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Double Doms

Page 88

by Tia Siren

  “I’m so happy for you,” I said as I wrapped my arms around her. “I really, truly am.”

  “Make sure you visit a lot,” she said.

  “We’ll throw a massive housewarming party with lots of wine and baked goods,” I said as I held her close.

  “You’re gonna be all right. This meeting’s gonna go just fine,” she said.

  “Fuck, I hope so.”

  “You cold?” Courtney asked as she unraveled her arms from me. “Your tits could cut diamonds, girl.”

  “No, not cold,” I said, sighing.

  “All it takes is sitting on a couch, huh?”

  “Have you fucking seen them?” I asked. “I just knew they were coming up to ravage my body with their tongues.”

  “You’re a mess. Go take care of that shit and get some sleep. You’re gonna need it for tomorrow,” she said, smiling.

  Honestly? All I wanted to do was take a shower. I went back into my room and shed my clothes, then waltzed on into the luxurious bathroom and cut the light on. The walk-in stone shower was calling my name. I turned on the hot water and allowed it to batter my body. I could feel my skin turning red, screaming out for mercy as I tried to wash away the past three weeks of insanity, fear, and guilt. I tried to rid my mind of the men as I lathered up my body, watching as the dirt slowly swirled down the drain.

  I rinsed my hair and lathered it up, washing it down before I ran some conditioner through it. My hair could use a good steam soak, so I stepped out from underneath the water and tied my hair up in a bun.

  The moment I opened my eyes, a beautiful sight caught my eye.

  The removable handheld showerhead.

  I reached for it and instantly lay down. I propped my feet up on the wall as I twisted the head of the shower nozzle. The piercing stream of water cascaded over my body, running quick waves of warm delight over my skin as I sighed in content. The Castle brothers slowly rose in my thoughts, their throbbing muscles tossing me between the two of them while they took turns fucking me senseless. Their hands were all over me, tweaking my nipples and rubbing my clit while their thick dicks jammed into my holes. I spread my pussy lips for the stream of water as my mind turned to the Jameson brothers.

  Kyle and Kevin, with their weirdly sexy glasses and their piercing blue eyes. I thought about Kyle giving me a pelvic exam, his fingertips exploring my pussy while Kevin slowly sank his cock between my lips. I thought about bucking down on Kyle’s hand while his tongue slowly slipped across my clit, my juices pouring over his skin while spit dripped from the side of my mouth. The stream of water hit my clit, causing me to jump as I moaned out Kyle’s name. The Jameson brothers worked their beautiful magic, tag-teaming my holes while one of them fucked me and the other stroked his cock and watched.

  I gyrated into the stream of water, feeling my pussy heat up and drip as the Oakley brothers appeared. I thought about Cameron holding my head down on Cole’s cock, me slurping him down as his brother guided my mouth. I thought about them holding me up, taking me at the same time while their athletic muscles contracted and trembled against me. I thought about Cameron’s fingertips and how they tickled up my sides, pulling a breathless bout of laughter from between my lips before I moaned.

  My heels pushed against the stone wall as a burning sensation began to take over my entire body.

  “Yes. Fuck, Cameron. Just like that. Holy hell, Kyle. Don’t stop. Logan, right there. Right there. Right there.”

  Then, just as I was about to burst and flood the shower floor with my fluids, the Wolf brothers made an appearance. Everyone was stroking their cocks and watching, waiting to come all over my body as Terry and Tony approached me. Terry picked up my legs and threw them over his shoulders, sliding his long, thick cock into me. I unhinged my jaw before I was readily stuffed with Tony’s cock, and I heard all the men groan at the sight. They all approached me, surrounding me with their rock-hard, chiseled bodies, and I saw their hands stroking their cocks. I reached out for all of them, raking my fingertips down their stomachs before my hands cupped their raging cocks in turn.

  All of them were leaking as they all praised my beautiful body.

  “Lexi, you’re incredible.”

  “Fuck, you feel so tight.”

  “No one trembles around my lips the way you do.”

  “Does my cock feel good down that little throat?”

  “Shit, I just wanna hold you close.”

  “Fuck her good, Terry, just like we all want to.”

  “I want in there after you, Tony.”

  “That’s it. Come for me. Just let go.”

  My hips raised off the floor as my orgasm crashed over my body. My tits were puckered to painful peaks and my eyes were screwed shut. I pictured all of us coming at once, my mouth trying to catch as much of it as I could while they drenched my body in their love for me. My pussy throbbed, trying to pull in an imaginary object as my legs pulled taut. My entire body was trembling as I tried to catch my breath, the shower head falling to the stone floor as I gasped.

  I could feel their lips on my body, everywhere, kissing me and relaxing me as I sighed and closed my eyes.

  My pussy juices slid out onto the shower floor, swirling down the drain as my body tried to recuperate. I still had to wash out the conditioner in my hair, but for the time being, I simply focused on their images in my mind.

  On their smiling, happy faces while we were all together.

  Chapter 34

  Today was the day of the meeting. I was supposed to sit down with all the guys face to face and tell them how I felt. I was supposed to somehow break it to them that the Wolf brothers were offering me the option to move into a mansion they’d already purchased, and that I wanted them to all come live with me.

  I was getting nervous just thinking about it.

  “I figured you guys could do the meeting here,” Courtney said over coffee. “I could go get dinner or something in the lounge area. That way I’d be close if shit hit the fan.”

  “Thanks,” I said flatly.

  “I don’t think it’s gonna, though,” she said. “They’re all crazy about you. Do they wanna be picked? Sure. Everyone wants to be the favorite. But that’s all this is. They all want to be your favorite.”

  “They’re not dogs; they’re men,” I said.

  “Same difference,” she said, grinning.

  “I just—what if they say no? What if they get upset? What if they all leave?” I asked.

  “Well, you’ve made up your mind to move into the mansion, right? And I swear to fuck, if you tell me no, I’m checking you for a fucking stroke.”

  “Yes, I’m moving into the mansion.”

  “So you’ll at least have the Wolf brothers. And I’m sorry, but from all the stories you’ve told me, those two have my vote for favorite,” she said.

  “Not helping, Court.”

  “Look, I’m just saying that maybe they won’t want to live together, but that doesn’t mean they won’t all want to be with you.”

  “You were just telling me this was all gonna work out,” I said.

  “I’m just preparing you for all sides. You’re thinking best and worst case. There is a middle ground, where they all want you but don’t want to live with you.”

  I slid back into the couch while I finished my coffee. If there was ever a day I wanted to be called into work, this was it. They’d been pretty good at not calling me in, especially after I’d conducted all those initial party planning meetings, but I really needed something to distract me.

  “You think they’ll be upset with me?” I asked.

  “Not a fucking chance. And if they are, I’ll come up and put them in their places. That’s why I’m staying close.”

  Just then, a knock came at the door. I jumped a bit, then relaxed as Courtney gave me a wary look. My nerves were still shot with my mind running a million miles a second, but the voices that floated through the door were more than reassuring.

  “Lexi? It’s us,” they said in

  “Which ones are those, and do you wanna see them?” she asked.

  “That’s Cameron and Cole. I’ll let ’em in.”

  “No. Stay. I got it.”

  The door opened, and two athletes immediately barreled toward the couch. Cole pulled my coffee cup from my hand while Cameron sat on the floor in front of me. Without me even asking, his hands began massaging my feet, working his way up my calves as I sighed and closed my eyes.

  “How’re you feeling?” Cole asked.

  “Nervous about tonight. The meeting’s gonna be here. You guys okay with eight?” I asked.

  “We’re okay with any time. We have the whole day blocked off,” Cameron said.

  “Shit, that feels good,” I said, groaning.

  “You’re pretty tense. You still on edge?” Cameron asked.

  “Can you blame me?” I asked.

  “I guess not. Are you, at the very least, sleeping well again?” Cole asked.

  “I’ll do better once I talk to you guys tonight,” I said.

  “Is there anything we can do to settle your mind? You’re worrying us,” Cameron said.

  “It’s not a bad conversation, but Liam and Logan stopped by last night,” I said.

  “Something happen on their job?” Cole asked.

  “That’s what I thought, but no. They tried to convince me to choose them, and I got into a fight with them. I told them I didn’t expect much, but I did expect respect for my decisions, and I told them to stop asking me to choose.”

  Cameron’s movements stopped as he looked warily over at his brother, and I realized then what was happening.

  “You guys came over here to do the same thing, didn’t you?” I asked.

  “Well, we just—”

  “Get out,” I said, sighing.

  “Lexi,” they both said in unison.

  “I’ll see you guys tonight. Eight sharp,” I said as I stood up.

  “Come on, boys. Door time.”

  They sighed and got up off the floor, but they weren’t the only visitors I had that day. About an hour later, after talking with my boss about some last-minute party changes, Kyle and Kevin came knocking on my door—in their fucking white coats on their damn lunch break.

  “Before you two even come in here, I have a question,” I said.

  “Okay?” Kyle asked.

  “Are the two of you here to convince me to choose you guys over everyone else?”

  They swallowed hard while I giggled in amusement. All of them were absolutely relentless, and with every pair of twins I saw, my dread for the evening rose.

  “We just wanted to make sure you were okay,” Kevin said.

  “Yeah, along with the Castles and the Oakleys. But that’s not why you’re really here,” I said.

  “Just come live with us,” Kyle said. “It’ll solve at least one of your problems, and then we can all slowly take things from there. If we all slowly warm up to the idea, Kyle’s house has enough rooms to house everyone.”

  “I’ve already got living arrangements now that Jeremy has been plucked off the street,” I said.

  “You do?” Kevin asked.

  “Is it the Wolf brothers?” Kyle asked.

  I sighed heavily as I leaned against the door. What the fuck was I going to do about tonight? None of this was going the way it was supposed to be going, and it was only lunchtime!

  “I knew it,” Kevin said. “None of us can hold a candle to the debonair smiles and the unimpeded riches of the Wolf brothers.”

  “I’m not choosing anyone, all right!?” I exclaimed.

  That silenced the Jameson brothers. I slowly drew a breath in through my nose. I dug my phone out of my pocket and pulled up all the group chats I had with all the guys, and I drafted a message. I stood there while the Jameson brothers simply ran their eyes up and down my form.

  “Have you been sleeping?” Kevin asked.

  “No,” I said, “and I don’t need your help with it.”

  I edited the drafted message before copying and pasting it to all the group chats. I sent it out and listened to Kyle’s and Kevin’s phones ring in their pockets. I nodded for them to pull them out. Their eyes scanned across the message before they both sighed heavily, and I cocked my hip out while I folded my arms across my chest.

  “Read it,” I said.

  “Tonight we all really need to talk. I have some plans I want to talk through with everyone, and I need to speak my piece. Come to my hotel suite at eight o’clock tonight. And don’t come by until then. Maybe some of you can actually respect that,” Kyle said.

  “Lexi, we’re just—”

  “I’ll see you guys tonight,” I said, cutting Kevin off.

  “We’re really sorry. We didn’t mean to upset you,” Kyle said.

  “I will see you tonight,” I said, emphasizing the last three words.

  I shut the door softly as they stood out in the hallway. I leaned my head against it, listening as their feet slowly carried them down the hallway. I felt my phone already buzzing, no doubt with questions from the Wolf brothers, but I wasn’t in the mood to answer them. I wasn’t in the mood to do anything.

  All I wanted to do was sleep until it was time for this meeting.

  “Wanna go shopping?” Courtney asked. “Get you a gorgeous outfit for this meeting?”

  “Can’t I do it braless and in my pajamas?” I asked.

  “You could, if that’s your thing. Or you could drive them all wild and command their attention by showing off those long legs and giving them some cleavage.”

  “Can we get food while we’re out?” I asked.

  “Fuck yeah. That’s what we’re doing first,” she said.

  “Shouldn’t we shop and then eat so the clothes fit better?”

  “Have I taught you nothing?” Courtney asked as she grabbed her purse. “If you shop on a full stomach, you know those clothes will look hot on an empty one.”

  “All right, but I’m not changing,” I said.

  “You’re gonna go shopping for clothes braless and in pajamas?” she asked.

  “What better way?” I asked. “That way, if I’m feeling all sorts of sexy, I can just throw this away and wear one of the outfits home.”

  “Maybe I have taught you a thing or two,” she said, winking.

  “But first, the all-important decision,” I said.

  “Which twin’s dick you’ll suck first once they all say yes and bow at your feet?” she asked.

  “Close, but no. Where are we gonna unfashionably stuff our faces?” I asked.

  “I like that question a lot more.”

  “I figured you would.”

  “Can we go somewhere that has wine?” she asked as I reached for my purse.

  “The hell kind of question is that? Wine is always in play with me,” I said.

  “Damn, I love having you as my best friend.”

  “I’m one of a kind,” I said, grinning.

  “Which is why this meeting will be fine. In the meantime, wine to chill your bones and clothes to make you feel desirable.”

  “I like the sound of that.”

  Chapter 35

  The first pair to arrive was the Wolf brothers. I threw my arms around them and held them close, and for much longer than usual. I was so nervous about this meeting, and they seemed to be the only men onboard. I wanted to soak up as much of them as possible.

  “It’s gonna go just fine, love,” Terry said soothingly.

  “Remember, you’re moving in anyway. You’ll see us. It’ll be fine, darling,” Tony said.

  I ushered them in and sat them down on the couch. I stood at the window overlooking LA as silence uncomfortably descended. The Wolf brothers were people who wanted to fix things. They didn’t like someone feeling the way I was without being able to do something about it. I knew their minds were swirling with how they could get me to cheer up and feel better, how to get all the guys on my side.

  Our side really.

  But before the
y could suggest anything, a knock came at the door. I scrambled for it and ripped it open, smiling when I saw the Oakley brothers. Cole wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close, then passed me off to Cameron, who slid those ticklish fingers down my sides.

  “Hey now. Not cool,” I said, giggling.

  “After what we pulled, I just wanted to see that beautiful smile,” Cameron said.

  “We really are sorry,” Cole said.

  “Just come on in and find a place to sit,” I said.

  The Oakley brothers took up the love seat next to the couch the Wolf brothers were sitting on. I pulled over a couple chairs from the massive kitchen table, opting to stand instead of sit. I was full to the brim with nervous energy, and I’d never be able to sit down and have this conversation.


  Courtney came out of her room, and I dashed over to her. I hugged her tightly and closed my eyes, secretly wishing she would stay. She rubbed my back while the men watched us hug, but as I pulled away, her eyes got stern.

  “I’m coming back up here in forty-five minutes to check up on you. Okay?”

  “Okay,” I said.

  “If you need me before then, text me. I’ve got my phone.”

  “You know you could just stay here if you wanted to,” I said.

  “Well, I’m hungry, and you need to do this with them by yourself. I know the Jeremy thing took a toll on you and your confidence. It’s time you took that back for yourself.”

  “Again, how did you get so smart?” I asked.

  “Don’t get used to it. It stops once I leave this place tomorrow,” she said, grinning.

  “I’ll see you soon,” I said.

  “See you soon, Lexi.”

  Just as she opened the door to leave, Kyle was raising his hand to knock. I ushered the Jameson brothers in while she slipped out the door. Both of them still looked sheepish and guilty.

  “Don’t worry about it, guys. Just take a seat,” I said.

  They each walked by me without a word but gave me a light kiss on the cheek. Kyle put his hand on my shoulder while Kevin wrapped his arm around my back. I sighed into his warmth, taking in his cotton-scented cologne just in case this was the last time I could.


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