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Double Doms

Page 36

by Tia Siren

  “Would you have figured it out otherwise?” I asked.

  She shook her head. “You’re a dick for lying to me, but you’re good at it,” she said.

  I grinned.

  “Don’t make a habit of it,” she said.

  I grabbed her by the hair and pulled her head back. She yelped, but I wasn’t hurting her.

  “Watch your mouth, princess. You don’t talk to me like that. In here, I call the shots.”

  She was breathing hard again. This turned her on. It turned me on, too. I kissed her again, licking her lips and pushing my tongue into her mouth. She gasped and moaned. I held her against me and gyrated my hips, pumping myself up and down against her.

  I spun her around, and she yelped when I tipped her so that she was off balance. She struggled, but I had her and she wasn’t going to fall. When she realized it, she stopped struggling. I grabbed the hem of her dress and pulled it up, undressing her in a swift movement. I unclasped her bra and dropped it to the floor and pulled her panties down. She stepped out of them, and she was completely naked.

  “Turn around and let me look at you,” I said, and she did as I asked. Good girl.

  I traced her body with my eyes. Her tits were fantastic, large and round with dark nipples. I reached out and pinched her nipples between my thumb and forefinger, tugging at them. She gasped and whimpered. I would love to clamp them, but later. Not today.

  Her stomach was almost flat, her waist tiny. Her hips curved out again, and her pussy was bare. She’d kept up her shaving.

  “I like this,” I said, touching her pussy. She shivered when I did. “Keep it this way.”

  She nodded.

  “Kneel,” I said, and she kneeled before me. She looked up at me. I took off my shirt, and her eyes roamed over my body. I knew I looked good. I worked hard on my body.

  I undid my buckle and my pants, pulling out my cock. Alexa’s eyes were glued to my sex. I liked it when she was so admiring. I took my cock in my hand and pressed the tip against her lips. She opened her mouth without me having to ask, and I slid into her mouth.

  Her lips stretched around my cock, and she rolled her eyes up to me, looking at me with those big blue eyes. Fuck, it was so sexy. I had to fight to keep control and not just ravage her right there.

  She bobbed her head back and forth, sliding my cock into her mouth. It was fantastic, but her mouth was just a mouth, and my dick was on the large side. I wanted more.

  I grabbed her hair and held her in place. She whimpered around my dick as I slid farther into her mouth, slowly filling her out inch by inch. When my dick hit her soft palate, I paused. She had to know what was coming. I gave her only a second to prepare before I pushed past her gag spot.

  She did gag. Her face scrunched up, and her throat convulsed around my cock, and it was the fucking hottest thing to know that Alexa was gagging and choking on my cock.

  I groaned and pulled back slightly, giving her a chance to take a breath before I did it again. This time, she held her breath, ready for me. I slid down her throat, pushing my cock in all the way to the hilt before sliding out again. She gagged again, but I kept going and she got better at it. I fucked her mouth, letting her breathe every few strokes, and she gasped for air when she could.

  I let her go after a while, and when I pulled out of her mouth, her makeup was smeared a little, her lipstick fucked up and her mascara making darker rings around her eyes than she already had. Spit dribbled over her chin. There was something irresistible about seeing a woman undone like this because of me.

  “Get on the couch,” I said.

  Alexa got up and walked to the couch. It was a purple monstrosity that looked like a cross between French Versailles and a contemporary porno.

  “Lean back, put your arms up above you head, and keep them there.”

  She did as I asked, holding onto the back of the couch. With her arms up like that, her breasts were perfect. I was going to do clamps in the future for sure.

  “Open your legs, kitten,” I said, and she shivered. I glanced at her. “Do you like it when I call you names?”

  She swallowed and nodded. I smiled.

  “That’s because you’re my little whore,” I said, and she shivered again.

  I didn’t waste more time talking to her. I lowered my head and closed my mouth around her pussy. She moaned when I did. I flicked my tongue over her clit, working her over fast and hard. She gasped and moaned, writhing beneath me. I glanced up to see if she still had her arms up above her head. She did.

  I stuck my tongue into her entrance and licked her, moving my head. Her ass was so close, and I could think of a hundred glorious things I would do to that hole, too, but for now I was going to focus on her pussy. One virginity at a time.

  I sucked on her clit, and she jerked and spasmed. She was close to an orgasm. I could practically smell it coming off her. She writhed and moaned, not once letting go of the top of the couch.

  A moment later, she unraveled against my mouth, crying out. She spasmed, bucking her hips against my mouth, fucking herself while she came. She was so wet.

  I stood up, watching her breathing hard, still riding out the orgasm. I kicked off my shoes and pulled my pants down all the way, taking my boxers with them.

  “Turn around,” I growled. No more foreplay. I had to have her.

  She whimpered before she did as I asked. When she stood and bent forward, her ass pointed to me, her legs shoulder width apart, I pushed my fingers into her pussy. I groaned.

  “You’re so fucking wet, princess,” I said.

  She nodded.

  “I’ll be gentle,” I said. This was her first time after all. I didn’t want it to be anything other than exactly what she wanted.

  I bent my knees to make up for her short legs and positioned myself at her entrance. I pushed in the head, and she gasped. I let her take a moment to adjust. She was so fucking tight.

  I pushed in deeper, and she cried out as I slowly slid into her. For some women, sex for the first time hurt them. Alexa’s cries were all about pleasure. Maybe she’d played with dildos or vibrators before. I wasn’t going to stop and ask.

  I pushed deeper into her, and her body grabbed my cock. She was so tight, both because she was a small person and because she’d just had an orgasm.

  I pushed deeper until I was in all the way, and she gasped when I paused.

  “You doing okay?” I asked. It wasn’t very dominant of me, but this was an exception.

  She nodded.

  “Good,” I said and started sliding in and out of her.

  She cried out, and I fucked her with slow strokes, sliding along every inch of her body and back out again. Slowly, I picked up the pace, fucking her harder and harder. Her cries became louder and louder.

  She tipped back her head, and I did what I’d wanted to do for a long time. I grabbed hold of her hair and pulled her hair back, arching her back. I knew I was going in deeper like this, and it was probably not the best thing for a first time, but I couldn’t help myself.

  I wanted to fuck her hard and fast. She cried out when I did, but she wasn’t unhappy with me. She was so fucking wet around my cock, it was like she’d dumped a whole bottle of lube between her legs. I groaned and gasped.

  She cried out, and a moment later, her walls clamped down on me. She was orgasming. She cried out long and loud. I let go of her hair and gripped her hips with both hands. I slammed into her, fucking her harder and faster. My own orgasm crept closer and closer, my balls tightening. I felt myself grow inside her, getting harder still, and suddenly I exploded.

  I released my load inside her, pumping into her until I’d emptied myself. She shuddered and her legs wobbled.

  I pulled out of her, and she collapsed on the couch.

  “That’s my good girl,” I said to her, sitting down next to her. I stroked her hair, watching her pull herself back together. This had been the best fuck, and we hadn’t nearly gotten to where I wanted to be with her. When she looked like
she was ready to go again, I kissed her.

  “Get dressed, princess. Let me take you home.”

  She did as I asked, shimmying back into that dress. I got dressed, too. I picked up the mask and chuckled when I looked at it. What a fail.

  When Alexa was ready, I took her hand, and we left the private room together. We crossed the floor where couples and groups were doing unthinkable things to each other. I handed the mask back at the entrance, and we got into our separate cars. I would follow her to my place, and we would spend the night together.

  God, I wanted to be her dom. I wanted to own her so that I could do with her as I pleased. Tonight had been only a little taste. I wanted the real deal. I wanted her all to myself, her body as my playground. I would do all sorts of sick and delicious things to her before I held her and loved her.

  She wanted it, too. If the way she’d reacted to my commands and the names was any indication, she was right about wanting to be owned by a dom. But we would save that for later. Right now I wanted to go home and pull her naked body against mine in my bed.

  Chapter 22


  I opened my eyes, and I knew exactly where I was. I recognized the room, and my body was deliciously sore.

  Luke had taken my virginity in a big way.

  And I had loved it. Everything about last night had been exactly what I’d wanted it to be, except better. Better because it had been Luke and not some random stranger who had dominated me and taken my virginity.

  I turned onto my side and looked at Luke, who was in bed with me. He’d slept on the couch every other time we’d been in the same apartment together, but the truth was out now. He’d wanted me for a long time.

  A thrill rushed through my body. How often did it happen that your crush, of a pathetic number of years, felt the same way about you?

  Luke lay on his back, one thick, muscular arm thrown over his eyes. That tattoo, “Determined,” stared at me. If not for that tattoo, I wouldn’t have been right here in Luke’s bed right now.

  I let my eyes slide farther down the line of his body. His broad chest was chiseled, his abs moving up and down as he breathed deeply while asleep. The sheet covered his hips so I couldn’t see his dick, but it outlined it perfectly, and he was hard.

  I smiled. For a moment I thought about touching him, waking him up with sex, but I wasn’t sure if we were there yet. I slid out from beneath the sheet instead and tiptoed to the bathroom. I tied back my hair and wrapped a robe around my shoulders so I wasn’t naked.

  When I opened the door to the bedroom again, Luke’s icy eyes were turned toward me. He lay splayed out on the bed, rock hard, his dick pushing up the sheet, and he didn’t move at all to cover himself. He was proud of his cock, and he had every reason to be.

  “You’re awake,” he said.

  I smiled and nodded. “I’m going to make coffee.”

  “I’ll join you in a minute,” he said.

  I padded barefoot out of the room and walked to his kitchen. I found mugs and, surprisingly, good coffee. I hadn’t expected him to have anything fancy the way I did. I started the coffee maker and put milk and sugar in both cups while I waited for the coffee to brew.

  Luke walked into the kitchen. He put his arms around me from behind and nuzzled his way into the robe to kiss my shoulder. I smiled and shivered.

  “Coffee’s almost ready,” I said, not knowing what else to say.

  Luke hopped onto the counter, sitting with his legs dangling down. He’d put on a pair of boxer shorts but nothing else, and he looked delicious in the morning light.

  “I can’t believe last night happened,” I said.

  “Me either,” Luke said. “I mean, I’ve always wanted to fuck you, but the reality? And taking your virginity, holy shit.”

  I blushed. He talked about it so easily.

  The coffee was ready, and I was grateful for the distraction. I poured the liquid into both cups, stirred them, and handed Luke’s mug to him.

  Luke took it from me, but his face was pensive, as if he’d gone somewhere else in his mind.

  “What’s up?” I asked.

  Luke shook his head and sipped his coffee.

  “What are you thinking about?” I asked, pushing him.

  He was thinking about something serious, and lately, the only thing serious that occupied both our minds was Dalton’s death and the fact that Sam had gone missing.

  “You, baby,” Luke said and flashed me a sexy smile. It would have worked, too, if I hadn’t felt like something was wrong. What was Luke hiding from me?

  I leaned my hip against the counter and sipped my coffee. It burned my lip, and I blew on it instead.

  “Have you heard from Sam at all?” I asked.

  Luke shook his head and sighed. “Not at all.”

  “I hope he made it to his cabin,” I said. Luke had told me that Sam had meant to disappear to a cabin far up north. That was all he’d told me.

  “Me too,” Luke said. “I hate to think that something might have happened to him and he didn’t make it rather than that he’d just had to flee early.”

  “He’s fine,” I said. “He got away and that’s good.” I didn’t want to think about the alternative. Luke could consider that something had happened to Sam, but Dalton’s death and all the destruction that had come with it had been bad enough. I didn’t wish that on anyone or their family.

  “What are we going to do?” I asked.

  Luke shook his head. “There’s nothing we can do.”

  I nodded, and we stood in the kitchen, drinking our coffee in silence.

  “I have to go to work,” I said, glancing at the time. I put my half-empty cup in the sink. “I’m sorry to have to run. I’m late.”

  Luke nodded. “I have to get dressed, too.”

  He leaned down and kissed me, and a thrill ran through me. I could get used to this.

  When I left his place, I felt a little guilty. I wasn’t heading to work. I thought it would be better not to tell him that I was going to meet with Sherry. He was hiding something from me, and it was childish to return the favor, but there it was. Besides, if he thought I was just driving to work, he wouldn’t follow me.

  I drove back to my apartment to change into something else. I only had the patent leather BDSM dress with me, and it wasn’t exactly the outfit to meet Sherry in. I put on jeans and a blouse instead, slipping my feet into ballerina flats. I ran a brush through my hair, applied light makeup, and threw my phone into my handbag before walking out the door. I locked the door behind me.

  Someone pulled a bag over my head, and I screamed, clawing at it.

  I didn’t have much of a chance. My hands were roughly tied behind my back with a zip tie that hurt like a bitch. I screamed and shouted.

  “Shut the fuck up,” a rough male voice said, and he hit me in the head.

  It was enough to stun me, and I stopped screaming, but it wasn’t enough to knock me out. My breathing was shallow. The bag smelled sour, and I wondered how many heads it had been pulled over. Someone hoisted me over their shoulder, and it dug into my stomach, hurting me. I whimpered. I was still in shock, and I couldn’t think, couldn’t feel anything past the pain.

  “Put her in the trunk,” the same rough voice said, and I heard car doors opening. I was dropped rudely into what I assumed was the trunk of a car, the car slightly giving way under my weight. I struggled against my restraints. The trunk closed, and I was plunged into an impossible darkness.

  Claustrophobia threatened to choke me. I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t straighten my legs, and in my hands I felt pins and needles from my circulation being cut off. Tires squealed beneath me, the car taking off. Whoever was driving was in a hurry, and they didn’t care about me in the back. I rolled around like a bag of bones.

  There were other objects in the trunk with me, something heavy and round that clunked whenever we turned. It hit my backbone, and I cried out. Every time they turned, I hit against one of the sides of the trunk, and
it hurt like a bitch. I groaned and moaned and tried to steady myself, but I couldn’t do anything. Fighting the motion just made it worse.

  Another few turns had me tumbling around until the car came to a stop. The metal cylinder that had rolled around with me came to rest against my hand, and I recognized it as a fire extinguisher. I fiddled with it. I found the handle and hoped to God it would work.

  The car doors opened and closed, and I heard footsteps come around. Fear made me hyperaware. My heart raced and my throat was dry. The sour smell was overpowering, making my stomach turn. I had an idea of my position in the trunk. The opening would be at my back if I wasn’t mistaken.

  When the trunk opened, I squeezed the handle. The extinguisher went off with a deafening hiss, and a man shouted.

  “What the fuck!” someone else shouted.

  “Get it away from her.”

  They scrambled to get the extinguisher away from me. Someone was close to my feet. They should have tied my ankles, too, if they’d wanted to stop me. I kicked out as hard as I could and made solid contact with what I hoped was someone’s head.

  “Fucking bitch!” someone shouted, and something hard came down on my head. Pain exploded like a white light before my eyes before darkness swallowed me whole.

  Chapter 23


  I hadn’t heard from Alexa all day. It was unlike her. Usually she called me at some point. I had thought it was because we were close friends before. Now I knew it was because she’d had a crush on me since forever.

  That was a fucking ego boost all on its own.

  I dialed her cell. It rang a couple times and rolled over to voice mail, where I got a fake-happy version of her asking me to leave a message.

  Well, wasn’t that just great? I wanted to talk to her and I was bumped over to her machine.

  I tried again. Maybe she’d just been away from her phone. That had to be it. I was being paranoid. She was fine, just away from her phone. She knew I worried about her, so she would get back to me as soon as possible. She cared about me.

  I waited half an hour for her to call me back, but I heard nothing. I tried her one more time, but if I kept stacking up the missed calls on her cell, I would look like the paranoid idiot I was, and there was nothing sexy about a man who looked needy.


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