bacon, grilled tomatoes, and over-easy eggs. She must have doubted her ability to finish it, so she looked surprised when her plate was almost cleared a half-hour later. She leaned back, rubbing her stomach as she groaned. “I can’t believe I ate most of that. It was delicious, but there was so much of it.”

  A warm glow of pride filled him to know he’d taken care of her and met that need. He wanted to meet all her needs, and he hoped she would give him a chance to do so. “I’m glad you enjoyed it.” He had mechanically eaten his own breakfast, too engrossed by watching her to really pay attention to what he was doing. Somehow, he’d managed to get all the food in his mouth without making a huge mess, and he was grateful for that.

  He stood up and retrieved their plates, shooing her back to the table when she tried to rise to help him. “Just rest for a moment.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I just slept for ten hours, and I ate a huge breakfast. I haven’t really exerted myself, so there’s not much reason to rest.”

  “Other than the fact that you’re growing two new little humans,” he reminded her as he rinsed off the dishes before opening the dishwasher.

  “Kind of human,” she said with a hitch in her voice, her fear and uncertainty showing through.r />
  The tone gutted him, but he forced his expression to remain neutral when he turned to look at her. “Our babies will be as human as you, but they’ll just possess an extra talent. There’s no reason to be afraid of them, or hold back and not bond. I guarantee you’ll love our children whether they’re in human form or bear form.”

  Her expression softened, though she looked vaguely guilty. “I know I will. I’m just a little nervous about everything. I didn’t expect this. It was supposed to be just one night of sex.”

  He smiled ruefully. “Maybe for you, but I knew right away that you are my mate. I always planned this to be a forever event.”

  She looked torn on her response, and he took pity on her by flipping on the television on the counter and allowing her a distraction while he finished the dishes. Not every conversation could turn into a heartfelt plea for her to give him a chance.

  The news came on, and he listened with half an ear as he finished cleaning the kitchen, freezing when he heard her gasp. He looked up at her, finding her attention glued to the screen, so he looked there as well. The perfectly coiffed blonde anchorwoman was wearing a suitable expression of sympathy as she recounted scant details of a professor who had been murdered in his office at the college. He froze, and his gaze darting back to her. “Did you know him?”

  Slowly, she nodded. “Eli Deceric was the first professor I TA’d for. I got lucky and was hired at the university, so I didn’t have to bounce all over the world to different ones in search of tenure. A big part of that was because of Dr. Deceric. He really liked me, and I liked him.” Her expression turned troubled. “I also left a box of artifacts with him for carbon dating. He’s one of the two experts at the university. I’d love to know if that box is still at the office, or if it’s mysteriously disappeared.”

  “I’ll give Jason a call.”

  Suddenly, she clapped a hand over her mouth, looking horrified. “We have to go to the college right now.”

  He frowned. “You’re still in your pajamas, and I thought you might want to just take it easy today.”

  She shook her head, her urgency clear. “No, you don’t understand. I left a box of artifacts from the dig site with Dr. Deceric, but I also dropped off a rare and amazing find with Glenda Cross. She’s the other expert at the university, and she’s also the director of the Sumerian wing at the Burke Museum. She’s an expert, and if someone is targeting items from the dig, and if they realize I left something with Glenda, they’ll go after her next. We have to warn her and retrieve the artifact.”

  He wanted to insist that she rest, but her urgency was contagious. He knew she wouldn’t rest if she was worried about her friend anyway, and he vaguely thought about suggesting he go check on her, but realized he didn’t want to leave Jade alone. “Get dressed as quickly as you can then, and we’ll find your friend.”


  They found Glenda Cross’ office ransacked, with the old woman lying on the floor. Cody reached her first, though Jade was only a step or two behind. They knelt beside her, and she winced when she saw the blood matted in the professor’s white hair. Feeling cowardly, she allowed Cody to be the one to check for a pulse, exhaling raggedly when he nodded to confirm he’d found one.

  She retrieved her cell phone from her pocket and called nine-one-one before turning her attention back to Glenda. The old woman was unconscious, though her eyes fluttered occasionally, and Jade hoped that was a good sign, one indicating she would awaken soon.

  “It seems someone’s after something you brought her.”

  She nodded at Cody. “It must be the scepter of Inanna.”

  He looked confused. “The scepter of whom?”

  “Inanna. She was the Sumerian goddess of fertility and love, among other roles.” When she looked down, she saw Glenda’s eyes had opened, though they appeared unfocused. When the blue orbs collided with hers, she forced a reassuring smile. “Help will be here soon, Glenda. Just hold on.”

  “He…” She trailed off, and her eyes closed again. It was another minute or two before they opened again. “…took…scepter.”

  She patted the professor on the shoulder. “It’s okay. It’s just an object. The most important thing is you’re okay.”

  “Still…danger.” Her eyes closed again, and this time they didn’t reopen. It was a relief when the ambulance arrived less than five minutes later, with two brawny medics loading her onto a gurney and whisking her out of the room.

  As they waited for campus security and the police to arrive, she looked around the mess and shivered slightly. “All this for an old artifact. Don’t get me wrong. I’m an archaeologist, so I certainly appreciate the value of these finds, but not to the extent of destroying property and injuring an old lady.”

  He looked grim when he nodded. “And she still said there’s danger. There’s no way you can go back to your apartment.”

  Jade shook her head. “I wasn’t planning to. I think I’m going to have to give it up. I don’t think I’m in danger any longer, since the thief stole the scepter, but I don’t think I can live there now. In the meantime, I can stay at my cousin’s apartment while I look for a new place. She’s off on a photojournalist assignment, so I doubt she’ll mind.”

  He crossed his arms over his chest. “You’ll stay with me.”

  She rolled her eyes. “There’s no reason for that, but thank you.” Her tone sounded less than grateful, but it was the best she could muster in the face of his bossiness.

  Cody glared at her. “It’s not safe for you to live alone right now.”

  She waved a hand. “Glenda’s confused. She has a head injury, and she’s older anyway. For all I know, she might have the beginning stages of dementia. Just because she thinks I’m in danger—and she didn’t actually say I was specifically in danger—doesn’t mean it’s true.”

  He scowled at her. “It doesn’t mean it isn’t true either, but even if you aren’t in danger from some thief, you’re still carrying my children, and you’re going to stay with me.”

  “And you’re going to back the fuc—”

  Someone clearing their throat at the doorway interrupted the vulgarity she had planned to say, and she flushed with embarrassment to have their argument overheard. She dropped the subject, embarrassed by the hint of amusement in the detective’s face when she recognized Jason Strand in the doorway. A security officer from the university stood behind him, and she let out a sigh as she prepared herself for another round of questioning. It was the last thing she felt like dealing with, aside from arguing about living arrangements with Cody. She wasn’t going to live with him, and that was final.


  “I can’t believe I’m back here again.” She dropped her purse on the entryway table in his apartment and stared around for a moment, still not quite clear on how she’d ended up agreeing to come back to his place. It had something to do with the deep, heartfelt conversation he’d promised he wanted to have with her, though she half-expected him to pull a Neanderthal routine and try to lock her in the apartment now that she was here. Still, a simple conversation couldn’t hurt anything, and that was why she had yielded to his request to come back to his apartment—at least long enough to talk.

  As she sat beside him on the couch, Jade realized the real challenge was keeping control of her rampant hormones when he was so close. His proximity made her heart race and her panties damp. She wanted to chalk it up to side effects of pregnancy, having heard the second trimester was notorious for increased libido, but it was an effect she only seemed to have around Cody.

  She leaned back against the couch, trying to appear casual in her need to separate herself from him as much as possible. She curled up into the corner, nonplussed when he remained seated beside her, taking her feet onto his lap instead of moving a cushion over. When he began to strip off her shoes, she frowned at him. “What are you doing?”

  “Rubbing your feet.”

  That was a terrible idea. She opened her mouth to protest, but before s
he could decide if she really wanted to, he had stripped off her socks as well, and his thumbs began to glide over the underside of her feet. She let out a moan when he hit a spot that made her whole body relax, and she decided a foot massage wasn’t going to deter her from leaving or convince her to stay when she didn’t want to.

  That was the crux of the matter though. She really did want to stay with him, but not because he was being noble and protecting her from a danger that didn’t exist, or because she was carrying his children. He had spouted that information about her being his mate, but she just didn’t see how it could work that way. “How did you really know I was your mate? Was that true?”

  He looked offended, though he kept rubbing her feet. “Of course it was true. I haven’t lied to you, and I never will. At least not deliberately.”

  She didn’t know him as well as she should have, but as she looked at his expression before meeting his gaze, she was positive he was telling her the truth, at least about not lying to her. “But how can you know someone is meant to be your partner for life just by how they smell? It’s crazy.”

  Cody shrugged. “It isn’t crazy to me. It is what it is. Instinct runs deep in our kind, and we recognize our mates. I’m not sure what to say to convince you, but it’s the truth. And the truth also is I want you to stay here with me, and I want to claim you as my mate.”

  She ran a hand through her hair, feeling frustrated and annoyed, though she couldn’t say why. “We hardly know each other. We’re talking about a lifelong relationship, and all we have between us is sex.”

  His eyes narrowed, and one of his hands moved from her foot to her belly, where he cupped the burgeoning mound gently. “And the children.”

  She let out a snort. “I’m not going to marry someone…er, mate with someone just because I’m pregnant. There has to be something more than that to make me change my mind, Cody.”

  “It’s a lot more than just the babies, Jade. I recognized you as mine the moment I met you. You’re probably looking for words of love, and I have no problem telling you that. I love you, and that’s the truth. It’s all wrapped up with instinct for me. I loved you before I met you, but now that I know you, I could never accept another mate. It’s your right to reject me, and I’ll have to accept it if you do—but I’ll spend the rest of my life pining for you. I’m not trying to guilt you into anything. I’m simply telling you the truth. No other woman will do for me after I’ve been with you.”


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