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Emerald City Shifters (Bundle)

Page 39

by Kit Tunstall

  They moved together as one, their mouths touching in a hot, hungry kiss. She’d been kissed before, but never like this, with a raw edge of frantic hunger and possessiveness. He was stirring her hunger, but it also felt like he was marking her as his. It was a kiss that branded her as much as it aroused her. Perhaps she should have been frightened of the idea, but she surrendered to instinct and pressed closer to him.

  The kiss overwhelmed her senses, sending heat spiraling through her that she was certain he felt just as intently. His tongue pressed into her mouth, and she caressed it with her own, keeping her lips soft to allow him access, even when the kiss increased in intensity, and they were pressed so tightly together that she could barely tell where her lips ended and his began.

  When they finally broke apart, they were both gasping for air. She rested her forehead against his, her hands holding his biceps in a tight grasp, while his cradled her buttocks, keeping her centered on his lap. “Wow,” she whispered.

  He gave her a cocky grin, though he was still breathing heavily too. “Yes.”

  If she had the ability, she would have rolled her eyes at his eloquence, but she was still suffering from the aftereffects of that amazing kiss. A moment later, he kissed her again, but this was gentler than the last one, more of an exploration than a claim of ownership. She matched his pace, losing herself in his lips as his hands moved over her body. She was vaguely aware of him unzipping her dress, but paid little attention as it pooled around her waist, revealing the sexy silver bra underneath.

  He pulled away, issuing a growl of appreciation when he saw her breasts compressed and lifted by the clever lingerie, which gave her much-needed endowment. She held her breath as he unfastened the hooks in the back, wondering if she would see disappointment in his gaze when he removed the garment and discovered how she truly looked. There was nothing wrong with her breasts, but they weren’t as large and firm as they appeared with the bra.

  Apparently, her fears were unfounded, because as soon as the bra was gone, his head bent down, and he took the nearest nipple into his mouth, sucking with voracious hunger on the taut bud and the areola surrounding it. He seemed intent on consuming her, but she didn’t mind. Every rhythmic tug of his mouth sent a corresponding spark of pleasure shooting down her abdomen and into her folds. Her clit thrummed in time with the pulses in her nipple, and when he added his hand to the mix, tugging gently on the other breast, it doubled her pleasure, and she cried out his name as she writhed on his lap.

  It usually took a long time and a lot of foreplay to get her as turned on as she was at that moment, and he’d barely done more than kiss her and touch her breasts for a few minutes. She was already so slick and frantic with need that she could have taken him right then. She whimpered, incapable of forming words as she plowed her fingers through his hair, holding tightly to him to keep his mouth right where it was. It was perfect there. The only thing that would be more perfect was if he went lower.

  As though he had read her thoughts, Jensen stood up abruptly, his hands remaining tightly around her as he shifted them to support her for the brief trip from the middle of the couch to one of the chaise seats at the end. He laid her down, her butt positioned at the edge of the cushion, with her legs dangling down.

  Her breath hitched in her throat from a combination of anxiety and excitement when he knelt between her thighs, splaying them wide to reveal the matching silver panties that posed the only barrier between his mouth and her heated flesh.

  Olivia let out a startled squeak when he ripped off her panties impatiently, clearly too caught up in the moment to bother with stripping them off in the usual fashion. They were expensive, but she couldn’t care about that at the moment, trapped at the mercy of his lust and willing to be there because of her own reciprocal need for him.

  He bent his head, pausing a scant inch away from her slit to breathe her in. “Mine,” he said in a deep rumble that sounded more animal than human.

  She’d never reduced a man to his primal, animalistic side before, and that she could do so was a huge turn on. She was just as frantic with need as he was when he closed the distance between them and buried his face between her legs, his nose nudging her clit as his tongue stroked down her folds and probed her opening.

  He pleasured her with rough, firm strokes of his tongue, occasionally interspersed with forceful suction from his mouth, particularly on her clit. She clung to him and bucked her hips in a desperate attempt to keep pace with his mouth, needing to feel all of him and wanting to keep him right where he was.

  The idea of separating from him even for a moment was intolerable, and her pleasure sparked a drenching wave of cream when his teeth lightly scraped her clitoris. It was the final stimulation she needed to send her over the edge, and she sobbed his name as she surrendered to the ecstasy he inspired.

  She was still in the throes of her release when he pulled her off the couch and onto his lap, somehow having shed his pants at some point during their passionate interlude. His thick cockhead nuzzling against the entrance to her folds made her gasp with a mix of anticipation and a little fear. He was larger than she’d expected, and certainly bigger than anyone she’d been with before. She wasn’t a virgin, but she was still uncertain about the pairing as he began to sink inside her, his hands on her hips pressing her downward as he thrust upward, inexorably joining them as one.

  Her fears fled as he parted her slick flesh, filling her beyond anything she’d known, but not in a painful way. It wasn’t uncomfortable at all. It was the exact opposite. Pure bliss filled her, and though she’d just had an orgasm, she could feel herself racing to the edge in pursuit of another one as he began to thrust in and out of her, his fingers on her hips keeping her pressed tightly against him.

  Jensen thrust in and out of her rapidly, his pace increasing to an erratic motion as he chased his own release as well. She clung to him, fingers digging into his shoulders as she thrust to meet him, rotating her hips in a way that made them both groan with pleasure.

  They were moving together in sync, and she’d never had a moment like this before, even with someone whom she had known for a while. To have this almost-instant connection with Jensen was strange, but welcome. She couldn’t imagine it being any other way with him, and she was afraid he had ruined her for all other men.

  With that realization, she was determined to ruin him for other women too, wanting him to think of her every time he tried to have sex with another woman in the future. It seemed inevitable the relationship would end, but she wanted to make sure he never forgot her. She surrendered with wild abandon to the impulses controlling her, setting out to leave her mark on him as surely as he was doing to her.

  They strained and thrashed together, holding one another tightly as they grew ever closer to release. Despite her intention to hold out as long as possible, an orgasm surprised her, and she cried out, inadvertently digging her nails sharply into his skin as she clamped down around him, her sheath convulsing under the force of her orgasm. She could feel it everywhere, and her entire body shook under the intensity as she came harder than she ever had in her life.

  He wasn’t far behind, and she could feel his cock starting to twitch inside her, heralding the impending approach of his own release. She let out a whimper of protest when he lifted her off him at the last moment, splashes of his hot cum painting her thighs instead of inside her folds.

  He was beautiful as he came, the chords in his neck standing taut, his expression one of blissful agony as he threw back his head and let out a roar of ecstasy while he orgasmed. His grip on her hips was tight, bordering on painful, but she could barely feel any of the discomfort since she was so lost in the beauty of his climax. She could see that every day for the rest of her life and never got tired of the sight.

  That was a startling thought, and she realized she was thinking about this as more than a fling, which could be dangerous. The last time she’d thought she had a future with someone, he’d turned out to be a total ass
hole, but even as she had the thought, she dismissed it.

  She was certain Jensen was nothing like Gary, and he would never deliberately hurt her. If the relationship didn’t last, it wouldn’t be because they both didn’t try. She was certain he would never cheat on her or grow tired of her. She couldn’t be certain they would have the rest of their lives together, but in the aftermath of their release, and the bonding it engendered, it wasn’t as strange a concept as she would have expected on such short acquaintance.

  She could easily fall in love with Jensen Meade. That thought should have alarmed her and sent her scurrying to her feet, in search of her clothes, and running away from his yacht as fast as she could. Instead, she couldn’t be bothered as she snuggled against him, pressing the kiss to his chest as he rearranged them on the lounge so they were both more comfortable.

  “I was surprised you pulled out.” It was a strange topic of conversation to introduce, and if she hadn’t been so blissed out on passion and emotionally vulnerable, she never would have said such a thing.

  He laughed softly. “Since you’re ovulating, I thought it was the safest thing to do. I don’t know if you’re on the pill.”

  “Not anymore,” she said drowsily. Sleep was rapidly taking over, and as she hovered on the edge of falling over, his words filtered through her fuzzy brain. She wanted to ask how he knew she was ovulating, but she couldn’t seem to form the words to do so. She could barely keep herself awake long enough to perform the mental calculations and realize he was likely correct. It was something she’d have to ask him about in the morning, because she was too close to slumber to do so at the moment.

  Chapter Four

  She woke in an unfamiliar bed with Jensen’s weight pressing down on her. Sometime in the night, he had moved them from the living room area to the bedroom on the yacht, and she had remained unaware of transport.

  He was still sleeping atop her, holding possessively to her even in his sleep. She started to ease away from his hold, needing to find the bathroom, and he groaned, muttering something as his grip tightened. As much as she hated to disturb his rest, since he was clearly sleeping deeply, she had to get up. In his unconscious state, he wasn’t going to relinquish his claim on her long enough for her to do that, so she had to bring him awake.

  His arms tightened when she tried to pull away, and he let out a sound of protest. “Mine.”

  She rolled her eyes, even as she was laughing softly. “Wake up, Jensen. You have to let go of me so I can go to the restroom, or things are going to get messy.”

  He responded to her veiled threat by loosening his hold, though he grumbled about it as he did so. He still seemed half-asleep when she rolled out of the bed, but by the time she returned a few minutes later, he was sitting up and alert. It was a bit nerve-racking to search for her clothes and expose her fully naked body to him when he was so awake and alert.

  She wasn’t sure why she was self-conscious, other than she didn’t know him well despite last night, and they had both been so caught up in how they were feeling that she hadn’t spared a thought for what he was seeing. She liked her body, curves and all, and apparently he did too, so it was silly to feel at all self-conscious.

  She was still relieved to find her underwear, which she slipped on a moment later, before realizing they would provide no coverage, since he had ripped them off last night. She’d forgotten all about that passionate moment. It had blended into all the others, making it the most memorable night of her life, though it was a memory fueled more by sensation than recollection.

  He chuckled when she dropped the panties with an irritated sigh. “I’m sorry about those.”

  She shrugged. “It’s all right. I’ll admit I didn’t mind at the time.” She laughed with him as she moved closer to another pile of clothing, relieved to find her bra on it. She donned it quickly before pausing to look around the bedroom. With a small, “Aha,” she caught sight of her dress in the corner and walked over to it. The poor blue thing was all wrinkled now, but she lifted and shook it out as best she could before sliding into it. She was definitely doing the walk of shame this morning, though she wasn’t ashamed of having spent the night with Jensen. She just wished she had been better prepared, and with a spare set of clothing.

  He had made no effort to get dressed, so she walked over to stand near the bed, and her gaze was drawn to his thick shaft, lying semi-rigidly against his thigh. Her mouth watered, and she jerked her gaze away to meet his knowing one. Clearing her throat, she said, “I left my car at work last night. If you drive me to pick it up, and give me a few minutes to change into more appropriate clothing at home, I’ll buy you breakfast.”

  He growled at her, but it was a flirtatious sound. “I’d rather skip all that and have you for breakfast.”

  Her stomach chose that moment to rumble, and she laughed ruefully. “I’m afraid I’m going to take a raincheck on that. I’m starving, and I never got a chance to eat dinner after I realized it wasn’t you I was meeting.”


  Thirty minutes later, they pulled up outside the foundation’s office, and she fished her keys from her purse. She was in the process of giving Jensen directions to her apartment when she trailed off, rendered incapable of speech at the sight of her green Toyota. Someone had vandalized it, breaking the windshield and writing the word WHORE on the door. It was eerily familiar, and she started to tremble, nausea surging in her throat. Her fingers fumbled clumsily with the door handle, and she barely opened it and made it out of the car before she retched.

  Jensen was out of his side and around the car in a flash, his hands holding back her long strands of black hair as she emptied the meager contents of her stomach. She was shaking, and she didn’t protest when he drew her into his arms, rubbing her back and murmuring soothing words.

  “Olivia, are you with me?”

  She managed a shaky nod, clinging to his shirt as fear swept through her. “I’m sorry. It’s just so much like last time.”

  He stiffened against her, his tone growing deeper, with an edge of menace. “You’re going have to explain it to me later, because there’s clearly someone who needs a conversation with my fist.”

  In spite of her fear and trembling, she managed a small laugh. “You’re too late. He’s in jail.” It was her turn to stiffen as she wondered if Gary had somehow made parole early. Surely, they would have notified her if he had, but it wouldn’t be the first time the justice system had failed. “At least, I think he is. I need to call someone and make sure.”

  “We need to call the police about your car first.”

  She nodded, knowing she could get information about Gary Towers’ prison status from the police officer. She clung to Jensen as he dialed his phone, her gaze darting around the area. She felt watched, though that was probably just paranoia on her part. Whomever had done this hadn’t been likely to stick around to wait and see when she would finally show up to collect her car and discover the vandalism.

  After he hung up, he led her back to his car, surprising her by sitting in the passenger seat and pulling her onto his lap. His arms were warm and comforting around her, and his lips brushed against her temple when he spoke. “My friend Jason is a detective, and he’s coming as soon as he can. Now, why don’t you explain to me what you meant by this seeming familiar?”

  It was an ugly story, and she didn’t really want to share it, but under the circumstances, she was going to have to either now or in front of the police. It was better for him to hear the sordid details privately first. “About two-and-a-half years ago, I started dating a man named Gary Towers. At first, he was charming and sweet, and I thought he was probably the one I’d been waiting for. I moved in with him far too quickly, a fact which is clear in retrospect, but seemed perfectly sensible at the time.”

  “He swept you off your feet then?” His dark tone was full of jealousy.

  That shouldn’t have sent a thrill through her, but it did. It was strange how much it thrilled her, considering h
ow possessive Gary had been. It should have been a turnoff and sent alarm bells ringing in the back of her head.

  “Once I lived with him, it didn’t take long for the real Gary to emerge. He was controlling, possessive, and quick to anger. Fortunately, I’m not a young, naïve woman, and I realized what he was doing almost immediately. At the time, I thought I loved him, so I insisted on couple’s counseling if I was going to stay with him. He made it all of two sessions before he stopped showing up, so I followed through on my ultimatum and started packing.”

  He bared his teeth, his rage clear, though she was certain it wasn’t directed toward her. “I guess he didn’t like that?”

  She shook her head. “Again, in retrospect, I should have picked a better time, choosing a few hours when I knew he wouldn’t be home, but I didn’t expect it to escalate. I assumed he might yell and scream or throw a tantrum, but I didn’t expect him to hit me.”

  A rough growl sounded low in his throat. “I’ll kill him.”

  She patted his arm, offering comfort though she should be the one receiving it under the circumstances. It felt natural to try to soothe him though. “I decided I’d come back for my things later and walked out. He tried to go after me, but once I was out of the apartment building, he seemed afraid to make a scene. Since I had stupidly given up my apartment in Bellevue, I went to live with my friend Bethany for the time being. Gary started stalking and harassing me, and though I filed a police report, there wasn’t much they could or would do until he became physical again. He didn’t even get arrested for punching me, which shows how broken the whole system is.”

  His anger had grown progressively more visible, and after her history with Gary, perhaps it should have alarmed her to see a strong reaction from him, but she was convinced all his anger was directed toward the slime ball who had made her miserable. It was a protective anger, not one born from a need to control.


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