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Double Doms

Page 43

by Tia Siren

“I love you, Alexa,” I said. I needed her to know that. Before I did anything else to her, I wanted her to know how much I cared. “I don’t want to lose you again. The thought of living without you…”

  “You don’t have to,” she said. “I love you, too.”

  “How’s your head?” I asked. I slid my hands down her neck, and she hesitated, struggling to think about the words.

  “It’s much better,” she said.


  I kissed her again, wrapping my hands around her neck, and she gasped. I was careful not to squeeze too hard, but she was mine and I wanted her.

  “Come to the bedroom,” I said.

  She swallowed and nodded. I took her hand and led her to the bedroom. In the room, I pinned her against the wall. I pinned her wrists above her head with one hand and ran my hands down her body. She shivered. I kissed her, cupping her pussy. I rubbed her over her jeans until she whimpered and writhed, wanting more.

  “Do you want me, kitten?” I asked.

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “Do you want my dick?”

  She nodded. I let go of her wrists and grabbed her arms, guiding her to kneel in front of me.

  “Take off your shirt and your bra first,” I said.

  She did as I asked. She was in her role now, submissive and obeying, and I was the dominant. I loved it.

  She pulled her shirt over her head, unclasped her bra, and let it all fall to the floor. Her tits were fantastic, large and round with her nipples hard little nubs. She was horny for me.

  I unzipped my pants and pulled them down enough to pull out my cock. She leaned forward, eager, and took it into her mouth. She bobbed her head, sucking me off. I grabbed a handful of her hair, and she whimpered around my cock. I pushed her head forward, sliding my dick farther down her throat, pushing against her soft pallet. She took a breath, and I pushed down her throat. I fucked her mouth, hearing her make strangling and gagging sounds. It was so fucking hot to hear her choking on my cock.

  I could do this until I came and I would be satisfied, but I wanted to fuck her.

  I pulled out of her mouth with a pop. I pulled off my shirt and kicked off my pants.

  “Get out of your clothes,” I said, “and bend over the bend.”

  She took off her pants, and I watched her as she moved to the bed. Her skin was smooth and soft. She bent over the bed, pointing her ass at me. I rubbed her ass cheeks, grabbing them and squeezing them. I slapped one cheek and she yelped. I did it a few more times until her skin turned pinkish. I wanted to do so much more to her, make her red and whimpering, but next time.

  I spun her around and kissed her. My naked cock pressed against her pussy, and she gasped in my mouth, but I wasn’t ready for that yet. I pushed her so that she fell back onto the bed. I crawled onto the bed with her and her thighs fell open for me.

  “So eager, princess,” I said. “You’re my little slut, aren’t you? So keen.”

  She nodded, her eyes on mine. That wouldn’t do.

  I moved away from her and reached into my closet. I found two of my ties and tied one around her eyes so that she was blindfolded. The other tie I fastened around her wrists and to the bed post. She lay diagonally on the bed, her chest rising and falling in anticipation. I opened her legs and she gasped.

  “You’re so wet,” I said, sliding my fingers down her slit to her entrance. I push two fingers into her, and she moaned. I leaned down and closed my mouth over her clit, sucking on her while I pumped my fingers in and out of her. She cried out and moaned, writhing.

  “Lie still,” I said against her pussy. She tried to obey but she jerked, her body shuddering every now and then. “I said, lie still,” I said again.

  She wasn’t very good at keeping still. She was too into what I was doing, and that made me feel great. But I let go of her and she moaned in protest.

  “If you can’t lie still, I’ll have to make you,” I said. I shifted on the bed, turning so that my dick was close to her face. I climbed onto her and pressed my cock against her lips. She yelped, the cock in her face unexpected, but she opened her mouth and I slid back in. It was harder to get down her throat from this angle, but she could take me. There wasn’t a choice.

  And she did. She took me like a pro.

  I dove between her legs again and flicked my tongue over her clit, licking her and sucking her. She moaned around my dick. I pumped my hips with small movement, sliding in and out of her mouth, and she was powerless with her hands tied and her eyes blindfolded. It was hot as fuck.

  She orgasmed in no time at all. Dominating her turned her on a lot. We would work on orgasm denial and teaching her to hold out later. For now I wanted her to orgasm as many times as she wanted. Her body spasmed beneath me, and she moved her head to the side so my cock slipped out of her mouth. I let her get away with it.

  When she was done, I turned around again. I opened her legs and pushed myself against her entrance. I slid into her without working myself in slowly, and she was so fucking tight that I cried out when I did. Her body gripped mine, and it was like it pulled me. She was so delicate, so petite. It was an ego boost. When I fucked her, I felt even bigger than I already was.

  I lay down on top of her, propping myself up on my elbows on either side of her head and bucking my hips, pumping in and out of her. She cried out, and I fucked her hard, moving in and out of her like a power piston.

  She orgasmed again.

  “You’re easy today, princess,” I said. “You’re just going to keep coming for me, okay?”

  I grinned and watched her gasp and moan and cry out as she orgasmed, her body convulsing beneath mine, gripping my cock, milking me. If I didn’t have my control, I would have lost my load inside her right about now, but I was good at holding back.

  After a while of fucking her like that, I pulled out of her. She closed her legs and scissored them, already feeling me. I grabbed her hips and flipped her around. She cried out, airborne for a moment. She landed on her stomach. I pulled her hips up so that I could get her knees beneath her and her ass pointed up in the hair, her back arched and her chest still on the mattress. She couldn’t get her hands under her. She was splayed over for me, vulnerable and exposed. Just how I liked her.

  I pushed my cock into her pussy again and she cried out. She was so tight after orgasming, and her ass was so fucking perfect. I held onto her ass cheeks while I fucked her, pounding into her. She yelped in rhythm with my fucking, her body rocking back and forth, her ass jiggling. I slapped her once or twice and she cried out. I ran my hand up her back and she gasped.

  She cried out, and it sounded like she was orgasming again. Sure as hell felt like it, but by now she was so tight, everything felt like an orgasm. But she pulsated, cried out, convulsed. How many were we on, three?

  I pulled out of her and she protested. I leaned over her, my cock big and wet on her back, and untied her hands and her blindfold. The ties fell to the bed. I moved back and pushed into her, but I pulled her arms up and behind her back, holding onto her so that her back curved, pushing out her breasts. I held her with one arm, groping her breasts with my other hand before I resumed my hold on both her arms and started fucking her again.

  This time I didn’t hold back. I fucked her hard and fast, working on my own orgasm, not hers. She cried out and whimpered as I slammed into her, my balls slapping against her pussy.

  “You’re so fucking hot, baby,” I growled in her ear. “Come for me one more time.”

  She moaned when I said it, and I released a moment later, shoving my dick into her as far as it would go. She cried out, and she was right there with me, orgasming, her body milking mine as I emptied myself inside her. She shivered and her body spasmed around my cock.

  Finally, I let go of her hands and she fell to the bed, catching herself. I rubbed her ass with my hands and slowly pulled out of her. She was so tight, it was like her body didn’t want to let me go. But I was getting soft.

  “That’s my good girl,”
I said to her. She collapsed on the bed and I stretched myself out next to her.

  “I have to clean up,” Alexa said.

  “I like it when you’re a mess.”

  I turned my head to her and she smiled. I put my hands between her legs, and she was right; she was a mess. Her thighs were slick with our sex, her pussy drenched in our combined fluids. I loved it when she was spent like this. She turned her face to me, and I kissed her on her forehead before I pulled her against my body, spooning her, holding her.

  Mine, I thought.

  Chapter 34


  When I woke up my body was deliciously sore and Luke’s arm was thrown over me, possessive, protective. I loved it. We’d been doing this the whole week—fucking hard, loving hard—and now that it was the weekend, we could sleep in and do it all again if we wanted to.

  I snuggled down into the covers. I could get used to this, to him dominating me. We were just touching on it now. It could get so much more intense with him, and I wanted that. I wanted it all with him.

  Luke moved next to me.

  “Morning, babe,” he said. “How are you feeling?”

  He was asking about the sex. My injuries were pretty much healed. I felt amazing and told him so.

  “That’s good, because I have another night planned for us.”

  I smiled.

  “But you get to decide what we do today,” he said.

  I thought about it. “I think I want to see my mom,” I said. “We should tell her that we’re together.”

  “She knows,” Luke said.

  “She guessed, but I want to tell her that we’re official.”

  Luke thought about it for a moment. “Yeah, okay,” he said. “That sounds like a good idea.”

  I phoned my mom, after which I joined Luke in the shower. The water was hot falling on my skin, washing away everything we had done last night. The shower cubicle wasn’t very big, and we were pushed right up against each other. Luke’s spectacular body was slippery with water and the soap he’d already applied. It traced his muscle beautifully, and he was amazing to look at.

  He felt the same about me, because he reached for me, running his hands over my body, soaping me up. I was slippery, and his hands slid over my breast, my stomach, my pussy, my ass.

  “We should do this sometime,” he said. “Get you all oiled up.”

  “Whatever you want from me,” I said with a smile.

  “Obedience,” Luke said. “I like it.”

  I shivered. I loved it when he took charge like this. He pulled me against him, his cock hard against my stomach, and kissed me. His tongue slipped into my mouth while hot water ran over my face. Luke tasted like hot water and love. He tasted like home.

  We finally managed to get cleaned up and dressed. Less than an hour after that we were on our way.

  When we arrived, my mom opened the front door and hugged me.

  “You look great, sweetheart,” she said to me. I smiled. I was all healed up. The kidnapping had been only a week ago, but it felt like it had happened in a different life now. She hugged Luke, too, and we went inside.

  Mom had taken out biscuits and made us tea, and we sat together, catching up.

  “We’re here to tell you something, actually,” I said after a while. “Luke and I are dating.”

  My mom blinked at us before her face broke into a smile. She grabbed me and hugged me, hard.

  “That’s such great news, honey,” she said. She squeezed Luke’s hand, too. “I’m so happy!”

  I laughed. “We’re just dating, Mom. We’re not engaged.”

  My mom shrugged. “I don’t care. You two belong together.”

  I laughed. My mom was such a great person, always supporting us when we made our choices. But when we did something she really approved of, she really went all out making a fuss. She’d never done that with Dalton and the girls he’d brought home. I was sad for a moment that he’d never met the one he could love forever. Maybe it was better that way, that he’d been taken away so early.

  I glanced at Luke. What would Dalton have thought of us dating?

  “Dalton used to be so protective over you with your boyfriends,” Mom said, as if she knew what I was thinking. “He used to kick up the biggest fuss when you brought someone home.”

  I nodded, smiling sadly.

  “I think he’d have been good with this,” Luke said.

  I looked at him. “Do you think so?”

  “Yeah, because he was difficult when it came to the girls in my life, too. He felt that he knew when people belonged together, and he’d told me I was never with the right woman. I think I’m with the right woman now.”

  I smiled, and Luke took my hand, holding it.

  “Well, I’m so happy for you,” Mom said. “You’re both settling down with the best people there are.”

  I grinned. I was truly happy. Everything was working out. Luke and I were good. Sure, we would still hit stumbling blocks—we were both stubborn and outside the bedroom I wasn’t one to back down—but we could work through those. We’d made it through a difficult patch already and come out stronger for it.

  And there was so much in the future for us.

  When we drove home, I sighed, content.

  “That went well,” I said. “She was so happy.”

  “It’s because she knows we’re happy. She can see it and that’s all she wants, for you to be happy.”

  I nodded. “I am happy,” I said.

  “I have something for you,” Luke said. “It’s in the glove compartment.”

  I opened the glove compartment in front of me and looked through it. There was a car manual, a service book, and a flat black box.

  “Is this it?” I asked, taking out the box.

  Luke nodded and I opened it. Inside, a silver key gleamed on a black sponge pillow.

  “What’s this?” I asked. I picked up the key.

  “Will you move in with me?” Luke asked. “I know it’s really soon, but I want to wake up next to you every morning.”

  “Oh, my God, Luke. Yes!”

  He smiled at me. I leaned over the gearshift and kissed him. It was a chaste kiss, quick so that it wouldn’t bother him while he was driving. I had butterflies in my stomach. Luke wanted me to move in with him. He wanted to be with me. He was serious. I couldn’t think of anything better.

  I looked out the window and thought about my brother. If he could have seen how happy I was now, he would have approved.


  One year later


  I stood in front of the mirror, tying my tie around my neck. When it was straight and I was happy, I shrugged into my blazer and looked at the full picture. The suit I’d chosen was black with satin in the weave so that it shimmered a little when I moved. My tie was the color of champagne, matching my hair, and I felt like a million bucks.

  I was taking Alexa out to Nobu tonight, a Japanese restaurant with what I heard was the best sushi in town.

  I walked to the chest of drawers and reached into the back of the sock drawer, retrieving the little black velvet box I’d bought over two months ago. I’d been waiting for the right opportunity but it hadn’t come up, so tonight I was making it happen.

  Alexa was still at work. She would arrive soon. I’d picked up her favorite dress from the dry cleaners earlier. She didn’t know that was what she was going to wear, but she looked spectacular in it.

  Over the past year our relationship had evolved into something great. We had come to an understanding of who we were and what we could expect from each other. Alexa was stubborn, strong-willed. She didn’t buckle easily and we often got stuck.

  But at the same time, she was completely submissive to me the moment we started foreplay. It was like a different side of her came to the front and she brought a different side out in me, too. I could explore the BDSM scene completely with her. She brought a very dominant person out in me, and the harder I was on her, the more she seemed to l
ike it.

  What made it that much hotter was that I was the only person she’d been with. I’d taken her virginity a year ago and we’d been together ever since. No man had been where I’d been, and that gave me a very thrilling sense of possession over her. She was mine in every way possible. No one else had had any part of her.

  I had a few ideas that I wanted to try with her next, too. Slowly, Alexa had let me do more and more to her. We explored the border between pleasure and pain often, and she was all for being restrained. It made me feel fantastic. Not only did she make me feel like I was in charge, but she let me know that she trusted me completely by doing it.

  Being a submissive was all but weak. Alexa was strong, being able to let go completely and trust that I wouldn’t hurt her. She was possibly stronger than I was.

  I would never let her know that of course.

  The rest of our relationship had been going just as smoothly. We worked well together in the same house. Alexa didn’t let me get away with treating her like the woman who had to be stuck in the kitchen cooking and cleaning all day. She worked full time, too, and she expected me to pull my weight around the house.

  So I did what she expected of me because she was right. Being together like this was all about teamwork. I wanted that with her forever. I wanted her to be my wife.

  Alexa King instead of Alexa Starr. I liked the sound of that.

  Speaking to her dad about marrying her had been nerve-racking. I was very close with her mom, but since her parents had gotten a divorce, I hadn’t seen her dad as much. I hadn’t known if he would approve.

  He’d grilled me about how I intended to care for her, what my long-term plans were, and if I thought I could stick with her if she didn’t have the same plans. He asked how I would handle kids. I hadn’t thought about it all—I just wanted her to be with me forever—but I knew we could get through anything together, and I’d told Mr. Starr that.

  He’d given me his blessing.

  “You’ve been like a son to me for as long as I’ve had children anyway,” he’d said.

  So, with his blessing and the ring, a future, I was armed and ready for Alexa to come home.


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