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The Dragon’s Flight: Gay Paranormal Romance

Page 16

by Clearwater, Julian

  He hadn’t spoken to his parents in two years at least, and they had been… less than receptive of his idea to temporarily cut off contact until he had his degree. It didn’t help that it was a degree his parents considered useless. He had someday hoped to teach high school level English classes, but his dream was becoming increasingly distant. He shoved his hands in his pockets as he walked, wondering if the slight pudge he noticed on his gut was actually there, or if he was imagining it.

  Which led to the even bigger question. How would he explain to his homophobic parents that he was not only gay, but potentially pregnant with some sort of… man bear creature. It broke the very laws of nature.

  The streets he was walking down grew increasingly familiar, and he soon found himself standing outside his childhood home. He hesitated, glancing towards the treehouse that he and Dakota had spent countless hours in when they were younger. It was falling to pieces, but it was no small wonder that his parents hadn’t had the tree cut down altogether. As he walked up the walkway, the front door was flung open, and he was met with the worried eyes of his mother. He smiled awkwardly, offering a little wave. Suddenly, she lunged away from the door, gathering him into her arms and burying her face in his shoulder.

  “My baby.” She mumbled, her tears staining his shirt. “I’m so happy to see you home.” She wept. Evan tried to smother his own tears, pressing the back of his hand against his eyes. He wound his free arm tightly around her, kissing the top of her head, where her roots were beginning to show the faintest hints of grey.

  “I missed you, ma.” He muttered, and she drew away just enough to fully take in his expression. Her worry did not seem to dissipate, and she rested a hand against his cheek, turning his head from side to side.

  “You don’t look so good, sweetheart. You’re pale. Where did you walk from?” She inquired softly, tousling a hand through his short hair. He hesitated, tears springing forth to his eyes once more.

  “I… was with Dakota.” He muttered hopelessly, preparing for the hate he was certain he would see in her eyes. Instead, she gathered him sympathetically in her arms once more. “I… mom, there’s some things I really need to tell you.” He sighed, receiving a soft laugh in reply.

  “If it’s about your infatuation with that boy, I’ve been waiting for you to come out for years.” She said gently, smiling at his look of shock. “I’m not the happiest person in the world about it, especially with the bad crowd he fell in with some years ago. But you’re my baby. I’ll always love you, no matter what.” She smiled, brushing his hair away from his eyes. He glanced to the house, worrying his bottom lip between his teeth.

  “I’m worried about what dad might think.” He admitted. The older woman stiffened, and she inhaled shakily, taking her son by the hand. Evan tilted his head curiously, confused by the suddenly solemn expression she wore. “Where is dad, anyway? I should at least say hi.” He said, trying to restore a bit of pep to the conversation.

  “Honey… your daddy’s not here anymore.” The elder woman said softly. Evan recoiled as if he had been struck, looking to his mother with wide and uncomprehending eyes.

  “He left you…?” He said haltingly. She shook her head, wiping a tear from her eye.

  “No honey. He’s with the lord now.” She corrected him sadly. Evan stared at her, waiting for her to laugh off the situation as some sick joke… it was unlike her, but his father being dead was impossible. There was no way it could be true and he didn’t know about it. He slipped past his mother, rushing towards the doorway of the house and darting inside. He felt more than saw her slowly trailing behind him, and he felt as if his heart crashed into his gut as he took in the large and elaborate urn sitting on their mantle.

  “H-how? How did I not know?” Evan gasped out, reverently approaching the mantle and tracing his fingers along a picture that was displayed to the right of the urn. It featured himself, as a bright eyed and bushy tailed child. He could remember when the photo was taken, recognizing the smudge of dirt on his nose and being from a game of football with the neighborhood boys. His father always walked him to the park to meet up with Dakota and their other friends when he was young.

  “We… he had been sick for some time, dear. He took a turn for the worse when you left for college, and we didn’t want you to worry yourself with it. I wanted to tell you, right before you broke off contact with us, but he wouldn’t allow it. He so badly wanted to see achieve your dreams.” She said carefully, resting a hand on his shoulder. Tears spilled down Evan’s cheeks, and an inhuman wail spilled past his lips. He dropped to his knees, wrapping his arms around himself and nearly choking on his sobs. His mother crouched at his side, gently wrapping her arms around him as well and attempting to soothe him.

  “I was so selfish! I didn’t even get to say goodbye! He didn’t get to see me graduate! He won’t see…” Evan paused, squeezing his eyes shut against the pain he felt. “He won’t get to meet his grandchild.” He whispered. His mother tightened her grip on him, a gasp spilling past her lips.

  “You met someone? But… I thought you and Dakota…?” She inquired hesitantly, receiving another pained wail in response.

  “We are, mom. But… things have spun out of control and… I never thought my life would come to this. I didn’t even think it was possible.” He stammered out, touching a hand to his stomach. His mother watched him with shock in her gaze, gently pressing her hand atop that of her son. “Dakota… he’s… not like us.” Evan muttered.

  “You can’t mean--” His mother started, cut off by a bitter laugh.

  “I do. I’m pregnant, mom. As impossible as it seems… and believe me, I know it seems impossible…” He trailed off. His mother drew away from him, looking uncertain. Tears spilled more furiously down his cheeks, and he was certain he had lost the remaining family he had left.

  “...I believe you.” She said after a long moment. He exhaled a bitter laugh, not believing her for a moment. All the same, he allowed her to draw him to his feet, tugging him towards the couch-- the one his father had loved so dearly. He fell bodily onto it, the once unpleasant odor having become achingly familiar. “I’ve seen some things that no one else would believe, should I have told them…” She trailed off, sitting on the couch beside him. She allowed him to rest his head on her lap, running a hand comfortingly through his hair like she had done when he was a child.

  “Like what?” He implored weakly, looking to her from the corner of his eye. She laughed faintly, looking to the window at the front of their house.

  “If you were anyone else in the world, I would not tell you-- for fear of being put in the loony bin.” She started as something of a preface. He watched her face carefully, looking for any hint of dishonesty as she spoke. “I once… saw a man turn into a bear.” She admitted. Evan’s eyes widen, and it was with a sinking feeling he realized she was being entirely honest with him. He hesitated, taking her hand into his own. She laughed, averting her eyes before clearing her throat. “I didn’t think you would believe me, even with all this--” She started, cut short by her son giving her hand a gentle squeeze.

  “I believe you too.” He offered. It seemed time to put everything on the table, but before he could begin to explain himself, there was a pounding at the door. He sat up, staring towards the door with fear shining in his gaze.

  “Evan!!!” Dakota shouted from the other side of the door, and Evan shrank away, curling into his mother’s lap. She stared at the door, gently nudging her son out of her lap. She approached the mantle, standing on her tiptoes to reach high above it and grasp the shotgun that her husband had displayed there before his passing.

  “M-mom!” Evan sputtered, reaching towards her. “Just wait for him to go away. There’s no telling what he’ll do.” He sniffled. His mother considered him for a moment, and he could do little more as she shook her head, approaching the door with the shotgun aimed and ready to go. Evan watched with fear shining in his gaze, even as Dakota’s voice grew more desperate.
br />   “Evan!” He called, his voice sounding laced with agony. Evan’s mother glanced over her shoulder, gesturing for her son to duck down behind the couch. He cursed himself internally, but hid as she suggested. He had his cub to think about, and if worst came to worst, he didn’t want to see what would take place between his two loved ones. He heard the front door creak open, heard the cocking of the gun. There was the sound of a scuffle, and he heard his mother cry out in pain. Seconds later, the gun fired, and he could make out the sounds of angry growls and fearful whimpers. Fearing the worst for his mother, he hid himself as best as he could, trying to choke down the sobs that threatened to spill past his lips. There was the loud thump of something-- or someone, collapsing against the floor. The door creaked once more signalling that it was being closed behind whoever was entering the house. The dreadful sounds of footsteps slowly approached the couch, and fear shot down Evan’s spine as the soft whining from near the doorway came to a stop. The growling, however, remained ever persistent even as his potential assailant grew closer and closer to the couch. Evan whispered a silent prayer, tears streaming down his cheeks as he prepared himself for the absolute worst.

  “There you are.” He heard Dakota mutter, crying out in fear as he was grabbed by the back of his shirt.

  “Get away from me!” Evan screamed, trying to squirm away from the bear shifter’s grasp. Dakota held him tight, and Evan became increasingly aware of the feeling of warm blood soaking his clothes. “What did you do to her!? How could you!?” He screamed, reaching back and swinging a vicious punch square against Dakota’s nose. The man bear yelped in pain, releasing him and stumbling back whilst clutching his face.

  “Evan, honey, calm down! I’m fine!” His mother’s voice rang out, and he paled as if he had seen a ghost. He wheeled around to face her, relief washing over him as he saw her in one piece. There was blood on her clothes as well, and the gun was still smoking from being fired, but she seemed no worse for wear. He rushed towards her, and she swiftly set the gun aside before he could slam into her. He swept her up into his arms, laughing almost hysterically as he peppered kisses along her face.

  “Christ… that hurt.” Dakota lamented from behind him, and Evan drew away from his mother, turning to face the other man.

  “There’s more where that came from if you don’t leave--” He started, cutting himself short as he looked towards the doorway. There lay the body of a bear, slowly shifting into the form of an unfamiliar man. Claw marks covered his body, and a single bullet hole marked the center of his forehead. “What in the name of God!?” Evan managed, looking to Dakota and his mother uncomprehendingly.

  “I didn’t realize they had followed me here. I just wanted to be sure you were safe…” Dakota muttered, his expression wounded-- literally and figuratively. His nose was crushed into an odd angle, and blood spilled from his nostrils.

  “What do you mean? Who followed you here?” Evan demanded, taking a step towards the bear shifter. Dakota flinched away, reaching up to touch his own nose and attempt to set it back into place. Evan winced at the loud crunching sound that resulted from the resetting of the man’s nose, but tried to remain firm in his fury at the other man.

  “The old gang I used to be part of… When I came home, I saw the house was torn to pieces and you were gone. I was so scared. I had to try and find you, I know you’re angry with me, but I just had to be sure you were okay--” Dakota rambled, glancing back towards the door as there was a loud crashing sound from outside. “Fuck!” He swore fearfully, glancing to Evan’s mother. The older woman’s mouth was set in a grim line as she looked towards the door as well.

  “How many of them do you suppose there are?” She asked of Dakota, who laughed bitterly and shook his head.

  “Probably around seven. I took four out on the way here, and there’s that one that we double teamed, but… they were a pretty big group. I didn’t even know Damon was running things now.” He said unhappily.

  “Why are they following the two of you? More specifically, what do they want with my son?” The older woman demanded, reaching for her gun once more.

  “They want to kill Evan and our unborn cub, because that piece of shit Damon wants me for himself.” Dakota spat, glancing towards the door. Something bodily thudded against the door, and Evan bit back a gasp.

  “Isn’t that a bit extreme!?” Evan squeaked, his voice cracking. Dakota smiled weakly, shrugging his shoulders helplessly.

  “Trying to throw me under the bus for those murders wasn’t working quickly enough, apparently. I confronted them about it, and Damon admitted that he and his crew were behind the whole thing.” He offered. Evan stared at him for a long moment, mouth hanging agape in disbelief. “They thought you leaving me would be enough for me to turn back to Damon, but… I just couldn’t let you go so easily.” He said, sounding rather derisive towards himself.

  “Dakota…” Evan murmured, reaching out towards the other man. Dakota turned those soulful eyes upon him, those eyes he had never been able to resist. He suppose he knew all along, in his heart, that Dakota would never hurt a fly. At least, not a group of innocent people. He rushed into Dakota’s arms, burying his face in the larger man’s chest and choking back a sob. “I’m so sorry. I should have believed you…” Evan whimpered. Dakota kissed the top of his head, drawing away from him with a sad smile.

  “I shouldn’t have snapped at you, either.” He said apologetically. Evan leaned in, brushing their lips together in a soft and tender kiss. He only pulled away when his mother cleared her throat from behind him, and he jolted away from the other man, offering his mom an awkward smile.

  “As sweet as all of this is… we have a bear problem to take care of.” She said darkly, smiling a wicked smile that Evan mused was entirely unsuitable of his elderly mother. Dakota rumbled a laugh, drawing away from Evan’s grasp and turning to face the door.

  “Your mom has a point, E. I need to finish what I started.” Dakota growled, rolling up his bloodstained sleeves. Evan inhaled shakily, the gravity of the situation finally settling in upon him. He shifted uncomfortably, looking between his mother and Dakota before speaking.

  “What’s the plan?” Evan asked shakily, touching his stomach with a tenderness he wasn’t sure he had felt before that moment. He wasn’t exactly eager to join the fight, but he wasn’t exactly happy to let his mother and his lover go out and fight a losing battle on their own. His two most beloved people exchanged a glance, seeming to come to some sort of silent agreement. Dakota nodded his head once, inhaling a deep breath before facing Evan once more.

  “You’re going to go upstairs and wait this out.” He said carefully, holding up a hand as Evan immediately made to protest. “I know you don’t want to see your mom in any danger--” He started, cut off by an indignant squawk from the man he loved.

  “I don’t want to see you hurt either, you insufferable idiot!” Evan interrupted, receiving a snort in response.

  “Okay, okay. You don’t want to see me or your mom in danger. But I think we can all agree that between us, your life… and the life of our cub is the most important.” Dakota offered, and the three jolted in collective fear as something slammed against the door once more. Evan glanced to the door, eyes widening as he noticed just how much the wood was beginning to splinter.

  “But what if something happens to one of you--” He said plaintively, reaching out for both of them. The three gathered together, forming a small group hug. Evan could not help the tears that spilled down his cheeks, could not help the sense of certainty that this was the last time he would see the two of them. His mother pressed a kiss to his forehead, drawing away with a faint smile.

  “If something happens to me, it just means I’ll be with your father again. Don’t worry, baby. We’re going to make sure everything is okay.” She murmured comfortingly. Evan whimpered, fear growing in the pit of his stomach at the thought of losing his mother. However, Dakota nodded in agreement with the older woman, kissing Evan tenderly on
the lips before taking his place at the elder woman’s side.

  “I would willingly die a thousand times over, if it meant keeping you safe. If it meant keeping our family safe.” Dakota said firmly. He wiped the tears from Evan’s cheeks, hesitating a moment longer. “I love you, Evan. I always have. Even before I knew what love was, before I could put name to it… I’ve always known you were the only one for me.” He admitted, drawing his hands back towards himself. Evan took in the man he loved, their life together before that moment flashing before his eyes. He was taken back, remembering days in the treehouse, nights wandering the forests, feelings he couldn’t explain but cared not to put name to. Truly, the two of them should have known all along that it could have been nothing else but love.

  In that moment, it was not the strong and broad bodied bear shifter that stood before him; it was the chubby young man he had grown up with. Tears sprung to his eyes, and he reached out to cup Dakota’s cheek. Dakota smiled, that smile that Evan had only just realized he had been in love with his entire life.

  “I love you too…” Evan said with certainty, only to be cut short as the front door burst inwards, flying off its hinges. Evan shrieked in fear realizing with growing fear that they had simply dawdled too long. He pulled away from his loved ones, darting towards the stairs. The sounds of gunshots echoed through the house, and Dakota tried to run alongside him to block any potential attacks, but was immediately taken down by two of their seemingly endless attackers. Evan screamed as one of Dakota’s assailants sank his teeth into the bear shifter’s shoulder, tearing a chunk of flesh away.

  “Time to party!” A vaguely familar voice called out over the cacophony, and Evan looked up just in time to see Dakota’s ex step into the house. He took a step back, trying to hide himself from the other man, knowing he was Damon’s intended target. Evan squeezed his eyes shut in fear, trying to ignore the sounds that shook the house all around them. Dakota’s pained screams pierced the air, and Evan bit back a whimper, knowing he needed to remain hidden from their assailants. Suddenly, he heard a cry of agony from his mother, shrieking in fear as she flew across the room. The older woman hit the ground hard, landing in a heap some distance away. Evan jolted away from the stairs without thinking, adrenaline fueling his movements as he tried to rush towards his fallen mother. Before he could make it too far, he was snatched up by one of their assailants, dragged away from where his mother lay. Evan screamed and cried out, struggling against the man holding him before being presented to Damon. The ring leader smiled a cheeky smile, baring his pointed teeth. “Bring me Dakota!” He shouted out, glancing past the squirming Evan to where the object of his desires lay. Dakota was thrown before him in a heap, and if Evan were able to fully make out each of the wounds that littered his lover’s furred body, he was certain he would have fainted. Damon smirked, stepping towards Dakota and nudging the side of the other bear shifter’s body with his boot.


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