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Double Doms

Page 73

by Tia Siren

  “I need you both,” I said, breathless.

  “You have us both,” Logan said from underneath me. I looked down and saw him lying on the floor, his hands creeping up my shaking legs, approaching my bare pussy.

  “Fuck, I love it when a woman shaves,” Logan said, groaning.

  “Leave a bit for me to have later,” Liam said.

  I worked Liam’s belt buckle off and slid his pants down. My knees dropped to the side of Logan’s head as I pulled Liam’s cock from beneath his boxers. I licked a stripe up Liam’s cock, feeling a bulging vein tick against my tongue. His cock head was already dripping.

  Logan’s breath caressed the folds of my pussy. “She smells divine, Liam.”

  “Fuck, I bet she does.”

  I wrapped my hand around the base of Liam’s cock as I lowered my pussy onto Logan’s lips. Logan hummed into me, causing my body to twitch. I wrapped my lips around Liam’s cock, the girth stretching all the way to my teeth. I swallowed as much of him down as I could, feeling his legs shiver as my tongue slid around the head of his dick. I could taste his salty precum at the back of my throat as I took him all the way back, gagging as Logan’s tongue worked its beautiful magic.

  The more I relaxed around Logan, the more I relaxed around Liam.

  “Holy shit, Lexi. Fuck, you feel fantastic,” Liam moaned.

  Logan was slurping me down as his tongue swirled around my clit. I rode his face, bucking against his smooth skin as his hands gripped my thighs. My head bobbed around Liam’s cock as his legs began to clench, and I wrapped my arms around his legs and dug my fingernails into his ass cheeks.

  “Holy shit!” Liam called out.

  Logan hummed with delight into my pussy, and I could feel myself teetering on the edge. My hips rolled and his tongue slid around, hitting every part of me as spit began to run down my face. Liam’s hands grabbed my hair, his hips picking up the pace as he fucked my throat. All I could do was hang on as Logan’s tongue worked faster and faster, and soon I was coming on his face as Liam shot his load down my throat.

  “Shit. Fuck. Oh, Lexi. Fuck yes. Just like that. Shit, you’re incredible.”

  I swallowed every last drop of him down even as I poured my juices onto Logan’s face. Liam pulled his dick from between my lips with a pop, catching me in his arms before I could fall to the floor. He helped me off Logan’s face, and I lay there in his arms, catching my breath as spit ran down my face.

  “You’ve never looked more gorgeous than now,” Liam said as he brushed my hair from my face.

  “Thinks she’s got enough room for a little more?” Logan asked.

  “Give her some room to breathe,” Liam said. “Let her catch her breath.”

  “No,” I panted. “No, I-I want you now, Logan. Come here.”

  Logan’s eyes darkened as he stood up and walked toward me. My eyes were still hazy from my orgasm, but I could feel the want rising within me. Logan stood in front of me as Liam’s fingers began to trail down to my pussy, feeling for my soaking wet entrance as he wetted his fingers with me.

  “Just know, beautiful,” Logan said, “this isn’t where I want to come tonight.”

  Chapter 9

  I took Logan’s cock into my mouth as Liam continued to play with my sensitive pussy. Logan’s cock was just as thick as Liam’s, but not quite as long. I wrapped my lips around him, and his hands immediately flew to my hair while Liam peeled my dress back so he could see me in all my glistening glory. His free hand massaged my thigh as I unhinged my jaw for Logan and sucked him down while Logan gritted his teeth. I bucked into Liam’s hand, pressing back into him as I whimpered around Logan’s cock.

  “You like that, beautiful? You like being stuffed full of us?” Logan asked.

  “Mhm. Mhm. Mhm.”

  He pressed my head down to his pelvis as my legs began to tremble. Liam’s lips were kissing my neck while his fingers worked my pussy, and I thought I was going to be thrown over the edge by that alone. I felt that burning fire travel down my legs, closing my throat around Logan’s cock as I began to moan out in pleasure.

  “Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.”

  “I love your muffled sounds,” Liam whispered into my ear.

  Just then, Logan pulled his cock from between my lips. Spit dripped down my chin, sloshing itself onto my bosom as Liam pulled his fingers from between my legs. He brought them up to my lips, painting my swollen mouth with my own slickness, and I hungrily licked my essence off them as he smiled.

  “So good for us,” Liam said.

  “But we’re not nearly done with you yet.”

  Logan hoisted me into his arms. His muscles twitched against me as he carried me to the couch. He placed me on my stomach, situating himself in front of my lips again, but this time I felt Liam line himself up with my entrance.

  “Open wide, beautiful,” Liam said.

  Logan filled my mouth with his cock as Liam filled my pussy from behind. My body was shaking with electricity from being filled to the brim as the two of them pumped themselves into me. I was being used for their nefarious purposes, my body soaked in sweat and cum as I drooled onto the couch for them. Liam’s balls smacked against my pussy while Logan’s balls smacked my chin, and just before I could make Logan come, they switched places.

  “Now this was what I was looking for,” Logan said.

  He thrust himself deep into my pussy as Liam painted his precum on my lips. I parted them for him, my jaw throbbing as I took him back down my throat. I moaned at our juices on my tongue, tasting how they swirled together as Liam crooked my face up to meet his. He was smiling down at me, brushing my hair from my face as his brother pounded into me from behind. Each thrust of Logan’s forced me down onto Liam’s cock, and I could see he was struggling to keep his composure.

  “Come for me,” I murmured around his cock.

  Liam bit down on his lower lip as he began to thrust back into my throat. I adjusted myself on the couch cushions, allowing my body to relax and give itself over fully to them. Logan’s low-hanging balls were smacking my clit, driving me wild as I moaned and cried out, vibrating Liam’s cock.

  “Holy shit, you’re wonderful, Lexi,” Logan grunted. “So fucking wonderful.”

  They fucked both of my holes as pussy juices and spit dripped onto the couch. My eyes rolled into the back of my head as I felt my orgasm approaching, but they both pulled out before I could reach my end. Logan sat back on his ass, his cock sprung in the air, and I crawled onto his lap as he helped me descend on his cock.

  “Do we need protection for this bit?” Logan asked huskily.

  “Nope. Pill. Always,” I said breathlessly.

  I cocked my head to the side and motioned for Liam. He walked over to me as I rode Logan’s cock, and I sucked him back down as his eyes widened. Logan helped me keep a steady pace, his fingertips digging effortlessly into the excess of my thighs while my tits bounced for him. My dress fluttered around my body, shrouding myself while these two naked men took what they wanted, and I felt Logan’s hands slowly working it above my head.

  I released Liam’s cock long enough to get my dress and bra off, and the two men took a second to devour my beauty. Logan ran his hands up my sides, palming my tits and massaging my nipples, while Liam’s hand ran down my back and squeezed my ass cheeks.

  “That fucker didn’t know how good he had it,” Liam said.

  My body shook at his words, and suddenly I lost it. I bucked ravenously on top of Logan’s hips, his teeth gritted as I worked Liam’s cock. I licked the tip of it as my hand pumped him, and I watched him throw his head back in ecstasy. I knew he was close, so I swallowed him whole, feeling Logan’s cock throb against my walls and I began to slowly unravel.

  “I’m coming. I’m coming. Oh fuck, Lexi. Shit.”

  Liam grabbed the back of my head and jammed his cock down my throat as I swallowed all of him for the second time. His entire body shook as he braced himself against the couch, my body dipping so I could taste all of him. He s
tood up on his wobbling legs as his cum slid down my throat, his ass hitting the cushion of the couch as he began to pant.

  Then Logan reared up and laid my head in Liam’s lap before he tossed my legs over his shoulders.

  “You’re going to come with me, all right? You’re going to squeeze my cock and call out both our names.”

  “Shit, Logan, Liam. Fuck. You guys are incredible. Please, don’t stop. Don’t stop. Don’t stop.”

  “You heard the woman,” Liam said as he stroked my hair. “Don’t stop.”

  Logan slammed into my hips time and time again as my back arched off the couch. My head dug into Liam’s lap as he smiled devilishly down at me, his brother pounding me senseless. I felt my pussy clamping around Logan’s thick cock, sucking him closer and closer to me as he hit all the beautiful spots inside me.

  Then Liam reached down and began playing with my clit.

  “Shit! Yes! Just like that! Don’t stop. Don’t stop. I’m almost there. I’m almost there. I’m…I—”

  Stars burst behind my eyes as Logan slammed into my pussy one last time. I could feel his cum spurting inside me, pouring out onto the couch as my pussy throbbed around him. He groaned and grunted, gritting his teeth as he kept his eyes on me. Liam kept brushing the sweat from my brow as his fingertips slowly circled my clit, shaking my body as Logan dipped down and kissed my lips.

  My legs slid from his shoulders as the two of us heaved to catch our breaths. I opened my eyes and met his, and I slowly saw the animal in him dissipate. He kissed the tip of my nose and slowly pulled out from between my legs, our juices spilling onto couch cushions I would have to flip before Courtney got home.

  “Holy shit,” I said breathlessly.

  “Next time you get to sit on the sidelines,” Liam said.

  “You thought you were on the sidelines?” I asked.

  “I just wanna be inside that pussy a little while longer,” Liam said, grinning.

  “Next time, brother. I promise,” Logan said.

  Logan sat back and brought my legs into his lap. Liam played with my nipples, keeping them at puckered peaks as I lay there, naked for the two firefighters who had just raged and put out my own fire. I nuzzled into Liam’s thigh as he smiled down at me, and soon I felt Logan massaging my feet as my body slowly stopped trembling.

  “He was right,” Liam said.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Logan, when he said you tasted divine. He was right.”

  “You two are insane,” I said breathlessly.

  “Insane for you,” Logan said. “How are you feeling?”

  “Holy fuck,” I said.

  “That’s not an emotion. That’s a random statement,” Liam said.

  “I feel incredible, guys. Isn’t that obvious?” I asked.

  “Your body is pretty flushed,” Liam said.

  “And your muscles are pretty tense,” Logan said as he started massaging my calves.

  “You want a back massage?” Liam asked.

  “Gimme a—just let me catch my breath for a second.” I closed my eyes as Logan’s hands slowly worked my muscles. I felt them release underneath his touch as Liam untangled the knots from my hair, and for the first time in my life, I felt cherished. Even as my body was bared for them in the middle of my apartment, I felt safe. I could feel the heat of their muscles radiating toward my skin, and for a brief moment everything else in my life slowly faded away.

  Liam dipped down and kissed my forehead, pulling me from my thoughts as I looked at him. His smile was kind, gentle—not unlike his brother’s when Logan wasn’t feeling so primal. It excited me that they wanted to do this a second time, that Logan had already promised Liam my pussy for the taking the next time we got together.

  “How does that feel?” Logan asked as he moved to my thigh.

  “Wonderful,” I said, sighing.

  “Your eyes are getting droopy. Would you like us to move you to your bed? You could turn over and I could massage your back for you,” Liam said.

  “You’re very intent on getting your hands on me,” I said, grinning.

  “Isn’t every man?” he asked. “Because if they aren’t, they should be.”

  I blushed at his comment as I felt Logan move. This time it was Liam who gathered me up in his arms. I pressed myself into his strong, chiseled chest and slowly guided them both to my bedroom. He laid me down in my bed, my back up so he could begin his wonderful ministrations on my back.

  We got back there just in time, because just as Logan moved to shut my bedroom door, I heard the front door to the apartment open.

  Courtney was home. I guess she’d have to flip the couch cushions herself.

  Chapter 10

  I woke up to the feeling of two chiseled firemen against me. I stretched, my tits flopping out from underneath the covers as Logan shifted beside me. His beautiful brown eyes opened, his smooth skin shining in the morning sun. I smiled at him as I felt Liam’s arm tighten around me. Then I felt a pair of lips press kisses all along my shoulder.

  “Morning, beautiful,” Liam said.

  “And good morning to you, too, Liam,” I said, giggling.

  “Don’t I get a good morning?” Logan asked.

  “Then come here and get one.”

  He leaned forward and captured my lips as Liam ran his hands along my body. Their touch felt electric, like I could light up whole city blocks with the energy coursing through my veins. Liam’s arms were wrapped around me as Logan’s leg tangled with mine, and all I wanted to do was lay in bed with them all day.

  “I hate to do this,” Logan said, “but we need to get to the fire station.”

  “Yeah. We’re probably late already. Time for us to go relieve a couple of the guys for a few days,” Liam said.

  “Not gonna lie, that’s pretty hot,” I said.

  “Especially when there’s a fire raging,” Logan said, grinning.

  “Logan, not funny. People are hurt with those things,” Liam said.

  “Just trying to make a joke,” Logan said as he caressed my cheek. I nuzzled into his touch as Liam buried his face in the crook of my neck. I loved their attention. Liam was sensitive and soft while Logan was dominant and unforgiving in all the best ways possible. My hips ached from our activities the night before, and part of me didn’t want to let them go. I felt safe with them here in my bed, especially knowing I had to go into work today. Even with me taking time off, I had to go in and make sure the parties I’d shoved off onto other event planners were taken care of.

  “What’s wrong, beautiful?” Liam asked. “You look frightened.”

  “I just have to go into work today and I’m concerned Jeremy might be there,” I said.

  “Didn’t you take time off through the holidays?” Logan asked.

  “Yeah, but there are events I was coordinating that still need to be taken care of. I want to make sure they are the best, and I know I won’t rest easy until things are double-checked. Some of the event planners just don’t take some things into consideration, and a couple of parties requested I personally take care of their events. I feel bad leaving them like that.”

  “It takes a strong and independent woman with a heart to care that much,” Liam said. “Do you want one of us to go with you?”

  “No, no. Seeing me with a guy, especially a man, would piss Jeremy off if he saw,” I said. “There’s no point in antagonizing him.”

  “But should that keep you from living your life? Look, the fire chief will understand if you want one of us to come,” Logan said.

  “I promise, I’ll be all right. I’ll text you two afterward. How about that?” I asked.

  “Fine. But if we don’t hear from you by noon, we’re coming and looking for you at the hotel,” Liam said.

  “Sounds like a plan,” I said, smiling.

  The three of us slithered out of bed, much to our dismay, and began to get dressed. I smelled the coffee pot beginning to burn, which meant Courtney had already left for her day at work. S
he was a waitress at one of the premier restaurants in the area, and while she usually worked double shifts, she also pulled in twice the amount of money I did some months.

  It was fucking insane.

  I gave the two men kisses before they left, then sent them on their way. I was nervous about going into work, but I knew it was something that had to be done. With special requests for these two Christmas parties, things needed to go off without a hitch. They had specific things that needed to be done, and I was sure the general manager wouldn’t mind me sitting in her office and looking over some things.


  I white-knuckled my steering wheel all the way to work. But when I walked in the door, I was shocked to see that Jeremy’s office remained untouched. The front desk attendant smirked and shook her head when she saw me. She knew what I was here to do despite my vacation, and she ushered me back into the main office without a second thought. I started pulling out the event files and looking for the two parties I had already started planning, but then I heard a familiar voice behind me.

  “Fancy seeing you here.”

  I froze at the sound of his voice. I slowly turned my head and was sickened by the smile on his face. He was leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest, and I realized he had me backed into a corner. He was standing in the way of the only exit, and I honestly didn’t know what to do.

  Now I wished I had brought one of the guys along.

  “Jeremy,” I said.

  “Coming to check up on your parties? Are you really that controlling?” he asked.

  “No, but I can think of some people who are,” I said.

  “If you’re looking for the wedding party event file, it’s been taken by one of the other event planners. The couple is here going over the final details.”

  “Could you tell the event planner to make sure that no nuts are in the dishes we cook for them?” I asked.

  “No,” Jeremy said plainly.


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