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Secrets Beyond the Moon: Strangers from the sky

Page 19

by NB Blackbell

  A few minutes in, they spotted a Shell station. "Upon the right-hand side," whispered Jake. Billy pulled into the station. He peered around before jumping out. "I have to go see if I can switch on the pumps. Keep an eye out." Jake stepped out of the car and glanced around. 'This city was definitely busier than Richmond,' he thought. Jake watched as a hovercraft passed over the station. He checked to make sure Billy remained inside. The hum of its engine was so loud he could barely think. He stood still tightly against the van until the hovercraft sped off towards the centre of the city. Jake motioned for Billy to hurry up. "I'm so glad they can't see red." As Billy stood pumping the gas, something caught Jake's eyes. He strolled over to the side of the station. "Hello, is there anyone here?" he whispered. A middle-aged woman peeked over the edge of the garbage bin, her face wrapped in a thick red scarf.

  "Why aren't you affected by the green fog?" She asked. Jake smiled at the woman, "I'm not sure, but there are a few of us that are not affected by it. You're smart to wear a scarf. The green fog causes violent hallucinations that actually kill people. Are you by yourself or with a group?" The woman peered around. "I'm with a small group of people." Jake nodded. "We have a large group. This situation is one that can't be solved without everyone coming together. Tell every human you can to find a handheld radio. It's the only way for cities to connect and to keep on top of what is happening." The woman nodded. "Okay, I'll tell everyone. We know of other groups in the city. I'll try to find them and spread the word." Jake turned and headed back to the van. Billy was just finishing up at the pumps. "Let's get going. This is getting eerie." They got in the vehicle and drove away. Jake looked over at Billy. "I saw a woman next to the gas station. I told her to find a handheld radio or to at least try. Then spread the word around to the other humans. She said she would. Let's hope she keeps her word. It'll help let everyone know what's going on." Billy let out a sigh. "Well, let's hope she does. We really need everyone on the same page. I want to get out of this city as quickly as I can. I keep having to remind myself slow and steady, though. It's just that it's so creepy being around all these hovercrafts. I feel as if they can see us, even though I know red blocks their view. I just know I would feel better out on the highway away from the main action. How far is it to where we need to go?" Jake picked up the map. After examining it for a bit, he laid his head back against the seat. "We still have another forty-nine hours until we arrive at Cancun." Billy gasped. "I sure hope we find what we need to after going this far away. We'll just keep switching drivers and sleeping in between till we get there… only stop when we need gas or a bathroom break. Pass me a sandwich, will you? I still have a few hours before it's someone else's turn to drive."

  Finally, after two days, they pulled into Cancun. They all felt exhausted and couldn't wait to stretch after being in the van for so long. Jasper leaned ahead to read the sign. "I'm so glad we're here. I don't even want to think about the trip back." Nick pulled the car off to the side of the road. "Does anyone actually know where we're meeting up with them?" Jasper pulled out a piece of paper from her pocket. "A cafe called Macchiato Cafe. It's on the main street, we're supposed to park in front of it and wait for them." Nick glanced around.

  "Okay, we're on the main road. It looks like it would be the main street, at least. They all seem to have a distinct look." After driving around for about ten minutes, they came across the café. Nick pulled in next to it and turned off the van. He looked over at Jasper. "I hope we don't have to wait too long, I'm tired of being in the van." He turned sideways and leaned against the door. "So, we need to dig up the ruins? You know they're located in different places throughout Mexico and El Salvador. How do you know this is the right spot?"

  Jasper glanced over at him. "I asked Christie. This is where she told me to come. It's buried under the temple." Nick turned and peered out the window as a guy wearing a red shirt approached the van. He rolled down the window. The guy smiled. "I'm glad to see you guys made it here safely, thanks for the red shirt tip. We've been able to move around the city with a lot more ease. That's my red truck over there. If you want to follow me, I'll take you to the warehouse."

  They followed him throughout the city for about fifteen minutes before they came upon a warehouse. They pulled up and parked and looked around. "Doesn't look as comfortable as our hotel," said Jasper as she pushed her face up against the window to get a good look. Billy jumped out, and the rest followed. "We lucked out having someone who owned a hotel. Not everyone is as lucky as us. We have to remember this could be us." The guy motioned for them to follow him into the warehouse. Jasper pulled on Jake's arm. "Let's go, guys, he wants us to go with him." They entered the warehouse. It definitely wasn't like the hotel they have been blessed to be in. This place was dark except for a large table near the centre that held nearly a hundred candles. People sat on mattresses spread throughout the warehouse, each had their own flashlight. Jasper whispered to Nick, "I don't know where to sit or to even stand. I don't want to get in anyone's way." A man with an enormous moustache walked over to them.

  "Hello, you must be the Canadians we've been waiting on; my name's Mike." Jake smiled and stepped forward, "Hi, Mike, my name's Jake. This is Jasper, Nick and Billy, and it was a very long trip here. We're glad to be off the road." Mike nodded. "I imagine you are. I have a section set up for you all. If you follow me, I'll take you to it." The group followed the man with the moustache. He took them to a corner of the warehouse where they had four mattresses set up for them and a small table with a couple of candles waiting to be lit. "I'll let you rest. Tomorrow we'll talk about what's going on, then we'll go to the ruins and do what you came all this way to do. I'll contact John and let him know you all arrived. This way, there's no worry on his end." He smiled and headed off into the dark. Jasper slumped onto the mattress. It wasn't as comfortable as her own mattress, but she didn't care at this point. "Jake," she whispered. "Do you think we're safe to shut our eyes here?" Jake pushed his mattress over next to hers. "Yes, It's fine to sleep here. Nick is on one side of you, and I'm on the other side. Nothing can happen without all of us knowing." She smiled. "I'm glad you're my brother." She turned over and faced Nick. He smiled as he reached over and took her hand. The four of them stayed close for the night. They weren't used to such an open sleeping arrangement. So, It took a little while for their minds to shut down. After a while, the four of them slowly fell asleep.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Jasper opened her eyes. It was different waking up without Buddy there. She glanced around. Nick was asleep on one side, and Jake was on the other. She felt safe lying next to them both but missed waking up to her puppy. Charlie sat up and pulled her knees up against her chest. She hadn't realized how lucky she had it back in Richmond. Nick reached up and put his hand on her arm. "Are you okay?" She gazed over at him and answered, "Yeah. I just hadn't realized how lucky we were until I looked around." Nick sat up and looked around. "What do you say we get up and see if we can get this done so we can go back to Richmond?" Jasper nodded, "Good idea." As they began waking up the others, a tiny woman approached them. She held a wooden bowl filled with fruit. "Quieres Algo de Comida?" she said as she handed them the bowl. Jasper smiled as she took the container from the woman, "Thank you." She glanced over at Nick.

  "Oh, good God, I have never given it much thought that we don't even speak their language." Jake placed the fruit into the backpack. "We might need this for later." The four of them got up and began to walk through the warehouse. As they searched for the man in charge, they looked around at all the people. Billy whispered to the rest, "How do you say coffee in Spanish?" Jake glanced over. "Yeah, I don't think we're getting one. They seem like they're struggling. Just try not to kill anyone with your coffee withdrawal," he said with a slight giggle. Jasper shut her eyes and wished really hard; that they all had coffee. She wasn't sure it would work, but it was definitely worth a try. She knew it had worked when she heard the others groan, and the aroma hit her nose. Jake whispered, "Thank
you, God. I forgot you could do that." Billy smiled. "It tastes like a cup of heaven, what about breakfast?" Jasper smirked. "On the road, guys!" Rick scurried over to them, his eyes on the coffee. "Where in the world did you get that? I'm dying without it." Jasper looked over at Jake, then back at Rick. "If you don't ask any questions, I can get you some." Rick nodded, "Not a single question." Jasper closed her eyes. She thought about how much she wanted to share coffee with her new friend. Rick put his hand on her shoulder as she opened her eyes. "I don't know how you did it, but you're my new best friend." She smiled. "I'll explain, but we just don't have the time for it right now." Rick turned away, "Come on. Let's find Mike, then we can get out there and find what we need. When you guys head back, do you think I can go with you?" Jake patted Rick on the back. "As long as the rest are okay with it, I don't mind."

  As they searched, Jasper made a coffee appear for Mike. As she approached him, she handed him the coffee. Rick looked at him. "Don't ask, just enjoy." The group chuckled; Mike sighed as he took a sip. "I've missed this." They sat down at the table with Mike. Jasper smiled. "I'm glad to have helped. So how far away are the ruins?" Mike pulled out a map. "We're here, and the ruins are right there. It's about a ten-minute drive from here to get to where you need to be." Billy pulled the map towards him, "That's not too bad. How heavy do they guard it?" Mike shook his head. "They don't guard it. As far as they are concerned, no one knows anything." Jasper laid down her cup. "There isn't anyone that knows about the ruins and their connection with the aliens. This was the private information we received. There's a lot you don't know about this whole situation. The aliens have been around for a very long time. They've been breeding with humans, creating half- aliens." Mike's eyes widened, but Jasper continued, "Remember though, they're not aware of this and definitely should not be held accountable for the aliens' actions. I'm a half-breed myself, and I can't stand those bastards. But being immune helps and provides the humans with someone who's not affected by their tactics. If you have people among you who are immune to the green fog, it's because they are part-alien. You can help them through the process by being accepting of them." Mike took a deep breath then slowly let it out. "I do have a few of them. I'm glad you told me about this. I'll help them privately. I don't think it's a good idea for too many to know about it." She nodded. "True. Only a few know about me on the other end. Rick, if you and a few others would come out with us today and watch our back as we search, it would be appreciated. You'll need to have a mask on to be protected from the gas. Do you have masks?"

  Rick shook his head. "No, we're not lucky enough to have such masks. We've been wearing scarfs and bandanas over our faces to protect us from the fog. Do you have any?" Billy paused. "I think we have a few packed in the van. John put them there in case we needed them for any reason. We had no idea what we would see on the way. One city was turned into a giant garden with humans doing the work. We also saw humans being forced to build a temple. They have slaves and breeding camps everywhere. The humans look as if they are in some sort of trance... like they have no idea what they're doing." Mike shook his head with disgust. "We have to find a way to win this fight and get rid of them. The human race deserves a chance to keep living. If we keep going at the rate we are now, we won't last much longer." Jasper agreed. "So, do we have a team picked out already?" Rick jumped up quickly. "Yes, I'll get them together so we can get going." As the group got up, Jake glanced over at Mike and said, "When we get home, I'm going to talk to John about sending you some of our top people to help set you up better; if that's all right, that is?

  Meanwhile, you figure out if you have many half breeds. Work with them and see if they have any gifts that can benefit this war. Sort of like what Jasper does… although they're all different. When we send them down, you can build a team to come up with an efficient plan to help organize your battle. I do mean your fight too. We're all worlds away, and it's on each one of us to fix this situation."

  After making sure the group that would be guarding them had masks, they all headed out towards the ruins. As Nick pulled into the area of the ruins, Jasper leaned forward and looked around in amazement. "Oh, wow! I don't think I've ever seen anything so amazing. This was carved by humans using their own hands. I don't even want to know how long it took. Look at the detail in each step on that temple. I wish my camera worked." The four of them got out of the van and headed towards the ruins. "Can you imagine knowing you had something to do with building something so dynamic?" Rick ran over to them. "Okay, I have them all watching out for the aliens. It's not hard to hear them, though. It sounds like they're dragging logs. We always know when there are hovercrafts nearby too. The hum gets louder and louder." The five of them walked towards the temple. Jasper turned on her flashlight and started searching around the temple. "They said it was around the broken temple. I'm not sure exactly what we're looking for, but I assume it doesn't fit in with the ruins." They all ran their flashlights along the walls of the temple. Each stone fell into place as if it were meant to be there. "This looks so old," said Nick. Jasper looked back and smiled. "Yeah, it definitely is." Jake flipped around. "I found some ancient writing." They all turned their flashlights towards the writing as Jack ran his finger along the writing. "It has that symbol here, just under the picture of what looks to be a ship." Billy took a closer look. "I've never seen anything like this." The five looked around separately for about an hour. So far, the area had been quiet and free of aliens. There were a few times they believed a hovercraft was coming their way, but then the noise quickly faded. Jasper called for the others, "I found something!" They all ran towards her, trying not to trip over anything amidst the green fog. Jake glanced over her shoulder. "What did you find?" She continued trying to clear it off. "It looks like it's some kind of trap door or something." She attempted to open it. "Can someone help me? It's cumbersome." After Jake tried and failed, Nick reached over and attempted. He tugged so hard that when he let go, his finger got cut by the edge of the heavy metal door, "Ouch! Son of a bitch cut me!" He wiped off his finger. Jasper clutched his hand to look at it. As she examined his finger close up, it vanished. Her eyes widened. "Did you just self-heal?" Nick leaned against the temple and took a deep breath. "Sure, it looks like it. Doesn't it? I have no idea how that happened." He looked up at her and continued, "Perhaps it's like you being able to make stuff appear, maybe I can heal stuff." They all stood amazed. Meanwhile, Billy reached down and gave the door a tug. It promptly flung open. "Aha!" said Billy. "Just needed a man with muscles to get it open." Jasper laughed. "Well, we know who got the strength and the ego." She pointed the flashlight into the entrance of the door. "It looks pretty scary and surprisingly dark. Well, here goes nothing." She crawled down into the hole. She searched for anything that might light up the spaceship. As she walked through, she saw a board full of switches. They all looked like control panel switches, so she knew not to mess with any of them, but one stood out. It had a picture of a moon above it. "I wonder what this one does." She decided to try it and hoped to hell that it didn't blow up. The whole cabin lit up with green light from top to bottom. "Holy shit! Guys, I found the light." The rest of the group piled into the ship, while one man guarded the door. They turned off the flashlights and started looking around as if they were walking into a movie set. Nick grasped a little black box and said, "This reminds me of a movie. Who would've ever thought any of this could be real? Not me, for sure; I was the biggest skeptic you could've ever met before all of this happened." He laid it back down. "I don't want to open this. I'm afraid Pandora might be involved." Jasper laughed as she picked up the box and popped open the lid. Inside there was a little key. "See, It's just a key. Oh, my God! It's named Pandora!" Nick's eyes widened. Jasper laughed. "I'm just kidding. It's just a key." She put it in her pocket. "Keep looking, everyone." Nick shook his head at her and gave a smirk. "You're a bad girl."Jasper grinned and kept searching.

  The ship was enormous. Jasper peered around and said to them, "It's going to tak
e hours to search this place. Seeing how big this is, there must have been a lot of aliens aboard!" The group split up and started searching from room to room. The ship must have had half a dozen floors to it, Jasper thought to herself as she ran her fingers along a shelf in a large office that she found. I wonder how they dug a hole to fit a ship this large. I wonder if humans dug it or if maybe the ship crashed and caused the rift as it landed. She came across a locked drawer. Pulling out the key, she tried to open it. The key turned, but the drawer was so heavy. It reminded her of the door. Billy, can you hear me? She said inside her head, If so, I need you. Billy came rushing down the hall and into the room she stood in. "I'll never get used to that, but damn, it's convenient. What do you need?" Jasper glanced at the drawer. "I can't open it. Can you try?" Billy reached over and tried. It opened as if it was as light as a feather. "This could definitely give me an ego," said Billy with a smirk on his face. Inside there was a larger box. It was dark blue, and on it was the symbol they all wore on their bodies. Jasper gasped quietly, "Oh, wow! I wonder what's in this. She picked it up and opened the lid. Inside was some kind of instrument. "I don't know what this is, but I better leave it in there for the time being." She closed it and put it in her backpack, then proceeded, looking around. She searched four separate rooms before coming across a book on what she thought was alien biology. She placed it in her backpack with everything else that she found and then looked at Billy. "I wish I knew exactly what I was looking for; it would make it easier." The two of them made their way out towards the front of the ship. Billy took another glance around the room, then called out, "Jake, are you guys done?" Jake, Nick and Rick came from different directions. Nick was holding a stone of different colours. "I don't know what this is for, but this rock has about ten different colours in it." Jasper took a quick look at it. "Cool, put it in your bag. Anything we find, we can have a better look at once we get home. We should head out, though. I don't think there's anything else left that will be helpful to us, and that's our sole mission." Everyone agreed and headed towards the main door of the ship. After they were all out and back in their vehicles, they all headed back to the warehouse. Jasper leaned her head against the window. "That was astounding and scary at the same time. I'm sure we found stuff that will help us… if not, at least it will show us who we're dealing with." She shrugged. "Well, if we don't win, perhaps we should learn to fly and then steal their ship. We could move to a new planet." They all started to laugh.


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