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Double Doms

Page 3

by Tia Siren

Chapter 4


  On the outside, I was calm and collected, but on the inside, I was freaking out. I could hear my heart beating in my ears, and my breathing had increased tenfold. I clenched my fists together to stop my hands from shaking wildly with nerves. I was excited, that was no question, but I didn’t realize that when I was faced with something I had always wanted to do, I would be so damn nervous. I was alone in a room made for ecstasy, with two men, both extremely sexy, and both professors who I’d had classes with before. It wasn’t something I hadn’t thought about, especially after the other day when I was in the classroom alone with them. Even then, the tension between us was thick, and I was surprised no one else noticed when they came into the classroom. I had stayed up half the night thinking about what I would do if they approached me, but I never thought it would happen within minutes of me entering the party.

  I could tell they both wanted me. Their eyes couldn’t resist the temptation of running over my body. I had intentionally made my costume as sexy and sensual as possible, wanting to catch one or both of their attention that night. The red sash around my neck was like a beacon in the night, calling to them, showing them I was feeling the lust both of them had surging through their loins. I made sure that between the look in my eye and the way I caressed their chests, they knew I wanted them as much as they did me.

  I leaned in closely to Grant, watching his breath increase, leaning close to his mouth but not touching him. I could feel Ben getting closer, his hand swiping across my lower back as he circled us. Things were really starting to heat up inside that room, and I didn’t feel any need to continue the charade. It was obvious all of us wanted this to happen, and if I was going to be submissive, one of them better start taking control of the situation.

  “You seem like the kind of boys who want to take control,” I whispered, looking up into Grant’s eyes. “I like to be submissive.”

  “Good,” Grant said after a moment. “Take off your wings.”

  I smiled and stepped back, dropping my wings to the floor. I stood there, folding my hands in front of me as Ben walked forward, running his hands down the front of me, grasping my breasts in his hands. I bit my bottom lip, not wanting to moan unless I was told I could.

  “Kiss him,” Ben said, nodding to Grant.

  I walked forward and stood in front of Grant, moving in until my lips barely swiped across his. He grabbed my shoulders and pressed his mouth hard against mine, Ben behind me, undoing the sash around my waist. Grants hands went up and ripped my bodysuit down, exposing my breasts. He smiled as he peeled it down my body, leaving just my fishnets and heels intact. I reached up to take off the sash around my neck, but he stopped me.

  “Leave it,” he demanded.

  “Not wearing any panties, huh? Tsk, tsk, tsk,” Ben said, reaching around and running his fingers over my pussy.

  I gasped, biting my lip again to muffle the moan in my throat. Grant reached up and grabbed me under the chin, holding my face tight as Ben rubbed my mound. He leaned forward, running his tongue across my cheek and over to my ear. I could feel the heat of his breath trickling down my neck and my nipples becoming erect. I stood there, now completely dominated by both of them, more aroused than I ever had been before. With each passing moment, I wanted more and more, hoping they pushed the boundaries of my comfort zone.

  “Get on your knees and start sucking our dicks,” Grant whispered.

  Ben let go of my wet pussy and walked around, both of them unbuckling their pants and pulling out their big, hard cocks. I leaned in toward Ben first, grabbing Grants cock with my hand. I opened wide and swallowed his dick, listening to him groan above me. I pushed his dick down my throat, feeling his hand on the back of my head. I pulled away, breathing deeply and switching, grasping Ben’s dick hard with my palm and shoving Grant’s dick deep down my throat. I glanced up at his face through clouded vision as he closed his eyes and felt my mouth slide up and down his shaft. He groaned out and pushed my head down further, holding it against his skin for several moments before letting up again.

  I pulled away and switched again, licking Ben’s cock from the base to the tip, while jerking Grant hard and fast. I looked up as Grant grabbed my hand, taking in a deep breath. He pulled his pants off and walked around behind me.

  “I’m going to fuck you, and you’re gonna suck his cock,” he said pointedly.

  I nodded my head up and down feverishly and watched as he lowered himself down to his knees. Ben knelt in front of me as I lifted up on all fours, looking forward at his shaft staring me in the face. I smiled slightly and opened my mouth, gasping loudly as Grant entered me, pushing deep inside of me fast and hard. The closer I got to orgasm, the faster I moved my mouth up and down his cock. I could feel every inch of him entering and releasing until I couldn’t stand it anymore. I pulled my face back and looked up at Ben.

  “May I scream, please? I’m gonna come,” I pleaded.

  He nodded his head right as the orgasm took over, pushing over my entire body. The waves of pleasure shook me to the core, and Ben stood back watching me writhe against Grant’s dick. He stroked his cock hard until I regained composure. Grant continued to push inside of me, groaning as my juices flowed down his dick. He slapped my ass hard, releasing a barrage of moans echoing through the room, mixing with the sounds of the music from inside the club.

  “I want to fuck you in the ass,” Ben growled, walking over to the wooden cabinet in the corner.

  “I’ve never done that before,” I said, looking up at him timidly.

  It was true I had never done anal before, but I had thought about it many times, especially since part of me had always wanted to be double-penetrated. I wanted to feel two cocks in me, and anal was definitely one of the two ways to do that. I had been told it was one of the most pleasurable experiences a woman could have, but I definitely didn’t want him to blow in there leaving me unable to sit down for a week.

  “Let’s see what they have in here,” he said standing in front of the cabinet.

  Grant had slowed down but was still pushing in and out of me, pulling my face toward him. I looked back at him and immediately was lost in his lustful gaze. I turned back around and watched as Ben grabbed a container from the cabinet and turned around. It was a fresh bottle of lube, still in the box.

  “I think this will work,” he said with a serious face.

  “Perfect,” I moaned out, my body wanting even more.

  Grant got up and moved in front of me as Ben moved behind me, kneeling down. He lathered the lube on his cock and on me and then very slowly pushed part of the way in me. I groaned, feeling the combination of pleasure and pain. He stopped for a moment and then pushed further, pulling back and moving forward slowly at first and then building faster. He grabbed onto my ass as Grant turned my face back toward him, pushing the tip of his cock in my throat. Once Ben got going, the sensation was amazing, and I could barely focus on the cock down my throat.

  As he got going, my body relaxed, and I grabbed onto Grant’s balls, massaging them in my hand as he moved my mouth up and down his shaft. I gagged slightly, my eyes watering so much, I could barely see. I let go of his balls and wiped my eyes, pulling back and taking a deep breath. I giggled lightly and then slid back down his shaft, still feeling Ben pushing in and out of me.

  “Rub your clit,” Ben groaned as he thrust forward.

  I reached back and slid two fingers over my clit as Grant stepped back, rubbing his hand up and down his cock, watching me rub myself. I breathed deeply, the feeling of my pussy plumping and his cock ramming into my ass almost overwhelming me. The fire in my belly had already sparked and was reaching a fevered pitch. I screamed out, my tits flopping back forth as he slapped my ass hard and thrust into me again. I moved my fingers faster over my clit, feeling myself getting closer and closer. As he pushed in me again, my eyes met Grant’s, and I exploded, bursts of pleasure radiating so hard through my body that no noise came from my mouth. The air was trapped i
n my lungs, and my whole body was stiff.

  I was not only completely out of mind with pleasure, I was ecstatic that I loved anal as much as I did. With the combination of him dominating me, his cock in my ass, and my fingers running over my clit, I had never felt anything that intense before, and I was completely hooked on the feelings. I looked up at Grant as my body began to relax.

  “I want to fuck your ass,” Grant growled.

  “And I want your pussy. Climb on top of me,” he demanded as he turned over and lay down on the floor.

  I straddled Ben and slowly slid down on his dick, feeling the smooth sensation of the lube. Grant walked around me, rubbing lube up and down his dick as he approached me. I lifted up slightly as Grant slowly guided his dick into my ass, my hands clutching down on Ben’s skin. He smiled and grabbed my waist, beginning to thrust his hips up and down inside of me. I could barely breathe from the feeling of the two of them inside of me. It was everything I’d ever wanted, and the feeling of being completely filled was beyond description. I closed my eyes and focused on the feelings of the two dicks going in and out of me, trying to calm my breathing enough to control myself.

  Finally, my voice was found, and I moaned in rhythm with the guys, finding my voice and feeling the orgasm start to develop inside of me. I looked down into Ben’s deep gaze as he thrust faster and faster, gritting his teeth. I slung my head back feeling Grant’s balls slap against me.

  “Oh god,” I screamed out. “I’m gonna come.”

  “Yes,” Grant growled, plowing into my ass.

  I clutched down on Ben’s shoulders as waves of pleasure washed over me. Ben growled loudly, slamming himself up inside of me and holding there as his dick pulsated in orgasm inside of me. At the same time, Grant grabbed his cock and jacked it, hot streams of his seed spewing out over my back, dripping down my sides. We all sat there for several moments, gathering ourselves, our bodies heaving from the intensity of it all. The sound of the music outside caught my attention, and Grant stood up, grabbing paper towels and wiping off my back.

  I stood up from Ben and smiled coyly, walking over to my costume and reassembling my outfit. I looked over as I tied my feathered bustle back on and slipped my wings over my shoulders. I walked to the door and looked back at the guys.

  “That was pretty amazing,” I said, winking at them and slipping out of the room.

  Chapter 5


  My hand ran along the freshly-painted walls of the university. They always repainted the walls at the beginning of each year. I passed by another class in session, and my eyes ran across a young, dark-haired girl sitting in the back row. Immediately, my mind flew to Kylie and how amazing it was to fuck her during the Halloween party. My mind hadn’t been able to think about anything else since she’d left the room and disappeared into the crowd. When we got out of there, I’d gone home, having had enough fun for the night. My ex-girlfriend had been a good submissive but nothing compared to Kylie. She asked permission, she was open to trying new things, and she bent at the will of both of us. She was the best submissive I had ever been with, and I had been with several who made a life’s work out of it.

  I could still see Kylie in my mind, writhing and moaning as Ben fucked her in the ass. It was one of the most erotic and sensual experiences I had ever had, and I couldn’t get it off my mind. All day on Sunday I sat around thinking about that room, that body, and when I had finally fallen asleep, all I saw were black feathers falling from the sky all around me, and Kylie standing there naked, taunting me to come after her. By the time I had gotten to her, though, she had disappeared, her red satin ribbon lying on the ground. To say she had done something to me would be an understatement.

  I went into the classroom and started setting up. I pulled out my laptop and papers and set them up on the table. As I turn toward the board, someone walked into the classroom. It was Kylie. She was the only person in the auditorium with me, and I stopped, watching her walk down the stairs.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I heard about this business class taught by this first-year professor, and I thought I should come check it out,” she said with a smile, approaching my desk and leaning forward. “I heard he was really, really hot. So, I signed up for the class.”

  “You’re going to have to make up quite a bit,” I said walking toward her.

  “Oh no,” she said feigning shock. “I wonder if there is any professor who would be willing to help me?”

  “I might be able to find one,” I said, leaning forward. “But you’ll have to do everything he tells you to do.”

  “I like that idea,” she said.

  I liked that she came there that day. I liked that she was the first one there on purpose, that she wore a low-cut shirt and short skirt, and that she was relentlessly flirting with me. All of it showed me she really enjoyed herself at the club. I smiled cockily, looking Kylie in the face. She was biting her lower lip, and I could see all the way to her bra, her breasts heaving underneath. I loved the personality she had outside of the bedroom in contrast to what she was inside of it. She was strong-willed and abrasive during the day and vulnerable and submissive when it counted. It was something I was looking forward to seeing again.

  “How do you feel about the other night?” I sat on the edge of my desk and watched her.

  She stood up and crossed her arms over her chest, a sexy little smile moving across her lips. She looked up at the board and walked forward, looking at the words written in chalk. She stood there for several moments before turning back and walking up very close to me. I could smell the floral bouquet of her perfume, and my cock was thumping in my pants. She leaned in close to me, taking my breath away.

  “I can’t wait to do it again,” she whispered, lifting her eyebrows.

  I felt shivers move down my spine, and for the first time in my life, I didn’t know what to say or do. I reached forward and grabbed her wrist, looking lustfully into her eyes. She had mischief written all over her face, and I could almost feel myself losing control. My cock was throbbing in my pants, and all kinds of thoughts were running through my mind. I wanted to take her right there and punish her. I wanted to lay her over the desk and spank her really hard for turning me on before class started. Now I was going to have to sit through an entire seminar staring out at her and the other students in my class, trying not to think about fucking the hell out of her.

  Visions of the other night flashed through my mind, and I stepped closer to her, my teeth clenched together. I looked her in the eyes and leaned forward, taking in her scent. She chuckled, enraging and arousing me even more than she already had. It was like she was taunting me, and I liked it.

  “You better watch yourself,” I whispered.

  “Oh, yeah? Whatcha gonna do? Spank me?”

  “You want a spanking? I don’t know if you’re ready for that,” I teased.

  “You’d be surprised what I’m ready for, professor,” she said with a coy smile. “You might want to tie me up before you spank me, though. You wouldn’t want me getting loose.”

  “That can be arranged,” I said.

  “Too bad it’s so close to class. I’d take my punishment right here, right now if I could,” she said, running her hand over the desk. “Just me and you. You showing me how bad of a girl I’ve been and me begging you to fuck me.”

  “You get fucked when you’ve been a good girl, not a bad one,” I said, smiling.

  “But wouldn’t it feel good to really pound it into me? Fuck me so hard I can’t sit for a week? Now, I’m going to have to sit through your class with a wet, pulsing pussy, and you’re going to have to watch,” she said taking my hand and putting it up her skirt.

  I could feel the wetness between her legs, her juices running into her soft panties. She rolled her eyes back as my hands slipped just under the edge, teasing her. I wanted to fuck her so badly, to feel her tight pussy and ass again. I wanted to tie her up and bend her over, switching back and forth between h
er warm mound and her tight little ass. Just as those thoughts moved through my mind and my fingers slipped over her clit, the top door opened, and I yanked my hand back, backing up before anyone could notice.

  Students were starting to arrive for my class, and I knew I had to be careful about what was going on. I could be fired if the school found out I was sleeping with Kylie, and she could get kicked out. The last thing I wanted was for this fun to end in a fiery blaze, but damn if I didn’t want to pull her into my office fast and fuck her against the wall. I couldn’t, and I knew that, so I took in a deep breath and watched as she smoothed down her dress, pretending to read a piece of paper that was on my desk.

  “Morning, professor,” one of the other students said.

  I smiled and waved, unable to find my voice among the panic. I looked over at Kylie who was trying to hide a smile as she stared down at the office memo in her hand. She was being so bad, and that was not going to go unnoticed. When I had woken up earlier that day, I wondered if I would ever have the chance to dominate Kylie again, but now that she was there, I knew we were going to get to fuck again. She was practically begging for it, and who was I to deny her?

  “We will discuss this later,” I said, taking the paper from her and winking.

  “I look forward to it.” She walked back to her seat in the front.

  She sat down in the front row at a desk and looked up at me, slowly parting her legs. I could see the edge of her panties, and my dick starting throbbing in my pants. I didn’t know if I could get through the class with her sitting there like that. She looked so hot in her outfit, and the way her eyes moved over my body as I spoke was making it hard to concentrate. There weren’t that many students in the class that day, so no one noticed Kylie’s hand slip under the desk and move her panties to the side. I instantly got choked up on my words, and my face turned red. I looked away, trying to regain my composure.

  The rest of the class went by painfully and slowly, and when it ended, one of the other students came up to talk to me about the upcoming midterms. I tried to listen, but my eyes were glued to Kylie as she purposely bent over to pick up her bag from the floor and then flashed me a mischievous smile as she sauntered up the steps. She was fucking killing me.


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