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Double Doms

Page 75

by Tia Siren

  “Look, if this is about my job—”

  “The police came by again this morning looking for Jeremy. They provided us with all the evidence, and I’m pushing through his paperwork for termination. Jeremy Newberry no longer works here,” she said.

  “Holy fu—I mean, oh my gosh. That-that’s great news. But why did I need to come down here for that?” I asked.

  “Because with me confirming his termination today, there are some things with the Christmas season events that still aren’t tied up as well as you or I would like. If I pay you overtime, will you work today to get it taken care of? After that, your vacation begins, and I’ll even extend it a day to make up for this one.”

  “I don’t have a problem with it at all, ma’am.”

  “Lexi, for what it’s worth, I’m sorry we couldn’t do anything until this point. Hiring and firing is logistical, not personal. Even though we all believed you, he was still doing his job. We had no grounds to fire him until the police had gathered some evidence,” she said.

  “It’s not a problem. I really do get it. This might be an odd time to bring it up, but—”

  “When we go to rehire for the position, I’ll expect to see your resume,” she said, winking.


  “The event files are already stacked for you on the front desk. If you want, you can just use my office, as I’ve got some errands to run, but if you haven’t eaten, feel free to take them into the kitchen and grab yourself something. Honestly, Lexi, you are looking a little pale,” she said.

  “Will do.”

  “Uh, Lexi?” the front desk attendant asked.

  “Yeah?” I asked.

  “There are a couple of hunks in glasses here looking for you.”

  I furrowed my brow as I got up from my seat. I walked out into the main lobby, and, sure enough, the Jameson brothers were standing there. Kyle had the thick black-rimmed glasses while Kevin had what seemed to be invisible rims on his, and they both smiled at me before they waved.

  “Hello, Lexi,” they said.

  “On second thought, take your files and go sit at one of the tables. I’ll have the chef whip up some brunch for the three of you,” my boss said.

  “Oh, that’s not—”

  “Go,” she said, sounding stern.

  I grabbed the stack of files as well as some sticky notes and a pen. After sliding out from behind the desk, I walked over to the twins, who were all smiles as their eyes crinkled in happiness. They both stood just shy of six feet tall, and their bodies were clad in nice trousers and knitted polo shirts.

  “What are the two of you doing here?” I asked.

  “We’re going to keep an eye on you while you’re working,” Kyle said.

  “That’s not necessary, I promise. Jeremy’s not even here,” I said.

  “But you did say there was a warrant out for his arrest. We’re a bit uneasy about that, so we made other arrangements for our caseloads today,” Kevin said.

  “So you’re just gonna sit at a table and watch me work,” I said.

  “And sip some coffee if they have any,” Kevin said.

  “We’ve got plenty!” my boss called out.

  I sighed and shook my head. These two men were relentless, and I loved it. Kyle was brazen and outspoken while Kevin held back a bit but knew what he wanted. I led them toward one of the empty ballrooms and we sat at a table. Before I could even open the first file, there were cups of coffee, a steaming carafe, and anything else we could need set down in front of us on a tray.

  “I promise you, Chef, this isn’t necessary.”

  “Shut up and let someone do something for you for once,” he said.

  “I like him,” Kevin said.

  “You would,” Kyle said, rolling his eyes.

  I worked for a little while and could feel their eyes on me. I was uncomfortable, but not in a bad way. This was just all so new to me. They sat there silently, asking a few questions here and there as I made notes, and suddenly I fell into a rhythm. I’d make a few notes, explain what it was I was notating and why, and then I’d hand the finished file to Kyle and Kevin would hand me another one.

  “It’s like a paid little conga line,” Kyle said, grinning.

  “At this rate, I’ll still have the afternoon off before our date tonight,” I said.

  “Well, if it’s all the same to you, we’re still going to keep an eye on you at your place,” Kevin said.

  “Sounds intimate. If you aren’t careful, we might not make it out for dinner,” I said, giggling.

  “I like the sound of that,” Kyle said.

  “Oh, you’re bad. Aren’t you the one who looks at vaginas all day? Figured you’d be sick of them by the time you got home,” I said.

  “She remembered! People always get our specialties mixed up,” Kyle said. “And no. I could never be tired of the female form after what I do all day. I enjoy helping it before I enjoy helping myself to it.”

  The chef let out a raucous laugh from the kitchen, and my cheeks flushed. I looked over at him as he bent at his waist, laughing so hard I thought he was going to fall over. It got me giggling, which set the brothers to laughing, and before we all knew it, tears were streaming down our faces.

  “Oh, my stomach!” I exclaimed.

  The laughing settled down and I wiped the tears from my eyes. I eyed Kyle menacingly, and he simply sat there with a smile on his face. I looked over at Kevin, whose eyes were now slowly raking up and down my form, and I couldn’t help but feel beautiful sitting at a table between the two of them.

  “Well, once I finish up this last file, I’ll be good to go. Fancy anything for lunch?” I asked. “I’ve got plenty of things to make sandwiches at my apartment if you two are intent on staying.”

  “I’m still stuffed from brunch, but later maybe,” Kyle said. “You’re not getting rid of us that easily.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of it,” I said. “Do you guys just wanna follow behind me? I borrowed Courtney’s car for the morning.”

  “I can ride with you,” Kyle said.

  “Why can’t I ride with her?” Kevin asked.

  “Because you insisted on driving tonight, which means you’ll be beside her in the front seat. This way, we’ll both get that chance,” Kyle said.

  “Down boys. There is plenty of me to go around,” I said.

  “Oh, trust me, we’ll test that theory after dinner,” Kevin said, grinning.

  I heard the chef shriek with delight, so I picked up a spoon and lobbed it his way. He ducked just in time, and I heard it clanging all over the kitchen, skipping from one stainless steel surface to the next, but all he did was stick his head up and put his hand over his mouth.

  “Don’t you have work to do, Chef!?” I called out.

  “Not with naughty boys like this in my presence!”

  “Well, hands off. They’re mine,” I said, winking.

  “If you need a fourth, let me know, sexy. I’m more than willing to offer my services. I’ve got a weak spot for redheads,” Chef said.

  “I’ll try anything once,” Kevin said, shrugging.

  Now it was my turn to squeal.

  Chapter 13

  I was in my room getting ready while the Jameson brothers sat out in the living room. I couldn’t decide what I was going to wear, and I knew they must’ve been getting anxious. Kyle kept knocking on my door and asking if I was ready, and Kevin kept shutting him up and telling him to sit down. At one point, Kevin asked me if I needed any help, which meant I was really pushing our time. So, I finally settled on a dark pair of skinny jeans, a red off-the-shoulder top, and a black pair of heels. I wasn’t sure where they wanted to take me, so I’d gone with an outfit that had an upscale feel with a relaxed view.

  I stepped out of the room as I put my dangling earrings in, and the brothers stopped. I watched them slowly rise from the couch as the winter wind whipped by the windows. Darkness was setting on the bustling city of Los Angeles, but their eyes twinkled with deligh
t, much like the stars that never came out because the city was too bright. I blushed underneath their respective gazes as they made their way toward me, and it was Kevin who reached out and pushed a strand of hair behind my ear.

  “You’re breathtaking,” he said.

  “Your ex is a fucking idiot,” Kyle added.

  “You two are very kind,” I said as I nuzzled Kevin’s hand. “Just where are we off to this evening?”

  “Well, Kevin and I thought you might enjoy having a bit of French food this evening,” Kyle said.

  “There’s a place called Cafe Pinot that’s wonderful, and their wine selection is the best in the whole damn city,” Kevin said.

  “I can get down with some wine, though I can’t honestly say I’ve had French food. Is it any good?” I asked.

  “If you don’t try anything else, try the duck confit. It will change your life,” Kyle said.

  “For once, I’ve gotta agree with my brother. It’s fucking amazing, especially with a white wine,” Kevin said.

  “Oh. A wine connoisseur I see.”

  Kyle threw his head back laughing as Kevin gave him a glare. I smirked, watching as Kyle swallowed. What I wouldn’t give to sink my teeth into the lightly tanned meat of his neck. I’d bet his body was like his long neck—unassuming and basically easy to skip over until he threw his whole emotion into it. The way his neck flushed with something that was obviously humorous lit up his skin with an easy glow. I suddenly felt my fingertips burning with want. I wanted to trace the lines of the veins that were quickly coming to life. I wanted to wrap my arms around his long neck and see how many hickeys that one little crevice would hold.

  “I take it something’s funny,” I said, grinning.

  “I’m not really a wine connoisseur,” Kevin said as he eyed Kyle. “I just know that red goes with certain things and white goes with certain things.”

  “He was trying to impress you,” Kyle said.

  “Well, the two of you don’t have to worry about that,” I said. “You already have.”

  They both smiled at me, and I thought I was going to melt. I headed for the door with my purse in my hand, but a thought caused me to stop. There were only two cars sitting in the driveway because Courtney had left when we’d gotten back, which meant I had no idea who I was riding with or what car we were getting into.

  Kevin seemed to read my mind instantly.

  “You’ll be riding with me, beautiful,” Kevin said as he reached to open the door. “Kyle will follow us to the restaurant. Then wherever we go from there, you’ll ride with Kyle.”

  “Splitting me evenly I see,” I said as I stepped outside.

  “We wouldn’t have it any other way,” Kyle said.

  I got into the car with Kevin, and immediately his hand was on my thigh. His palm was large and his fingers were long, practically wrapping themselves around the entirety of my thigh. It took everything I had not to groan at the situation, but when he started massaging my muscles, I couldn’t help but sigh. I sat back in the seat and spread my legs slightly, my body begging for more as my mind began to swirl. His fingertips worked their magic as my leg began to relax, and for the first time that day, I realized how truly tense I was.

  The car ride was silent save for my breathless groans. His touch was so warm against my skin. Even with my jeans providing a barrier I wished wasn’t there, the dexterity of his hands was something to be admired. I thought about curling my hand around his just to see what his skin felt like, but I didn’t want him to stop. I could feel myself slowly dripping into my panties, and for the first time since I’d met the Jameson brothers, I thought about what their bodies would feel like writhing against mine.

  “We’re here,” Kevin said lightly.

  He pulled his hand away, and I whimpered at the loss of contact. I looked over at his smile, knowing damn well my cheeks were flushed and my neck was red. I took a deep breath before I opened my door to the cold LA wind. Kyle was standing there shaking his head.

  “Have fun?” he asked, grinning.

  “Loads. You should try it when she’s riding back with you,” Kevin said.

  Cafe Pinot was astounding. It had this garden we could have sat in if it was warm enough, but the inside of the place was just as cozy. The booths were coated in this luscious fabric that practically made me melt into the seat, and once again I found myself squished in between two twins. Automatically, their hands were on me, rubbing my back or tracing my knee. They were much more aggressive with their hands than the Castle brothers had been on our first date, and I was soaking up every second of it.

  “I have a question before the evening takes off,” Kyle said.

  “All right. What’s up?” I asked breathlessly.

  “Have you seen or talked to any of the other twins from that evening?” Kyle asked.

  “Actually, yes. I talk to all of them, but I went out with the Castle brothers a few nights ago,” I said.

  “Really? Huh. Didn’t think they had it in them,” Kevin said.

  “Why is that?” I asked.

  “It would be easy for men to be intimidated by a beautiful, successful woman who’s drawn the eyes of more than one suitor,” Kyle said.

  “Does that make you uncomfortable?” I asked.

  “Not in the slightest,” Kevin said, grinning.

  “If you two aren’t careful with those smiles of yours, we aren’t going to make it through dinner,” I said.

  “Do you want us to stop?” Kevin asked.

  “Not particularly. Just warning you. That’s all,” I said.

  “Well, there’s this wonderful invention I’m quite fond of. It’s called takeout,” Kyle said.

  “All right, Mr. Snark, we get the picture,” I said.

  “I think she just compared me to Iron Man,” Kyle said.

  “Don’t give yourself that much credit,” I said, grinning. Kevin threw his head back and laughed as I watched Kyle’s lips slowly approach my ear. I felt his breath on the shell of it, his lips teasing me as my eyes fluttered closed.

  “I think you might by the end of the evening, Miss Lexi,” Kyle said.

  I shivered in my seat as the waiter came by to take our orders. I caved and went with the duck confit but exchanged the sides for a simple salad. I ordered the house white wine they apparently made themselves, and the guys ordered some fancy shit I couldn’t pronounce, much less attempt to eat. Kevin ordered for himself in French, which was very impressive, but then Kyle went ahead and did the same thing, and I couldn’t help but melt.

  “I didn’t know the two of you spoke French,” I said.

  “We both took a year off before med school and traveled to France. Took some paid internships and made sure this really was what we wanted to do,” Kyle said.

  “Was there something else you wanted to do? Besides medicine?” I asked.

  “Had I not gone to med school, I would’ve gotten my doctorate in clinical psychology,” Kevin said.

  “You? A psychiatrist?” I asked.

  “And I would’ve gotten a doctorate in music,” Kyle said.

  “Wait. What? You play an instrument?” I asked.

  “Nope. He sings opera,” Kevin said.

  I gawked at his statement as my eyes slowly panned over to Kyle. His cheeks flushed underneath my gaze as my smile grew. I turned my body fully toward him, watching the way his skin changed colors underneath my scrutiny, and I couldn’t help but giggle.

  “Will you sing for me sometime?” I asked.

  “Maybe tonight, if dinner goes well,” he said, winking.

  “I’ve got talents that would turn your head, too, you know,” Kevin said, speaking coyly.

  “Oh?” I asked as I turned toward him. “And just what might those be?”

  “I can tell a lot about a person just by looking at them,” Kevin said.

  “Kevin, don’t spook her,” Kyle warned.

  “Spook me? Oh, now I’m curious. All right, do me. Do me how you do other people with this—ta
lent of yours,” I said.

  “Don’t worry, we plan on that later,” Kevin said, winking.

  I giggled, shaking my head as the waiter came back with our wine. I grabbed mine and brought it to my lips as Kevin’s eyes danced around my body. He simply looked at me for two or three minutes. Kyle’s hand slid around my waist and pulled me close.

  “I’m right here if he makes you uncomfortable,” he said.

  I had no idea what he meant, but I was eager to find out.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” Kevin asked.

  “I’m not sure what ‘this’ is, but hell yes!” I exclaimed.

  “All right. Here goes. You bite your nails as a nervous habit. The skin around your nails that has been broken tells me you’re probably biting them at night. But your eyes look rested. No dark circles or bags. Makeup is good, but not that good. You’re not having nightmares, but you’re going to bed nervous, so you’re biting your nails even when you sleep. The color red you chose was meant to catch our eye, but the shirt is flowy enough to make us want more. Even with going out with another set of twins, you don’t feel confident, so you think you have to make up for it by wearing clothes that will catch our stare. You needn’t worry about that, however, because you’ve already done so.”

  I slowly scooted into Kyle, and he held me close. I wasn’t getting uncomfortable, just a bit taken aback by the amount of information Kevin could pull just from looking at me.

  “The red tint that caresses your skin every now and again tells us that your mind keeps fluttering to dark places you don’t want to admit to. I first assumed it was because of what you were going through, but at one point I could see the outline of your nipples. Trust me, our minds are there as well. Though, if the evening goes well, we won’t be back at your place. We’ll probably go to Kyle’s. We don’t trust your ex not to show up during the festivities.”

  I smiled at him as my eyes lit up. Oh, this was going to be a wonderful evening indeed.

  “You flirt and banter with us, but your love language is touch. The way it was so easy for me to get you to part your legs for me in the car tells me two things. One, being touched by someone is how you judge whether they want to be around you or not, and two, your ex didn’t touch you nearly as much as you wanted to be. Or in the ways you wished. And I can promise you, Miss Lexi, you won’t only be touched by us; you’ll be touched in all the ways you beg for.”


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