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Double Doms

Page 32

by Tia Siren

Hunter moved his hand from my throat to my breasts. He grabbed one breast, squeezed it, and massaged it. I felt my nipples harden against the padding of my bra. I couldn’t think straight anymore. Hunter held me balanced between his two hands, his body behind me. It was so hot and so impersonal all at the same time.

  The orgasm built inside me, hard and fast. Hunter was breathing hard in my ear, matching my own breathing, and it pushed me closer and closer to the edge. He fingered me relentlessly.

  “Come for me,” he whispered, and I cried out as the orgasm overcame me. It washed over me in waves of pleasure. I moaned and gasped uncontrollably, lost in the pure thrill surging through my body.

  He kept at it, his fingers working me over until I thought I couldn’t take anymore. When he let me go, I gasped and sagged a little. He grabbed my arms and held me up.

  “That’s my girl,” he said.

  I breathed hard, and my legs trembled. Hunter moved me, almost lifting me with his strength, and pushed me against the wall. My breasts pressed against the wallpaper. He pinned me with his body and ground his cock into my ass. He was so hard and thick, just like the rest of him. I wanted to run my hands over the length of him and savor every inch, but I forced myself to stay still.

  He was in control of me right now, and I loved it.

  “Let’s get you out of this,” he growled and moved me away from the wall enough to pull my top over my head. He undid my bra and pulled it off, dropping it onto the floor. I was suddenly naked from the waist up, but the lust was so thick in the room, I could barely breathe, and worrying about my nudity was somewhere far away.

  Hunter reached around and squeezed my breasts, pinching the nipples. I cried out as the pain dissolved into pure pleasure. Hunter reached down and pulled my skirt up, exposing my ass. He slapped it, and I yelped.

  “Do you like this, princess?” he asked. “Do you want me to keep going?”

  I moaned in response, and Hunter chuckled.

  He squeezed my ass cheeks, pulling them apart and massaging them. I braced myself with my hands against the wall next to the red couch. I felt so vulnerable and exposed in front of him, a stranger I’d only just met. But somehow I trusted him. It thrilled me to know he was looking at me. It didn’t scare me at all. I’d never been more turned on in my life.

  Hunter worked his hands over my ass. He pulled my panties down so that I was naked except for the thong around my knees and the skirt like a belt around my waist. He moved lower and inward until his fingers found my pussy. He pushed his fingers into me, and I cried out. He finger-fucked me before he pulled his fingers out, and I gasped in protest.

  “Bend over the couch,” he commanded. “Brace yourself.”

  His voice was so powerful and sexy. I felt myself dripping at the mere sound of it. I did as he asked, nervous about what he was going to do but excited, too. Was he going to take me from behind? God knew I was wet enough, but I wasn’t sure I was ready. But this was what I’d wanted, right? This was what I’d signed up for, coming in here with him. He could take me any way he wanted. I wanted him to dominate me, and he was doing exactly that.

  I bent over the couch, bracing myself on it just like he’d asked. I closed my eyes and waited.

  Something hot and wet pressed against my entrance, and I jerked until I realized what it was. Hunter was on his knees behind me, his face pressed between my legs, and he was licking my pussy.

  Holy shit.

  I moaned when he pushed his tongue into my entrance, parting my lips. I widened my stance and pushed my ass out, arching my back so that he could reach more of me. He flicked the tip of his tongue over my clit, and I shuddered violently. His mouth was pressed against me, and his tongue moved around against my sensitive pussy. He had me writhing with every touch, and I understood why he had wanted me to brace myself.

  He stopped suddenly, and I wasn’t sure why until he blew on my pussy. I shivered. The sensation was odd but undeniably erotic. He plunged his tongue back into me, and for a moment he worked me over, alternating between my entrance and my clit.

  When I could barely stand it anymore, he pushed his fingers into me again. I cried out. He started pumping his fingers in and out of me, fucking me with his hand, and I whimpered and shivered, struggling to keep myself upright. My legs went numb.

  Hunter stopped pumping and instead curled his fingers down. He rubbed against my G-spot, and the feeling was as unfamiliar as it was hot. I cried out, and my nails dug into the couch pillows. If it tore, they would have to hold Hunter responsible for it. After all, he was the one making me feel this way.

  The second orgasm came from somewhere deep inside, starting at my core and spreading through me like I was a cup filling with hot water. It spilled over the top, and I cried out. My knees buckled, and I had to save myself with my hands on the couch. But Hunter had his hands on my hips, and he held me up. It was as if he’d known I would collapse.

  I shuddered, riding out the intense orgasm while it pulsed through me. Wave after wave of ecstasy trembled through my body, over and over, making it hard to think and hard to breathe.

  Slowly, I came back down to earth. For a moment, all I felt were his hands on my hips. Finally, he stood up and turned me around. I’d been facing away from him ever since we’d kissed. He pressed his lips against mine, and I smelled my scent on his mouth and tasted myself on his tongue when he pushed it into my mouth.

  “On your knees,” he said when he broke the kiss.

  I did as he demanded, happy not to have to hold myself up anymore. Hunter unzipped his pants and peeled them open, working his cock free. It sprang out in front of me, and I stared at it. He was big. I wasn’t sure what I’d expected from someone his size, but seeing his dick exceeded any guess I could have made. It was smooth and hard, the skin taut around the thick shaft, and the tip glistened with lust. I knew what he wanted from me. I wanted it, too.

  I sat on my knees, looking up at him, and he looked down at me like he knew he was going to get what he wanted.

  That was exactly what was going to happen. I leaned forward and opened my mouth. Hunter pushed his cock in, and my lips stretched around the thick size of him. I looked up at him. I’d read that guys thought that was sexy.

  I took him into my mouth, sucking him off. Hunter groaned, and it was the first reaction I’d heard from him all night that sounded remotely like a loss of control. I bobbed my head back and forth. I tried to keep eye contact, but at some point I closed my eyes and focused on what I was doing.

  I couldn’t cup his balls because they were still in his pants, so I held onto his hips and fucked him with my mouth. Hunter put his hand behind my head and pulled it forward, pushing his cock deeper into my mouth. I gagged a little on him when he reached the back of my throat, but he didn’t force me farther.

  He gripped my hair in his fists, holding me tightly by the roots. Then he rocked my head back and forth, setting the pace. I let him guide me, swirling my tongue around his head and shaft as his hands controlled me.

  This was the kind of domination I’d been looking for. In that moment, he owned me. But at the same time, I owned him, too. He could barely control himself. His hips pumped into me. He gasped and sounded like he was getting close to exploding. I wanted him to come in my mouth.

  Suddenly, Hunter pulled out, gasping. I wanted to take him back, but he stepped away from me.

  “I want to make you come,” I said.

  “Stand up, princess,” he said in a breathy voice. For a moment he sounded familiar. He took my hands and pulled me up, and I noticed a tattoo peeking out from underneath his sleeve. I couldn’t make it out with just the bottom showing, and then I was on my feet, staring at his masked face again.

  “Are you going to fuck me?” I asked. I was nervous. That was what he’d saved himself for, of course. Otherwise he would have come. But Hunter shook his head and stepped closer to me. He moved my hair away from my shoulder and kissed my neck. It was calm and gentle.

  “I think that’s
enough for one night,” he said in a whisper. “I’ll fuck you next time. You can count on it.”

  I shivered when he said that. He tucked himself—still hard—back into his pants.

  “Where can I reach you?” I asked.

  “It doesn’t work that way, princess,” he said. “If I want you, I’ll find you.”

  He turned around, unlocked the door, and left the private room. I was left behind, naked, feeling oddly relieved and very exposed.

  Chapter 15


  I woke up early on Saturday and arrived at Starbucks just after it opened. When I got the coffee, I got doughnuts as well and drove through the city to Alexa’s place.

  I wanted—no, needed—to see her again.

  I’d followed her home after she’d left the club to be sure she’d get there safely. When I’d seen her walk in and lock the door behind her, I’d gone home, too.

  I hadn’t been able to get her off my mind since then. The night we’d had together in the private room at Blush had surpassed every fantasy I’d ever had. That had been because Alexa was real. She wasn’t just some woman I’d picked up for a one-night stand or a person I fantasized about whose face I’d probably seen in a porno once.

  I knew her better than I knew any of the women I’d fucked. I knew her better than any woman I’d known, even the few I’d had short relationships with. And I wanted her again. I wanted more of her, all of her.

  And clearly, she’d wanted it, too. She’d come twice for me last night, and both times had been spectacular. She’d been so fucking hot, it had taken everything in me to control myself. But I wanted it to be special when I finally took her. As much as she seemed to want to rush into having sex, I knew easing her into it would make it better.

  I felt bad that she didn’t know it was me. For all she knew, she’d been just this side of fucking a stranger last night. I didn’t know how she felt about it, which was one of the reasons I wanted to check up on her today. I wanted to see that she was all right.

  But my motivation was more selfish than anything else.

  And eventually, I would tell her who I was. I just couldn’t do it now.

  She flashed before my eyes again—her breasts perfect in the dim lighting of the private room, her pussy bare and beautiful, cleanly shaven for what she’d been about to do.

  Her mouth had been wrapped around my cock, those big blue eyes looking up at me, and it had been almost impossible not to come right then. Which meant I hadn’t come at all because I hadn’t wanted to take her immediately. So I’d gone home and jacked myself off, which had been grossly disappointing.

  But I’d still gotten to touch her, to kiss her, to taste her. I’d done almost everything but fuck her last night, and I wanted to do so much more to her.

  I parked the car and walked to her door with my stash. When I knocked, it took a moment before she opened. When the door did open, she stood before me looking tired, her eyes hooded with sleep and her hair tousled.

  It looked like sex hair. God, I wished.

  “I come bearing gifts,” I said, hoping she wouldn’t tell me to leave.

  “It’s so early,” she complained, but she stepped out of the way and let me into her apartment. I walked to the living room and put the box of doughnuts and the coffee cups on the coffee table. I sat down on the couch and watched her make her way toward me.

  She looked fantastic. She wore a T-shirt that barely covered her stomach, with no bra beneath it, and short shorts that made her legs look long and slender. She was so fucking sexy, sexier than I’d ever pictured her, and God knew I’d done that a lot of times.

  I was getting hard. I had to stop thinking dirty thoughts about her or I was going to be in trouble. But I couldn’t help it. I wanted to fuck her. After how close I’d come last night, I wanted the real deal. But I couldn’t give away that it was me, so I had to hide my erection, pretend we were still just friends, and try not to think about getting her naked again.

  “This much sugar in the morning can’t be good for you,” Alexa said, looking at the doughnuts.

  “But it’s so good,” I said, taking one and biting into it.

  She smiled at me and took one, too. She stuck out her tongue and licked the frosting. A shiver ran down my spine as I remembered what she’d done to me with that tongue last night.

  “So, what brings you here so early?” Alexa asked.

  I shrugged. “I don’t know. I had a lot on my mind. I wanted a distraction.”

  “Was it a woman?” she asked and slid her glance to me. I froze. Did she know?

  But she was smiling, and I realized she was joking.

  “Something like that,” I said. She was so much closer than she knew.

  “I’m assuming you’re not dating now,” Alexa said.

  “What makes you say that?”

  She shrugged. “If I was your girlfriend, I would be pretty upset if you spent so much time looking after another woman—especially considering that she wasn’t actually your sister.”

  I chuckled, shaking my head. “You’re right. I’m not dating right now. My relationships don’t really work you, you know?”

  Alexa nodded. “Yeah, I get that. Mine don’t either.”

  I looked up at her. That was interesting to know. “Why not?” I asked.

  She looked up at me, half smiling, half frowning. “I’ll answer if you’ll answer,” she said.

  I nodded. “Seems fair.”

  She took a deep breath. “I’m scared true love doesn’t exist. I used to believe in it, but then my parents divorced when Dalton and I moved out, and it turned out that everything I’d grown up with, everything I thought was possible in a relationship, was a lie. So now I don’t last with men because I’m always waiting for them to mess up or leave me. And they always do.”

  “Well,” I said, “don’t you think it’s because it’s what you expect of them?”

  She shrugged. “Maybe.” She looked up at me, chewing. “Your turn.”

  I did say that I would tell her.

  “I didn’t have a good example to start off with,” I said. “The upside, I guess, is that I didn’t have the kind of disappointment you guys had.” Dalton had told me about how his family had fallen apart. I had the feeling it had affected Alexa more than him. “But on the other hand, I had nothing I could call a family in the first place, fake or not.”

  Alexa frowned. “Why?”

  I shrugged. “My dad is an asshole, my mom is vain, and neither of them seem to love each other. They’re not happily married, although they stick it out for some reason. Why do you think I spent so much time at your place all my life?”

  She looked at me like that was a revelation.

  “Did it bother you when my parents split up?” she asked.

  I nodded. “A little. They were everything my parents never were. But in the end, we make our own happiness, right? I believe I can find love if it’s the right person. I don’t need my parents, or yours, to be happy for me to be happy.”

  “And how is that working out for you?” Alexa asked. She was smiling again, keeping it light even though she was asking me hard questions.

  “I’m pretty sure you can guess that I haven’t met her yet.”

  Or maybe I have. Maybe Alexa was the woman I was supposed to be with. But I was getting ahead of myself. I opened my mouth to say something light and humorous, but my phone rang, cutting me off.

  “Yeah?” I didn’t recognize the number.

  “Luke, it’s me.” Sam sounded frantic.

  “Are you okay?” I asked. He sounded terrible.

  Sam swallowed. He was breathing hard like he’d been running. “I found out everything, Luke. I know what happened to Dalton.”

  “What?” I asked. “What happened?”

  “I can’t tell you now,” he said. “This is a burner phone. I’m pretty sure they’re after me, so I’m laying low until we can meet. Will you meet me?”

  “Just tell me when and where,” I said

  “Tomorrow at noon. I’ll send you a text with the address when I have it.”

  “I’ll be there,” I said. I would make it happen. I had to find out what was going on.

  “I’m going to disappear after that,” he said. “Fuck it. Running is safer than staying here now. I have a place in Canada that I can hide out in. I just want you to know what I know before I run.”

  “Be safe,” I said. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “You can reach me at this number,” Sam said. “But don’t tell anyone, don’t give it to anyone, and don’t do anything about this. Just meet me. And Luke, be careful.”

  He was telling me to be careful? What was going on? I didn’t have time to ask. He hung up and the phone went dead in my hands. I lowered it and looked at Alexa.

  She wasn’t breathing. Her eyes were wide, and she swallowed hard. She’d heard everything.

  “That was Sam,” I said.

  “He knows what happened to Dalton?” she asked. Her voice was small. For a moment I saw the girl she used to be again, and then the woman who had fallen apart after the funeral was back. Big, fat tears rolled over her cheeks, and she started hyperventilating.

  “Hey,” I said, moving closer to her and pulling her against me. She leaned into me, her face against my shoulder. “It’s going to be okay.”

  I wasn’t sure it would be, but I didn’t know what else to say. She trembled, her whole body shaking, and she was still breathing hard.

  “I can’t keep doing this,” she said, her voice muffled against my shoulder. “It’s like every time something comes to light, Dalton dies all over again. I can’t handle this anymore.”

  “Then don’t,” I said. “I’ll take care of it. I’ll take care of you. You just focus on healing, and we’ll figure this out, okay?”

  She pulled away from me enough to look me in the eye. Her blue eyes were almost cerulean, shimmering with tears, and her lower lip trembled in the way they drew it in cartoons. She was beautiful even when she cried.

  “It’s going to be okay,” I said again. Was I trying to convince her or myself?

  I held her against me, and she cried. We sat together like that for what felt like forever, the doughnuts forgotten, the last bit of my coffee gone cold.


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