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Double Doms

Page 85

by Tia Siren

  “A woman who moans,” Terry said as he licked up my inner thigh.

  “A woman who doesn’t bury her sounds but lets them be free,” Tony said as his lips grazed down my neck.

  “Holy shit,” I said, moaning.

  “Atta girl,” Terry murmured.

  Terry kissed my wet panties before I felt myself being lifted off the ground. They walked with me into a bedroom and laid me down on the bed, where Terry spread my legs and Tony walked around to my side. Terry’s fingers hooked into my panties and slid them down while Tony’s lips descended on my puckered nipples. I groaned as I arched my back into him, wanting to feel more.

  He smiled into my skin as he hummed around my nipple. The sensation alone shivered my body, causing my pussy to contract under the ministrations of his tongue. I felt Terry’s hands slowly drifting up my legs, his body descending between them.

  The two men had stayed in their suits, but I didn’t care that I was bare before them. Their words were intoxicating, and I never wanted them to stop.

  “We like a woman who spreads herself willingly for us,” Terry said as his hands hooked underneath my thighs.

  “A woman who simply takes what we have to offer without a second thought,” Tony said as he kissed up to my neck.

  “A woman who smells divine,” Terry added as he sniffed deeply.

  “A woman,” Tony said as his eyes connected with mine, “who takes her time.”

  Running my hands through Tony’s hair, I slowly pulled him down to my lips. His tongue lazily fought with mine, his lips slowly pressing deeper and deeper into me. I felt Terry’s lips kiss my inner thighs, causing me to jump as I moaned into Tony’s lips.

  Then I felt Terry’s tongue dip between the aching folds of my pussy.

  “Oh, shit,” I murmured into Tony’s lips. He caught my groans and swallowed them whole, his hand tucking behind my head as our kiss deepened. Terry stroked my pussy with his tongue, lapping me up and swallowing my juices as he stroked farther and farther into my depths. His hands pinned my knees to the bed, my hips bucking to meet his face. Tony’s lips trailed to my neck, sucking in patches of skin as moans and whimpers fell from between my lips.

  “That’s it,” Tony encouraged. “Let it all wash over you.”

  “Oh fuck,” I said breathlessly.

  “Concentrate on his tongue, on what he’s doing to you. Allow your pleasure to take over and take you to places you’ve never been before,” Tony said.

  Terry’s tongue kept raking against my clit, and every time it did, my entire body jumped. I wiggled underneath his grasp as Tony finally stepped back from my body, surveying the red welts he’d created with his teeth. My hands flew to Terry’s hair, tugging him closer as he smiled into my pussy. I bucked hard into his face, chasing my own orgasm as Tony slowly began to shed his clothing.

  “That’s it, Lexi. Take it all in,” Tony said. “Allow yourself to be swept away.”

  “That’s it, Terry. Don’t stop. Just like that. Right there. Right there.”

  “Yes. Yes, Lexi. Tell him what you want. Command his attention. Show him exactly who works for who,” Tony said.

  “Lick my pussy, Terry. If you stop, I swear to fuck I’ll sit on your face until I make you give me what I want.”

  “There it is,” Tony said as he stood naked beside me. “There’s the Lexi buried deep within.”

  Before I knew what I was doing, I had reached out and grabbed Tony’s cock. A shocked gasp flew from his lips as Terry shoved his tongue into my pussy, and I felt myself coming. My hand tightened around Tony’s cock as I shook all over Terry’s tongue, coating his face with my juices as his hands pinned my knees closer to the bed. My moans got caught in the back of my throat as Tony began to thrust in and out of my hand, my entire body trembling just as Terry’s hands released me.

  “Such a beautiful sight,” Terry said as his fingertips slowly pushed into me. “Such a beautiful woman.”

  I groaned at his touch as I stroked Tony’s cock faster. My heels dug into the bed as I bucked down into Terry’s hand. It was incredible, the way the twins could always get in sync with one another. Even if they started out battling for control—for want of my body—they always seemed to get on the same page and do things to my body I could have never dreamed were real.

  And this time was no different.

  “Fuck, your hand feels incredible,” Tony said.

  “You should taste her, Brother. She’s quite delectable,” Terry said.

  “Honestly? Don’t mind if I do.”

  Tony pulled his cock away from me, and I whimpered at the loss. Terry pulled his fingers from me as I begged for them to come back, but I didn’t have to wait for long. Tony slowly inserted two fingers into my pussy and crooked them in just the right way. My legs shook and my back arched as the pads of his fingers toggled that smooth little area. I gasped for air as my hands curled into the sheets. My legs pulled taut as my eyes screwed shut in pleasure. But soon I felt something hard and warm tapping at my fist, and I opened my eyes to take in the most incredible sight.

  Terry was naked beside me with his cheeks still covered in my juices.

  I grabbed his cock and smiled at how it felt in my hand. It pulsed, throbbing for my touch as I slowly began to stroke it. Tony teased another finger at my asshole, my body shaking as my lips gave my wanton lust away. I moaned desperately, rolling my ass into his hand as my puckered hole swallowed his digit.

  “Fuck, Lexi. You’re amazing,” Tony said.

  My body was on fire as I bucked into Tony’s hand. Terry set a rhythm in the palm of my hand as he wrapped his hand around mine. My arm was getting tired and he saw that, so he clamped down on top of my hand in order to give my arm a rest.

  “I can’t take you letting go. Not just yet,” Terry said.

  I moaned at his words as I felt Tony’s lips approach my pussy. I begged for him, squirming closer and closer as his lips hovered just above my aching folds. I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to have his lips on my body. I had to come again. I had to cover him in my juices the way I’d covered his brother. His fingers were driving me wild, setting my body aflame with electricity as Terry released my hand.

  Then, as Terry’s lips crashed down onto mine, Tony’s tongue dug for my clit.

  “Oh shit!” I exclaimed into Terry’s kiss.

  But Tony didn’t pin me down. Instead, he threw my legs over his shoulders and allowed me to clamp down around his head. I bucked wildly as Terry pinned my wrists above my head, his mouth pressing deeply into mine as our tongues battled for dominance.

  “That’s it,” Tony said into my pussy. “Let it all out.”

  I moaned and groaned into Terry’s lips as I swallowed down the taste of him. I tried to wiggle out of his grasp, tried to wrap my arms around him. I wanted to pull his body down to mine. I wanted to feel his cock between my lips. I wanted to please him, pleasure him, pull sounds from him that no other woman had heard before. But he wouldn’t loosen his grip.

  All the while, Tony’s tongue worked me expertly, driving me closer and closer to my end as his fingers slowly pumped in and out of my holes.

  I whimpered and squirmed as my legs tightened around Tony’s cheeks. Terry pulled back and kissed down my neck, finding my pulse point before he traced it with his tongue. I arched my tits into him, feeling him trail down as he wrapped his lips around my nipple, and the moment he bit down playfully on my tit, I felt myself convulsing again.

  “That’s right,” Terry said. “Shake for us, beautiful.”

  My legs pulled taut and locked Tony between them. My heels dug into his back as he growled into my growing wetness. Terry smiled into my breast, marking that one as his own play toy while my wrists remained trapped. My body quaked and my pussy clamped, spilling juices I could hear Tony lapping up.

  Every single cell of my body was sparking for these two, and the moment my back collapsed on the bed, smiles slowly crept across their cheeks.

  “You think she’s ha
d enough?” Terry asked.

  “I think maybe we should give her a bit of a rest,” Tony said.

  “No. No rest. Please,” I said.

  “What?” Terry asked playfully. “The tired, spent woman doesn’t want to rest?”

  “I want you. Both of you. Please. Don’t—don’t stop,” I said breathlessly.

  “Well, you heard the woman,” Tony said. I felt his cock press against my pussy. “She doesn’t want us to stop.”

  “I guess there’s only one question you need to answer for us,” Terry said as he released my wrists.

  “What? What’s that?”

  Terry’s cock come into view as he let it hover just above my lips. I licked them, wanting to feel his cock slide down my throat. Tony was raking the head of his dick up and down my wet pussy, coating it in my juices as I panted for breath.

  I didn’t want any of this to stop.

  “To use protection, or not to use protection,” Terry said.

  “That really is the question, don’t you think?” Tony asked as he stopped right at my pussy.

  “I’m on the pill,” I said.

  “Perfect,” Terry said, grinning.

  Then, without another word uttered, Tony slid deep into me as my jaw unhinged, inviting Terry to slowly inch his cock down my throat.

  Chapter 29

  Slowly, Tony thrust into me. His cock was coated in my juices as Terry slid to the back of my throat. My hands were threaded with Terry’s, his hips slowly diving closer and closer to my face. My heels dug into the mattress, threatening to pierce the bed.

  “Squirm however you wish, darling,” Tony said. “Tonight, you are nothing but ours.”

  Tony snapped his hips against mine, and I wailed around Terry’s cock. It slid all the way to the back of my throat as my lips closed around him, sucking him down as he shivered. He was biting his lips, his eyes trained down on me as Tony slowly picked up his pace. Tony’s hands drew in my hips, holding tightly to me as my legs wrapped around him.

  “That’s it. Pull me into that beautiful body of yours, darling,” Tony said.

  “Your mouth feels decadent, love,” Terry said.

  I moaned around him as my pussy pulled Tony deeper and deeper. Terry fucked my face while Tony pounded my hips, and I could feel myself approaching yet another end. My throat closed around Terry while my body contracted and trembled, but before I could climb to the top of that beautiful mountain again, they both pulled their cocks from me.

  I whimpered at the loss of their touch as they switched places.

  Soon, Tony was inching his cock down my throat while Terry shoved his dick into my pussy. I called out, grasping onto Tony’s ass cheeks as I pulled him deeper into me. Terry slung my legs over his shoulders before pounding furiously into my hips as my tits jumped against my body. Tony grunt while Terry gasped for air, keeping a steady and relentless pace as my body slowly set itself on fire.

  “So good, Lexi. So tight,” Terry said.

  “You were right, Terry. This mouth is truly divine,” Tony said. “Like a warm Tokyo sunset on a clear day.”

  I dug my fingernails into the meat of Tony’s ass as I watched his muscles contract. I could feel his cock swelling against my teeth while Terry’s cock grew inside my pussy. I raked my fingernails down the backs of his thighs, watching him shiver and sigh with pleasure as his balls smacked my chin. I watched his chiseled abs roll with each downward thrust as he rode my face, his eyes screwed shut in pleasure while Terry buried his fingertips into my hips.

  “Do you want to come?” Terry asked.

  “Yes,” I murmured around Tony’s cock.

  “I don’t think he heard you, darling,” Tony panted.

  “Yes! Yes! Yes!”

  Tony ripped his cock from my throat and squeezed down around his length. He stopped his orgasm as his brow dripped with sweat, his teeth biting down on his bottom lip. Terry sank deeply into me, rolling his hips and shallowly pumping my beautiful spot. I panted and gasped, trying to grab at Terry as he chuckled devilishly from above.

  “Come for us, love. Now.”

  “Shit! Terry! Yes! Holy fucking hell!”

  My body contracted and my pussy pulled him deep. Terry seized up, controlling his orgasm as my pussy milked his dick. I wanted him to spill inside me. I wanted to taste them both. I wanted them to fill me up until my entire body was leaking from every orifice.

  My back dropped to the bed as I trembled from my orgasm, but I knew they weren’t done with me. Tony threaded his arms around me and helped me to my knees before they both crawled onto the bed. Tony held me underneath my arms as my head rested on his shoulder, my lips peppering kisses onto his neck while Terry scooted behind me. I felt Terry’s lips ghost across my skin while his hands dripped down my waist.

  I knew exactly where this was going, and I smiled into Tony’s skin when I felt Terry teasing my asshole.

  “I need you both,” I whispered.

  “Then you can have us both,” Terry said lovingly.

  Terry slowly slid between my ass cheeks as I groaned in delight. I lobbed my head back, landing on his shoulder as his teeth slowly sank into my neck. My ass parted for him, making room for his long, thick dick while Tony situated himself at my pussy. Before I could take a breath, Terry wrapped his arms around me while Tony pushed in. My body hummed and vibrated as I moaned out into the room, my eyes rolling into the back of my head while they both held me upright.

  “Hang on, love. This could get a little bumpy,” Terry murmured.

  Tony drew back and thrust, shoving my ass deeper onto Terry’s cock. Terry thrust, pushing me forward onto Tony’s cock. Back and forth the thrusting went as they held up my limp body, my lips droning out praises for them as they fucked my holes senseless. My tits were jumping as Tony peppered my cheeks with kisses, and my asshole squeezed Terry tightly as his hands held my body against his chest. I could feel all their muscles rippling against my body, and tears welled up in my eyes at the pleasure I was experiencing. They were so skilled and so delicate. Their words were so salacious and so beautiful. My clit throbbed painfully, and I tried to move my hand to touch it, but Tony caught my wrist before his lips encompassed mine.

  And then his hand slowly slid between my beautiful folds.

  “Yes,” I panted breathlessly. “Oh holy fuck, yes, Tony. Terry, don’t stop. Holy shit, don’t stop.”

  A tear slowly made its way down my cheek as the boys held me to them. Tony worked my clit without another word as I felt my entire body quake between them. I could feel their cocks growing, pulsing with their need as they thrust deeper and harder. I wanted them to come. I wanted them to fill me up before we collapsed onto the bed and passed out from the night’s activities.

  “Please don’t stop. Please don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”

  I felt Terry’s hips stutter first. His thrusting grew weaker as he sank his cock into my body, and before I knew it, he was pulling me closer and closer. His lips wetted my skin with open-mouthed kisses as he groaned and grunted with his orgasm. He slammed his cock into me one last time before he coated the inside of my ass. I sighed in content, smiling up at the ceiling as my pussy began to massage Tony’s dick.

  I was so close I couldn’t stand it.

  “Come for us, Lexi. Just one more time,” Terry begged.

  I reached my hand back into his hair as Tony’s cock finally released. He pushed himself deep into my body as we both poured over the edge, our bodies shaking and contracting with our pleasure. My cries of ecstasy got caught in my throat, somewhere between the tear dripping down my cheek and the sweat pouring down my back. I could feel their juices leaking down my legs, coating me in the proof of what had just happened as I finally rode out my head-swirling orgasm.

  The room was spinning as I collapsed, guided to the bed as Tony and Terry sank down next to me.

  My body was so spent that I couldn’t even speak.

  “Such a beautiful woman,” Tony said as he ran his fingers through m
y hair. “I could hold you close to me all night.”

  “We will, Brother. That’s exactly what we’ll do,” Terry said as he slid down my body.

  “Holy shit,” I said.

  “That good, darling?” Tony asked.

  All I had the energy to do was nod into his chest as he held me close to his body.

  Suddenly, I felt Terry at my legs. I moaned, shaking my head lightly, and Terry chuckled. Tony kissed my forehead, brushing away my wet hair as I felt Terry’s cheek lay against the swell of my thigh. My legs were parted, and he wrapped his arm around the one he lay on. His hand slid underneath my back, cradling me as his breathing evened out.

  “He thinks thighs are better pillows than breasts,” Tony said.

  “Because they are,” Terry said before he kissed my leg again.

  My eyes fluttered shut as Terry painted pictures on my skin with his fingertips. I nuzzled up underneath Tony’s chin as his long, strong arms held me close.

  I remembered nothing else until I woke up the next morning, tangled up in the Wolf brothers while the sweet scent of our passionate night still hung thickly in the air.

  Chapter 30

  I stretched my limbs, feeling both men tighten their clutch on me. Terry was wrapped around my leg, his even breathing startled as I flinched. Tony was awake and looking down at me with a loving stare as I looked up at him and smiled. The morning sunlight was just beginning to creep through the curtains of the room, and I drew in a deep breath.

  I could still smell our cum in the air.

  “Breakfast?” Terry asked.

  “Mhmm,” I hummed.

  “We might as well order. I think the lovely lady’s hungry,” Tony said, grinning.

  I rolled over and stretched some more while Terry slid out from between my legs. I watched every muscle of his back roll as he sat up, his strength flexing itself for me as my tits rose to painful peaks. The Wolf brothers captured my soul, and their bodies were absolutely astounding. Tony draped his arm around me and begin to play with my tits, massaging them as I slowly eased back into his grasp.


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