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Secrets Beyond the Moon: Strangers from the sky

Page 6

by NB Blackbell

  Turning off the camera, she headed back into the house, feeling very puzzled about why the police didn't seem to see the man standing there during curfew hours. After pouring some coffee and grabbing her burritos from the microwave, she took a seat at the table. The coffee tasted good. It was a little stronger than when Isabel had made it. Just as she went to lay her coffee cup down, the words, "It's almost time," echoed in her ears. Looking around, she realized she had heard the voices again. It was different this time since it took place at home and not the cafe. Taking a deep breath, she ate her breakfast, then headed to the living room to watch a bit of television before the others woke up.

  A few hours later, the house came alive. She could hear Isabel in the kitchen, making breakfast and Jake in the washroom gargling with mouthwash. Marcy and Beth sat at the table talking about how they slept and how it was helpful not to be alone during all this. Isabel wandered into the living room, "Oh, you're up. I thought you were still asleep." Jasper paused her show and looked up at her. "I have been up since four. That is not something I want to make a habit of," she laughed. "Oh, by the way, there is a video on my phone you're going to want to see. I was out having a smoke this morning, and I couldn't believe it. I noticed a man standing on the street corner, and the police drove by him twice without arresting him for violating the curfew. They acted like they didn't even see him. With all the murders and missing folks, how can they let him be out there without questioning him?" Isabel sat down in the chair next to her, "Wow! That doesn't seem right or even possible, knowing how serious they are about keeping the streets empty at night." Clutching the phone, Isabel headed to the kitchen. "I'll have a look at it as soon as I'm finished making breakfast. Jasper jumped up and followed her into the kitchen. "Are you making bacon?" Isabel giggled, "Yes, I'm making bacon." Jasper grabbed a seat next to Beth. "I heard the voices again. It said, It's almost time not that I get it or anything. But maybe, just maybe it's essential." Marcy looked at Jasper. "I've heard you refer to the voices before. Can I ask what all they have said?" Jasper turned to her, "Well, I've heard them talk about doing something, inquiring if it's complete. I've heard them say, Did you follow the orders? Are they secure for the night? What did you find out? Jasper paused for a moment as if trying to recall everything. "Oh yeah! And I heard them speak about a mission. I'm not sure what any of this means. I wonder if it's linked to anything else that's going on." Marcy nodded, "Sounds like they are up to something." Isabel grabbed the food and some plates and headed to the table. "I'm pretty sure we'll have to figure out how on our own. Jasper reached over and snatched some bacon. "Mm, this smells so good."

  Jake wandered into the kitchen, "Morning, Ladies." Grabbing a coffee, he sat down at the table. "What are you watching?" Isabel glanced up at Jake. "It's a video Jasper took this morning." Now turning it so Jake could watch too, she added, "Look. They don't even notice that man. How is this possible? Jasper, I think you are really onto something. We're lucky we got this footage on video. Others need to see this, although I'm confused as to why they don't see him."

  Isabel grabbed the phone as it started to ring. Hitting speakerphone,


  Clearing his throat before speaking, "Isabel, it's John. I've given what you've told me a lot of thought, and I've brought it to my group's attention. We think you're right. Something weird is going on, and there are a lot of strange things happening. This city is unsafe for anyone. Are you there?"

  Taking a deep breath, Jasper replied, "Yes, I'm here. Sorry, I was just listening to what you had to say. I agree. This city has become unsafe. It's a scary thing to have to walk anywhere now. With no knowledge of why so many people are missing and with bodies showing up out of nowhere. That's why we've been gathering here at our house, so no one has to be alone. Safety is in numbers. Well, I'm hoping we are safer. Oh, I have something new for you to see."

  John switched the phone to the other ear. "Jasper, I don't think any of us are safe, but together, we are stronger. Your house is only so big, and there are quite a few of us, so perhaps we should find somewhere bigger and get all of us together. What do you think?"

  Jasper peered over at Isabel and then at Jake. "So, what do you have in mind?"

  John let out a deep sigh. "I'll have to get back to you on that. I'll text you a location in a bit. I have to run, Jasper. See you later."

  When Jasper hung up the phone, she had a perplexed expression on her face. "This feels so much more real, and I don't like it. Up until now, it's been just us, but now we're a group." Japers let out a sigh. "This is how it must be, guys. We have to go with the flow. We all know something is happening and that it's out of our control. We see the dangers that are facing us. Perhaps as a group, we can do something about it. What do you guys think about moving to a bigger place? I know he's right about us all being together, but I feel safer at home." Jake sat up and looked at Jasper, "I feel safe here, too, but this is something that is not going to go away by hiding in the house. I think if we all stand together as a group, we have a greater chance of figuring out how to end this. This way, we at least know who the good guys are."

  Everyone responded. Jake leaned over and kissed Isabel's cheek, "Good morning. Did you sleep, all right?" Isabel smiled, "Yes. Being next to you has made it so much easier to sleep, you’re like an oven, so I stayed warm. I like that. Did you sleep, all right?" Jake grinned, " I did, but I found it hard because all I want to do is touch you to make sure this is all real. I know I don't need you to make me feel safe, but you give me what I need, a sense of security inside, you remind me that things will be okay. Especially if we are together." Isabel smiled and kissed his lips, "This is why we are perfect for each other." Jake glanced over at Jasper. So do you agree about moving somewhere more prominent? If not, we can remain here." Jasper nodded, "Yeah, okay. That makes sense. So, we agree that when John finds a bigger place, we'll lock this place up and go there till we figure out how to make this city safe again."

  Isabel jumped up, "Well, we have a few things to do before any of this happens. The proof we have needs to be gathered and put together in a folder. We need to pack some food and an overnight bag to take with us. I don't think we need more than that." Jasper seized her cigarettes and went to the patio. "I'll grab a box and pack some groceries as soon as I have a smoke." Shutting the door behind her, she went and leaned against the railing. The day was grey, yet the skies were dry. She was thankful that it wasn't pouring. Sometimes it would rain for weeks in Richmond. Peering around, she realized just how all the violence had taken a toll on the city. How could the police not have any idea as to what was happening? She wondered if any of them could see the shapeshifters. Then she thought, 'What if they are among the police too? '

  Putting out her smoke, she headed back to the kitchen, grabbing a box on the way. "Jake, so far we know the shifters are involved in business and government, but what if they are part of the police force too? Perhaps that's why they haven't gotten a suspect. They wouldn't arrest one of their own. Would they?" Jake was at the table, sorting through the paperwork. She could hear him mumbling under his breath. Finally, looking up at her, he uttered, "Yes, Jasper. That's possible, and it would explain why there's no one being questioned." Jasper sorted through the fridge, looking for expiry dates. "We need to speak to Loretta and see what she knows. Just in case she's noticed anything peculiar about the guys that she works with."

  Reaching into her pocket, Jasper pulled out her phone. She had felt it vibrating while she was digging in the fridge which usually meant she had a text waiting. It was a text from John.

  Jasper, we found a place. One of my men runs a lodge down by the bridge called the Georgia Hotel. He says business has become slow because of all taking place in the city, so he has locked down the place temporarily till the municipality becomes safe again. It has loads of room for everybody, a board area where we can meet and have consultations and a gallery where we can prepare meals. Meet me there. Okay?

  She replied."O

  Then placed the phone back in her pocket and went on gathering the groceries.

  Jasper headed to her room to gather her travel bag. She didn't require much, just a change of clothes and anything that would be of help to her. Jasper folded her clothes and put them in the bag, grabbed her laptop and a notebook and a few other items, then put them in with the clothes. Looking around, she thought to herself, as she zipped up her bag, I wonder how long this will take? I honestly do hate leaving home. She placed her bag by the door with the rest of the stuff. Isabel had Nookers waiting in his carrier, and Buddy was by the door, ready to get in the car. Within minutes, the five of them headed out the door and towards their final destination.

  Ten minutes later, they pulled into the parking lot of the hotel. They paused before exiting the car. Jasper leaned forward to view the place. "Well, it's definitely big enough. I'm really nervous about this even though I'm sure this is the right thing." Jake opened the door, "It's like a leap of faith, Jasper. We're all hoping this is the correct move, and that we can somehow put an end to all the uncertainties we face." The five of them went towards the hotel. Surprisingly, they were greeted at the door by John. "Glad you made it here safely. Hurry in. I want to keep this place confidential, if at all possible. That way, we can remain safe."

  John locked the door behind them and showed them to their rooms. "When you're settled, meet me down at the board room. Oh and bring the paperwork if you don't mind." There were three rooms next to each other on the sixth floor, all were facing the bridge. Isabel took the first with Jasper, although she thought about bunking with Jake, who took the next one. Marcy and Beth got the third room just down the hall. After they let Nookers out of the kennel and Buddy off his leash, the two restless animals took off and started to play. Jasper threw her bag on the dresser next to Isabel's.

  "This isn't too bad; after all, I just need to remember it isn't a vacation." She giggled. Looking back at the windows, Isabel sighed, "I guess John figured that we don't have to live poorly to have everyone together. Which is nice considering we may be here awhile. We must remember we're not the only ones leaving our home to be with strangers. After feeding both pets, Jasper flopped onto the bed. It felt nice, although she wished it was a vacation. "Yeah, it's nice that not all of them are strangers, though. Faith is here, and possibly Loretta. Besides, John is Faith's husband, so he is only half a stranger." Isabel giggled, "I like the way you see things." Picking up the file and grabbing the keys, both girls headed down to the board room.

  The room was set up with chairs lined wall to wall. In the front, a board stretched across the room. The curtains were drawn for privacy, and below it lay the table with a large coffee machine set up for those attending the meeting. John looked up as the girls entered the room. "If you two would like to hang up the evidence, I would really appreciate it," he said, smiling. "We have had a lot of theories up until now. It's nice to have something more concrete; though you must admit, it is a little hard to swallow, even with the proof. It's there in front of us, and we need to have enough faith as individuals and as a group to try to figure this out. Then we can put an end to the terror and danger in this city." As Jasper started to pin up the paperwork, she read the headlines over and over. "John," Jasper asked, "Why do you think the cops have not seen anything or don't have any leads? Do you think they are part of this… maybe?" John grabbed some pins and started to help her hang stuff. "They may be, Jasper, but I'm not sure how we can prove it either way." Stopping, she turned to John, "Loretta works there, and I know she isn't part of it. I really think she should be brought into this. She is the coroner and works with them regularly." Pinning the last of the papers up, John turned to Jasper and answered, "That might be a plan. Keep it in mind. Will you? By the way, what was the new thing you wanted to show me?" Handing him the camera, she implored, "Check out the last video. I took it this morning." John smiled and headed over to a chair and sat down to watch the video. Jasper headed over and sat next to Isabel. "This didn't feel very real before, but it is starting to now." People started piling into the room, filling the chairs quickly. Both girls were amazed by the number of people present. Jake walked in with Marcy and Beth. Smiling, they took a seat a few chairs away from them.

  Moments later, the room was full. John walked to the front, and with his big voice, spoke to the large crowd. "Hello, Everyone. I'm happy we are all here and that all of you are safe. I want to start off by thanking Mark Summers for lending us the hotel during these rough times and for having provided us with safety, as we try to figure out what is happening. Some evidence has come to my attention, and I have spoken to a number of you about it. Today, we have it all here for you to have a look at. It is a true eye-opener, and without it, we would still be blind to the incidents happening in this city. Remember, when you are looking at it, that it is authentic and hazardous. To ignore it would be ignorance on our behalf. So, if you don't mind, please step up in single form and take a peek for yourselves. Thank you." John stepped aside and watched as the people in the room started to head up to the board to have a look. Looking over at Jasper, he inquired, "Did I say thank you to you?" Looking puzzled, she gazed at John. "For what?" Now crossing his arms, he sighed, "Because we would still be at square one without this information, and that puts us more in harm's way than we need to be." Laying her hand on his shoulder, she replied, "No need to thank us. Everyone needs to know what's going on, and they all need to open their eyes to reality, as ominous as it may be. Like you said, we may not be safer, but we are stronger as a whole." Just then, Faith came running over. "Jasper, I'm so glad you guys are here. People are horrified by all the new information and need to know how we can deal with it. I never imagined shapeshifters were anything but a fictional story. I haven't heard anything about them other than that their appearances change. What are the chances they are detected among us? At the same time, all the deaths are happening, and people are going missing in such immense numbers. No one here thinks it's a coincidence, and neither do I." Faith placed her hand on her husband's knee and inquired, "Do we have the next move?" Clutching his wife's hand, he replied, "No, but I'm convinced we'll come up with one. It's something I have to give a lot of thought too." Standing up, John called out to the crowd of people, "After you're finished reading all of it and done watching the video, please allow it some time to soak in. I have to do some thinking and need to try to figure out what our next step is. I'm subject to ideas. The kitchen is open for those who are hungry. Other than that, please stay in your rooms until we can figure out an arrangement that works for everyone. We all must find a way to pitch in and help, as this is everyone's predicament. Some folks have a position already. If you happen to think of a way, you could be of help, please let me know. I'll see you all later." John turned and went towards his room with Faith, not far behind him.

  Upon entering their room, the girls were greeted with tiny limbs wrapped around their ankles. Nookers was feeling frisky, and after grabbing their ankles, took off like a bat out of hell to find Buddy, who was flopped on the bed chewing on the strap of Nooker's carrier. Jasper's eyes felt heavy as she dropped down beside him. "You stop chewing that, Silly boy." Rolling him over to rub his belly, she looked at Isabel. "What do you think I'm good at?" Before Isabel could answer, Jasper's eyes closed as she dozed off to sleep. Isabel giggled to herself as she pulled out her book and started to read.

  Meanwhile, next door, Jake sat at his desk with his laptop open. He wanted to do some more searching, but instead, he sat there staring in the near distance, deep in thought. Thinking about what life was like before the murders and disappearances and what it was like now. He would have never imagined life would turn out this way. He just hoped it wouldn't stay like this. Changing his mind, he closed his laptop and headed towards the door that connected the two rooms together. Marcy and Beth were in the next flat doing their own thing. Knocking loudly, he yelled, "Are you two all right in there?" Marcy, a bit startled, yelled back, "Yes, we are fine. Th
anks for checking on us." Jake turned and collapsed onto his bed. Reaching over and grabbing a pillow to put under his head, he lay there thinking. 'If Jasper was able to get that footage on the video of that man, perhaps there is more out there recorded. If not, maybe we can set up cameras to catch more and keep an eye on things from here.' He rolled over onto his side. Preferably after a nap, he would go and talk to John and see what he thought of his idea. Jake shut his eyes. It felt good to fall asleep.

  Jasper later woke to a knock on the door. It was Faith.," Jasper, are you there? I brought you something to eat." Jasper made her way to the door, nearly tripping over Nookers, "I'm here." She unlocked the door and beckoned her, "Come in." Faith pushed opened the door. "I brought you some food from the kitchen. Made it myself." Laying the plate of sandwiches on the desk, she continued, "Everyone is talking about this. I heard a few of them say that things are finally making sense. They believe in the supernatural. It was just not anything they would have thought of on their own." Jasper smiled, "Well, it's not really something I thought of on my own either. I had to see it with my own eyes to believe it. Even after hearing the voices for all those years, I never assumed it was supernatural. I'm glad though they understand it better. I wish I did." Jasper reached over and handed Isabel one of the sandwiches.


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