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Swap Meets (Volume 1): A 13 Book Excite Spice Hotwife MEGA Bundle (Excite Spice Boxed Sets)

Page 20

by Selena Kitt

  Chapter 1

  “Are you sure it looks ok?” Donna said, modeling the bikini in front of me.

  Of course it looked great. I knew it looked great when she tried it on in the store the weekend before. She was concerned because it showed more of her luscious body than she was willing to display. But I was horny just looking at her in the tiny black bathing suit so I figured I would use her unease to my advantage.

  “Well, you’re just a little hairy. You should probably shave a little first” I told her.

  She gave me that look that said she realized I was just trying to get in her pants, but there was enough uncertainty in her eyes that I knew she was considering it. If she had pussy hair peeking out from her bikini bottoms she would feel like she was even more on display, so I knew this was my golden opportunity to shave my wife’s hairy bush.

  It wasn’t like she would be at the local pool in front of all of our neighbors. We had rented a beach house not far from where we lived. I had a few friends from college that were in a neighboring house down the block, so they would likely be the only ones that would see her – other than the strangers on the beach. And she really didn’t know my friends from school anyway, so it shouldn’t have been that big of a deal to her.

  “Shave it? Really? You think my hair will stand out?” she was asking me.


  “That’s a small bathing suit bottom honey. Once you start moving around you’ll be able to see your bush” I said to her, feeling my cock starting to grow in my pants.

  She wrinkled her nose as she looked at me. “I don’t know…”

  I seized the moment because I knew the longer we talked about it the more likely it was she would be putting on the one piece suit.

  “It’s no big deal” I said as I stood to go to the bathroom and get the shaving cream and razor. “You’ll see, you might even like it.”

  Chapter 2

  I put a towel on the bed and told Donna to take off the bikini bottoms and lie back on the bed with her ass on the towel. She did as I asked, like she usually did. It was the trusting and somewhat naïve side of her, which for me made her the perfect wife.

  She climbed on the bed and put her naked ass on the center of the towel. I had a warm, wet washcloth in my hand and I planned on using it to prepare her to be shaved. I looked at her lying there and took a second before going to work. She had the body of a stripper and I needed to appreciate it before shaving her down.

  She was looking at me with those dark eyes of hers with her head propped on a pillow. Her perfect tits were still strapped in the bikini top and even on her back you could see she had a nice rack. Her narrow waist flared out to expose her two open legs and the tiny patch of pubic hair on her pussy. She really wasn’t hairy by any definition of the term but I had wanted to shave her for the last six months or so.

  “You going to do this or what?” she asked. “I’m getting kind of cold with my legs open like this.”

  I had noticed her nipples were poking the fabric of her suit top. I had considered that she might be getting cold. But as naïve as Donna was she was also usually horny, so I knew this had her turned on as much as it did me. I took the washcloth and started to wet the hair around her pussy.

  “Ohhh” she said as the washcloth touched her between the legs.

  I rubbed it all over her. I really needed to make sure her hair was damp so that it would be easy to run the razor over her, but I let my hands linger around her pussy lips. I rested them on her several times as I worked and felt her body shudder and saw how wet she was. I finished with the washcloth and reached for the shaving cream.

  I got some of the cream on my fingers and rubbed it into her pussy hair. I knew her breathing was getting heavier and I knew my cock was rock hard, but I also wanted to maintain my concentration as I dragged the razor over her. I rested a hand on her pussy to smooth away the hair and listened to her moan before I took the razor and made my first pass.

  “Oh god” she said as I continued to scrap away at her hair. I kept my left hand over her snatch as I worked but could feel the hot moisture underneath it. I purposely shifted my thumb around, knowing it was settled right above her clit. When she jumped I spoke to her.

  “Try to control yourself honey, almost done” I told her.

  “Uh-huh” she said to me through clenched teeth.

  I finally finished her and went back to the washcloth to wipe away the excess shaving cream. I looked at her bald, wet pussy and made a show of re-examining my work. I parted her lips with my fingers and opened her up, seeing how wet and ready she was. I ran my thumb over her again and her hips wiggled.

  “Oh my god!” she said. “Are you finished?”

  I had my pants off and was fucking her a second later. I shoved it in tight and held her knees back to her shoulders as I fucked the shit out of her. My wife had been a virgin when I met her and her pussy had been my sacred treasure throughout the six years of our marriage. The only thing left for me to do to it had been to shave it and I had finally done it. I pounded her bald pussy with the passion of a man who knows that pussy was all his.

  Chapter 3

  We were supposed to meet them on the beach at 12:00pm but we were late. It didn’t really matter, we were on vacation and we weren’t doing anything other than hanging out and swimming in the ocean. If it was between being punctual for that and fucking Donna’s newly shaved pussy, her pussy would win each and every time.

  Bob and Randy were already there with a black friend of theirs I hadn’t met yet. I had known Bob and Randy since college and had been roommates with them for several years before Donna and I had gotten married. The black guy was a friend of Bob’s from work who he introduced as Ray. We exchanged pleasantries while Donna peeled off her cover-up.

  “I’m going to go stick my toes in the water” she announced to us.

  “Ok baby, I’ll be down in a minute” I told her.

  I watched her cute ass as it wiggled underneath the bikini bottom on her way down to the water’s edge. I looked at the three of them to notice they had been watching her too. A slight annoyance crept over me, which was quickly replaced by an intense, husbandly pride.

  “Your old lady’s looking good Bill” Bob finally said.

  “Yeah she fills out that suit nice” Randy threw in.

  “Thanks, I thought so too. I helped her pick it out last weekend” I told them.

  I quickly changed the topic in the awkward pause that followed and we ended up catching up on old times for the next couple of hours. Donna had gotten back to our chairs and ended up crashing on her blanket in the sun as the three of us shot the shit. It was good to talk about the old times, and Bob and Randy each kept bringing up the card games we used to have.

  “There are a couple of decks back at our vacation house” I told them. “We can get a game together if you want. Might as well.”

  “Let’s do it” Randy said, “That is as long as your lovely wife doesn’t mind.”

  Donna was faced down on the blanket with a towel over her head. I could tell by watching the rhythmic rise and fall of her upper body that she had dozed off. I knew she was probably ready for sleep after the stiff fucking I had given her - I could have used a nap myself. I could see the sun had started to turn her skin brown and I could just make out the white edge of her ass cheeks under her bottoms. I could feel my satisfied cock start to stir again.

  “I think she’s out” I said, turning to look at the other three.

  Each one of them was looking at her, including Ray. He had been conspicuously quiet throughout the entire conversation, which was understandable since he didn’t share any of our memories. Still, his eyes moved over Donna body in a way that gave me a chill.

  “Yeah dude she’s out” Bob said, breaking me away from my thoughts.

  “Not a problem” I said, “She won’t mind. Card game at our place tomorrow night.”

  Chapter 4

  “You sure you don’t mind baby?” I said to her
as she was getting dressed.

  It had been another day at the beach and I was looking at her naked body as she was preparing to get her clothes on. She was just starting to tan and I could see the tan lines from that little bikini she had been wearing. She was wiggling into a little white skirt which offset the starting tan of her skin perfectly.

  “Sure, that’s fine honey. As long as you don’t mind if I just read my book on the porch for most of the night. Maybe you and I can go out tomorrow night.”

  She was a champ and didn’t have a problem with me playing cards. I knew she wouldn’t, she would do most things I asked of her. And the truth was we were running tight on cash so staying in tonight would help me with being able to afford taking her out tomorrow.

  “Where do you want to go tomorrow?” I asked her, and didn’t really give a shit what the answer was.

  She was trying to figure out which top she wanted to wear, and her perfect tits were just dangling there. She picked one of her little black bras to put on and then slipped a tank top on over it. It was the perfect outfit for sitting on the porch reading a book, and would be the perfect outfit for her horny husband to pull off of her later.

  “I don’t know. There’s that cute little seafood place on the boulevard before turning off to the beach, why don’t we go there?” she said.

  “You got it babe – cute little seafood place, check” I said to her.

  With any luck I would make some extra cash from playing cards. My friends could be chumps, so I was optimistic.

  Chapter 5

  “You guys need anything?” Donna was asking them.

  Ordinarily I would have been shooing her out of the room since we were deep into a game, but I had a feeling having her around had been bringing me luck. She didn’t stick around long – she really only breezed through a few times to get herself another Cosmo and ask if anyone needed a beer. Each time she did each guy took the opportunity to have her serve them so they could leer at her body. Any other night I might be pissed.

  But tonight I was cleaning house.

  I was up about two hundred dollars which was more than I ever remembered us playing for. Granted, we used to play in college when we were a bunch of broke students. We now had full time jobs and bankrolls, and I was the big winner so far. I was eyeing my stack of chips when Donna came in with the beers in her hands.

  She had four bottles so she needed to grasp them to her chest to keep from dropping them. When she went to hand them out her nipples were clearly visible through the wet, cold spots of her shirt that the bottles had left. There wasn’t an eye at the table that was not locked onto her chest as she handed out the beers. She staggered and put a hand on Ray’s shoulder to steady herself and I realized that the Cosmos were hitting home. I watched as he subtly put his hand on her ass to help steady her as she righted herself.

  I let it go. Ray was the only other one at the table with any chips to speak of and I was fine if he got distracted, even if it meant copping a feel off of Donna. I looked at the hand I just got dealt and saw I had a pair of Jacks. I put three cards back on the table and was dealt another three and Donna kept on buzzing around the table.

  “Sorry about that Ray” she said. “You boys need anything else?’ she asked.

  I knew what kind of snarky answers were going through the heads at the table but everyone politely declined her hospitality. I looked at my cards and I had added two Jacks to my pair.

  I was sitting on four Jacks!

  I was a little buzzed myself but I felt pretty good that I could start raising Ray and get to the chips he had in front of him. As I expected, he didn’t back down and he kept seeing me and raising back. I didn’t give him credit for being much of a poker player, and figured he was raising more as an act of bravado to not fold in front of Donna. His eyes kept going back and forth from his hand to her ass so I knew my wife’s body was working for me.

  “I’ll go all in and add another $500” he said.

  He had a roll of bills in his pocket, I had seen it earlier in the evening. I didn’t know what kind of stuff he did on the side to earn money like that, and I didn’t much care. I was looking at taking almost a thousand dollars from him, just because he wanted to bluff like a big man in front of Donna. She sensed the mood of the game was changing and everyone watched her ass as she left to go back to her porch.

  “I’ll see that if you spot me” I told him, knowing I had him.

  He agreed and we turned the cards. And it was the first time I would ever lose holding four Jacks. The fact that he had four Kings was the kind of shit you only see in movies…

  Chapter 6

  “Where’s the money man?” Ray was asking me.

  “Look, I don’t have it here, but I can’t get it for you by next week” I said, trying to reason with him.

  “By next week?” he said, with exaggerated emphasis. “What the fuck does that mean? You were betting with money you don’t even have?”

  The hair on the back of my neck was starting to stand up and his voice was getting hotter.

  “That shit don’t square with me man, you can’t bet with money you don’t have. If you had flipped a straight flush I’m damn sure you’d be taking my money.”

  “Hey Ray listen…” Bob started to say.

  “SHUT THE FUCK UP!” Ray snapped back at him.

  The tension in the room went up three notches as my brain scrambled for what to do. Bob and Randy both sat mute after Ray’s outburst. No one spoke as Donna sauntered back into the room.

  “You guys ok in here?” she asked.

  I was watching Ray as she asked her question and watched his eyes go to her body. I started to get an uncomfortable feeling in my gut.

  “We’re ok baby” I told her. “Just give us a few minutes.”

  She topped off her Cosmo in the kitchen and weaved her way back to the porch.

  “Hey man” Ray said when she was out of earshot. “You know there are other ways to work off your debt. Your old lady will do just fine.”

  “What?” I asked him.

  “Tell you what” he said. “Blowjobs for the three of us, and we’ll call it square.”

  Chapter 7

  “Blowjobs?” Donna said again.

  “I know, I know, I know – but it’s not as bad as it sounds” I was trying to reason with her in my buzzed, panicked state. “I lost big honey, and we don’t have the money to pay Ray. This is a lucky break though. All you have to do is blow them and he’ll let us slide the thousand dollars.”

  I knew making it sound easy was ludicrous. I knew what I was asking her to do was awful. But I also didn’t know much about this Ray character, and his flamboyant anger had made me nervous. And I didn’t like promising him a thousand dollars the following week that I didn’t have.

  I could see Donna’s drunk brain crunching the scenarios. I also knew she realized I was panicked and she would do anything for me. She was looking at my faced when she spoke to me.

  “All I need to do is blow them, right?”


  I brought her back into the den by the arm. Ray was smiled ear to ear and both Bob’s and Randy’s eyes were glued to her. She approached the table like a deer in the headlights. Ray was the one who broke the silence and spoke first. Once he started talking, I realized he was probably going to be giving directions the rest of the night.

  “Why don’t you start by sucking Randy’s cock Donna, and we’ll just go from there” he said.

  Randy immediately perked up in his chair at the suggestion. Donna turned and looked at me helplessly. I looked back at her and shrugged. I couldn’t bring myself to say out loud that it was ok to suck another man’s dick so shrugging seemed like my best option.

  Randy unbuckled his pants and immediately stood and whipped them to his knees before sitting back down. I watched Donna steady her drunken legs as she got down on her knees and looked at Randy. His cock was on its way to being fully erect and when she reached out and put her hand around i
t he jumped. She then opened her mouth obediently and went right down on him.

  I knew she didn’t love giving head. She would give it to me whenever I wanted it, and frankly she fact I knew she didn’t like it almost made it sexier. But as I watched her blowing Randy I started to feel my cock swelling in my pants. I watched her head go up and down and I listened to him groan and I realized that I was getting turned on.


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