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Double Doms

Page 19

by Tia Siren

  I stood outside of the auditorium watching the other students file in, talking excitedly about the announcement. Part of me wanted to run, go home, and just cry, but I knew I had to carry on. The announcement was not a surprise, and I should have been prepared for the news. The last thing I wanted to do was sit there, staring at him and knowing he wouldn’t be in my life anymore. I turned and walked away, down the hall and out of the building in the courtyard. I sat down on a bench and thought about everything from the baby to me finishing my degree. I had to keep it together. I was almost done with school, and I had to know I could support myself even though Grant was going to be there. I wanted to be strong and self-sufficient for this child.

  I sat there for the entire three-hour duration of the class, gathering my things as the students exited the building. I walked back in with my head held high, ready to congratulate him and move forward with my life. My hands were shaking as I walked down the steps of the classroom, watching him packing up his things.

  “I guess I owe you some congratulations,” I said, mustering the best smile possible. “I knew you would get the position. This is a really big deal. How does it feel to be the youngest dean in school history?”

  “Kylie, you don’t have to do this,” he said putting his things down.

  “I do have to do this,” I said dropping my arms. “I have to do this for me. I have to do this for my child and the future that I now have to let go of. Don’t stand there and act like the good guy now. It’s too little too late. I am happy for you, truly. I’m just here to tell you that since this will be the end of this chapter of your life, me, the baby, and maybe Grant included.”

  “I mean you don’t have to do this now,” he said. “We need to talk. There are some things Grant said to me that make a lot of sense. I want all three and a half of us to sit down tonight. All the professors will be leaving the apartment complex for a dinner that I’m not attending. Come over to my place tonight.”

  “Grant will be there?”

  “Grant will be there,” he said with a smile. “I already set everything up with him. You don’t have to be nervous. We will talk about anything you want to, and Grant and I will tell you about what we have come up with. Take a deep breath and know that I may have come off selfish, and my thoughts may have been misguided, but I really do care about you, and everything I have done, I have done with you, Grant, and the baby in mind.”

  “What time?”

  “Seven,” he said, tilting his head and looking at me.

  “All right.” I nodded. “I’ll be there at seven. Text me if anything changes.”

  I turned and started walking up the steps, curious, nervous, and afraid of what this conversation was going to consist of. I wasn’t going to allow him to be in this child’s life if he couldn’t even recognize me, but then again, I knew Grant wouldn’t come up with something like that. I stopped and turned back to him.

  “Ben,” I said, looking at him as he glanced up. “I really am happy for you.”

  I walked back up the steps, feeling a little better about everything. I didn’t know what to expect, but I knew Grant had always had my best interest at heart, and maybe, even though I couldn’t see it now, Ben had too. I went out to my car and headed back to my apartment, walking in to find Piper baking cookies and giggling with a nice-looking man. I stopped and smiled, taking off my shoes.

  “Hi,” I said with surprise.

  “Oh, Kylie,” Piper said, rushing to my side. “I want you to meet Evan. He’s the guy I told you about.”

  “Hi, Evan. It’s nice to meet you,” I replied, walking over and shaking his hand.

  “You, too, Kylie,” he said happily, his wrinkle lines showing when he smiled. “I’ve heard so much about you. It’s great to finally meet you.”

  “You as well,” I said nodding my head.

  “Evan, I’m going to talk to Kylie for a sec. I’ll be right back,” she said, pulling me off down the hallway.

  We went into the bedroom and shut the door. I started to change my clothes, pulling on a tighter sweater and a pair of leggings. I grabbed some socks out of my drawer and sat down on the bed, laughing at how giddy Piper was. I hadn’t ever seen her this excited over a guy.

  “He is so great,” she whispered. “He closed his office and surprised me, giving my mom flowers at work and then whisking me away to bake cookies.”

  “Wow.” I giggled.

  “Where are you going?”

  “Ben wants to talk to me and Grant, so I’m heading over there,” I said.

  “You okay?”

  “I think so,” I said. “Yeah, I think I’m okay.”

  “Good.” she smiled. “Tell me all about it when you get back.”

  “I will,” I replied, watching her walk out of the room.

  I smiled to myself and shook my head, glad to see someone with a simpler love life. I said goodbye to them and headed over to Ben’s house, parking on the street and taking the elevator up. Just like last time, the place was completely empty. Grant answered the door, kissing me on the forehead and leading me into the living room. The three of us sat down, and I listened to Ben and Grant start the conversation.

  “So, when we were at the gym the other day, I told Grant something I hadn’t had a chance to tell you the other night,” Ben said. “I told him not being together if I made dean was only until you graduated. Then, Grant not so gently told me I had my head up my ass.”

  “Well …” I said in a high-pitched tone, smiling over at Grant.

  “I agree with him. There are other ways for us to stay together until you graduate,” he said.

  “We have made up a schedule, and we will only be meeting at my house until you graduate,” Grant explained. “I live far enough away where no one will see us. It’s not abnormal for him to come to my house, and I’m going to look for a position at another college, maybe.”

  “Wow, you guys have really thought this through,” I said. “But what about the baby?”

  “We will be a family,” Ben said straightforwardly. “The three of us will be a family because you’re right, both of you. That baby is as much mine as it is Grant’s, regardless of DNA.”


  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Ben had finally come around, and not only did he not want to stop seeing me, even as dean, he wanted to be a family with us. It was everything that I had wanted since I found out I was having a baby. I had the two men I was in love with telling me they wanted to be with me, and I had a beautiful child on the way that would be raised by three amazing parents.

  “We have to be careful, though,” Ben said. “We can’t be caught in dumb situations, so until you graduate, let’s keep meetings in the office and time in the classroom to a minimum.”

  “Agreed,” I said, tears flowing down my cheeks.

  “I can’t tell if you’re happy or sad,” Ben said, looking at Grant.

  “She’s happy.” He chuckled. “Those are happy tears, right?”

  “Yes,” I said, jumping up and wrapping my arms around Ben.

  I sat down on his lap and reached for Grant, pulling him into the hug. I knew it was stupid to be crying so much, but I couldn’t help it. The hormones and the happiness got the best of me. This was the perfect night with the men I loved so much, and I couldn’t imagine anything ever getting in the way of that again.

  Chapter 33


  Having her in my lap like that immediately started my engine, her tight little ass digging into my crotch. Grant leaned back, and she turned to me, pressing her lips tightly against mine. I slipped my tongue into her mouth, missing her sweet taste, as I pulled the coat from her shoulders and reach my hands under her sweater. I unclasped her bra and pulled it off along with her shirt. She turned and straddled me, our mouths still locked tightly together as I ran my hands down her soft, naked back, her nipples hard and poking into my chest. I wanted her so badly, and I could feel my cock getting hard between her legs. Her hips star
ted to move, grinding up my shaft as she sucked hard on my bottom lip.

  She pulled her head back and smiled, leaning her hands on my thighs and letting her breasts bounce back and forth as she dry humped me. My eyes roamed over her body, her perfect pale skin shimmering under the lights. I pulled her forward and grabbed her ass, standing up and wrapping her legs around my waste. I nodded at Grant, and he followed us back to the bedroom, closing the door behind us. I laid her down on the bed, her legs hanging off the end as I undressed her the rest of the way. I spread her legs wide apart and looked down at her swollen, pink pussy. I couldn’t wait to taste her.

  Grabbing her thighs, I slowly pulled her ass to the end of the bed and took off my clothes. She stared up at my naked body, at my cock sticking straight out at attention. Grant stripped down, too, and climbed up on the bed next to her, leaning over and sucking her nipple into his mouth. She moaned loudly, throwing her head back, goosebumps moving up her legs.

  “Her nipples are more sensitive now,” he said with a smile.

  “Let’s see what else is more sensitive, shall we?”

  She giggled as I dropped to my knees and planted my mouth right on her clit, pushing my tongue through her folds. She twitched around me, whimpering as I swirled my tongue through her juices, tasting every inch of her. I swiped my lips from the bottom to the top, sucking hard on her nub. She lurched, and I grabbed her waist keeping her from getting away.

  “I almost forgot how good you taste,” I said with a grin.

  I opened my mouth and laved through her wetness, feeling her body writhing around me. She grabbed my head with her hand and ground her pussy against my mouth, screaming out in pleasure. I chuckled, knowing she was going to be in for a long night of fucking, and pulled back a little to watch her face as I plunged two fingers inside of her, twisting and turning them as I pulled them back out.

  “I want your dick in my mouth,” she moaned, looking down at me.

  “Would you care to take over?” Grant smiled in response and got off the bed, switching places with me.

  I climbed up beside her, and she lifted up on her elbows. I moved my legs across her chest and straddled her, holding my cock against her lips. She swirled her tongue around the mushroom tip, screaming out as Grant began to lick her pussy. I scooted forward, and she pushed her mouth over the head and took the entire thing in one thrust. She held her head at the bottom and moved her head back and forth, rubbing my dick against the sides of her throat. As she pulled back, she sucked hard all the way to the tip. I reached up and grabbed some pillows, propping her head up and grabbing the back of it.

  I thrust my hips forward, feeling her relax as I continued to fuck her mouth, deep and hard. She moaned loudly as Grant moved faster against her pussy, his fingers diving deep inside of her as his tongue circled around her clit. She sucked hard all the way to the top and pulled back, screaming with ecstasy. I grabbed my dick and jerked it right in front of her as she exploded into an orgasm, grabbing onto the sheets on each side of her. I smiled and crawled off.

  “I want you guys to sit on the edge of the bed,” she said, rolling off the edge. “I have a little treat for you too.”

  She started out by getting on her knees between the two of us, her body stuck between our outer thighs. She reached over and grabbed both of our cocks at once and started stroking, looking back and forth between us as she bounced up and down, making her tits jiggle. She did that for a few minutes, both of us leaning back to enjoy the show. Then, she leaned over and shoved my cock down her throat and started bobbing up and down fast and deep while she continued stroking Grant’s. She stopped and switched, doing the same thing to Grant, his hands moving through her hair wildly.

  She pulled Grant over next to me, and he got on his knees. She leaned over and deep throated my cock again, still jerking Grant off. He groaned, closing his eyes as I watched her head bob up and down in my lap. It was so sexy, I could barely contain myself, so I slowed her down, smiling as she looked up at me with watery eyes. Slowly, she sucked my cock, taking time to swirl her tongue around every inch of my shaft. She turned as she was pushing down, staring up at Grant who bit his lip, and moved her hand faster on his dick.

  “Yeah,” he groaned, watching her intently as she sucked me almost dry.

  I pulled her head up to my face and kissed her fiercely as she continued to stroke Grant’s cock. I wanted her in every way possible, but I had to share, and I was okay with that. I loved watching her fuck Grant, giving it to him with passion.

  “I want you to thank Grant for taking care of you,” I whispered. “Go fuck him good. I’ll watch.”

  “Mmmm,” she said, licking her lips and standing up.

  She pushed Grant down on the bed, smiling mischievously as she climbed over him, straddling his dick. She grabbed between her legs and shoved his dick into her, sliding her legs out to the sides and pushing it in as deep as she could get it. I crawled up to the head of the bed and perched myself there, rubbing my hand up and down my shaft. She stared at me intently as she began to rock back and forth on his dick, grinding her pussy against him. He reached up and grabbed her tits, rolling her nipples over in his fingers. She leaned back and moaned wildly, moving her hips faster and faster on top of him.

  He reached down and grabbed her waist, lifting her up and then thrusting into her. He growled, his eyes going dark and jabbed his cock into her over and over. She screamed out, her voice trembling from the thrusts smacking against her body. Grant smiled and set her back down, moving his hands down over her tits.

  “Now thank Ben for coming back,” he said. “Until you come.”

  Grant and I switched places, and I lay down, helping her onto my cock. She slid down slowly and then back up again, groaning each time until I pulled her down hard in my lap. I moved her hips around in circles, watching her hold her fingers in her mouth, her eyes closed as her clit dragged around my abdomen. She rolled her hands down her tits and placed her palms on my stomach, opening her eyes and looking over at Grant. He nodded at her, and she began to grind hard and fast against me. She hummed loudly, bouncing up and down for a moment before grinding hard again. I could see her body getting frantic, wanting another release. She gripped her fingers down into my stomach and then twisted her body to the side, sliding her pussy over me again and again.

  “Yeah, baby, that’s right. Fuck that dick,” I groaned. “Come all over it, baby.”

  “Yeah,” she screamed. “You like that?”

  “Yeah,” I growled. “Make yourself come, baby.”

  “Yes,” she screamed again.

  “You gonna come for me?”

  “Yes, I’m gonna come,” she moaned. “I’m gonna come. God, I’m fucking coming. Oh god.”

  “Yeah,” I groaned, feeling her body stiffen on top of me.

  I grabbed her waist and moved her faster and faster until I could feel the explosion coating my cock. I moaned out as the juices dripped down my dick and over my balls, my body wanting more and more of her. I could have come right then, but it wasn’t time.

  “Turn around and suck Grant’s cock while I fuck that sweet pussy,” I ordered.

  She shook slightly as she turned around on me, rubbing her clit to finish off her climax. She lifted up off my dick slightly as she leaned forward and started to suck Grant. He pulled her head hard toward him, as I began to thrust my hips up and down, feeling how wet she was. This girl was killer, and I couldn’t get enough of her. I slapped her ass cheek listening to her moan as she bobbed forward and back on his shaft. He twisted his hand through her hair and scooted forward, fucking her mouth as fast as he could. My hips began to thrust without thought, gliding through her juices, the sound of our wet skin slapping together echoing through my mind. I had really missed her pussy, and I wanted to come so badly, but I wasn’t quite done with her yet.

  I reached down and grabbed onto the comforter, thrusting up and down, over and over again. She sucked deeper on Grant’s cock, and he released his grip on her
head, pulling his hands behind his head and letting her take control. She kept up the pace, now slapping her body down as I raised up, pushing my cock deeper inside of her. I slowed my pace down, and she pulled Grant’s cock from her throat, breathing heavily and looking up at him with a wide smile.

  “Before we finish this, I want to feel your ass,” I said. “Climb onto Grant’s cock and finish him off.”

  She smiled, crawling forward and straddling him, putting her hands around his neck and sliding onto his dick. She moved slowly at first, staring him in the eyes as she fucked him. I grabbed the lube and squirted it in my hand, rubbing it all over my shaft. I scooted forward and raised up on my knees, slowly pushing my dick into her ass. Grant held onto her ass with both hands as he kneeled there as well, all our faces close together. I started to push in and out of her, feeling how tight her little ass was. She leaned her head to me and kissed me and then moved back to Grant, kissing him too.

  We all moved in one harmonious rhythm, Kylie’s moans synchronized with our thrusts. As she reached a fevered pitch and her body started to shake, I pushed up deep inside of her and let go. My body quivered as my cock exploded my hot seed inside of her. Grant growled and began to shake, doing the same in her sweet pussy. We sat there wrapped in each other’s arms, coming hard and long, filling Kylie to the brim. I pulled out and collapsed back on the bed, watching as they did the same.

  We were all finally back together, and I would do my damnedest to make sure we never spent that time apart again.

  Chapter 34


  “So how did your date with Mr. Cookie-maker go?” I smiled at Piper as we stood at the kitchen counter eating the cookies they had made.

  “He’s like the dreamiest man I have ever met in my life,” she said, rolling her eyes. “And we haven’t even done it yet.”

  “You haven’t?” I was surprised since that was always Piper’s test to see if she found the right guy.


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