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Swap Meets (Volume 1): A 13 Book Excite Spice Hotwife MEGA Bundle (Excite Spice Boxed Sets)

Page 6

by Selena Kitt

  The doorbell rang and Kelly went to get it. The daiquiris were soon dispensed and half gone, and I started working on making more. Kali helped me, going to get more ice from the freezer.

  She tipped my hand a little while I was pouring the rum, making more splash into the mix. "Hey!"

  "Come on, old girl," she said with a smile. "Let's make it interesting."

  I snorted. "Hey listen, I'm not that old."

  "I noticed," she said, putting another cherry into her mouth and sucking. I flushed, pouring another set of drinks.

  Kali reached above my head and opened a cupboard, taking out two shot glasses. She sat back on the stool and poured rum into each, sliding one across to me.

  "This is how you do it," she said, tipping her head back and drinking the shot, making a little sour face at the end. I watched, fascinated. The most I ever drank was wine. She nudged the other glass toward me. "Now you."

  "I don't know," I said, my fingers touching the little glass. She winked at me, digging for something in her pocket. I lifted the glass to my lips.

  "Fast," Kali advised. "Just swallow."

  That's what I did, the alcohol burning my throat. I choked a little, gasping.

  "Awesome." Kali grinned, taking the glass back and pouring us each another. "Now, let's do this one together. You ready?"

  "Okay." I picked up the shot glass, my chest warm already from the alcohol. Kali counted, one, two, three, and we drank the shot together, looking at each other with silly grins and watering eyes.

  "What's your name?" Kali asked me.

  "Tara," I replied, watching her fill the shot glasses again.

  "That's quite an outfit, Tara," she said, raising her glass to me and waiting for me to do the same. I did, flushing at her compliment. I was already starting to feel buzzed.

  "Thanks. It was all Kelly's idea," I said and she was counting again and we were drinking some more, but somehow there was more rum in the shot glass in front of me.

  "I know, she wanted me to wear one, too." Kali snorted, and I noticed she had pulled a little tin box out of her pocket. She opened it, putting a little pill into her mouth and washing it down with the shot.

  Curious, I asked, "What's that?"

  "Ecstasy," she said, smiling and pouring herself another.

  I drank another shot with her, feeling everything growing fuzzy around the edges. "What does it do?" I asked. I loved the name of it. Ecstasy. "Does it make you hallucinate?"

  "No... it won't hurt you," she assured me. "It just makes you feel... really good. It heightens all your senses. Everything around you becomes a sensual experience."

  It sounded like heaven. I stared at the tin box on the counter, licking my lips.

  "You want one?" she offered, holding a pill out to me on her palm and pocketing the tin. I hesitated. I'd never done any sort of drugs. I hadn't even smoked pot in college.

  "Come on, you two!" Kelly poked her head into the kitchen, and it was the first time I noticed that everyone had migrated somewhere else and Kali and I were alone.

  "Yeah, yeah," Kali said, grabbing a daiquiri and standing up.

  "Wait," I said, catching her hand. She smiled, turning her palm into mine and giving me the pill. I put it into my mouth, taking my own daiquiri and swallowing it down.

  "So, do you have a boyfriend to model any of this stuff for?" I asked, following Kali toward the living room.

  "Nope," she replied, sitting on the loveseat and patting the spot next to her. "Not so much into them."

  I sank into the seat beside her. "Boys?" I asked. "You're not into boys?"

  "I like the other kind better," she replied with a sideways smile, her eyes on the belly dancer girl, who was showing off some moves in the corner.

  "Oh!" I looked over at the hostess, who was getting her act together at the other end of the room, just to have something to look at. The hostess started talking but I didn't really hear her for a while. I was thinking about the fact that the young girl sitting next to me, who wasn't even quite drinking age, knew emphatically that she liked "the other kind" better.

  I was curious. The thought of this young girl with another woman was making me warm. Or maybe it was the alcohol. Or perhaps it was the little pill I'd swallowed. I looked over at the belly dancer woman gyrating her hips in slow, easy circles. I was fascinated with the motion, remembering Kelly dancing with me, her mouth suddenly on mine. Everything felt all tangled up in my head.

  I wasn't really paying attention to much of anything, and yet it felt like I was paying attention to everything all at once—Kali's bare arm brushing against mine, the sound and feel of Kelly's voice when she leaned over to whisper something into my ear. I couldn't even remember the words.

  The hostess, I think her name was Jennifer, clapped her hands to get our attention and said, "Okay, let's play the alphabet game to get into the mood."

  The mood for what, I wondered? I caught on pretty quick—I think I was already in the mood. The idea was to go around the room and think of a "sexy word" for every letter in the alphabet. Whoever couldn't come up with one had to... do something. I hadn't heard that part.

  "G-string," Kelly said, looking over at me.

  "Uhhh." I looked blankly at the brown carpet. "Hooters?"

  Kelly snorted in the chair on the other side of me.

  "Ice," said Kali.

  "That's not sexy," I whispered to her.

  Kali nudged my hip with hers. "For an old gal, you got a lot to learn."

  I flushed, imagining what someone might do sexually with ice.

  And around it went again. No one missed any, but there were some real stretches. The pink teddy woman said, "money," and everyone laughed. The sound was like bells and I stared around at all the women, like angels sitting and chatting in their flowing attire. The cheerleader giggled and said, "vibrator," which just got me thinking about mine sitting at home. Then the cat woman said, "Winnebago," which wasn't sexy at all, but she had some story about sex in one which had everyone laughing hysterically.

  "Y" was mine, and I looked over at Kali and said, "Young," although I didn't mean to. I couldn't seem to help saying what came into my head.

  She licked her lips, her eyes flicking from mine to the hands in her lap. It was "Z," which was kind of a hard one, but the first thing that came to my mind was "Zipper," and I wanted to lean in and whisper it to her.

  "I don't have one," she said, looking flustered, her cheeks rosy. "What do I have to do again?"

  "You're our model!" Jennifer said, smiling a smile that reminded me bizarrely of Vanna White as she held a hand out to Kali and led her toward the front of the room.

  "Well, that worked out," Kelly whispered in my ear. Her breath was a delicious heat over my neck and I closed my eyes. "She's the only one not dressed."

  "You get to pick one of the women here to choose an outfit for you," Jennifer said. There were all sorts of lingerie sets that she had laid out, some hanging, some draped over chair and couch arms.

  Kali's eyes darted around the room and fell on me. I swallowed hard when her finger pointed me out.

  I stood up, the world wobbling for a moment, and I caught myself on the arm of the loveseat before going toward them.

  "You pick something for her to wear," Jennifer reminded me. I touched the fabrics, many of the costumes similar to the ones the rest of us were wearing. There were many that were different, too, from nurses to sailor girls. And there was regular lingerie as well, teddy combinations and boy shorts and garters and all sorts of things, everything soft and lacy and lovely. I wanted to run my hands over them forever.

  I glanced at Kali, whose cheeks were still pink, but she was watching me finger the material with interest. I had to choose something to suit her? I looked from her to the clothing, trying to decide.

  What did I want to see her in? The thought made my heart race, because I realized that I really did want to see her in something—a lot less than she was wearing now. What would these feel like over her sof
t, bare skin? I wondered.

  That's when I saw it, behind a dark leather teddy kind of thing—it was sheer brown mesh, with a tulle-like fluted skirt, golden ribbons laced up in the front, like a modified corset, and delicate fairy wings. It was the shimmering fairy wings that did it. I smiled, touching it and looking at Kali. Her eyes grew wide and she shook her head, looking horrified.

  "This one," I said, handing it to Jennifer. The other women hooted, seeing Kali's face.

  "No way," she said, shaking her head. "I'm not wearing that."

  "That's the rules of the game," Jennifer smiled. "Kelly, where's your bathroom?"

  Kelly smiled. "Come on, be a good sport. Tara will help you put it on."

  "I will?"

  "She knows where the bathroom is."

  I heard Jennifer talking to the group about what they were going to do while we were in the bathroom as I led Kali down the hall. She clomped along reluctantly in her motorcycle boots. When we got into the bathroom, I hung the outfit on the back of the door and looked at the young girl sitting on the edge of the tub, her eyes wide.

  "You don't really have to," I said, coming over to sit on the toilet lid, my knees touching hers. "We can stay in here all night if you want."

  "What would we do?" She smiled, rubbing her knees against mine.

  "Whatever you want," I replied. "I play a wicked game of eye-spy."

  She laughed. "I can think of better things," she said, reaching her hand out and fingering the edge of my short skirt. "What are you wearing under that?"

  "This?" I couldn't believe I was doing it, but I lifted my skirt to show her the white cotton panties that went along with the whole innocent school girl theme.

  "Nice." Her eyebrows went up. "So do you have a boyfriend to model that for?”

  “A husband," I replied. "I'm hoping he likes it."

  "How can he not?" she asked, her eyes trained between my thighs, and I realized I was still holding my skirt up. I dropped it, flushing. Being this close to her was making me feel very, very warm.

  "Wait," Kali said, lifting my skirt again. "I spy, with my little eye..."

  She moved between my thighs on her knees and I looked down at her, holding my breath, my eyes wide. "Something... black?"

  "What are you doing?" I whispered, as if someone might hear me.

  "Playing eye spy," she said, slipping a finger under the elastic of my panties and exposing my bush. "Yep. Black."

  "Kali," I said, starting to push my skirt down.

  "Wait, wait," she said, pressing my hand with hers, keeping my skirt up.


  "I spy with my little eye..." She was leaning in so close to me now I could feel her breath on my thighs. I didn't seem to have control of my body as it edged toward her.

  "Something pink," she murmured, parting my lips with her fingers.

  I gasped, watching her eyes, which seemed to be drinking in the sight of me there. I was fascinated with her mouth, how dark her lipstick was, how pink her tongue when she licked her lips. Her fingers wandered through the folds of my flesh, her eyes following the path she was tracing. Everything was fuzzy and sharp at the same time, a glorious haze of heightened sensation.

  Before I knew it, her tongue was parting my pussy lips, too, trailing up and down my slit. I'd never wanted anything more and I didn't stop her, I didn't even think to stop her. The pleasure was so good it was almost unbearable. Ecstasy is the perfect name, I thought, as I let her lick me and lick me, holding my panties aside for her and watching her little, pink pointed tongue flicking back and forth over my clit.

  Her hands roamed over my body, up my thighs, spreading them, moving over my exposed belly. She reached underneath my shirt and found my breasts. I wasn't wearing a bra, and she moaned at that, tweaking my nipples, making them stand up for her.

  I whispered her name, running my hands through her short, dark hair. Her tongue worked me into a frenzy until I was wiggling and gasping and thrusting my hips against her. She took it all in stride, never losing her place or her pace, staying focused right there on the spot that was making me crazier by the minute.

  "Oh, God," I whispered. "I'm so close."

  She nodded, encouraging me with her tongue, not even stopping when there was a knock on the bathroom door. I tried to remember if I'd locked it.

  "There's someone in here!" I called breathlessly as they tried the door. Locked. Thank God.

  "Are you two almost done?" It was Kelly.

  Kali's eyes met mine—hers were dancing and dark—and she started licking at me even faster. I hissed when she pulled at my nipples. "Tara? Almost?"

  "Getting there!" I gasped.

  "Okay." I heard her walk down the hall and the moment I let myself relax again, it came over me, the most incredible orgasm of my life, shuddering through me in delicious, undulating waves. I clutched Kali, the young girl latched onto my pussy as I bucked and rocked and gasped, trying to be quiet and realizing that made it even more pleasurable.

  When I looked down through half-closed eyes at Kali, she was grinning and wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. She had dark lipstick smeared all over. I'd never wanted to kiss anyone more, and that's just what I did, kneeling on the floor and tasting myself in her mouth. She groaned against my lips, rubbing her body against me. It was the most delicious sensation in the world.

  I started undressing her, undoing and unzipping her jeans. She pulled the t-shirt off over her head, and I saw that she was braless too, her breasts small and perky like mine. I leaned over did just what I felt compelled to do—I kissed and licked at them, and she rocked with me, working her jeans down her hips.

  She stood to take off her boots, and I stayed on my knees, helping her pull them off one at a time. Then she toed off her jeans, standing there leaning back against the counter wearing a pair of black mesh panties. Her body was shapely, her skin milky white, her soft, rounded little belly sporting a silver navel ring that caught my eye.

  "Eye spy," I whispered, looking up at her. I was a little scared, now, but too excited to stop. I wanted to give her what she had given me. My mouth was watering, imagining what she might taste like, feel like against my tongue.

  "Just pink," Kali said, slipping her panties over her hips and revealing her bare pussy lips. She was shaved completely clean. I saw that the minute she slid up onto the counter and opened her thighs. I noticed that she had a tattoo of a butterfly over her left hip bone as she slid her hands between her legs, opening herself to me. Her pussy was glistening, her fleshy folds a deep, dark pink, much darker than my own. Her lips were thick and full, and I wondered if that's what I would look like if I were shaved.

  My pussy was still throbbing, aching for more, and although I'd never had a multiple orgasm, I couldn’t help reaching between my legs and rubbing myself as I went up on my knees and leaned toward her.

  "Have you ever done this?" she whispered.

  I shook my head.

  "You know what feels good for you, right?"

  I nodded, my eyes on hers.

  "It's easy then... just do that."

  My tongue found her, searching out her clit. She tasted just like I did, maybe a little stronger. Maybe that was because I'd only tasted myself second hand? Her skin was incredibly soft and smooth, and her clit was bigger than mine, fuller somehow—there was more flesh around it, hiding it from me. I found it anyway, licking at her like she had licked at me, my tongue working slowly around her clit.

  "Yes, do that," Kali murmured, her head going back as she pulled on her dark brown nipples. I stayed on my knees, rubbing my hand between my legs as I licked her. The sight and sound and smell of her was intoxicating.

  "Oh God, yeah," she whispered. "Faster, baby."

  I licked faster, my tongue moving over and over against the little button of flesh that felt like it was swelling in my mouth. Everything was so wet, and the smell of her entered me and became part of me somehow. I was lost in the pinkness of her flesh, the sway and rock and rol
l of her as she thrust against my mouth.

  She was making a sound in her throat, like a trapped "mmmmmm," as if she were trying to be quiet. I was glad my mouth was busy, because I wanted to moan out loud, too. I did, a little, against her pussy, making her shiver and press my head into her harder. I was swallowing the taste of her again and again as I licked. I felt like I could do it forever.

  "Ohhhh Tara," she whispered. "I'm gonna come for you."

  I gasped, flicking my tongue over and over her clit. My fingers were slipping through my own wetness, and I was so excited by her lust that I could feel another climax building there, and I worked hard toward it.


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